About EscapeAllTheseThings.com, its radical author, Tim McHyde
About Tim (Tim McHyde died in January 2022)
Since starting his first Bible prophecy website in 1999, Tim McHyde has written hundreds of articles and answered over 50,000 reader Bible questions. By following Jesus' own literal interpretation approach to interpreting Scripture (John 10:35), he has explained hard, overlooked passages, such as the "Wormwood" mystery at the center of the Book of Revelation (Rev 8:11) and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Tim's book Know the Future uses this same literal approach to lay out the entire end-time roadmap ahead. Like the website articles, it has brought comfort to thousands of readers who were previously scared or confused by Bible prophecy (or, more often, the rampant Christian speculation over it).
His Supporter Studies share his latest research on Jesus' difficult words. They are the basis for his next book (for free) for Christians who realize that there is something big missing in their life that Christianity never taught them. (Hint: understanding what Jesus said to do as your "Lord" and training on how to do it per Luke 6:46).
Tim retired from programming Bible software in 2008 to work full-time in ministry—starting with his own family. He currently lives in Germany. He moved there in 2015 after 16 years of living in Costa Rica. Living overseas like missionaries in diverse cultures has been a challenging call of God to answer, but so instrumental to his spiritual growth.
EscapeAllThingsThings.com Purpose
The reason I began EscapeAllTheseThings.com was at first to share the exciting things I was learning from my studies on end time Bible prophecy. I was confused and dissatisfied with the popular Christian explanations on prophetic passages. They hardly ever stood up to scrutiny when I checked them as a Berean (Acts 17:11) against literal Scripture (Acts 17:11; John 10:35).
Although I never intended to be a writer, I was led to write articles on my discoveries to help other believers who kept asking me the same questions I had. Sharing an article link is easier than writing yet another email to answer the same question. These website articles are what curried so many questions from readers. Answering emails takes a lot of time, but it benefited me as well by allowing me to see things I never would have seen, such as how Christianity has failed believers by leaving them to struggle with major issues and questions even after years of sermons.
Religions like Christianity are good at telling people what to believe. They have their creeds, doctrinal statements, and theologies. But most served by religion are left confused and wondering, "What does God want?" In other words, never mind what we have been told to believe about God on Sunday, what does he really want us to do—according to the Bible, not religious leaders?
That's the fundamental question behind all the research I do and share here at EscapeAllTheseThings.com. To do so I depart from typical allegorical or symbolic interpretations and instead use literal interpretation and good, rational thinking to arrive at the best explanation.
Thus, this site is not only a Bible prophecy site but about all of God's word and will. For me, being able to answer what God wants required first understanding the whole Bible, starting with the difficult writings of the prophets. I'm here to help you understand that part, too, as well as the big question of what God wants.
Our "Statement of Faith"
In this space Christian ministries typically share espoused doctrines and beliefs that have nothing to do with their daily life or practical decisions; in other words, a lot of head knowledge (which Christians do not agree on, anyway). Sound familiar?
This standard definition of faith results in "believers" with some theology but sadly no lasting "fruits of repentance" (Mt 3:8) or progress towards becoming like Jesus as the faith actually requires (Jn 13:35; 1Jn 2:6; 1Co 11:1; 1Pt 2:21; Eph 5:1-2). In the scariest passage in the Bible, Jesus highlighted this problem when he said he will reject believers with cheap, counterfeit faith like that at his return (Lk 6:46; Mt 7:23). Yes, that's most Christians. It's not surprising when you consider that 95% of Christians surveyed admit they have not read the whole Bible. This forces them to trust and hope that their religion "coming in Jesus' name" (Mt 24:5) is not deceiving them, something Jesus expressly warned would happen (Mt 24:4).
Jesus' description of faith was not based on explaining the Bible "right" or even having a Bible (which most saints in history have not had), but on believing and doing God's Word/will (Lk 8:21=Mt 12:50):
- "God is good/love and rewards those who diligently seek him" (1Jn 4:8; Mk 10:18; Heb 11:6; Gen 15:6) by "loving their neighbor as themselves" in faith, just as Jesus trained his disciples to do (John 13:35).
The statement above sums up the walk of all saints of all times whether they heard of Jesus or had a Bible or not. If Christians really believed Jesus and focused on the above truth of God's Word (instead of doing what religion says to focus on), they would be doing Jesus' law (Gal 6:2) as Lord (Lk 6:46) by leading a love and faith revolution in the world like the original church did in Jerusalem (Acts 2:42-47; Acts 5:13).
What About You?
Do you find this site and "statement of faith" refreshingly different?
Have you already found comfort and help from the free articles and feel gratitude you wish to act on scripturally (Gal 6:6)?
Have you already felt "something was missing" in your Christian walk but could not put your finger on it?
If any of the above fits you then check out the available supporter studies which delve deeply into understanding the difficult words of Jesus and how to do them.
By joining the Support Team today you will get the help and direction you need now and will help many others receive it later with the free release of Tim next book based on these studies.