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I have been following your teaching for about 12-13 years. When I ordered your book back then (and you called me and we talked on the phone) I devoured it and can't wait to get the newer version. It's the only explanation I've ever seen that makes sense in the way I've always read and sensed the Bible myself. As literal. Your teachings have clarified more than I could have ever seen on my own. So I believe You are a gift from Yehovah to me personally. I am also honored to be in your support group. I know you are doing His work. And you and your family are a blessing. Thank you.
There really are no words to express the gratitude for the work you've done for us all.
Dr. Diane Wright
Prospect, Kentucky
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If you've never read my book before, start by reading the fascinating story of how I was lead to write it when I was laid off from my Bible software programming job and someone asked me about "Planet X"...

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I found you on Google, read some articles on your website and signed up for your emails. I ... have been able to glean over the years that you are writing what you genuinely believe as a devout Christian to be accurate. Over these last three years, you have not personally asked me for a single penny in response to me reading your emails. I respect and admire that. While I am pretty confident I understand the gist of your book, I decided I owe it to you to buy it because I have been reading with interest your emails for free over the years.
Northeast, FL