David Wilkerson is best known as the author of the Cross and the Switchblade and founder of the Times Square Church, but has written other books on Bible prophecy.
David Wilkerson seems to be one of the few major American pastors who believes and openly talks about coming severe judgment on America, and the need for repentance. For this and some of some unfulfilled predictions, of course, he is attacked as a false prophet by more mainstream Christianity.
Yet, he has many sound things to say on several subjects including youth, breaking addiction, and how to walk with God. I'm very impressed with him and find him to be a bright spot among the typical "nothing bad will happen here" prosperity evangelists of today.
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The End In 2026? It's Now Possible
Since learning in 2001 that Yeshua must return in a Sabbath year, I've had to rule out three Sabbath year cycle windows for the final 7 years (2003-2009, 2010-2016, 2017-2023). With the next window (2024-2030) less than 7 years away, I'm ready to share why I believe, based on the real end time sign of Mt 24:14, that this can be the one. If it is, the "birth pains" (WW3 + Wormwood, Lk 21:10-11) would hit near its middle in 2026 with Yeshua returning in 2030. Find out what's changed to convince me about 2026 and what you can do about it... [6]