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My Two Dreams Revealing What the Marked & the Saints Will Both Be Doing During the Tribulation (Scary)

To my surprise, God gave me two dreams of the Great Tribulation in fall, 2017, both with startling revelations. In this post I share these revelations including the horrific project that I saw the wicked people doing on an industrial scale under Satan in the Great Tribulation. Also the perhaps equally surprising similar focus in the camp of the saints in Jordan that we will be doing. Both revelations make perfect sense when you hear them, but, like me, you would never have guessed them both. Katrina also had a dream confirming the second one that I will touch on. Together they provide deep insight into the way of Satan vs. the way of God.

My Startling Dream After Hearing Trump's Announcement About the US Embassy Move in Jerusalem

This post relates to my previous free article on Trump's December 7th, 2017 announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital [1] and to begin the four year process of moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The first dream in this post came the night after I heard that news and immediately began work on that article. The reception of the dream in the midst of writing the article over two days was a clear confirmation to me from God of what I had concluded and begun writing. Namely, that the embassy move to Jerusalem is (finally) a real step towards the Isaiah 17/Psalm 83 war, [2] and that the embassy move will provide something I had overlooked up to that point: extra provocation the Arabs need to overcome normal complacency about acting on their hatred for Israel in the most grave and costly way: a fourth confederate Arab attack on Israel in modern times.

Read the dreams for yourself and decide if they confirm for you as well that my conclusions above are inspired.

To Read the Full Study...

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[6]If you liked this article, you will LOVE my book, Know the Future [7], a comprehensive, literal explanation of end time prophecy read by over 25,000 people since 2005.

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