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Podcast: Ending Disconnection With God – Part 2

Many have told us how the insights in our popular podcast How to End Disconnection With God [1] have been "life-changing." Despite this, some report that they still beat themselves up or otherwise struggle to work through guilt, shame or regret about not doing what Jesus said to do or “making the same stupid mistakes over and over." They feel rejected by God for these failures even though they've been diligently "seeking the Kingdom first" more than ever before (Mt 6:33). If this sounds like you, you probably have not yet learned how to "apply the blood of Christ"—perhaps the most important habit for staying connected to God. You're not alone as it took Tim and Katrina decades to discover and establish this important healthy habit and quickly deal with bad feelings. After we conclude the podcast, stay tuned for a "post-credits" segment we recorded immediately after because Katrina got a new insight that explains Revelation 12:11 literally (before Tim ever did!). In other words, by learning and practicing the wisdom in this teaching, you personally will be part of an end time prophecy fulfillment!

Upon listening to the podcast, Katrina commented:

We really nailed a lot of stuff that people think inside but usually don’t have words to express.

Also, VERY IMPORTANT note: the Scripture I quoted about what Paul said in 1 Cor 11 is directly talking about applying the blood in an unworthy manner in relation to how you treat the collective body of believers. I know this and please do not send me messages that I misused this Scripture (saying this even before this podcast is posted). I am merely pointing out that there is more than one way, not just how you treat others, to try to drink the wine and eat the bread that brings condemnation on yourself instead of freedom.

Outline of topics covered by Katrina:

  • 2:19 - Perverting God's genuine love toward you/rejecting God's love and not aware how you are doing it (not cool)
  • 3:00 - Tim's testimony of how important self-forgiveness has been in his life to learn to walk with God properly (Huh, and I thought as his wife that he was perfect. He he)
  • 3:57 - Are you cutting yourself off from God, like Tim did, even when you are still trying to follow God?
  • 4:48 - Sins that you actually enjoy but wish you did not enjoy. (Ugh! This pull of the flesh can be so cruel!)
  • 6:00 - Is your religion worthless? (It's worth asking)
  • 6:40 - Are you self-righteous and don't even know it? (Self righteous means not God righteous)
  • 8:20 - HALT! (You know-like stop here to find out what is against you in fighting to be righteous). Are you judging yourself unfairly (The unfair judge)?
  • 9:55 - Reaching toward perfection verses being a perfectionist. Which camp do you fall in to? (Watch out! There might be lions and tigers and bears in the camp you pick. Oh my!)
  • 11:00 - Forgiving yourself when you have hurt other people and feel bad about it (I sure would be scared if we all did not feel bad after hurting others). God actually is more powerful than whatever you think you have damaged (Yes- really).
  • 13:00 - The guilt of every parent (yes, every parent. It's okay to forgive yourself).
  • 15:14 - Knowing only guilt our whole life, it becomes 'comfortable' to have guilt (letting go of guilt can feel so awkward).
  • 15:48 - Why do we hold on to not forgiving ourselves?
  • 17:20 - Are you miserable from your guilt and sharing your misery? Do you even know you are miserable and sharing your misery? (This is disconnecting you from EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY).
  • 17:57 - Your standards or God's standards? You choose (Be careful because what standards you choose, you automatically apply to everyone).
  • 18:50 - Can you forgive others properly if you don't forgive yourself? (listen here to find out)
  • 19:19 - How were you forgiven? How is anyone forgiven? Do you really know how to 'apply The Blood of Jesus'? Do you feel set free?
  • 20:30 - The difference between the blood of animals mentioned in the Old Testament and Christ's blood mentioned throughout the Scriptures, and the difference between the Aaronic High Priesthood and Christ's High Priesthood. (Let's get that Death Angel to pass over us shall we?) Go through the WHOLE cycle of forgiveness/applying The Blood or it won't count and you will not be free.
  • 28:09 - Tim talks about how each of us tries to make ourselves out to be a 'special case' that The Blood cannot cover. Also, watch out for 'cheap grace'! Very important note here: the Scripture that I, Katrina, quoted about what Paul said in 1 Cor 11 is directly talking about applying the blood in an unworthy manner in relation to how you treat the collective body of believers. I know this and please do not send me messages that I misused this Scripture (saying this even before this podcast is posted). I am merely pointing out that there is more than one way, not just how you treat others, to try to drink the wine and eat the bread that brings condemnation on yourself instead of freedom.
  • 30:10 - Dealing with those parts of you that are pulling at you to not die to yourself (addictions) when other parts want to get free and leave those lusts. Getting help from the only place that can get you truly free.
  • 30:34 - Tim tells how cheap grace can get you into the trouble of hearing, “Depart from me. I never knew you”!
  • 32:35 - This is not forgiveness by works.
  • 33:13 - God is good. Time to let His goodness touch you and make your life count.
  • 36:07 - Are you flippant about the forgiveness of God toward you?
  • 36:35 - Tim shares his testimony of how he needed to forgive himself over financial issues and what he needed to learn before he could get his breakthrough from 'habitual regret'.
  • 39:43 - This is one of the signs you have moved in to proper self-forgiveness/applying The Blood.
  • 39:57 - King David and self-forgiveness when you have hurt other people. “Against You and only You have I done evil in thy sight”! (Huh?!)
  • 45:35 - Katrina does her own work of self-forgiveness to testimony right before your very own eyes. (Tah Daa! That's how it's done folks. Now your turn.).
  • 50:16 - Tim shares how nothing is impossible with God, even forgiving murderers.
  • 52:16 - God is perfect goodness, love and power. Do you treat God as if He is perfect toward yourself and everyone else? Is there anything in your mind that you think God cannot fix?
  • 52:57 - Why does God hate sin?
  • 53:40 - Spiritual opportunity costs verses permanent costs.
  • 54:53 - How to properly apply The Blood, all the steps laid out for ya. This is how to get back to that 'lovin feelin' with God (Yeah, how it actually is done finally and not just talk about it).
  • 55:27 - Feeling disconnected from God? This is a discussion on one area that will help get that to disappear. Be careful what is being glorified by forgiving yourself or not.
  • 56:57 - Katrina's testimony of being 'called on the carpet' for rejecting The Blood (Yeah, very bad idea to do that. I know that now).
  • 59:00 - One way Satan keeps us in torment.
  • 1:00:25 - An exercise you can do with a friend to see what staying only in the stage of “I'm sorry” feels like on both sides.
  • 1:02:12 - Tim admonishes to become aware of what is driving you.
  • 1:05:48 - 1:15:03 - Don't go anywhere! This is where the podcast ends and the post credits begin. Trust us- you definitely do not want to miss what we say: You get to help fulfill prophecy! Btw- There is another exercise you can do to get in to a healthy habit of forgiving yourself in this section.

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