In March 2021 I was asking God if my expectation of the Mideast war in Spring 2022 would turn out wrong. This is the second, exciting reassurance that I received on that concern... And now there is a new word confirmation thanks to an "off-by-one" error God had to correct.
At the end of April (2021) I wrote a new article [1] relating how I let God know I was questioning if my April 2022 expectation for the Mideast war was correct. It was now only a year away. The article shares the story of the reassurance I felt God sent me about that through revealing how Psalm 83 had a second prophetic event in its final verses that fit what I had in my timeline.
Be sure to read that (main) article if you have not before [1].
It seems now that God sent me more confirmation through someone I know. This person had missed the article above and had no knowledge that I was seeking confirmation from God. It's someone whose word I trust because I have been in contact and even fellowship with them for a couple of years. Through that, I have come to recognize their genuinely close walk with God that includes severe suffering. Otherwise, I would not repeat it to you as I cannot vouch for prophetic words of people I do not know well personally.
Before reading, as always remember:
- This is "not a thus saith the Lord."
- It does not come from an established prophet, although I believe they are a prophet-in-training.
- I share this word for your own consideration and confirmation per what Paul instructed, to let prophecies be shared and the rest consider or judge (1Cor 14:29).
An Unexpected Prophetic Word
One day this saint messaged me with a surprising question:
Tim, if you knew the exact date of Damascus' destruction, could you tell all the following dates of significant events according to your timeline, too?
To Read the Full Article...
To read the rest of this study and know what exact date the word revealsĀ for Damascus' destruction..., please join my support team monthly or even for just one month (no monthly financial commitment required). I appreciate your material support in exchange for helping me to continue to bring forth spiritual support (as Paul taught in 1Co 9:11, 14) for the saints to finally learn God's will and to do it (Lk 8:21=Mt 12:49-50=Mk 3:34-35). If you cannot afford to join the Support Team at this time, I understand. Please enjoy the hundreds of other free studies on this site instead!
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