Many people did not expect to see the day that Prince Charles would be made king. Does this new event fulfill Bible Prophecy?...
What Would Tim Think Of This Global Event?
Many hungry Bible Prophecy readers have reached out to me wondering what Tim or I might think about Prince Charles becoming a king.
For Tim McHyde, this subject was an intriguing and fun topic to consider in the Bible Prophecy arena. In Tim's second edition of his book, Know The Future, he actually had a write-up on the subject. In later editions, he took that write-up out and instead transferred it into a free article on the website which I believe is this link [1]. Why? He realized it was a side topic and not really a main, important ingredient to End Time events unfolding. This topic did not make the cut to be included in his End Time Prophecy Timeline in his book either.
Don't get me wrong, the topic of the Antichrist was very important to Tim, but not so much WHO that person might be. This was not something he looked at to prove or disprove where we were in End Time events.
This is a direct quote of what Tim did focus on instead: "Honestly, I expected to simply wake up one morning with the news that Damascus was destroyed." Tim is referring to Isaiah 17:1.
But, Tim did think the possible 'proofs' of Prince Charles being a fit for the Antichrist were very, very compelling and wrote a few free articles on the subject here on this website.
One particular post of Tim's, that was/is very popular [2], was actually something Monte Judah wrote and gave Tim permission to use. Tim really loved that article and its photo.
I wish to share a little side note about Tim and me meeting Monte Judah for those who miss Tim and like little snippets of some of his life experiences. We met Monte Judah at a Bible Prophecy Conference in 2009 where Tim was the keynote speaker. Our impression of him then was that he is a kind, giving, and very driven man to find truth and share it with his heart to whomever he can. He is intelligent and definitely could overpower with the knowledge he has any day. But he was kind during our interactions and not argumentative. He definitely shared his beliefs clearly and lovingly and gave the room that possibly you would not agree with him. I have not had the honor of meeting him since, but I am glad I got to do it at least once in this lifetime.
I think if Tim were with us today and had witnessed Queen Elizabeth passing and Charles becoming king, it would have piqued his interest to go and search for more information on if 'King' Charles would still fit as the Antichrist, but it would be a short search and not fluster him in the least. My guess is that he would probably still hold on to 'King' Charles being the strongest candidate for Antichrist.
Some Will Be Compelled To Make King Charles -Not Prince Charles- Still Fit
As has been the case for thousands of years, people continue to strive to unravel the mysteries of prophecy. One thing I have seen my whole life is that events like this do not slow a Bible Prophecy Enthusiast down a bit. It actually makes them even more excited to figure things out.
For instance, if one goes into research mode, one would possibly find a tiny debate on if the true number of Beast is 666 or 616 as found in one of Tim's articles. [3]
Or another popular idea that even Tim would possibly focus on is that usually, a person does not lose titles when it comes to rulers in kingdoms. So, in this instance Prince Charles, he keeps the title of prince and picks up also the title of king. Actually, King Charles has many other titles already as well. So maybe this interesting factoid just makes some Bible Prophecy researchers stay on track with their belief that he is still the best candidate we have seen yet.
What might Tim think now that Charles is King Charles III and April 2022 has passed?
Boy, wouldn't we all like to know that for sure by him being here and telling us himself? Having been with him three decades I can partly speculate and extrapolate from what he has left us, and from what I knew of him. He would have recognized he got some things wrong concerning Bible Prophecy. He would pick himself back up and go forward because prophecy was his passion since he was ten years old.
I think this section of one of his later articles [4] probably gives us the best clues we can get of what Tim would think today:
A few years ago, I shared publicly my conviction on a deadline for the destruction of Damascus (Isa 17 = Ps 83): April 2022.
As the time left for this deadline was whittled down to only a year or so, I felt some anxiety. Would I turn out to be wrong and branded a false prophet by those who glossed over the fact that I never said “thus saith the Lord” but was only sharing my conviction for their consideration to take to their prayer closet? It was a real possibility. As Paul said that we “see through a glass darkly” when it comes to what we hear from God (1Co 13:12). We may easily misunderstand, get it wrong, and have a humbling “learning experience” when we put ourselves out there regarding what we are convicted that God has shown us.
As is my custom with nearly everything, I immediately talked to God about it. I told him that if I misunderstood what he had shared with me then I will look like a fool, just another failed date-setter but that’s OK, I can accept that. When you follow God be prepared to look wrong or foolish some of the time, just like the Israelites did as God led them into a dead-end at the shore of the Red Sea with the Egyptian army bearing down on them.
God’s response to that thought floored me. A few days later when I was unable to sleep I opened up my Bible to continue reading through it in the hope of finding some comfort. I was in the psalms and happened to reach Psalm 83, the prophetic psalm about this coming Mideast nuclear war that ends with the destruction of Damascus. I know it so well that I was tempted to skip it, not expecting to find any comfort for my suffering there. I reread it anyway, and, to my surprise, I saw something new and exciting I had completely missed until now…
A Reluctant Date-Setter
So how did I get myself in this position? To be sure, I never wanted to be a “date-setter.” Long-time readers will remember the many articles I have written to debunk popular prophecy theories attached to dates (like 2012, the Shemitah, the Revelation 12 Woman). Even as early as after “Y2K” (Jan 2000), I could see how obvious it was that as soon as someone published a prophecy theory with a date attached to it the theory was destined to fail and be proven false every time. No exceptions. Therefore to set a date of my own for a Bible prophecy was the last thing I wanted to do.
Article continues below...The End In 2026? It's Now Possible
Since learning in 2001 that Yeshua must return in a Sabbath year, I've had to rule out three Sabbath year cycle windows for the final 7 years (2003-2009, 2010-2016, 2017-2023). With the next window (2024-2030) less than 7 years away, I'm ready to share why I believe, based on the real end time sign of Mt 24:14, that this can be the one. If it is, the "birth pains" (WW3 + Wormwood, Lk 21:10-11) would hit near its middle in 2026 with Yeshua returning in 2030. Find out what's changed to convince me about 2026 and what you can do about it... [5]
But God got a hold of me and changed my thinking that it was foolish to ever set a date. I got there by an unexpected turn of events in my life. Starting in 2012 to my surprise God began to give me dreams about my and my family’s future and even the end times (see my Support Team content [6] to read them). Through some reasonable deduction, a couple of the dreams seemed to reveal the timing of this very first event on my Revelation Roadmap end time timeline, the Mideast Nuclear war that leaves Damascus a ruinous heap (Isaiah 17:1).
I doubted that this revelation on timing was some reward just for me. I felt I was to share it—not with the world, mind you, as if to warn everyone like some kind of watchman which I am not. Rather, only with those readers who valued my work enough to support it. Those were the ones who could possibly entertain the idea that God gave me a date to plug into the timeline he had helped me put together. I already knew well the value of having a real approaching date attached to a prophecy to make people pay better attention to God’s word. We’re all distracted by the cares of this world and could use a sense of urgency to convict us to prepare spiritually for the end. Sharing my conviction on timing could provide a valuable benefit for readers, which is why I considered going against my better judgment on date setting.
Still, in my mind, only someone who is not familiar with the failed track record of Christian date-setting would put out dates of their own. I did not want to be a fool.
Date Setting As A Red Flag Depends On Its Rationale
My dreams got me to see something I was missing in my conclusion after decades of debunking prophecy dates theories. Namely that prophetic dates always fail and only fools set dates. That was not accurate. I saw instead that the real problem was that all of the popular theories that readers asked me to debunk were conceived by taking Bible verses out of context and making humanistic reasoning on their meaning or timing based on some arbitrary calculation. These always failed because the human mind does not see the future. The prophets and saints in the Bible came up with dates differently. When giving timing for a prophecy, it always came by divine revelation from the only One who does see the future.
For example, Joseph’s prophecy of seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine came directly from the dream God gave Pharoah. As you may recall, Pharaoh’s dream pictured seven healthy cows and seven healthy heads of grain along with seven thin, sickly cows and seven thin, scorched heads of grain. Joseph did not have to invent anything or read into the Word of God to make his date-based prediction about what was going to happen over the next 14 years in Egypt.
In other words, I was reminded from my own dreams that date-setting of itself was not wrong as I thought since the prophets themselves sometimes set dates. The problem was date-setting based on humanistic reasoning apart from revelation from God.
Ironically, the only prophecy theories that spread widely were those with some persuasive argument for why they must happen at such and such a time. This makes sense as you are not likely to put much stock in what a stranger on the Internet says God told them. You cannot verify that. Yet if they pull verses out of context in the Bible and give you an intriguing explanation for why they are about some planetary conjunction coming in a few months, you can follow their deductions and come to the same conclusion. At least to the point that you are left afraid to just ignore their theory in case they are right. Uncertain either way, you then forward it to your friends to ask their opinion...who then do the same, making it go viral...
Later, the same article continues...
By the way, the year I expect the Good News of the Kingdom to go out is 2024. It continues until 2026 when Wormwood hits and ends civilization and the Internet infrastructure used to spread the Gospel into every country (and even if not everyone has internet access, TV, newspaper, and word of mouth takes care of the offline population once the internet delivers it to their country). At that point, the baton of continuing the witness across the world goes from Elijah to the specially protected 144,000 [7] who spread it by word of mouth like the apostles did. That’s why I say Psalm 83 may give us the events of both 2022 and 2024.
"Prove All Things", "Test Prophetic Words"
Once again, I [Tim] could very well be wrong as God has never spoken to me or given me a vision of a bright neon sign saying “Isaiah 17 happens in 2022!”. All I know is that with this coming sabbath year cycle of 2024-2031 things continue to develop in the world (2 Tim 3 [8], COVID-19) and my own personal life (hard testing, meeting prophets [9]) that never did in the lead up to any of the other cycles I was watching (2003-2010; 2010-2017; 2017-2024).
It's up to you to seek God yourself on this in light of what the Bible teaches on proving all things (1Th 5:21) and judging every prophetic word shared in the church body carefully (1Co 14:29).
If you hear also that time is short, then I encourage you to use that as inspiration to seek God on what to do to prepare spiritually so that when you wake up that morning in 2022 with the confirmation in the news that the end really is nigh, you will at least know you are as ready as you could be. If you want help, my support team articles [6] have plenty of guidance on areas of repentance to trust God for answers and guidance like he gives me more and more regularly.
This was the end of the article I quoted here. There are some gems of consideration in what he shares. Everyone who reads it will come up with different ideas of what those gems should be.
But prophecy for EVERYONE is this messy!
Let me, Katrina, reassure you here- Even the Apostles got part of prophecy WRONG. They literally thought our beloved Messiah was going to return in THEIR lifetime. And what some of those Apostles wrote, we now believe, two thousand years later, that they were really inspired to write those things down for us even if they had the timing off. Actually, each generation within these couple millennia has thought that the Messiah was going to return in their lifetime!
Why is this reassuring? Well, we all have a ton of space to not know it all and Yehovah is still loving each one of us as He loves all His children that ever lived. He is ok if we don't get some things right obviously. None of us know it all and have all answers. As Tim quoted:
"We see through a glass darkly"
You ask me, Katrina, what I think?
My answer is- we each have just enough time if we continue, or start now to "prepare spiritually [so] you will at least know you are as ready as you could be," as Tim said in the last paragraph up here. He does have many support team articles that help as he mentioned. And I add more there as well.
Tim and I had planned to write a book together for many years in a more precise way of what you need to focus on, and the tools to prepare spiritually for End Time events or for The Kingdom when you are raised from the dead, whichever came first in your life. Although we never wrote that book but only spoke about its contents over many years, I have started putting together tools and what to focus on at a new website [10] BECAUSE so many of you over the years have reached out to us sharing your strong desire to help family members and loved ones, and especially yourselves, be prepared for End Time events... BUT many of those you love are totally repelled by Bible Prophecy!
It just so happens that it does not matter if a person focuses a lot on Bible Prophecy to still start preparing for End Time events. NOW HOLD ON. Hear me out. Everyone who is a Believer has to focus on doing what Yeshua said to do in one's everyday life whether they are living in End Times OR not. Yeshua gives us many many words on what those things to be doing are. Did you know that doing those things is what helps your wedding garments to get totally white for your wedding day to Yeshua? I don't want anyone to hear, "go away, I never knew you". Matthew 7:23. I suggest reading the whole chapter could be of help to you.
I think that whether you hold out to this year, 2022 being the beginning of the last seven-year cycle, or you give up on this being the beginning of the end, we have personal work to really hunker down and focus on to be prepared.
I think it is exciting to live life and see new developments that many times we don't expect, like Charles becoming king, come to pass.
And, I think we have, at minimum, one more seven-year cycle to go before the very last cycle. but what I think I only humbly share as a total guess, just as everyone is guessing (except maybe you or the one you are looking up to... LOL). And maybe some of you still believe this cycle now is IT. You definitely could be right. One of them has to be the last. 🙂