Things look very unstable and many wars are happening right now. Are we going to see the End-time prophecies fulfilled in our lifetime? Is it all starting now?
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Katrina McHyde
I see that Israel is invading Lebanon as of this June 2024! This could be bringing the psalms 83 war and Isaiah prophecy closer!
ReplyI am not sure if the sabbatical year cycle still applies this day in age, but at the rate thinks are going in the Middle East, I can possibly see the seven year tribulation being from 2025 to 2032. Only God knows at this time!
ReplyWhat BIBLE are you using to arrive at the idea of a 7 year tribulation?
ReplyAccording to the Jewish feasts, the seven year tribulation is supposed to start sometime after the feast of weeks, which for this year is June 16. So if this 2024 were to be the year that Daniel’s 70th week begins, events would have to go REALLY fast!
ReplyI’m not convinced that this isn’t the last 7 year cycle.
After WWII, the US guaranteed freedom of navigation of the oceans and free trade (globalization) if we could set the security policy of other nations as a buffer against the Soviet Union. Most of the rest of the world industrialized, and over the past 75 years, they forgot how to have kids.
We are at an inflection point. In the next 10 years because of demographics alone, countries such as Germany, South Korea, and China will fall apart. The US is backing away from patrolling the oceans, and doesn’t have enough destroyer ships to patrol the oceans even if it wanted. Newly rising powers like Turkey, France, India, and Sweden are going to try finding their pecking order in the world. Add to that the fertilizer and grain falling off the world market because of Russia and Ukraine – the last time there was a disruption in wheat and food in the Middle East, we had the 2010 Arab Spring.
Things don’t move fast, until they do. Global shipping is already in turmoil, and could easily come to a screeching halt. Food and fertilizer issues are quickly coming to a head. Israel’s war against Hamas could easily inflame regional countries to attack Israel. Iran and Saudi Arabia are almost at each other’s throats, and if oil stops flowing out of the Persian Gulf, the world is going to be panicking.
Start getting right with God and be prepared for everything to fall in place very quickly.
ReplyYes, I 100% agree with Glenda! You are so awesome to pick up where Tim left off! Thank you very, very much, and may God bless you in EVERY way possible!
ReplyYou are so awesome to pick up where Tim left off and add your own research to it. Thank You