Torah Feasts & Holy Day Calendar 2024

Happy Biblical New Year! Well, maybe I said this is too late or too early this year depending on when you read this.🧐 The EATT website was viciously attacked right when the world was looking to see if the Aviv barley was present to proclaim the new year. I profusely thank my partner and God for working very hard to try and get the website back so it can continue to serve those The Lord has called!

Our beloved, Tim, started the tradition of keeping you updated on the calendar at the beginning of this website. I intend to keep up the tradition. Happy Holy Day time to all of you! - Katrina

Once you understand that the "Jewish festivals"/Feasts of the LORD from Leviticus 23 are prophetic and a key to end-time prophecy, you may want to start tracking them using the right calendar based on the crescent new moon sightings and aviv barley search. This is not the precalculated Jewish calendar invented by the rabbis as used by the State of Israel (or the WCG did). The rabbis put Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year's) in the fall, which is against Exodus 12:2. For more information on the Biblical calendar, read the article about the aviv barley.

2024 Biblical Holidays Dates

The dates for the spring feasts below are based on finding enough Aviv barley in April of 2024.

Festival/Holiday Date *
"New Year's Day" (only for reference) April 9, 2024
Passover (Pesach פסח) April 23, 2024
1st Day of Unleavened Bread (מצות) April 24, 2024
7th Day of Unleavened Bread (שביעי של פסח) April 30, 2024
Pentecost/Weeks (Shavuot שָׁבוּעוֹת) June 16, 2024
Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah/"Rosh Hashanah" יוֹם תְּרוּעָה) Oct. 5, 2024
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur יוֹם כִּפּוּר) Oct. 14, 2024
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot סוכות) Oct. 19, 2024
Last Great Day (Shemini Atzeret שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת) Oct. 26, 2024

* Note: All holy days begin the previous evening at sunset.

These questions came up for Tim every year in emails so he answered them here permanently for all those who struggle with these questions. Enjoy!- Katrina

Q. What If the Crescent Moon Was Visible Earlier in America Than Jerusalem?
Q. What If the Calendar I Follow Is Wrong?


More of a statement than a question. The crescent moon was visible from Dallas, TX at sundown on March 12th, 2013. Since the Creator uses the laws of nature to determine times and seasons, wouldn’t it stand that if communication wasn’t as prevalent as it is today, (years ago), that those who were viewing the crescent would have started their month from their actual viewing? Thus their feast days may be one day different than those in other parts of the world.

- Torah Keeper

A. In ancient Israel, thanks to the prophets with the Holy Spirit and the priests with their Urim and Thummim, the revelation from God needed to know when the years (Ex 12:2) and months began and even which day was Sabbath (Ex 16) was readily available. Since it was a single tiny nation keeping the feasts, disseminating this revelation nationwide was not hard.

In the Millennium, all nations will keep Torah (Zech 14:16; Isa 66:23) (although it will be updated for the 21st century, not resembling ancient Israel's Torah as much as people think). I can't imagine the world will calculate the days the way that many Torah Keepers (TK) practice today, i.e., based on local barley and lunar observations. This would have the world out of sync keeping feasts a day or even a month apart. One might argue that this is not strange since people around the world already keep Sabbath at different times. However, Sabbath is still on the same day or date in each time zone.

Instead of a local-observations-based system, prophecy seems to indicate about the Millennium that Jerusalem will be the standard and headquarters for the Torah or instruction of God:

Isaiah 2:3 (HCSB) — and many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us about His ways so that we may walk in His paths.” For instruction will go out of Zion and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

How will they do it? They could use the telecommunication technologies already invented many decades ago that we are all using today to get news from Jerusalem. Or a (true, accurate) prophet in each locale would know by the Holy Spirit whether aviv barley was discovered in Jerusalem or whether the new moon was sighted. This is not a problem for God.

One thing is for sure, at that time people will not have to write a stranger on the internet for help as everyone must resort to today. They'd just ask their local judge, Levite, priest or prophet set up as a recognized authority for such matters. =)

Don't Fear - Intention Is What Counts

That not being the situation today, those who choose to observe the Torah festivals have a choice to make on which of many proposed calendar reckonings to use. There is no reason to worry whether they have not chosen the right calendar or are observing feasts on the wrong days when there is no undisputed authority today to tell us the right calendar reckoning and end all the dispute we now see.

The fact that you want to celebrate the "festivals of Yehovah" (Lev 23:1,4) because they are from God is already pleasing to God. God judges on the heart, not by perfection of execution. Certainly whatever calendar you are convicted to go by, right or wrong, will not change God's view of you as righteous (assuming you do not judge or attack those who disagree with your choice!).

If you have found a spelling error, please, notify us by selecting that text and tap on selected text.

Blaze - April 9, 2024

I probably just don’t get how this works, but I thought the New Moon wasn’t spotted yesterday. So wouldn’t the 10th be the start? The 9th being the previous evening.

Mark - September 9, 2023

I have question about your dates for the modim festivals.
When you provide the dates for a given festival, does that date begin at sunset?

    Katrina McHyde - September 16, 2023

    I do address this right on the calendar tab for the festivals for your future reference.

    And here is the answer here for you as well- The dates that I give, one must start the day before at sunset to observe that festival. For instance, the year I am posting this, the calendar says that The Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah is on the 17th of September. This means that you would start observing it at sunset on the 16th.

    I hope this clarifies things for you 🙂

    May the festival seasons be blessed and enriching to you and your loved ones!

    Kane - April 2, 2024

    Is it possible to make the holy days easy to add to my Google Calendar (or other)?

      Tim McHyde - April 3, 2024

      Great idea, Kane, and obviously nowadays, the sensible thing to do. Unfortunately, I do not know how to do it; let’s see, I can find away the future 👌
      Katrina McHyde

Blaze - September 3, 2023

Thanks for updating this Katrina. I don’t know if anything of note will happen in prophecy on any of these days. Tim originally had Tishrei 1 (Which Holy Day actually starts Tishrei 1?) I think he had Yom Kippur “end date”, and then 7 years before that would be Yom Kippur 2023.

But then he decided that 2030 Yom Kippur – 6.5 years Nissan 2024 fits better. :-/
(There is an eclipse during that time. I don’t know if that means anything, but it’s interesting).

Brics has increased Middle East alliances (formally will be accepted Jan 1 2024). And 3rd Temple Construction timeline is Spring 2024. There seems to be various practical preparations here and there for that. I saw an article one girl made a calendar that might be necessary for it.

I guess we’ll see. (I could be wrong on some of these things, or misremembered what was said or written).

Jonathan - June 28, 2023

It is the sun and the moon that determine the mowadim, that is appointed times…in English “s

Genesis 1:14

14Then God said, “Let there be [s]lights in the [t]expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and they shall [u]serve as signs and for SEASONS, and for days and years;

the first month is ABIB

Exodus 12:1

1Now the LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of [a]Egypt, 2“This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year for you.

Deuteronomy 16:1

1“Observe the month of Abib and [a]celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God, for in the month of Abib the LORD your God brought you out of Egypt by night.

Exodus 9:30-32

30But as for you and your servants, I know that you do not yet [t]fear [u]the LORD God.” 31(Now the flax and the barley were [v]ruined, for the barley was in the ear and the flax was in bud. 32But the wheat and the spelt were not [w]ruined, for they ripen late.)

Above described the crops ruined by the hail the Lord brought upon Egypt. The Barley was ruined because in was ABIB (in the ear) days before the Exodus of Israel.

We know from the Bible that it is the sun and the moon that determine the appointed times. We also know that the year begins around the time the Barley is in the ear (Abib). First new moon sighting in the spring in Israel, is the first day of Abib

Psalm 114:19

19He made the moon for the seasons;
The sun knows the place of its setting.

Above, it is the moon that determines the appointed times (seasons)

Psalms 81:3

Sound the ram’s horn at the New Moon, and at the full moon on the day of our Feast..

It is misconception that the Barley harvest impacts the beginning of the year. In the days of Elijah, after 3 1/2 years of neither rain nor dew, there was no barley in the ear. Even so, the next year came and went, even with no barley.

Read Deuteronomy 28 for starters. Because If the people were obedient and followed the statues of the LORD, There would always be barley in the ear at the beginning of the year. On the other hand, if they disobeyed drought and famine is decreed. Genesis 1:14, decreed it is the sun and the moon is what determines the mowadim. Nothing less, and nothing more

Steve - March 8, 2023

Biblical (not Judaic) calendar is solar not lunar. See here for clarification:

Essene calendar for 2023/5948:


Keep searching to clear the heresies of the Pharisees/Saduccees.

Zimrat - April 3, 2021

There is no mention to command us to sight the Abib (green ears) of barley, nor is there any commandment to sight a crescent moon as a new moon. These “man-made “traditions” stem from Babylonian observances. bThis is all wrong of course, as the new moon is actually completely dark, and the Pesach, or Passover could not have been observed by a slivered, crescent moon.

The weather in Jerusalem was bad and a dust-storm prohibited Israel from sighting ANY moon a few years ago, so how can we “see” a sliver in a dust storm? We can’t.

Also, when the Hebrews left during the Exodus, there was no “Aviv” barley to see in the wilderness, and the Hebrews could not obseve it. So how could they use the barley to determine the Passover? They could not!

The bread made for the exodus had no leaven and was made in haste, because of the mass Exodus happening at a moments notice. Please stop citing traditions of men as truth. This is most harmful to people who love the Father and Son. Thank you.

    Tim McHyde - April 3, 2021

    Melody, all of your objections have good answers if you look. For sure it’s implicit that if the Torah requires that the first month use barley for the wave sheaf ceremony during Passover, then you cannot begin the year until the barley is aviv! No command is needed for what is obvious and, yes, became part of tradition preserving this truth.

    Ingrid - April 10, 2021

    Dear Zimrat,

    You have assumed many things. I do not know if you realise how your tone sounds near-hostile?
    you said the crescent could not be sighted for the first pass over? The 14th day of the first month? How else could they have sightedthe first month, the dark moon? (As you said the new moon is dark, so this can not be a sign to see.)

    it will be guessing for an invisible sign to be a marker for something as important as one of Yah’s appointed TIMES!

    By the way, in case you were not aware, the Passover itself is NOT when the crescent is sighted! … it’s always on a FULL moon, later, halfway thru the first month,

    you have to count the days to the 14th day,
    passover, in the evening of the 14th, FROM

    A SIGN,

    by definition it kind of has to be VISIBLE
    Visibility= the day that the sliver of new moon is SEEN! This is sought after, and it is possible and clearly provable. THE DARK NEW MOON IS NONE OF THESE THINGS.

    This is not worship of the crescent, in case you felt a slight fear, or some aversion regarding the moon and its crescent usually being abused by the people in the world’s religions, the ancients in Sumer, Babylon, today’s wiccans, pagans and Muslims and Catholics ALL used the crescent in their religion almost as much as the sun symbols and stars (and planets) as representations, depictions, chatacteristics, aspects, AND/OR actual PHYSICAL manifestations of their ancient (INVISIBLE) God/s.

    When ypu read the Scriptures, it will be clear that the dun, moon and stars are creations of Yah and Yahushua and to serve us as signs, for times appointed by Yahuah (IAUE) which are prophetic and a means to show His intent and plan to all the world. They are created, therefore never to even be looked upon with any feeling of wanting to WORSHIP THEM; only worship the Father, IAUE.

    so the moon and sun and stars are not bad because others who worship the devil or demons use them to do bad things in the religion of a cruel God of Death; this is the the Maker of
    Lies, the Destroyer, the thief who can only GET US TO worship him because he cleverly APPROPRIATED these awesome, fearfully made purposeful CREATIONS Made by IAUE and His Right Hand Man, Yahushua.

    The fact of their being USED BY THE ENEMY to draw people to him, by hiding their true purpose and lying about the True Creators shows how amazingly awesome these heavenly luminaries ACTUALLY ARE

    but it is always understood in Scriptures that no one is going to be so ill-informed or weird as to want to worship the created things rather than their Creator our Father, who is putting them before ypu, to draw you to His Plan, His truths, His ways, His son.

    In our aversion to worshipping the created heavenly host, sometimes i think we turn somewhat AGAINST them, the xreated things of IAUE! Because of one created being who decided to turn against his own Creators and take what They created to cause people to lose sight of IAUE.

    By the devil’s great cunning sleight-of-hand, stealing, lying and destroying, by all the wrongs committed by the people under the influence of the Master of lies and cruelty, by unnatural acts such as rape, torture, and murder, we feel – (i can say this because i have wrongly made this association in the past ) – that to make USE OF THESE signs in the heavens – like the crescent moon – even for determining an appointment per our Maker’s clear instructions – imagine possibly that Yah might be displeased with us, for even thinking to use a sign that the pagans used, or the Satanists use; even the sign of the moon that He made saying why he gave it to us –for this express important purpose.?,..

    we may imagine that He may not look kindly on using something He ( well, They, together) made, because now our world isso saturated with the knowledge of how Satanists also not only USE IT, BUT SACRIFICE TO THEIR GOD ON THEIR GOD’S DAYS OF PROPITIATION; at the very least, we fear all appearance of amity with apostacy.

    we then turn directly agsinst our own Makers thru FEAR and aversion to Satan’s clear theft and successful hijacking OF THESE heavenly things. In this way, we are being HIJACKED by Yah’s enemy, adversary as well, taking us farther from His Truths!

    How awful, it is, because of sin, evil and terror, we turn against our own good Creators and Their clear desires for us in how to commune with Them.

    The crescent is the visible sign it is stated we were given –to make our convocation with Him.
    Accuracy is important as far as we are able, naturally, and .YAH is the author of wobderful accuracy and knows we are limited. Do you think that on Passover and other feast and commemoration times, He and His Son woyld be glad to see and ferl our hesitation due to knowing we could be 50% chances mistaken? WE WOULD HATE THAT FEELING TOO.

    we would be all fragmented, in every way, in our hearts and mindsm then our bodies and spirits would suffer,

    having it all on different (altogether dubious from the start) days due to the dark moon being easily mistaken, it is too fraught with possible mistakes in reckoning, too much room for error, sonetimes two days of not knowing, too frustratingly vague for us to deal with dark moon as signal to start….

    The Dark New Moon is a non starter. a problem from the not-so-clear get-go….start…

    Now? Is it there? Yes, i imagine i see it, we counted it … but it’s so hard to tell, impossible to say yes or no…or, maybe, maybe not, -maybe it is tomorrow?

    How can we know something wd can not see, a sign that does not exist is not a good sign! Imagine if at every crossroads there were taken down sll stip signs. If a dark, or invisible stop-sign is a signal to drivers to know if they should stop or maybe, go… many mistakes, much fear, frusyration, uncertainty, and… chaos, death. No peace, because no clarity.

    YAH is a Creator of clarity, peace and not chaos, not frustration, not fear, not death. He wants us to be relieved of problems of knowing His will, not add to them.

    He said, I have given you the sun and moon… for signs and seasons.
    Vecause these are vitally important to keep at the correct TIMES,

    To know, then is important to Him, to us– to not have to wonder or fear, or guess, have to second- guess;

    to know it is certain, because it is visible, we can see it clearly,

    That needs a clearly VISIBLE SIGNAL / SIGN. So we can know – for sure,
    Thank and praise Him and His (Set-Apart) Name, and His Son who carries His name – vor ever.

William Bershak - March 23, 2021

Hi Tim,
I would like to review the recent siting of the new moon from Israel and reiterate here from memory what I had learned years ago about the raw new moon siting method which states that if for any reason the first sliver of the new moon is not seen, then by default the second sliver of the new moon begins new moon day thus making the previous month a 30 day month (perfect month).

Firstly, at the end of the 29th day of the biblical month at evening is very important because it is the only time that the new moon witnesses go out and attempt to site the first sliver of the new moon.

And anciently, if the witnesses had seen first sliver of the new moon then they may walk or ride a donkey overnight and arrive at the calendar court in Jerusalem on the morning of the 30th day of the biblical month where the Sanhedrin would interrogate them find out whether they had indeed seen the first sliver of the new moon or not. The Sanhedrin upon determining that the witnesses were indeed successful in siting the first sliver of the new moon, then they Sanctify the 30th day of the month NEW MOON DAY, thus making the previous month a 29 day month (imperfect month).

However, if the Sanhedrin, after rigorously interrogating the witnesses determine that they had mistakenly thought that they had seen the first sliver of the new moon then the previous month will be by default a 30 day month (perfect month) and the next day (the 31st day) will be NEW MOON DAY. The Sanhedrin, in this case do not Sanctify the new moon because it is Sanctified already in Heaven. Please note that there is no 31st day in the biblical month, it is just a convention to help us with counting, in other words a placeholder for new moon day should the previous month be a 30 day month.

Now notice that upon seeing the first sliver of the new moon that it was the distance that the new moon witnesses would travel overnight from the outskirts and surrounding hills of Jerusalem, converging at the calendar court in the morning, that determined from where the new moon my be sited. In other words, the distance they would walk overnight to the calendar court covered a relatively small area surrounding Jerusalem, from where the new moon may be sighted.

Therefore, just as optical aids are disallowed (illegal) in the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon, so too are cell phone call in new moon reports from all over the land of Israel (INVALID)! Why? Because just as in the days of old, new moon witnesses must walk!

Because in this day, neither do the new moon witnesses walk nor do the nascent Sanhedrin hear, hear the testimony of the new moon witnesses, thus the procedure for verifying the new moon has been breached and profaned and consequently we disregard our beloved Abba Father in Heaven, keeping the appointed times on the wrong days. However, today, because the new moon witnesses no longer walk, I believe that the new moon may still be sighted from Jerusalem, only Jerusalem and nowhere else. Now just witness this latest new moon sighting wherein our beloved Father in Heaven signals us from Jerusalem. But you have to know what HIS signal is. His signal is not just happenstance, not by accident, nor any such thing but by HIS DIVINE INTERVENTION in which He Himself chooses either the first or second sliver, (either the thirtieth of thirty first day) to be HIS new moon day.

Notice the remarkable photograph posted by Devorah. This is not a photo of the of the first sliver of the new moon but the Hand of the ALMIGHTY by DIVINE INTERVENTION hiding the first sliver of the moon in the clouds THEREBY SIGNALING US THAT HE HAS CHOSEN THE SECOND SLIVER OF THE MOON TO COMMENCE HIS NEW MOON DAY; THE FIRST DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH. So I’ll be counting to Passover from the evening of the second sliver of the new moon with March 16 being new moon day and Passover then sunset March 29th – sunset March 30th. Mercies Bill.

Ramya Christy - March 15, 2021

Shalom Tim!

Hope you are well by the grace of ADONAI!

Do you also publish new moon sightings and aviv status. Kindly help

Ramya Christy

    Tim McHyde - March 15, 2021

    Ramya, no, go to Devorah’s Date Tree Facebook page for that.

      Ramya Christy - September 6, 2021

      Shalom Tim

      Is the Yom Teruah data still 9th Sept? Please help

      Ramya Christy

        Tim McHyde - September 6, 2021

        Ramya yes as the moon can’t be sighted September 7.

samuel amoah - February 21, 2021

thanks for this revelation

Ramya Christy - January 17, 2021

Shalom Tim!

Hope you are doing well by the grace of Adonai. I am eagerly awaiting the 2021 Holy days dates.

Ramya Christy

    Tim McHyde - January 20, 2021

    Ramya, thanks, 2021 is up.

      Ramya Christy - February 11, 2021

      Shalom Tim!

      I am so exsited to see the Holy Days list for 2021.Thank you so much!

      Ramya Christy

Art Sherwood - April 7, 2020

The official interpretation of Shemoth 12:18
was 15th-21at = Pesah week. However Mark
14:12 also says the day BEFORE, Yhshua’s
disciples killed the Pesah to eat it ,as did the Pharisees whom began the “14” the NOON of actual 13th (then the next Afternoon he died at
the same time the next pasha lambs were killed.)
when started the Sabbath.The Galilean’s
started keeping the “whole” sabbath, Mishna 5
1V at sunset, but tells of the Jordan’s doing it
from noon.

William Bershak - March 25, 2020

Tim, The count to Shavuot is never started from the day after the weekly sabbath like the apostate apostle Armstrong taught. The count always begins the day after the annual sabbath… the first day of unleavened bread as I understand. Also the procedure of new moon witnesses traveling over night to testify before the sanhedrin is not being followed today so today I believe the new moon may only be sighted from Jerusalem nowhere else. Bill.

    Mike - April 2, 2020

    Shalom Bershak, the counting of Omer always starts on the marrow of ……. we interrupt these thoughts to do a word study. Looking at 7676 strongs, word in question, we shall find that in the context we have here, 7676 is always used for 7th day of week, without fail—- look it up. And to make sure that there is no misunderstanding the first day of the feast of unleavened does not ever use even a derivative of 7676, look it up. 1 st day of week always hosts first fruits and shavout, not even close to debatable, or do I have it completely wrong, do tell

      William Bershak - April 6, 2020

      Hi Mike,
      This from Daniel Gregg’s web site. i’m not smart enough to to figure this out myself. But counting from the weekly Sabbath is a doctrine of demons, it is a Sadducee doctrine. All of the Sadducee practices deny that Hebrew Messiah is our Passover Lamb. They did not believe in the resurrection of the dead … they were vile men hedonists, worldly, faithless, men if you can even call them men. personally I would call them more dogs.

      Here’s the instruction. “And you shall count for yourself from the morrow of the rest … seven complete Sabbaths; while from the morrow the of the seventh Sabbath continue counting the fifty days.

      In other words seven complete weekly Sabbaths are counted within the 50 days, and after the seventh Sabbath is complete, the count continues out to 50 days … Pentecost.

      So I’ll count for you up to the first of the Sabbaths and the Second of the Sabbaths and you count up to the Seventh of the Sabbaths and after the seventh of the Sabbaths is complete, continue from there counting out to the 50th day. Deal.

      So i’ll start my count on the morrow of the annual Sabbath … sunset on march 26th. So the first complete weekly Sabbath ends at sunset on march 28. The second of the Sabbaths is complete at sunset april 4th.

      Yahuah and Yahusha, counting in this manner have guarded HIS Sabbaths
      against heresy’s such as the lunar sabbath heresy promoted by Worlds Last Chance website. mercies bill.

        William Bershak - April 7, 2020

        I’m so sorry I forgot to flip my calendar over to the month of april.

        The count to Pentecost begins at sunset April 9th and therefore the first of the Sabbaths is complete at sunset on april 11th. Does anyone know if there is a book … counting to Pentecost for dummies? Really it’s vitally important that we get this right. Peter and all of the disciples in the early church knew when shavuot was … all were in agreement … it was the same day reckoned by the sanhedrin.

        Mike - April 8, 2020

        Shalom Bill, so you post the text of Leviticus 23:15 and the word used is 7676 strongs or sabbath, and the version you have says “rest”, so all depends on if you understand that word, 7676 as rest or sabbath? Now it is very important that you look to no one for advice on this, just you and the Word, does Leviticus 23:15 use the word sabbath or the word rest? This is a word study, my search produces 7676 strongs or sabbath as the word in question and yes that implies ‘rest’ but that is the very point we need to resolve here, is the word we are debating 7676 strongs or is there another word? If it is 7676 do you agree that it says sabbath? Mike

        Marie Allen - February 21, 2021

        Bershak, can you explain more about this “World’s Last Chance” heresy?

        I was just watching their latest teaching “Saturday is the Sabbath” is Fake News. I thought it seemed to have good detail and research, at least into the origin of the calendar change away from Yah’s calendar as given in Scripture.

        However I have not studed the calendars much, except that Yah spoke to me once and said “What do I care if the pagans changed to a different calendar?”

        It seems that the current calendar then is not the one He is saying that was changed, or that the pagans are to blame for leaving His calendar, but a source closer to home, so to speak.

        Since that was recent revelation for me I am still on the learning journey (and in all Yah’s ways will always be.)

    Sandy Mills - April 3, 2020

    I do not have a lot of the detailed information that many of you do but have to pray for discernment and information from the Bible and sometimes others that are studying and trying to be obedient and their presentation of this much-needed information. For many this is very difficult as there are so many variables.

    Our witness to this starting the count with the day after the unleavened bread Sabbath is that on Wave sheaf which was the third day, Christ was to arise, remember if you destroy this temple, in three days, I will raise it up. He was not supposed to see corruption like Lazarus. If we always use Sunday as our start then we have the Lord’s body being corrupted.

    I am praying that we all come together on many of these bits of information.

    Thank you all for trying to be supportive of the various ways of worshiping during these times. I know the Lord appreciates the love and kindness that is shown.

      Mike - April 8, 2020

      Shalom Sandy, this is very important as you state, and at the same time we can through heavenly guidance discover truth. So yes we have a messiah that does not see corruption and we will answer the question. Messiah needs only die one time, one year, one day of the week and rise prior to corruption. Starting out we agree that 3 days is sound and that after 3 days or 72 hours, if I may, we are into or close to corruption, that must not be. So whenever messiah dies He must rise before corruption. We only need one day of the week, once every 7 years we should land there, to have messiah die On and rise before corruption that accommodates the Torah as seen in the Gospel texts. You seem to have been taught 14,15,16 on first month of year as Passover, first day of unleavened, and then first fruits. This I am showing in the above conversation with Bill, this is a misunderstanding that we have inherited. The word in question is 7676 strongs, you must look this up or blindly follow what I say or what others say. Look it up, and then try to find anywhere in the Torah that the first day of unleavened is identified by 7676. We must look at this together and decide if first fruits follows a 7th day sabbath, that is the context on well over 90 uses of 7676- 7th day of week, and one should not say that in Leviticus 23:15 we have the precedent for 7676 giving us 14,15,16 and thus “on the morrow of (7676)…..we have first fruits after first day of feast of unleavened, this is not what the text gives us, “on the morrow of (7676)…. means the day after the seventh day sabbath, look it up. Dig in , treasures await. Mike

        Helen Roth - October 10, 2020

        Hi Mike,
        Are you saying that corruption “starts” after 72 hours/3 days?
        If you are not kept in a freezer, corruption starts almost immediately after death.
        Yeshuah’s body had to be put in a tomb shortly after death, or He would have seen corruption.
        The year of His death is important so that nobody would go to the tomb and interfere with His recovery in those 3 days.

Brian Hoeck - March 16, 2020

Tim, you have a mishmash of information here…you have combined information from 2019 with information from 2020.

I did not start the Biblical year on March 9, 2020 (nor has Biderman or Willis).

Becca Biderman has declared the New Year beginning with the visible crescent moon over Israel seen the evening of February 25, 2020. Norman Willis has accepted her testimony and likewise declared the New Year.

As for me and my house, we are in the 13th month, and are awaiting the New Moon of March 25th to show itself to mark the New Year.

    Tim McHyde - March 16, 2020

    Brian, Thanks for the correction. I was afraid of exactly that. I apologize and hope you can appreciate the complex situation of trying to cover divergent positions.

John Morris - February 16, 2020

Hi Tim,
I have been wrestling with the many and various biblical calendar protocols for 2 years now and my preferred method finds few friends out there. That’s OK because as you say there is no undisputed authority among men and it’s intent that counts. I have looked through your writings for mention of ‘New Moon Days’ but have not succeeded in finding any. These days are mentioned a few times in the bible and my understanding is that they are neither working days nor sabbath days, there being 3 distinctly different types of days in a lunar month. If my understanding is correct, the commonly held belief that the 7th day Sabbath is a continuously unbroken cycle of 7 days is not possible and that month lengths are either 29 days long or 30 days long.
Best Regards

Ramya Christy Bhaskaran - December 30, 2019

Shalom Tim!

Eagerly awaiting the 2020 festive dates to plan for the festivals……….

Ramya Christy Bhaskaran

    Tim McHyde - December 30, 2019

    Ramya, it’s updated above for expected 2020 dates.

      Ramya Christy Bhaskaran - January 1, 2020

      So happy to see the dates for the 2020 moedim ……. Toda Rabba Tim! Shalom! ?

Dee - October 4, 2019

so with the aviv barley calendar for 2019 shouldn’t the scroll be rolled back to Bersheit?

    Donald Bailey - October 7, 2019

    Dee – October 4, 2019
    @ > “so with the aviv barley calendar for 2019 shouldn’t the scroll be rolled back to Bersheit?”
    It also seems like Pentecost would be on different days annually instead of ALWAYS, every year, on The First day of The week, aka Sunday

      Tim McHyde - October 7, 2019

      Donald, Shavuot is decreed as “the morrow after the Sabbath” (Lev 23:15), always the Sunday 7 weeks after counting from Passover week.

        Donald Bailey - October 12, 2019

        My research shows 7 Sabbaths as TRANSLATED in Leviticus 23:15 does not mean on/from the 7th day of the week, but 7 WEEKS, i.e., e.g., Seven sabbaths – More properly, seven weeks (compare Deuteronomy 16:9). The word Sabbath, in Deuteronomy 16:9 , is used for “week” (Leviticus 25:8; Matthew 28:1; Luke 18:12, etc.) Anyway, Thank You very much.

          Tim McHyde - October 13, 2019

          Donald, yes, Orthodox Jews observe a fixed date of Sivan 6 for Shavuot using such logic. They have corrupted their calendar from the Biblical one in many other ways such as Yom Teruah of the 7th month becoming Rosh Hashanah/New Year’s day, postponements, calculations instead of sightings, etc. Yet I cannot find a single translation that supports anything other than Sunday being the “day after the 7th sabbath” 100% of the time =).

Jennifer - July 14, 2019

Hello, we’re both search teams in Israel?

    Tim McHyde - July 14, 2019

    Jennifer, Yes. Sorry, bad writing in assuming everyone reading would know where they search for barley for the biblical calendar. Fixed.

rich morris - March 8, 2019

Hello Tim! We have read your writings for quite a while now… thoroughly enjoying all of them thru the years. We have been keeping and learning about the Lord’s feast days for about 40 years… learning and plowing up OUR “fallow ground” as we grow in Jesus. One of the things that complicates all of the feast days is the fact that we all live in different time zones… even living in different days in the different time zones. This fact basically complicates everything. South Carolina N latitude 34 degs eastern time zone.

Last night we looked from our usual location over Lake Murray SC near Lexington/Saluda. Unfortunately we were totally clouded out as was our son living in the desert in S California–he is usually our back up even though it is 3 hrs later on the clock and rarely cloudy.
We live in a rural farming area… we have seen NO barley or an other grain growing here either wild or in cultivated farm lands.

We are thankful for you and all who love the Lord and keep His word!
In HIm… Rich and Bonnie S. Carolina….

Paula - February 28, 2019

The alternative new moon sitting is April 6th if it’s not Mach 7th. The April 20th date is Passover.

    Tim McHyde - March 2, 2019

    Paula, thanks, good catch.

      Israel - March 4, 2019

      Dear Tim,

      Please Is it true that Baley is in the ear in the land of Israel already? Should March 7 be the start of the new year?

        Tim McHyde - March 4, 2019

        Israel, have not seen any report and usually this goes down to the wire (Mar 7).

Mario A - September 19, 2018

Hi everyone,

Do you think that Adonai Yeshua celebrated Passover (Pesaj) with the Calendar that the Jews follow today or with this new one (which seems much more accurate)?

As a new follower of the Hebrew Roots (2 houses), I would like to do it in the most correct way …


    Robert Hamrick - October 9, 2019

    Shalom! “Adonai” means “My Lord God”, and is always and only used as an address to the Creator, YHVH, and is inappropriate when referring to the Lord Yeshua, who is NOT God (John 17:3; 1 Corinthians 8:6), which is another non-Biblical concept inherited from pagan Roman “Christianity”.

Gary Rose - May 27, 2018

If the first crescent was visible on the 18th of March, why do you choose to start the new year, Aviv, on the 19th of March? Why is it the next day, please? Thank you.

    Tim McHyde - May 27, 2018

    Gary, in the Bible days start at sunset the evening before. New crescent moons are also visible soon after sunset. Therefore the crescent moon for a new month is always on the date preceding that actual new month’s day, yes?

Kieland - May 24, 2018

Hello, can you please explain to us exactly how you arrived at May 27, 2018 for the date of Pentecost? Eagerly awaiting your response. Shalom.

    Tim McHyde - May 24, 2018

    Kieland, Pentecost is always on the Sunday after the 7th sabbath from the sabbath after Passover during Matzot (April 7, in this case). That’s May 27th.

Mary - March 19, 2018

Hi Im new to observing God’s feast days. I knew about sabbath, passover and pentecost a little but wasnt aware of of all the feasts days so would like to know how to observe them and be more knowledgable in how to keep these Holy days. I live in Ireland so dont know what im supposed to d for the feasts of first fruits and barley or the others so would really like your help

    Tim McHyde - March 19, 2018

    Mary, your question is answered in my comment above.

    Sherry - April 9, 2018

    I too am new to this way. I have found Teshuva Ministries website/Facebook. Great teachings on the feast, etc.

Bob from Alabama - March 19, 2018

Jesus didn’t eat Passover tha year he WAS Passover. As the lambs were being slaughtered all over Israel he gave up the ghost. “I had wanted th eat passover with you….”I had wanted”….I will not drink of the wine again until I drink it wih you in my Fathers kingdom” HE never drank the wne also negating any of that grail nonsense..Feat of unleavened bread was what he ate…HE WAS PASSOVER> “Lamb slain from he fundaion of the earth” hat’s why he crucixion couldn’t have been on Friday…Read exodus 12…it explains it all Palm Sunday nisan 10h cricifixion prearation of the lamb 14th actually eatin of the lamb 15th .after sundown which made it the 15th.Ezodus 12…

DelaYah - March 9, 2018

How is the aviv barley search in the land of Israel going?
I am searching for any believers in Messiah that are searching the crops for aviv barley. I have found one website at that is doing a broadcast on 3-17-18 from the land at 1pm EST after Shabbat.
Are there any others that you are aware of?

    Tim McHyde - March 9, 2018

    DelaYah, I will update the calendar when I hear anything…

Donna Chavez - February 28, 2018

Has the Barley been sighted by Karaite Jews in Jerusalem to be ready? If so, when? What sight can I go to for updates?

    Tim McHyde - February 28, 2018

    Donna, the barley is not sighted but must be searched for. The barley search commences over several days in late winter. Unless warm weather comes early, ripe barley won’t be found until around the middle of March. I’ll update this page after that, as I always do several times a year.

Gavin Finley MD - February 1, 2018

Hi Tim, so glad to see conversation going forward to correct the Hebrew calendar to bring it into line with the sun and moon, the true and correct calendar of Yehovah-God. The Karaite Jews and Nehemiah Gordon have promoted this as well.

    Joel Senn - March 18, 2018

    My question is this, since the Rabbi Hillel conformed to the Babylonian calendar to thwart Israelite persecution, I have a conflicting understanding of the “New Moon” ACTUALLY being a FULL MOON, not the 180* swap for a “crescent moon” (PAGAN-as evidenced in ALL pagan belief systems)…making predictions of the TRUE Calender off by EXACTLY 2 weeks…I have faith in the Revelation I have received through the Holy Spirit…not to contradict your studies, but we have been WARNED EXCEDINGLY of the MASS levels of deception we are faced with in these LAST MOMENTS OF THE LAST DAYS…I’m interested in your insight…I would say this, “Ask, Seek, Knock…for those who Ask, it WILL be answered, those who Seek, shall find, and those who Knock, the door will be opened”…I was at such a confounding with all the PROFIT OF SORID GAIN, teachers, I finally threw my hands and heart up with the premise, “I believe ALL I have been taught, MAY, be in error…PLEASE TEACH ME LORD!?”…so I humbly ASK that prior to answering my speculation on this descrepancy, that you would FIRST, “Ask Him”? And then see if He reveals the same to you Tim

    To corroborate my “New Moon=Full Moon” exactly SEVEN DAYS PRIOR to 9/11/2001, was a Full Moon…7 days for completion or FULFILLMENT

Joseph - January 8, 2018

how can i get a detailed 2018 calendar

Johan Pretorius - January 2, 2018

Hi Tim, I see you mention that it will be pleasing to Yehovah to celebrate these days, so should you just acknowledge in your mind that you are aware of it?

    Tim McHyde - January 2, 2018

    Johan, no, I said a desire to observe Yehovah’s feasts (because they come from him) pleases him. The principle is that faith in God’s word is pleasing to him (Heb 11:6). I think you have that already.

Johan Pretorius - January 2, 2018

Hello Tim, when you do decide to observe these feasts and Holy Days, what are you supposed to do on these days?

    Tim McHyde - January 2, 2018

    Johan, great question, one I never found good or authoritative answer to. The Torah does not answer this except for a few like Passover and Sukkot. The ancient Israelites were told what to do by the judges, priests, prophets and Levites regarding all days God commanded them to observe.

      Daryl - February 5, 2018

      I believe the Holy Days we’re commanded assemblies or Holy convocations Lev. 23:2, 4, 7, 8…

        Tim McHyde - February 6, 2018

        Daryl, yes it says they are “miqras” but how do you keep a miqra? Who is leading this miqra? There is no instruction on it, but the ancient Israelites knew what to do without any doubt because of the priests, Levites, judges, and prophets and did not have to ask people on the Internet with 1001 different opinions on what to do =).

          Anji - March 5, 2019

          Wow Tim,
          Thank you for this. Thousands of hours wasted searching in a cereberal, melatonin zapping wasteland and we are no closer to Truth than before. Thirty minutes drawing near to really Listen with a heart to be loved and obey and we are in the Truth and the Truth is in us! That’s where I’m going…. after this….. 🙂

          I rarely leave comments on anything, but I had to say a genuine thank you for being a Friend pointing the way to my Beloved.

          The Holy Spirit will reveal all these things in time and we know we aren’t to judge or let anyone judge us according to them, so let us walk by faith through each sacred meeting place and be filled with awful joy. Shalom!

Darak - June 12, 2017

Can you also post the new moons as well? Thanks.

    Brodneil - July 27, 2017

    Yes please. Thanks

Miguel Solano - April 15, 2017

I think we, two friend of mine and I celebrated Passover on the wrong day. We celebrated the pass over on Monday night, and Tuesday the 1st day of Unleavened Bread. If I remember well, on the week of the sacrifico, Jesus celebrated the Passover on the evening of Tuesday (which is already the night part of Wednesday, died on the daytime of Wednesday, and then the 1rst Day of Unleavened Bread began that night Thursday (beginning on what we now call Wednesday evening. Do you have any comments?

    carole morrison - May 6, 2017

    The Last Supper was not a Passover Ceder. Jesus was crucified on Passover, at the same time as the Passover Lambs.

    Due to certain mistranslations in the New Testament (the translators were unfamiliar with Jewish idioms) there is quite a bit of errant information in mainstream Christianity.

    Google information like “the Last Supper was not a Passover meal.”

    “Preparing the Passover” is a Jewish idiom which means to cleanse the house of leaven, which is done the day before Passover. If you do some research, you will find out some fascinating things that make everything fall into place.

      Shoshana - May 10, 2017

      Correct, there are many Hebrew idioms that people are not familiar with. As the lambs were slaughtered Yeshua willingly laid His life outside the gate, another idiom signifying on the Mount of Olives across the Eastern gate which is the ONLY area you could have seen the Temple’s curtains. The red heifer too had to walk by herself the connecting bridge above the Kidron (the “valley of the shadow of death produced by the largest Jewish cemetery that is on the slopes of the Mount of Olives). This was were the red heifer miphkad altar was, an altar used also to burn the bull’s and goat’s carcasses. Not too far from it was Bethphage, the priestly village from which Yeshua rode on an ass.

      Tom - March 4, 2018

      I agree very good point! “the Lord’s supper” was observed the evening that started Passover day while his crucifixion was at the evening that ended Passover day and starting the first day of ULB.

      Beatrice - September 19, 2018

      Carole, I have been taught from Messianic teachings that The Last Supper was The Passover Seder on the evening before the day He was crucified and then laid in the tomb, as their Holy Days were from sundown to sundown. He told the disciples to remember Him each time it is observed. That would signify to them(us) that He was the Passover Lamb in fulfillment of prophesy. As the priest would yell “It is finished!” after being blood covered from the sacrifices, so our Passover Lamb, the Great High Priest, was blood covered as He said from the cross “It is finished!” Beautiful. Thank you, God, for your Son, the spotless Lamb of God.

        Robert Moore - March 1, 2019

        Beatrice, the lamb can not partake of the Passover, it is dead, so there seems no way that the last supper could be a Passover Seder.

        Consider the beauty of Jesus showing how the bread and wine they regularly partook of always spoke of Him, of how by breaking the bread and sharing the wine that night would make the reality (to the disciples) of the PASSOVER the night after so much more poignant.

        This breaking of bread goes all the way back to Abraham’s encounter with Melchizadek – the righteous king – in Genesis. How apt that now the 12 receive the bread and wine from THE RIGHTEOUS KING on the night before He makes atonement for our sins.

        The next day He enters His glory, as his hands remain raised on the cross (Moses had to have his hands held up for him) so the victory is guaranteed and death is to be conquered.

        Gerry - August 3, 2022

        That is how I remember the event also.
        Nice post Beatrice.
        God Bless us all and pray for those who are not in the Christ consciousness.

      Marius Bruyns - April 28, 2019

      “The Last Supper” was a tradition practiced by people from the Galilee. It was kept at sundown the day before the actual Passover. Then they would fast until the actual Passover.


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