This is a unique, simplified list of all end-time events from "here to eternity." A supporter requested it and so I have posted it here for all supporters (only) since it came out so good. Unlike the graphical timeline chart from Know the Future, this is a bullet-pointed list of the same events in chronological order. Each event includes a brief description, link to related articles, Scripture references and the year I expect it (based on the sabbath-year cycles and my personal dreams). This complements the book chart and works better for some people to get the order of events clear in mind. Enjoy!
bold are events found in literal prophecy.
[Brackets] are events that are deduced.
Note, the descriptions are abbreviated because again this is for supporters who have all read my book, Know the Future [1]. If you want a reminder of what terms mean, see my Bible prophecy glossary [2].
The Simple Events List
June 21 Update: Added missingĀ "70th-week" start and missing Elijah's first appearance vs. his two messages and camp roles before that; other clarifications throughout including colors like red for key negative events and green for key positive!
To Read the Full Post...
To read the rest and understand what events are left ahead to come , please join my support team monthly or even for just one month (no monthly financial commitment required). I appreciate your material support in exchange for helping me to continue to bring forth spiritual support (as Paul taught in 1Co 9:11, 14) for the saints to finally learn God's will and to do it (Lk 8:21=Mt 12:49-50=Mk 3:34-35). If you cannot afford to join the Support Team at this time, I understand. Please enjoy the hundreds of other free studies on this site instead!
(Existing members login here) [3]