Petra is believed by some to be the place Israel finds safety during Armageddon. But Bible prophecy reveals a different place protected from the Antichrist. Worse, it is not for the nation of Israel but only for the scattered righteous: yes, faithful believers are still on earth because the rapture comes 3½ years later. Read on to understand God’s end time escape plan for you.
Does Petra Provide End Time Protection?
Petra, Jordan was once the stronghold of the Edomites and later the capital city of the Arab Nabateans. Today it is ruins featuring amazing buildings carved into the rock cliffs by the Nabateans. If you saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade then you got a glimpse of it in the movie's climax. Thanks to Indiana Jones, Petra is now Jordan's number one tourist destination.
Will Petra become the number one safe destination of Israelites in the end times, as well? Some people think so and feel they have Bible prophecy to back this up.
The most popular version of the speculation around Petra is that the Jews escaping from the Battle of Armageddon will find refuge there. Some Old Testament passages mentioning the city are used to support this idea, as we will cover below.
One believer in this theory even bet money on it. An American evangelist known as W. E. Blackstone spent $8000 to have boxes of Bibles placed in Petra. Reason: He wanted the Jews who he expected to flee there to be able to read up on their Messiah fighting for them at Armageddon.
Others, believe Petra to be the place that the "true church" will be protected in fulfillment of Revelation 12.
Both views argue based on Scripture and the city's excellent defensive structure. It is mountainous and its main entrance is a long narrow rock wadi, called the Siq. What better location for people to be safe from attack, right?
Supporters also claim that the city could hold 144,000 people, the number of Israelite evangelists listed in Revelation 7 and 14. The Worldwide Church of God believed that there would be 144,000 of their members who made it to there.
The Petra theory has its appeal. But is it truly grounded in Scripture or even realism?
Petra in the Bible
If you search the Bible for the name of the city Petra, you will not find it. Instead of that modern Greek name for the city, you have to search for the Hebrew equivalent, Sela (or Selah). Both words mean rock.
The city of Sela is mentioned in the following five passage:
Judges 1:36 (ESV) — And the border of the Amorites ran from the ascent of Akrabbim, from Sela and upward.
1 Samuel 23:28 (ESV) — So Saul returned from pursuing David and went to meet the Philistines; therefore they called that place the Rock of Escape
2 Kings 14:7 (ESV) — He struck down ten thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt and took Sela by storm, and called it Joktheel, which is its name to this day
Isaiah 16:1 (ESV) — Send the lamb to the ruler of the land, from Sela, by way of the desert, to the mount of the daughter of Zion.
Isaiah 42:11 (ESV) — Let the desert and its cities lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar inhabits; let the habitants of Sela sing for joy, let them shout from the top of the mountains.
Reading these passages one is hard-pressed to find any clear support for the idea that this ruined city plays an end time role.
Isaiah 33 Petra or Zion?
Here's another verse used by proponents. It does not mention the city of Sela directly but use the word sela for rock:
Isaiah 33:15-16 (ESV) — 15 He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil, 16 he will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him; his water will be sure
Article continues below..."Depart From Me, I Never Knew you!" - Jesus
Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. So...who are they and what did they miss or do wrong? In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself!
If you read the surrounding verses, it's pretty plain that this is figurative language describing the blessedness of the righteous serving God. There is no mention of the end times in the passage or an exodus of people to this rock fortress. It's a description of the unshakeable divine security of the righteous for all time.
If you skip back a verse, you find that this passage is an answer to a question posed there. It says the sinners in Zion ask who shall survive the consuming fires (Isaiah 33:14). Compare that with Rev 6:13, "who shall stand" speaking of the coming of Wormwood. Also compare the very next event chronologically (skipping the parenthetical chapter 7 giving background on the 144,000 who were sealed at the 6th seal) in Revelation 8:7. It tells us there will be fire coming on the entire earth from meteorites of Wormwood, burning all the grass.
This indicates that this passage is a parallel prophecy about Wormwood. For escape from Wormwood's upheaval, Joel 2:30-32 already tells us we must flee to Zion to be safe. The sinners in Zion will not be protected but the righteous will, in an elevated mountainous place somewhere there. (I don't know where.)
Therefore, the place mentioned in the passage is specifically named as Zion, not Petra. Further, it fits with Revelation's prophecy of Wormwood (Rev 6:12-8:13).
Logistical Arguments for Petra
If the Bible does not explicitly support Petra as a special place of gathering or protection, why do people support this idea? As with so many prophecy theories, it relies on a generous helping of good-sounding speculation.
It seems like the main basis of the Petra speculation is the area's natural features. It makes sense to humanistic reasoning that if God is going to protect Israel or anyone else, he would gather them to a naturally fortified place like that. A place that has dwellings already carved out of rock and even two springs of water.
But when you examine these arguments, they, also disappoint.
The springs have dried up long ago. The wonderful-looking carved facades do not have anywhere near as impressive spaces behind them. Rather than the caverns they would need to be, they are best described as caves.
As far as how many people can comfortably live there, it's woefully inadequate. This is a small city with an estimated past top population of 20,000. Whether you think Israel or Christians will be sent by God there, it equals far, far more than 20,000 or double that. The remnant of either Israel or the church is more likely to be in the millions.
They simply could not all fit in Petra when you are realistic about it.
Israel Will Fight In Armageddon Not Flee It
As for the theory about Israel fleeing the land before Armageddon, that also is problematic. Notice Zechariah speaking of where the Jews (Judah) are when Jesus returns to reign:
Zechariah 14:14, 12 (ESV) — 14 Even Judah will fight at Jerusalem... 12 And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples that wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.
This is a confusing verse unless you understand the scenario leading up to Armageddon. All nations are going to be defeated by the Antichrist and forced to take his mark by the start of the Great Tribulation. They will be his slaves and serve in his army through and at the end. That includes Israel. In fact, the Antichrist takes over Israel first to make the Third Temple his headquarters after cutting off the sacrifices there and putting up the Image of the Beast statue in the Temple. This "abomination of desolation" is the final warning sign Jesus gave of impending Great Tribulation (30 days later).
Only the faithful will escape the Antichrist, which, as it is today, will be only a small percentage of each nation. That means most of the Jews will be left behind and forced to take the mark after the Jews with faith flee. This majority of Judah/the State of Israel left behind is who Zechariah is referring to as "even Judah" who fights at Armageddon.
This means that the nation of Israel will not be able to flee Jerusalem to Petra (or anywhere else) before Armageddon. Judah will be fighting in Armageddon like all other nations...
...minus the faithful who have fled to the real place of protection nearby.
Doesn't Revelation 12 Say Israel Is Protected?
Revelation 12 is a key passage that seems to contradict what Zechariah says:
Revelation 12:1, 5 (ESV) — And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 5 She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne
Here we have a coded description of Israel. The twelve stars, moon and sun hearken back to Joseph's dream of his family, Israel (Gen 37:9). The child taken to heaven who will rule all nations is obviously Jesus. He came out of the nation of Israel, through Mary of the tribe of Judah.
However, keep reading to get the full flavor of the protected Woman:
Revelation 12:13-17 (ESV) — 12 When the dragon saw that he had been thrown to earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. 14 The woman was given two wings of a great eagle, so that she could fly from the serpent’s presence to her place in the wilderness, where she was fed for a time, times, and half a time. 15 From his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river flowing after the woman, to sweep her away in a torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman. The earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river that the dragon had spewed from his mouth. 17 So the dragon was furious with the woman and left to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and have the testimony about Jesus.
Notice the main attribute of the Woman given at the end is that her offspring are the ones who keep God's commandments and have the faith of Jesus (Rev 12:17).
This description does not fit national Israel in the end times or any time in their history. Israel has always had a mixed history of partial obedience and rebellion. Soon after a righteous king died, the nation would go into longer period of apostasy. They were never a nation of committed commandment keepers, or with the testimony of Jesus even after Jesus came. That's true to this day because of the veil over their eyes that Paul talked about (2 Co 3:12-13).
The Woman's Real Identity
What the Woman is showing us is not national, secular Israel, but God's faithful righteous including Israel but not limited to Israel. Righteousness is not a matter of race, but of faith. The faith of Jesus can be adopted by anyone. And according to Revelation 12, if you are faithful you will be included in the Woman company who is preserved. In fact, as my previous articles explains, faith in God's word, promises and instructions is exactly what will be needed to move to the "place prepared" for the Woman.
Then why is Israel mentioned at all if it's really about the faithful? Scripture says "salvation is to the Jew first" and "salvation is of the Jews." It is God's model nation. He has revealed his plan for mankind through Israel and in this passage he is revealing his plan to save the righteous through the picture of Israel's righteous. But God is not a "respecter of persons" (shows no partiality) (Ac 10:34) and is not limiting his end time escape plan to Israel.
If you still doubt the Woman's members being about faith and not race, then read Joel 2:30-32. It describes the physical protection of people from the crisis event immediately preceding the Antichrist: Wormwood (Joel 2:30-31=Rev 6:12-16; Joel 2:32=Rev 6:17). They are saved not in Jordan but in nearby Mt Zion/Judea, across the Jordan river.
And what does it say? "all those who call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved." Is God really going to save all who are willing to listen in faith from one global threat (Wormwood) and then not save them from the next global threat (Antichrist)?
That would be absurd. All means all; there is no limitation by race to be saved, you just have to trust in God for both. You do not call upon God unless you have faith in him. The people who do so and gather to Judea ahead of the blood moon and other cosmic disturbances of Wormwood will be the "those in Judea" (Mt 24:15-16) who Jesus spoke of and told to flee to the mountains before the abomination of desolation. Even if some who happen to be in the area wait until they see it, they can manage to head over the mountains and across the border into the "place prepared" (Rev 12:14).
How Do We Escape the Great Tribulation?
But wait a minute, did I just say that all the faithful will still be on earth when the abomination of desolation happens and need to flee to the mountains like Jesus instructed in Matthew 24?
Absolutely. After all, who was Jesus speaking to in Matthew 24? The Jews only? Nope.
"You" there refers to his disciples who were believers. They also happened to all be Jewish at that point, but it's plain throughout Matthew 24 that what he is saying hinges not on their race but on their faith:
- "You will be hated of all nations for my name's sake" (Mt 24:9). (Did he say they were hated for being Jewish or for believing in Jesus?)
- "Many will fall away and betray one another" (Mt 24:10). (Are these people falling away from being Jewish or believers?)
- "And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short." (Mt 24:22). (Who are the elect/chosen? You do not elect yourself to be Jewish but you do elect to be a believer. Throughout the NT books, the elect refers to believers, not Jews - Col 3:12; Ti 1:1; 2Jn 1:1, etc.)
So if Jesus expected believers to be on the earth for the Great Tribulation and gave them instructions on escaping it, how can there be a pretrib rapture?
There can't...and that's why the study of Petra is so rewarding.
You see, more and more Christians are looking in their Bibles for themselves and finding out what it really says on the rapture timing. This is no easy task; it takes courage, clear thinking and an ability to focus on the few core rapture verses and not get distracted by non-rapture verses many use to argue the pretrib position. The dominance of pretrib rapture belief makes even the best of us doubt what we're seeing in our own Bibles. Especially when we have to then provide an alternate answer to how we are saved from the Great Tribulation.
Yet it's plain what we read. The Bible says our gathering to heaven comes "after the tribulation of those days" (Mt 24:29-31). Or stated in another way, that the "man of sin" (Antichrist) comes "first" and then "the day of Christ and our gathering to him" (2Th 2:1-3). When Revelation calls the resurrection of the just to rule during the Millennium the "first" resurrection (Rev 20:5), it puts Paul's first resurrection/rapture event of the "dead" and "alive" "in Christ" (1Th 4:15-17) squarely at the start of the Millennium, or post-trib.
Now what is there in the Bible as an the alternative to a "pretrib rapture" for saving believers from the Great Tribulation?
That's where even the false theory of Petra is helpful. Although it is false, it is much closer to the truth than the pretrib rapture is! It gets you at least looking in the right direction and part of the right location as we shall see finally.
Where the Real "Place of Safety" Is
Once you get the pretrib rapture and Petra theory out of your mind, you will be able to finally see what plain Scripture says God plans to do to help us "escape all these things" (Lk 21:36).
Bible prophecy offers one place in connection with the Antichrist's domination of the world which it says he cannot take over. It is not Petra, or, at least, not exactly Petra. You can see it in Daniel's prophecy of the King of the North (the Antichrist):
Daniel 11:41 — He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
OK, that looks like three places, right? In ancient biblical times it was.
But in modern times there is one nation encompassing those exact three peoples. You may have already guessed it from the name Ammon. As in the capital of Jordan.
Jordan is the one and only place named as escaping from the Antichrist's grasp. Ironically, it includes Petra. But it includes much, much more land than that. Enough to hold the millions of believers who have the faith of Jesus and obey God's command to flee home and gather elsewhere (Rev 18:4 = Joel 2:32 = Rev 12:14).
But what makes Jordan so safe that God chose it? High elevation? Defensively advantageous natural rock formations? None, but none is needed.
Revelation 12 describes this "prepared place" as being supernaturally protected. Nothing less would suffice when you consider we're talking about the Antichrist with the power of Satan (Rev 13:2). When the faithful flee there with God's providential help (pictured as "eagle's wings") (Ex 19:4 = Rev 12:14), the earth miraculously opens up and swallows the Antichrist's armies.
Objections and Questions Answered
Now you probably have the following questions:
- Q. What about Bozrah?
A. Like Petra, Bozrah is part of Jordan, so what I'm saying here does not negate those theories completely, just expands them to the whole truth). - Q. Isn't Jordan a Muslim country? What about the Jordanians there?
A. Jordan will be evacuated after the country is laid waste in the attack against Israel. - Q. Will we need passports?
A. Things will be normal when we leave, pre-Wormwood and therefore passports will be needed. - Q. How do we know when it's time to go?
A. God must send some prophet since no man knows the day or hour. - Q. How much time do we have?
A. I think we won't see the prophet until the 2020s at the earliest. - Q. How do we prepare?
A. Build your faith to obey radical commands of God. - Q. Who will be left to evangelize the lost during the Tribulation?
A. The 144,000 will be supernaturally protected to witness even with the Antichrist in power.
By the way, before we go to Jordan we first are gathered to Judea. That's why Jesus said "those in Judea flee to the mountains" (to Jordan which is over the mountains from Judea) (Mt 24:16).
- For more on those and other questions, read my previous article on the faith it will take to go to Judea and Jordan.
- For how Psalm 91 describes the place we go to before Jordan, see my article on Psalm 91 in Prophecy.
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Tim McHyde
Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.
[…] (Basado en parte en https://escapeallthesethings.com/petra-bible-prophecy/) […]
ReplyI arrived here looking for Petra in the Bible …
Is it conceivable that Petra is a launching point for a handful of Prepared places to take the fleeing Messianic Jews?
I just had a conversation with a fellow who is doing this very thing in one of these 7 places … a couple thousand miles from Petra.
I don’t believe every Believer has to reach Ammon or Petra or any other place physically. Every Believer DOES need to be spiritually prepared for the wrath of the Dragon, in order to receive the Holy Spirit in a measure never before “poured-out” for that protection, provision … and testimony.
Church persecution has historically been the greatest periods of increase in response to the shared Gospel. I believe seeing The Church, the REAL Church protected miraculously will be the testimony for those remaining few lost human souls to invite Jesus Christ to be their personal Lord and Savior …
When the last one repents and believes … then it’s “go home” time … time to fly.
Thanks for this page/comments.
ReplyThere is no doubt Petra is the place where the Jews who escape Israel will be hidden. And it’s not the 144,000, it’s the third remnant that is nationally saved, about 5-6 million Jews. It has absolutely nothing to do with the church which isn’t even on earth at this time, having been raptured before the necessary peace accord. Petra is the ONLY place that meets all the criteria Jesus gave and it’s the place He comes from after He finishes rescuing Jerusalem. Apparently, some of you have never read Isaiah 63
Reply1/3 of Israel will not all fit into the area of Petra.No where does it say Petra is the place. There may be a couple hints but all the NT says is that a place will be prepared. They will flee to the mountains, could be east of Hebron too. Some might make as far as the Petra area but not all.
ReplyHi Tim, I think you are on to something. Last year I had a vision. I was awake laying in my bed and closed my eyes. Once I closed my eyes I started to see a picture of a place that I had never seen or been to. It was the exact picture of Petra. It looked like I was watching television. Then it came to this place in Petra that had a square cut out at the top of the building and right in the middle of the square I saw the Lord standing there. I knew immediately it was God because it was a image or shape of a person but no feathers like eyes and nose because the image was all light! I didn’t know it was Petra until the vision was over and I researched to find out where it was and what it meant and then found out it was Petra. I think Petra is where God will send his people to be protected.
ReplyYou’re date setting – exactly what the Bible calls “False Prophets”!
ReplyRichard, the prophets of God set dates (Jonah, et al.); are they false, then? They were only false if it did not come to pass, yes (Dt 18:22)? Please do judge (1Co 14:29) but give me time before you condemn, ok?
Reply?? ??
Besides, you AREN’T setting any dates. You just keep sharing that you BELIEVE Yeshus will come back in 2030 (and some other things must and will come to pass before that great day).
Sharing one’s beliefs and discernment with others isn’t the same as date setting.
Silke, sure, I have set dates based on the dream revelation I receive. Unlike the rest, I do not invent prophecies or Bible calculations to justify them, nor do I try to scare or warn people with the dates. I just share prophecy I think I’ve received for others to judge and confirm (1Co 14:29). So it is date-setting, but with no pressure or attention-seeking.
ReplyTim, I guess my definition of date-setting is different from yours, hence my misunderstanding – sorry.
For me it is date-setting when someone says that something significant is going to happen on, let’s say, August 16 this year. That’s a specific date.
What you do is saying that something significant will MOST PROBABLY happen in 2026, which is just a year but no date since you don’t give a day, not even a month!
I hope I’ve made my point clearer now. 🙂
Silke, your point was not unclear but maybe mine was: I’m telling you it’s all “date-setting” the minute you attach a date to a prophecy, Biblical or invented. All people repeat or think is “Tim McHyde said 2030” without any of the qualifications like you describe remembered or attached. Anyone sharing their convictions on timing quickly learns this and must be ready to be rejected by Christians sensitive to any date-setting who do not realize Jesus never outlawed date-setting or that would blacklist God’s prophets.
Replyno man knows the day nor the hour …
but in the previous 4 verses, Jesus clearly states … you WILL know the season if you’re paying attention.
4 seasons in a year. So … prophesying 2026 is NOT beyond the scope.
Noah was told 120 years.
Abraham 400 years
Moses 40 years
Jeremiah 70 years
and JESUS HIMSELF through the wonder of the Hebrew language and number associations, told the 1st Gen church “No stone here will be left unturned” … 40 years until the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD. That’s why no Believers were killed.
They were prepared with the knowledge Jesus gave them (us) in advance and in total.
I understand 2026, too, Mr. McHyde. 7 different timelines. 2 from Daniel, 1 from Ezekiel, Creation timeline, Dispensational timeline, Moses’ timeline, Jubilee timeline
ReplyGood stuff, I don’t know if I can get a passport in time, but hey someone has to be a martyr. Anyway just wanted to say great job keep it up and God bless everyone trying to seek the Lord with all their hearts.
ReplyJoe, the deadline for now looks like 2026 which is eight years. That’s plenty of time for passport processing that takes only a couple weeks.
ReplyJohn Shorey, in Window of the Lord’s Return, makes a good case for a mid-tribulation rapture, for those that care to look into it. Joel Richardson in his books and dvds makes a good case for an Islamic anti-Christ and that Mystery Babylon is Mecca or Saudi Arabia. I think Joel likes the Petra refuge idea but I never have thought that made any sense, as pointed out in this article. Just wanted to throw these ideas out for consideration. I have an issue with the idea that the Jews will be forced out of Israel once they return. According to Amos 9:15 they won’t be kicked out ever again once they return, which they have. Israel might be their place of refuge in the wilderness. Israel is pretty much in a wilderness and Jews are returning from all over the world “on the wings of a great eagle.” In Revelation 12, the people the anti-Christ pursues once he gives up temporarily on the natural born children of the woman (ethnic Jews in Israel) are the adopted ones who follow Jesus. That could be during the first half of the tribulation. I don’t think the adopted ones replace the natural born Jews but are in addition to them. Replacement theology doesn’t hold much water with me. See Joel Richardson’s When A Jew Rules the World for more info on that. Thanks for the article. Very interesting.
ReplyHello Tim, First of all let me thank you so much for what you do,..all your years of diligent Bible study and wonderful knowledge that the Lord has allowed you to gain and share is just an answer to prayer for so many of us,..I was one that always had a hard time understanding it, and unfortunately did not have nearly the patience nor the time to steadily try…But Now I am truly trying to find my way through prayer and proper guidance and I feel the Lord led me to your site because I constantly pray to learn his word and not be fooled or misled,..so thank you very much to you and Katrina.
Now that said I am interested in one certain subject from the Bible that is written and wondered if you have ever touched on it or written your thoughts or views on it,..It is the one where God says “Do Not Love Things Of This World”,…Are we not to have hobbies or enjoy things in our life ?…Like Video games, Coin collecting Doll collecting Comic Book collecting,..You know things like that,…Could you please share what you take from these passages and your views as to waht God is really saying hear?…Thank you so much.
ReplyAmazing. I feel like God is answering my prayers with your wisdom
ReplyHello Tim,
It’s been a while since I emailed you regarding Revelation but after watching the video you posted about America being “Mystery Babylon” years ago it has always concerned me that it doesn’t make “complete sense”. I can definitely see how America could fit this picture, but so could several other countries if you see Mystery Babylon as an actual country.
I’m not very good at explaining things so I would like to refer a book by Roland L. Back and Michael A. H. Back called “What is the AntiChrist Islam Connection?” which makes more sense than any other interpretation of this prophecy that I have read or watched. You may have already read or know about this idea so I apologize if you have, but I would really like to hear your opinion on this concept. The book is extremely detailed regarding meaning of The Book of Daniel and Revelation so typing all the pages that are important for this point would be overwhelming for me. But in short, “Babylon the Great, Mystery Babylon, and The Mother of Prostitutes” is Islam and not America. After reading this it was obvious to me as well. Everything fit within the context of Revelation and the Book of Daniel. To believe that America is “Mystery Babylon” would almost be a bit conceited. America is not that special. Even though I agree that America has moral-issues, so does every country in the world.
I realize you are extremely busy and can’t answer everyone each time they have a thought, but I believe this does warrant a second look.
Thank you,
Bill, I’ve looked at the Mystery Babylon question more than twice already. It’s been ongoing for decades. When you focus on the clearest most specific identity passages it begins to eliminate all these “several other countries” that seem to fit off the weaker identity passages. For example, Islam does not have a mother country nor a deep sea water port. There are so many more literal characteristics that rule out Islam and everyone else but America.
ReplyHi Tim,
Hope to find you and the family well. Let’s start on something that could be a bit confusing. Under Zechariah 14 in your article you say that only the faithful will escape. The Jews who are faithful to Judaism are in fact anti-Christ and can not be called faithful Christians. Christians that are from Israel origin can not be called Jews as they are not faithful to Judaism, but could be faithful Christians.
Hendrik, “the faithful” is a term used in the Bible for those with faith in God’s will/word (Mt 24:45; 25:21; Lk 12:42). It has nothing to do with their religion although religion typically greatly hinders faith in God’s word.
ReplyHey Tim. You probably remember me from the email, but if you don’t, just know I have changed a lot. I’ve became a Christian just this early October. I started reading the New Testament, from Matthew to now 1st Peter in the Geneva Bible (My first ever Study Bible :P)
Anyways, you know, besides my earnest prayer to find God, to seek God and know Him, to meet Him, (I heard Paul Washer’s testimony..) I have been praying about escaping from all these things, as your website is named. However, I believe there is a fundamental issue I wish you can address.
I am a 14 year old living in Las Vegas, Nevada. My family is not religious and will probably hate me going, and they will probably not let me go! (Although I will still obey God and leave when the prophet comes..) Anyway, I do have a problem.. So how am I supposed to get to Jordan, all by myself as a 14 year old? I don’t think this looks good for me, but nevertheless I will still seek the Lord. I just feel slightly uneased at this fact.. but surely God will find a way for me.
And even if I cannot go, or if in God’s will I may be martyred, I do pray I have the faith to persevere through such obstacles. Praise the Lord! (Although I really, really do wish to escape from all these things. Sounds awfully terrible!)
I give you my sincerest thanks for helping us all out. I am still like a blind fool but with your website I am up to date and (hopefully!) know what to do when the Prophet comes..
I hope to hear from you soon,
Park [last name]
Park, your question is very common and addressed in my previous article on escaping by faith with God’s help including an expected aliyah program.
ReplyThis is very touching and am so thrilled to read this article. For the past 30 years I firmly believed this – and it is one of the great puzzles in the Bible. Once we do, many unclear passages in the Bible lightens up.
ReplyMy question is if the rapture occurs post-trib then when does the marriage feast occur, and with who? Do those same ruptured saints reign with Jesus in the Millennium? If so, that means they get ruptured to come right back to the Millenium. And then my other question is, who is left at the end to move into the millennial age? All humans that didn’t recieve the mark?
Sorry for all the questions, I am truly trying to understand your timeline.
ReplyThe marriage supper seems to occur right after the rapture while we are up in heaven (Rev 16). See my video outlining when the rapture and wrath happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3WYhBcSBDA
1/3 survive the wrath of God and these are the ones populating the Millennium: http://timmchyde.com/who-will-be-left-for-us-to-rule-in-the-millennium/
ReplyI agree with you on this very important issue and it will be very hard to leave unbelieving loved ones behind and especially my grandchildren who are still very small. So comforting to know that we are in merciful hands!
ReplyWith all the searching and studying everything I can get my hands on…..I do not believe in pre-trib as I mentioned to you before……Finding our safety place has always been a question……but amazingly I am with you 100% on being simple, learning how to be humble and seek the will of God……Everyone is living a life of ease thinking they are not going through any trials…..For myself I count all trials a blessing because it makes me strong for the day I have to face the trials………..My faith is strong and I study and strive to become more humble and willing to be at Gods will…….my motive is if he feed his people those 40 yrs and as he say with the sparrow I have no doubt that I can go through whatever and trust my God to have me prepared to suffer whatever to please him…..I will go back over this compare with scriptures and research over and over to help me understand and seek his truth……Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge……God be with us all in the times…….
One thing I do question for sure if there will be millions of Christians……we are traveling a narrow road and I might could find 5 at the most of my friends that come even close to believing like I do and that they will not be pre-trib………I pray there will be millions but yes I have doubts…….I will be sending a donation to help in this ministry……God bless you all and thank you for the knowledge……Merle Hester
Merle, you are blessed to find and understand these answers to the questions you have. Thank you for your support, it helps me get more I have to share out to you and others who are looking for better answers than they are finding out there now. God bless you, brother.
ReplyAin’t it funny that you describe Israel as those who keep the commandments and believe HaMashiac? And how this don’t fit the people in that land today? That’s because they’re not Israel! You’re looking at the synagogue of HaSatan! We they real Yahudah and Ephraim, have just awaken. You better wake up too!
ReplyAsher, what you are describing is the Khazar Jew conspiracy which has been debunked.