How We Escape the Great Tribulation: Faith, not a Rapture (In 3 Phases)

Most Christians assume they automatically qualify to escape the Great Tribulation by a "pretrib rapture." But if that’s so, then who are the believers that the Antichrist beheads? Find out why God’s end-times escape plan will require something few Christians have: sacrifice and faith. Learn how to fix that, be ready for the end times and escape it with God’s help.

This article came about because a reader asked me to explain the mysterious beheading of saints in the Great Tribulation:


I was just reading Rev. 20:4 where John describes faithful followers of Christ who were beheaded in part for not worshiping the beast or taking his mark. Here's my question: If the faithful have been led to a safe place by the end-times Elijah, then who are all those that get beheaded for being faithful in the face of the Antichrist's onslaught?

- Derrel

Who is Left Behind For the Antichrist to Behead?

Revelation 20:4 — And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

It is unmistakable that this passage is talking about tribulation saints because it says they were beheaded instead of worshiping the beast (Antichrist) and taking the mark of the beast. How is this possible?

I doubt a single Christian seriously believes that God will leave believers without a way to escape from the Antichrist. Whether they believe in a pretrib rapture to heaven or the "place prepared in the wilderness" on earth (Rev 12:6), or something else, they are sure believers won't have to die in the Great Tribulation.

Therefore, this passage in Revelation about saints being beheaded in the Great Tribulation (Rev 20:4) raises a hard question:

Who are the saints who the Antichrist beheads? Or is this beheading verse misinterpreted as it does not explicitly state that the Antichrist uses beheading...?

This implication that believers are on earth for the Great Tribulation to be caught and killed by the Antichrist is consistent with what Jesus said in the Olivet Discourse about believers in the end time:

Matthew 24:9-10 - Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another..

Notice how many times Jesus says "you," making sure that his disciples know they will take part in the slaughter of the Great Tribulation, the time when all nations hate believers who the Antichrist has demonized. In fact, the way it sounds, believers are the main target of the Antichrist. This would make perfect sense, as why does the Antichrist need to kill those who do not follow Jesus and are ready to accept him as their god (2Th 2:4)?

What About the Pretrib "Left Behind" Explanation?

Jesus' statement above is problematic for the pretrib rapture position. This position states that all believers are automatically airlifted out before the Great Tribulation hits. That does not mean they do not try to solve this problem. The answer they give is that Jesus was "speaking to the Jews" and "the Great Tribulation only applies to the Jews."

You have probably heard this explanation popularized in the Left Behind book and movie series. It argues that the believers who the Antichrist kills are actually non-believers, especially Jewish ones, who convert after witnessing believers go up in the rapture. In other words, for pretribbers, when Jesus says "you," he is referring to the Jewish nationality of those he was speaking to, the Jewish people, not pretrib believers.

Yet, if Jesus was talking about former non-believers, then why didn't he say something like "then after you are taken out, the Jews/unbelievers left who later convert will be hated and killed"? Instead, Jesus unmistakably addressed his own followers at the time, who were believers. He did not say "you Jews;" simply "you" meaning believers regardless of race (Gal 3:28).

The only time Jesus singles out the Jews for a curse is when he speaks of the disaster that would befall that "wicked unbelieving generation." This referred to the temple destruction and exile of Jews from Judah that happened exactly 40 years later before that generation "passed" (Mt 23:36=24:34).

Although the Jews alone were the target of that local first century tribulation, as Jesus said, he never singled them out for the end time Great Tribulation. That's good because, if he had, it would contradict Revelation, which describes the Great Tribulation as global and encompassing "all peoples, tongues, nations and races" (Rev 13:7) not just "Jews and unbelievers" as the pretrib rapture view depicts. That's a big problem for the "The Tribulation is only for the Jews" view.

The Obvious Source For Tribulation Believers

The best answer to who the Antichrist kills (by beheading or otherwise) is that there must be a sizable contingent of today's believers "left behind" who simply do not take part in God's escape plan. This is exactly what would happen if God's escape plan were not automatic but required a lot more than what most Christians are used to sacrificing (an hour away from home on Sunday).

Article continues below...

"Depart From Me, I Never Knew you!" - Jesus

Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. So...who are they and what did they miss or do wrong? In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself!

Unfortunately, that's what end time Bible prophecy describes. Instead of an automatic, effortless escape like popular Christian pretrib rapture eschatology depicts, the Revelation describes a voluntary move over great distances to a safe place prepared to feed the saints for the entire 3½ year tribulation (Rev 12:14):

Revelation 12:13-17 — 12 When the dragon saw that he had been thrown to earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. 14 The woman was given two wings of a great eagle, so that she could fly from the serpent’s presence to her place in the wilderness, where she was fed for a time, times, and half a time. 15 From his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river flowing after the woman, to sweep her away in a torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman. The earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river that the dragon had spewed from his mouth. 17 So the dragon was furious with the woman and left to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and have the testimony about Jesus.

First, note that the Woman represents believers or those who "have the testimony of Jesus." (If you doubt that, see my article explaining this). Note also that there is no mention of "heaven" in God's escape plan for the saints; only earth. The plan entails helping God's saints to travel to a place prepared on "earth." Satan's tribulation forces try to attack that place, but the "earth" helps the woman by swallowing up his forces, reminiscent of how Korah was dealt with when he rebelled against Moses (Nu 16:23).

Finally, don't mistake those eagle's wings for another form of easy airlift like the "pretrib rapture." The eagle's wings are code for God's supernatural aid, just like God provided for Israel's exodus from Egypt (Ex 19:4 = Rev 12:14). Remember how they walked across the Red Sea, got water from the rock, and ate manna from heaven and their shoes never wore out (Dt 29:5). We will also have to walk, "plane, train and automobile" it to where God leads with his help against any obstacles, thankfully (which we'll all need in some form).

In summary, the escape plan of God for the saints revealed in the Bible is to move to a protected place on earth, not to heaven.

Q. Who will evangelize the lost after they leave?

A. God has a plan for that. The 144,000 will have supernatural protection to go out and witness to the world during the Great Tribulation before that, starting when Wormwood happens. Revelation 7 shows them being sealed right as Wormwood's passage begins.

The Challenges With God's Plan

So why would some choose to stay behind and not take part in God's plan? Unlike with a hypothetical automatic pretrib rapture, there are several challenges with God's plan as follows:

  1. Not Hearing? — One challenge of God's plan is that it requires getting the word out to believers across the globe. If people do not hear about this opportunity, they cannot take part in it. Yet, it seems like God has that covered between the promised Elijah prophet (Mal 4:5-6), the 144,000 protected witnesses (Rev 7, 14) and the three angels' messages (Rev 14:6–12). Note, too, that the call for God's people to leave Babylon is also sent from heaven (Rev 18:4=Jer 50:8=Jer 51:45). With the Internet, the rumor of God's escape plan starting two years before it's time to go (Jer 51:46) will no doubt go viral and reach every corner of the globe.
  2. No Money? — Another challenge is the cost of transcontinental travel for a family. If God is gathering his saints to be protected in one place, he had better be able to help them quite a bit with the undertaking. Thankfully, God has that covered, too, as the "eagle's wings" divine provision mentioned above suggests. What will this "eagle's wings" help look like? People have asked me for years and I think I finally have a good answer: Just as the Israeli government has a funded "aliyah" program to help regather lost Jews scattered in other countries to immigrate to Israel, I think God will have Christian leaders set up a similar migration assistance program for getting to the prepared place. (Below I will explain why this program will be abuse-free because nobody in their "right" mind (lacking faith) would want to go where the "aliyah" program will send you.)
  3. Sacrifice — The first real cause for people to turn down God's plan would be the great sacrifice it entails. Moving to God's prepared place requires you to leave your home, country, family, friends and nearly all your possessions. This is the same great sacrifice God asked Abraham to make, in more ways than one. After Abraham left his father and country, God even asked him to give up his only son. Similarly, when God sends the command for us to leave, many of our believing and unbelieving friends and family will decide not to go, including adult grown children. Just like Abraham, we'll have to give them up for God. For some people nothing is more important than family, and this is a huge ask. The question for them at that time will be whether family is more important than God to them.

Why I Think Most Christians Will Willingly Stay Behind

Besides the difficult sacrifice God's escape plan demands, I think there is a bigger reason why so many believers will be left behind to face the Antichrist. This is hinted at in the following verse:

Luke 18:8 - I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

Jesus would not ask about faith unless a lack of it was going to be an issue. (Just as he would not tell us not to judge unless it was not something we all have a natural tendency to do.)

While all Christians believe in God and Jesus, not all of them have learned how to rely on God and "walk through the fire" in faith; like, for example Daniel's three friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did. If you take modern, materialistic, distracted, rich (relative to all ancient peoples) Christians and put them in the same situation, would even 10 out of 100 have the faith to choose the furnace over bowing to the idol statue? I have serious concerns about that.

Making matters worse, faithless Christians have always had their religious leaders to reassure them of what they want to hear (2Tim 4:3). The popularity of the pretrib rapture fantasy is the chief modern example of this old unhealthy dynamic. When Elijah comes telling people God says to move, most church pastors will counter with, "You're safe in Jesus wherever you are until the rapture comes. No need to move overseas like that crazy lunatic Elijah-guy is saying!"

Our "Fiery Furnace:" Nuclear Fallout

What I find fascinating is how similar the situation that Daniel's three friends faced is to the scenario of the end times that all saints will face because of the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist.

Many before me have compared the enforced idolatry under Nebuchadnezzar (who made a giant statue of himself) to the enforced idolatry of the Antichrist (using the image of the Beast, also a statue of himself, the Beast/Antichrist) (Rev 13:15). Yet the end time parallel to Daniel 3's story does not stop at the idol statue (Dan 3:5=Rev 13:15). It also includes an equivalent to the fiery furnace that God's three faithful servants were confronted with (Dan 3:6).

Ironically enough, the place that the Bible describes in Daniel 11 as the only country that is safe from the Antichrist and where the saints are protected (per Revelation 12:14) is slated to be nuked by Israel during the upcoming coalition attack on Israel by her Arab and Muslim neighbors. (See my book for all the verses showing this or start with my article on the M.E. nuclear war.)

But even before the Great Tribulation, we will be called to Israel, which is next door to the nuclear fallout from the coming destruction of Damascus, Syria (Isaiah 17:1). There may even be nuclear fallout in Israel itself based on the severe casualties suffered in the north of Israel (Ephraim) bordering Syria according to the description of Isaiah (Isaiah 17:3,6).

In other words, when the end time prophet comes and announces to the world that Wormwood and the Antichrist are coming soon, the place he directs the faithful to go first will be near a radioactive land—or even have radioactive land itself! Just like Israel had to walk by faith through the bottom of the Red Sea with walls of water on each side, we will be called to go to a place that seems unsafe and makes no sense to our natural instincts. It will take faith to obey.

Sadly, I expect that most believers in the end times will not have the faith to both A) pick up and leave their homeland (like Abraham did) and B) go to an apparently inhospitable place (like Daniel's three friends did). At the time they will be told to abandon their homes, things will probably look just like they do today; business as usual. The tribulation will not have started yet. Wormwood will not have passed by or even become visible. So many will ask, "why leave?"

In fact, it will probably seem foolish to the natural mind and take a "leap of faith" to undertake God's plan to get out of range from the Antichrist and avoid beheading.

This is why I said above that if there is an aliyah program for believers to get to safety, it won't be abused. Only the faithful will go and further, these faithful must also be able to let go of their life, country, family, friends and "stuff" for God. That's a lot to ask a rich, comfortable Laodicean Christian (Rev 3:14-22).

Edit: 10 Obstacles Against Us Going

Nuclear fallout and a lack of faith are key reasons people may not obey God's end time escape plan, but that's only the beginning. I later identified several more.

To know better what will be against you so you can better prepare now, see my later article on 10 reasons you may not escape and also my article on why people feel (emotionally) like the idea of staying behind.

Update: A Reader Asks "What About Institutionalized People?"

I had this emailed question:

What about the millions of people in medical facilities, hospitals, jails, and orphanages and institutions around the world,  let alone the helpless who cannot possibly help themselves who reside in institutions where they are taken care of? — Geraldine

What comes to mind as I read this question is the story of when Peter was "institutionalized" (Acts 12). He had been put in jail by Herod and was to be executed. The church was praying and God sent an angel to break him out. Dramatically, he then shows up at the doorstep of the group praying for him!

This is not just because Peter was an apostle on a mission that had not been completed yet. Christians have seen unlikely deliverance like this throughout history.  Christians have been healed throughout history of unhealable conditions and released from hospitals and mental institutions. Orphans have been adopted against all odds.

My point is this: If God is going to command the righteous to flee (Rev 18:4) and some of those faithful respond because they want to obey need deliverance, then God will surely intervene. Given the death sentence for being left stuck where you are and the great faith to leave your country, God will be responding.

Really, if you think about it, God must help everyone to obey this command on some level whether it is financially, medically, legally, emotionally or what have you. It's a big ask for all that he must help us with, which he can no matter the circumstance. As Gabriel told Zechariah when he scoffed at his prophecy about him having a child at his advanced age, "For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

Three Phases: 2022, 2024 and 2027

As you seriously consider the move challenge described above and start preparing mentally for it, you may be curious to understand better how it all maps out. I have recently come to understand the total escape to consist of three phases. Further, thanks to revelation I received in a few divine dreams, I can tell you the years that I am convinced each phase will begin:

  • Phase 1: 2022/Judea — In 2018, I finally got to thinking more on the logistics of Judea. From that I saw that pioneers and workers must be called to Judea first to set up the camp for those coming later when Elijah warns. This would only be possible once and probably very soon after the Damascus destruction war opens immigration to Israel to non-Jews finally. Based on my dreams, I was convinced for several years that my family was moving to Israel in 2022. The pioneer insight tells me we won't be alone in 2022. I expect these pioneering workers will no doubt be arriving then, too. How many it will be, I have no idea yet. But it seems reasonable how 2022 gives two years of to finish the preparations for Phase 2.
  • Phase 2: 2024/Judea — This is the key phase for Elijah's two years (Jer 51:46) of calling the faithful throughout the entire world (Mt 24:14) to safety in Jerusalem (Jer 51:45)/Judea from WW3 and Wormwood. Obviously, most of those who escape to Judea will come in this phase. And if human nature does not change before then, it's a safe bet that the bulk will arrive at the very end of the phase, right before Wormwood materializes in the sky (from Heaven), on or around Pentecost, 2026.
  • Phase 3: 2027/Jordan — This is the 1260 day/42 month phase that Revelation 12 describes exclusively as the protection and feeding of the Woman, taking place in Jordan. I expect 100% of this group will come from Judea as Jesus commanded (Mt 24:16). But perhaps some special saints will show up in Jordan from other far-flung places with some jaw-dropping stories to tell, such as teleportation like Philip (Acts 8:39).

For more in my supporter study talking about all my dreams and what they point to in 2022.

Q: Judea: "Will demons be joining us there?"

A supporter asked me this question after we had been at fellowship together and it took me by surprise. I had never been asked or considered this. It's a good question. Her obvious concern was, with all the other challenges she understood from reading the material above even in being in Judea that (could kill you), could we at least be safe in knowing that we will have a break from the demons that influence us by inspiring evil thoughts in us (generally without us even knowing they were not our thoughts)?

After thinking about it, I could think of no verse that tells us one way or the other. Phase 3 in Jordan we are only promised that the attacks of Satan intended to kill the saints ("the Woman") will be neutralized (Rev 12:16). There's nothing about protection from demons or their evil thoughts.

For Phases 1 and 2 in Judea, we do not even have a promise of that. Of course, there is no need for that because at that early time, Satan will not be ruling the earth through the Antichrist yet and out to mark or martyr everyone.

Therefore, given no evidence against it, it is my opinion that, yes, we'll still have demons around us stirring things up in the camp. However, like I told the supporter, it's not like it's any different than today. And, perhaps more importantly, the influence of demons is much, much less than the influence of our own ego, evil heart and intentions.

That's why I put together the end time escape checklist to help everyone systematically find those "inner demons" lurking undiscovered or unaddressed even now after all these years you've been a "Christian" or supposed follower of Christ's teachings (Lk 6:46).

Q: Judea: "Where will the 144,000 be sealed? Temple Mount? Or?"

Another insight from 2018 changed my thinking on the definition of Mt. Zion in Revelation 14.

"Mt. Zion" has a few valid definitions depending on context and the time of the writing of the Jewish text using it. That's because the term's meaning has evolved over the centuries. It could refer to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, or the greater surrounding Judea area.

When I read this passage about the 144,000 directly after their sealing (Rev 7:3-8)...

Revelation 14:1 — Then I looked, and there on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with Him were 144,000 who had His name and His Father's name written on their foreheads.

...I fell into the conclusion that surely such a momentous event should be on the Temple Mount. (Know the Future 8th edition still says this.)

However, with the new insights in 2018 from my dreams, I am of the opinion now that Mt. Zion there is intended the same as Joel 2:32's Mt.Zion/Jerusalem/Judea (Mt 24:16). It's the camp of the saints protected from WW3 and Wormwood (from Phase 1 and 2 above) in Judea.

This means today I think the 144,000 will be taken from among those approximately <1M faithful in Judea who obeyed God's command despite the many obstacles. How will they get to their assigned countries with the infrastructure down? Probably the same way Philip left the Eunuch (Acts 8:39).


The mystery of why end time prophecies predict believers being hated, beheaded and killed by the Antichrist is only a problem for those believing the pretrib rapture doctrine. God's actual end time terrestrial escape plan revealed in Revelation won't be so automatic and easy leading to many Christians to reject it and miss out on God's protection.

Knowing this, how do we make sure we avoid being one of those making the wrong choice and being beheaded by the Antichrist? By focusing on developing the faith and ability to sacrifice today, we will be ready when that day comes in the future.

Jesus gave good advice on how to do that in Luke 21:36: "pray always that you may have the strength to escape all these things and stand before the son of man." What strength? Escaping to safety with God is not a matter of physical strength, so we can rule that out. The strength required is mental faith in God and strength to leave things behind (Lk 18:8). If you fear you lack either of those attributes needed for the end time escape, then start praying every day about it. God will hear and answer that prayer.

To get good at faith and sacrifice, you also need to practice it in progressively bigger ways. He that is not faithful in little is not faithful in much (Lk 16:10). If you can't start making sacrifices today for yourself and others now, then how can you do it for God later? All the heroes of the Bible had to exercise faith and sacrifice along with being righteous. You can get there too with focus, prayer and practice.

For where the place indicated in the Bible that God will protect and call the faithful to, read Petra in Bible Prophecy.

Note: After reading this if you feel like you can use some help in recognizing the coming true prophet of God, given all the false prophets we've all seen and also the False Prophet coming, check out this article where I teach on identifying Elijah.

Update: "Should We Buy Real Estate In Jordan?"

A reader emailed me some questions that I answered and told me the responses were very helpful and comforting. So I am including the exchange here.


Makes me wonder if we should buy real estate in Jordan? just wondering. looking ahead.


No need to buy! The land will be purposely cleared out of the Jordanians by the Isaiah 17 nuclear war. It's not the Jordanian's land anyway but Israel's land by birthright (from the Wadi el-Arish in the Sinai Peninsula to the Euphrates in Iraq - Gen 15:18). The saints will have squatting rights there for 3½ years until Israel is given their land back in the Millennium when the Messiah regathers them.


That is awesome to know that we will have squatting rights...I'm not sure on the timeline what year that might begin to be available...(e.g. from what year to what year (prior to Israel getting it back). I get that there is a 3½ year window, but do you know the timeline possibilities? (years it could occur)?


Like the article says, after that area gets nuked by Israel in the Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 war, we will be told to go Israel/Judea first (Joel 2:32). Then, by the time the Abomination of Desolation happens, we are to flee to Jordan (Mt 24:16).

On the timeline, the earliest that would be is 2024-2026 with WWIII/Wormwood coming around Summer, 2026—again, at the earliest, assuming 2024-2030 is the Sabbath year cycle that turns out to be the 70th week/final seven years. We would be in Judea from around 2024-2027 and then in Jordan from 2027-2030

(Bear in mind that the 70th Week seven-year covenant of the Ten Rulers and Antichrist gets "cut short" (Mt 24:22) to 6.5 years because Jesus returns in the fall six months before the Sabbath year cycle and 70th Week covenant would end in the spring.)

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About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.

Lowly Bondservant - January 2, 2024

Woman in a basket prophecy

Wesley Whatley - June 20, 2021

Perhaps the faithful who are preparing to answer their 2022/24/26 call to Judea will be provided for from their neighbors as the Israelites and Moses were? The OT is there as instruction and as good examples for us to learn from.

Jeff Baker - June 16, 2021

In thinking about a M.E. nuclear exchange, it seems evident that Tel Aviv, the economic engine of Israel would be a prime target. When I looked a map of the traditional region assigned to Ephriam, it runs west to the Med, with its small stripe of shoreline encompassing the Tel Aviv metroplex. An interesting and terrible scenario to contemplate.

Kelly - July 14, 2020

Wow! Interesting and informative article. I hope that if I am supposed to relocate, that I will be able to. I do not have a passport, nor the means to easily relocate from where I am in Ohio. But, I guess we will see what happens. I will just keep the faith and continue to love and care for my neighbors. People have become increasingly so mean and uncaring as time goes by and it really breaks my heart. Perhaps there is some amazing way to get there that we don’t know about yet.

    Tim McHyde - July 14, 2020

    Kelly, no passport is easily resolved and finances will be provided.

J - June 12, 2020

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your commentary. I feel as though something is missing. The Bible calls this the time of “Jacob’s trouble” or “distress” (Jeremiah 30:7). I think the focus should more be on the people of Israel, rather than this being all about the saints who have been grafted in to the “cultivated olive tree” (Romans 11:24). A correct understanding of purpose is important, lest we get ourselves to the right place (e.g. Jordan) at the right time, but miss the will of God. Will the Church take flight to the Middle East to selfishly find her own escape or will she do so to serve the children of Jacob and be blessed by the King for feeding, clothing, and looking after His brothers and sisters (Matthew 25:34-40) in their greatest time of need?

What are your thoughts?

    Tim McHyde - June 12, 2020

    J, actually the time of Jacob’s trouble is a single day and it is “EVEN” trouble for him, meaning it’s affecting all the world, including God’s prized possession. In other words, the Day of the LORD/Yehovah, or his concluding day of wrath on Yom Kippur is on focus here. The saints are indeed in focus in the end time escape before that day, which is not the Christian church nor the Jews but those few called, chosen and faithful out of all nations, peoples, and tongues (Rev 7:9). Also, it’s not about saving oneself as those with that focus will never make it. It’s about obedience to the Lord Yeshua who commanded us to prepare by praying for the strength to escape all these things (Lk 21:36). Few Christians will pay the great sacrifice required to walk into that escape, it will cost them everything.

      J - June 12, 2020

      Hi Tim,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer and also approve my comment on your site. Besides the verbiage, which could be interpreted as a specified day or a specified time or period (Merriam-Webster), what scripture leads you to say Jacob’s trouble is a single day?

      A reading of Matthew 24:21 (“a great tribulation, such has not occurred since the beginning of the world”) mirrors Jeremiah 30:7 (“for that day is great, there is none like it”). This, which starts in the middle of the 70th week when the Antichrist desecrates the Temple in Jerusalem, implies that the trouble kicks off in Israel (thus “flee to the mountains” in Matthew 24:16). It continues for 3.5 years (Daniel 12:7). Indeed, this will also be a difficult time for the saints (Daniel 7:21).

        Tim McHyde - June 12, 2020

        J, here’s a quote from my Bible Prophecy Glossary answering your question:

        Time of Jacob’s Trouble – Commonly thought to be the first half of the 70th Week or other long periods related to the Great Tribulation. This is actually the same single-day event as Armageddon: The Day of the LORD (Jer 30:6-7=Isa 13:6-9). It’s “even the time of Jacob’s trouble” because “even” Jacob/Israel, God’s favored nation, will suffer in God’s wrath because of the great delusion of the Antichrist and mark of the beast.

      Anthony Hallman - July 18, 2020

      Hello Tim, and thanks so much for sharing your insights.
      Perhaps the following explains the origin of strength:

      Ezra 6:22 and kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with joy, for Yahweh had made them joyful and had turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of God’s house, the God of Israel.

      Neh 8:10 Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of Yahweh is your strength.”

      I pray you have a cup overflowing with blessings!

Andrea Sobreira - May 6, 2020

Hi Tim, do you think while we are in the hiding place we will know what is happening “abroad” like the WWIII or the caos during the GT?? I know it’s not important, I am just curious about it 🙂

    Tim McHyde - May 6, 2020

    Andrea, all satellites and landlines will be down and the electricity to power it. But we already know what will be happening: WW3 and Wormwood on the same day followed by all suffering famine, plague, and violence while we’re being protected.

Gia - April 11, 2020

What about elderly people? We are in our late 70’s. How are we to make this trip to Israel in a few years at this age? How would we receive our pension and social security. We are of very strong faith, but still, how???

    Tim McHyde - April 12, 2020

    Gia, don’t you think ancient Israel had elderly people after 400 years in Egypt, too, when they were commanded to move out? It says none of them were feeble when they left (Ps 105:37 KJV). The same supernatural healing provision must be given again or few will be able to obey the command to leave.

Gabriel Kawa - March 29, 2020

Ok, so I just wanted to clarify a few questions I have. So during this time, there will be two categories of Christians yes? The ones who will be fully protected during this and the ones that will be left behind to go through the trials and tribulations to grow their faith, ultimately their final test being if they worship the beast or not.

James Fulton - September 2, 2019

Hi Tim,
A place of exile is mentioned in the old testament in Micah 2:12-13 and in Isaiah chapter 63. This place is referred to as Bozrah, although many new translations of the bible have left out this name, it can only be found mentioned in maybe around a dozen English bible translations listed on the bible gateway website. In other translations you can find the translated words of the name meaning something like a sheep pen or sheepfold. I’m wondering why this has been left obscured in so many translations, and why no reference is made to it with regards to end-time events. Also would Jacob’s prophesy concerning the Edomites in Genesis 27:39-40 be applicable during this exile period in Revelations (are modern day Edomites going to be prominent players during this time)? They apparently will escape from the Antichrist’s rule and will be left to their own devises. Is it possible that the woman could be ‘held captive’ by them and yet at the same time be protected? Could these be cross reference prophesies regarding the woman and her exile for 3 and half years, a time when she will receive spiritual nurturing and protection in Revelations 12:13-17? The Messiah, Yeshua, would be the “breaker” who would deliver and lead the elect out of the Edomite sheepfold at His second advent. Could it be possible that these verses relate to part of the “mystery” that is revealed in the Revelation prophesies? I’m not quite sure if there is a specific location named Bozrah that can be found on today’s maps, or if like Babylon, it would be a “Mystery Bozrah”, possibly a future secret geopolitical area away from 666. I just have so many questions, and not many answers. I would appreciate your insight on these verses about Bozrah.
(I am still reading my way through your blog from the oldest entry to present. There is so much to learn! I love it!!)

    Tim McHyde - September 2, 2019

    Hi James, thanks for your kind words and giving. Actually, Micah 2:12-13 is not about gathering to a place of end-time protection but regathering in the Millennium. We can be sure because it’s about Jacob/Israel who are not righteous and deserving protection and elsewhere in God’s wrath are scorched along with the rest (Zech 14:14) and how it says their Lord/King leading the way, which is the resurrected David (see Ezekiel 37 and many other parallels about the second exodus of Israel from all nations to restoration in the State of Israel). Hence, the “like a sheep pen” cannot be referring to Bozrah as that would not contain all of them and their land is much greater than that.

Taylor - April 10, 2019

Hi Tim,
what do you think about all of this 2028 END propaganda, and does it line up? Theres a ton of videos and a website and apparently it is gaining a large following.

    Tim McHyde - April 10, 2019

    Taylor, I heard about “2028 end” Gabriel Ansley Erb back in 2015. He still does not seem to know about the sabbath year cycles and that 2028 does not line up with them. Jesus can only return in a sabbath year, like 2023, 2030, 2037, etc. It’s evident to me that with an error like that, he does not have a true insight from God and his date setting is man-made and will fail like all man-made prophecy inventions.

valdemiro de Faria - April 9, 2019

Hi Tim, But the bible says that no one knows , neither the day, notr the time that Jesus will returns, neither Jesus himself. I did not inderstand about the 2030, though there are just predictions right .!

    Tim McHyde - April 9, 2019

    Valdemiro, obviously “no man knows” was specific about one place and time 2000 years ago otherwise was Jesus really saying the end time prophets like coming like Elijah really would not know unlike the OT prophets knew things in advance? Are things “never” known “forever” when he himself said, “when you see the abomination, know…” and Daniel said the abomination is 1290 days from the end and humans do know how to count, don’t they? Read more here on what Jesus meant by no man KNOWS…”

Johan Pretorius - March 24, 2019

Hello Tim, something that’s been in the back of my mind about phase 1 for a while now is who is going to initiate this pioneering move to Judea and also what will the selection process be to elect the first group to move? Surely there must be some communication or awareness to call the people and again also some kind of assistance, support or guidance to get the people going? From my point of view, I am gearing myself up mentally for 2022, but I am not sure at this stage if even from now till then I will be able to make it financially. Finance at this stage is my biggest stumble block in preventing me from going, otherwise I am ready to go anytime if I am part of that phase 1 group. It is good to get some more updates from you again. Time is getting shorter now and I am sure more and more information will start getting through as we draw closer. Blessings to you and Katrina and the two boys.

    Tim McHyde - March 25, 2019

    Johan, I expect Elijah to quietly lead this before starting his high profile Phase 2 global ministry to repentance. The selection process to me could be as simple as: whoever has the money, time and skills to be a help in building instead of a “dependent.” Being more of a dependent is OK for Phase 2 by which I have no doubt there will be an aliyah fund in place for. That Gentile believers are building a settlement in post-war Judea should be hard to miss in Israel/Christian news. Where that places you I don’t know, but finances are a small matter for God if you really belong in Phase 1 with other contributions you can make.

Hendrik Coetzee - March 24, 2019

Hi Tim,
In Matt. 24:29-32 the elect will be gathered from all over. How did they stay protected in the tribulation?

Mark - March 23, 2019

Is it possible that the voice of the angel, calling to “Come out of her, my people” is the same ‘loud voice’ and at the exact same time, that calls both the living and the dead in Christ, worldwide, to all rise and meet the Lord in the clouds,’in the twinkling of an eye’, just as the nukes are nearing their impact? Nobody in the rest of the world would notice the Christians in America being gone after a nuclear holocaust and the missing Christians elsewhere in the world might be less alarming because of the earth shaking event that had just occurred.

I remember Jesus called to Lazarus in a ‘loud’ voice, “Lazarus, come out” and in Thessalonians it says “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a ‘shout’, with the ‘archangel’s voice’, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first”

I do realize that American Christians are probably the least likely to want to leave their own country, especially when so many people struggle just to come to America. Yet, still, I’ve often wondered if the voice that calls God’s people out of “her” in Revelation isn’t more than a command for us to ‘do’ something and just as Jesus voice brought Lazarus back from the dead and out of the tomb, isn’t it possible the loud voice in Revelation is more of an ‘act’ of God than a request for action on our part?
And one more thought. What if it ‘is’ God’s will for Christians to remain in ‘her’ until the last minute, preaching the Gospel to whoever still remains. Jeremiah does indicate an exodus of people to their home countries. Maybe, at that point, it will take more courage to stay here and continue preaching, than it would to leave?

    Tim McHyde - March 24, 2019

    Mark, I would not feel safe to link up prophetic events by a similar loudness of the voice. For sure America is destroyed (6th seal) around four years before the resurrection of the dead happens (7th trumpet), or one seal and 7 trumpets later.

    Regarding the Gospel, I hate to break it to you, but Christians do not and never have taught the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus taught, but a false, counterfeit gospel (Mt 24:4=Mt 7:21-23). God would not use or send them to stay behind and preach more of that falsehood to save the world. It actually prevents people from salvation by leading them into a religious ditch.

    mem - April 5, 2019

    Something I have noticed among some of the Christians today that track the prophetic happenings…some seem to have this entitlement that God would never let a bomb or missile fall on or near them. They then pivot to presuming they will be raptured before a bomb or missile hits them.
    They say things like “when the missiles come down, we go up!”

    I think this view is incredibly narrow minded and myopic. Throughout history, Christians have been killed in horrific ways. There were of course Christian’s at Hiroshima and in most other places that have been bombed or attacked. Yet so many American Christian’s think they are somehow protected from bombs or missiles. They think they are special and somehow God has hallowed the Christian’s living in relative luxury in America. This is so distasteful and detached from biblical, global, and historical reality.

Subin Roy - March 23, 2019


Would there be electricity in the prepared place? Would the people gathered there be able to see the endtime events taking place across the world?
Or will it be some supernatural way in which they would receive the news updates?
Or are they all kept in the dark about worldwide events and they live in their own little world (meaning, isolated from external events)?

Also, if there was electricity (and therefore phones and computers), wouldn’t the ‘faithful’ message others that they have reached safely, thus making more people cultivate enough faith to come?

Blaze - March 23, 2019

Sometimes I think about how much faith I really have. I don’t mind trading this life for a better one. But is that going to be enough? Though I feel like with my name it’d be pretty embarrassing not to walk through fire.
New Living Translation
When his family heard what was happening, they tried to take him away. “He’s out of his mind,” they said.

And then here is kind of a random song about faith.

horst zooberg - October 6, 2018

revelation says the kingdom of god belongs to those who have overcome. if you ask yourself that you will feel unworthy. if you continue reading it says we have overcome by the blood of the lamb. the thief on the cross said remember me when you come in glory. Jesus said today you will be with me in paradise. salvation is for everyone who believes and follows Jesus. there are over 4000 religions in the world but most are false. Jesus said, before abraham was I AM God said said to the Son ” thy throne oh God is forever and ever, a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. if you really want to find the truth you have to look for it and God will steer you to Jesus who rose from the dead.

Jody Finne - May 16, 2018


I think you make a great case for a “Jewish remnant” and the 144,000 sealed that come from the 12 tribes of Israel.

Tim…I have read many of your articles and found new insights from the Sermon on the Mount & Yeshua’s hard teachings. you do a great job in reminding us about God’s wrath, jealousy, judgment and holiness! God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Too many people have cheapened grace and the salvation offered by Yeshua (Jesus). Our hearts will tell the real story on Judgment Day! Do we love Yahweh/Yeshua with all of our heart and mind (faith)? Having no other gods, religions, or idols before him? Do we love other people as ourselves and treat them fairly?

Thank you for allowing different viewpoints and honest dialog on this website! Too many people are offended today for the slightest provocation and want to shutdown or shame publicly if someone has a differing idea, opinion, theology.

Rose - May 8, 2018

I’ve been reading these articles because I’m a young woman afraid of these events… always have been scared of being left behind…

I always have this “I want to have a baby” before the world ends, but now is there even a point? Especially since you’re saying it’s only 9 years away maybe… that’s not a lot of time left. 🙁

Also, if those Christians who aren’t wanting to leave home etc, don’t go to the safe place, does that mean they won’t get eternal life with Jesus in heaven?

Rob Foster - May 3, 2018

Hi Tim. I wonder is it just the beheaded saints who get to live 1000 years with Christ, or everyone alive, and living in safety, in Jordan as well?

    Tim McHyde - May 3, 2018

    Rob, every glorified saint reigns with Christ as the multiple of verses make clear, not just the beheaded ones as reading Rev 20:4 in isolation may make one think.

Mike - April 10, 2018

A testimony that seems to be common knowledge among the Russian-speaking Christian community of British Columbia is that, in Ukraine after the Chernobyl meltdown when produce was commonly contaminated with radioactive fallout, a Christian prayed over his contaminated produce (something like “Lord, bless this food and make it good for the body’s use”) and a radiation meter showed that it changed immediately from radioactive to not radioactive. I think this was done in public and perhaps right at the produce stand, because when someone else saw it, they asked that Christian to pray over their produce, too. And it was also made to be uncontaminated.

I also have radiation detection instruments, and look forward to see if God would give us such clear confirmation of his protection, or whether it would need more faith (as in, the meter reads high.)

    Nanette - April 12, 2018

    Wow Mike this is such an awesome story! We have no reason to be fearful of anything on this earth because God is able to protect us in any way He chooses. God continues to do miracles and I feel sorry for Christians who don’t know this is happening. I guess I want to take this chance to mention a miracle that happened in my home in 1987-88, when God took a little container of cornmeal and made it last all year. I was in poverty and I am a bit ashamed and bashful to say that God provided for me this way, since I am definitely a nobody and not at all worthy of any kind of special miracle from God, but I want to share it with y’all, because I trust you not to “throw shade” on my experience. I cry most times that I think of it, so I don’t tell this very often. But if we are thinking ahead to times when we might not have a modern food supply, then I can testify that God is willing and able to provide manna, even for someone ordinary like me.

Anko Griffioen - February 3, 2018

Thanks for the clear explanation on the faith needed to leave all behind to flee. History shows what damage ridicule and peer pressure can do. Armenian Christians were warned by a genuine prophet for ~50 years that they needed to leave to avoid a terrible massacre. However, by 1914 only 2000 Armenian Christians out of approx 1.5 Million had left Armenia for the USA. These 2000 were ridiculed as they left. Things were good in Armenia, why leave? A year later the approx. 1.5 million skeptics were eliminated by the Turks. They did remain faithful, some singing as churches were locked and burnt down, but they perished prematurely for lack of faith.
This is a good example of what we can expect.
My own Christian sister wrote to me that she’d rather be beheaded than fly to a strange desert.
Hopefully she’ll realise sooner rather than later that her beloved hometown will not be the same for much longer and not is worth holding on to.

John Mande - December 23, 2017


I think it’s interesting that July 4, 2026 is the 250th anniversary of Mystery Babylon.

    Chris Ball - January 4, 2018

    Hi Brother John

    That is an interesting observation you’ve made there. Perhaps the attack that takes down Mystery Babylon happens when it is celebrating it’s 250th year of life on the 4th July 2026. Also I would expect Wormwood to say hello in appearance on that day or very close to that day too if Wormwood is what causes the northern enemy of Mystery Babylon to destroy it. Perhaps 1 Thessalonians 5:3 was talking about Mystery Babylon though it also applies to the Beast empire just before the plagues destroy it.

    Zachary Miller - January 4, 2018

    Based on my understanding (and also mentioned in Tim’s book/website) the “144,000” are more than likely sealed on Pentecost JUST AS the wormwood event is beginning to occur (as per holding back the four winds mentioned in Revelation). If this is true, and the wormwood event takes place in May of 2026 then mystery Babylon would have to be destroyed right before that time (and not after).

Kami - October 20, 2017

That’s because the fall of babylon (US) is not the final judgement but the start of the one world government or beast system where people will get a chip implanted and be beheaded if they do not renounce their faith.

Brad - October 18, 2017

This may be suited better in a different post but ‘rapture’ theology is completely man made. There is no such teaching in scripture. Every argument given in defense of a secret rapture prior to Christ’s second coming is a house of cards in light of context. When Christ comes again, He comes to judge the living and the dead and to restore all things. I highly recommend ‘A Case For Amillennialism’ from Kim Riddlebarger. Blessings…

    Tim McHyde - October 18, 2017

    The post-tribulation rapture is found in the plain literal reading of several statements of Jesus and Paul. Same with a literal, 1000 year future Millennium after Jesus comes and the dead are raised and living raptured. Amillennialism is just like the pretrib rapture theology in that it depends on spiritualizing and allegorizing those passages. The Bible is much more literal than amillenialists, pretribbers and most of us ever thought.

      DANIEL FARRIS - March 17, 2018

      Hey Tim, I enjoy reading your inspirational teachings all the time. They have enriched my faith much. I just wanted to let you know about another teaching out there that is very similar to yours about the END TIME leaving everything behind for the promise land and 2nd Exodus. It’s Monte Judah’s book called the Greater Exodus backed up by much scripture in both old and new testaments! In the book Monte mentions the camps of the righteous that will exist all over the nations making Aliyah to the promise land. And he also mentions the time to leave according to scripture is at a future Passover when we see the abomination of desolation happen. Hope you take a look at such a profound teaching. Thanks for all you do in Yeshua’s name.

        Tim McHyde - March 18, 2018

        Daniel, I am familiar with Monte Judah’s eschatology from my time in Hebrew Roots. It sounds good to Torah keepers, because his idea of a Passover departure and camps of Tabernacles keepers being safe throughout is based on extrapolation, types and shadows from the Torah (such as the 42 camp sites Israel migrated through during the 40 years wilderness punishment). But we have the New Testament prophecies that gives us explicit revelation about the end times that do not fit Monte’s view. Jesus said we leave before the abomination occurs in the winter (not spring) on a Sabbath day. Joel and Daniel talk about a single gathering place for the saints for protection from Wormwood and Antichrist, respectively.

Vickie - October 9, 2017

Hi Tim,
I just found your site today. Hallelujah and Praise YHWH! All my studies and research papers now have an additional witness! Vindication at last!

Apply for your passport today and begin to “tithe to yourself” to have the money to go. Worry not! All the silver, gold, and jewels you will need are your family.

Kescher - October 7, 2017

A new position landed in my laps, I wasn’t looking but it found me. I don’t know why me, it will require me to leave my life here and move to UAE. Is that a good idea, I will be closer to Israel and will definitely drop everything if asked/told.

    Tim McHyde - October 7, 2017

    Kescher, I recommend you judge the job and the move off its own merits not for end time strategy. As the article says, God has a plan to warn the saints fund getting them to safety in plenty of time, no matter where servants of God are in the world including Timbuktu or even NJ!

AnnEz - September 16, 2017

I myself believe that there will be a 2nd Greater Exodus and, even though I’m old, I’m hoping to be part of it! ♡

Amanda - September 6, 2017

Hi Tim. I am somewhat confused because I did not believe in the rapture, then I bought a new living translation application bible that broke down the verses and if I’m not mistaken, in Thessalonians they’re are verses about rapture. Is the bible that I bought not accurate. Also, how can I explain the migration to my husband who does not go to church and my kids who i am trying to lead to Christ who are 11 and 3. I don’t want to scare them as I already am terrified too.

Ken - August 25, 2017

This “theory” of the saints of GOD flying off to a remote part of the world (Jordan?) is nothing new. It has “floated” around for a long time like the secret rapture theory. Both tale a little scripture and truth and build a doctrine made by man. Sounds good but to full of holes. Without even using scripture to disprove this theory lets us just use some common sense. That will even so solve the secret rapture theory quickly. Right now let’s just stick to the idea that “some saints” will be protected unlike others doing Great Tribulation. 1. This would have to be believers from every nation on the earth? 2. They would have to have money, passport and means to fly in a plane? 3. I know some old prayer warriors that make us look like grasshoppers who would not fly in a plane if they had money, passport and a car to get to the airport? 4. What about mentally handicap people? Young children? Nursing home saints?….you could go on and on with this…This theory is like the secret rapture it is only for the frozen chosen. The previliged. GOD is no respecter of persons? That flys out the window on this one? Only for the wealthy and the frequent flyers? Anyone crazy enough to believe this theory might as well hold out for the secert rapture. Both have the same chance…ZERO…I doubt this will get posted. If it does you think and pray and read and decide?

    Tim McHyde - August 25, 2017

    Ken, when you say God gathering his people to one place is impossible you sound like the “Bible scholars” these days who say the Exodus did not happen or Noah’s ark did not happen “impossible.” After all they had no “passports” (=no permission as slaves), no money (again, slaves) they had handicapped among them from the hard abusive Egyptian slave-drivers, etc, etc. Yet it happened because God wanted it to and helped with miracles.

    Funny thing is this exodus directly references the miraculous provision and helps of the first exodus, almost as if God knew there would be skeptics like you even among believers who doubt this is his plan: (Ex 19:4=Rev 12:14). If God provides that kind of strong help, why do you need to be rich and privileged as you claim? Further how did you ever think God could command his people to leave their country (Rev 18:4) and not provide that kind of provision to go with the commission?

    So there I published your comment. I hope you are around to see this happen with your own eyes and understand better how God works and maybe believe in him a little more?

Shawn - August 24, 2017

And thanks for the very informative articles…long story short…I have been drawn to rereading my scripture again, now that I’m going through some personal trials and I certainly do like most of your explanation on the end times and the tribulation period.
What I don’t quite get is why you constantly refer to the “strength” needed to do this?
Luke 21: 36 doesn’t mention strength…look at the verse itself…Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Luke 21:36 KJV

Lastly, there is something missing from all these explanations, or I am just too carnally blind to see it, yet…
God bless you and yours,

    Tim McHyde - August 24, 2017

    Shawn, You only checked KJV? Try Luke 21:36 (ESV) and discussion on the manuscript variants here:

Ramon Kroutz - August 23, 2017

Good day

I am by no means scholarly in the things of the Lord. For the most part I am the worst sinner on earth, but praise be to the Almighty for His Everlasting Mercy. For the last eight years of my life I have been in search of more and more information pertaining to the last days of the current Government, before the Lord returns here. It all started with an article in the NY Times about the Euphrates, and since then I was astonished at the amount of prophecies that have indeed come to pass. You have answered so many questions, and dispelled so many myths pertaining to the elusive book of Revelations and have blessed me richly with the forewarnings. If for some reason your predictions are not accurate, it is because you are not God. You are not perfect as He is, but nevertheless you seem to be a worthy steward of His Word. My question to you is this and I know you have mentioned it in previous articles before; but for my own clarity, The Great Earthquake, The Stars falling from Heaven, could this really already have ocurred? Why under such obscurity that the Nations would have forgotten it, almost as if it has not happened? I do not foresee the average Christian uncovering so many of the prophecies that have passed. Are you saying that God can conceal a matter that is as important as this from the eyes of his people? And why?

I Thank you again for your informational site. So far it is the only one that makes perfect sense. I have often guarded going with the next new sensation, but have also been deceived many times as well. God Bless you.


Michael Fish - July 8, 2017

This earth is not our home. Paul said to live is Christ, to die is gain. We’re only camping out for a short time here, a vapor. At my age I’m looking forward only to that eternal city.

Steve Shane Lester - July 2, 2017

I love these articles… and considering the state of most American Christians, or Believers, or Followers or whatever you want to call them… I can’t see very many leaving their A/C’s, recliners, TV’s, posturepedics, etc. Right now, according to the numbers, 17.2% of Americans attend church weekly (not the telephone polls, the study where 200,000 churches actually counted/reported attendance). That means there’s a lot of people that don’t even have the discipline, or faith, or commitment to get out of bed on Sunday, who call themselves “Christ like”. It’ll be plenty of room in Israel or Jordan for whoever wants to be there…

    Elizabeth Becker - July 24, 2018

    I wouldn’t use the number 17.2% church attendance as a marker of who is spiritually right with Yehovah. Some of us left the church because it focused on religious duty rather than what the NT church was meant to be – fellowship with food and laughter, reading from the Word, and spurring one another to good works. I cannot equate what most Sunday morning services do with what the NT churches did. I personally left the church burnt out and bruised and for the past 8 years, Yehovah has been teaching me through His word and teachers on the internet. I equate my 8 year absence to a spiritual detox of religion.

    It is interesting when you read Acts that Saul/Paul was told to stay in Arabia to learn directly from the risen ascended Jesus and not the original 12 disciples. I personally believe the 12 were still somewhat yoked to ritualistic Judaism (i.e. water baptism as a means to be forgiven) to be an effective teacher for Saul/Paul who was to go to the Gentiles (with no attachments to the Law/Judaism). Saul/Paul was a stellar Pharisee – one of the best taught by the best and zealous by his own admission. He went through a spiritual detox in Arabia to shed all religion so he could properly preach the clear gospel of the kingdom. Then when he did attend feasts and baptized a few people (he says himself the Lord didn’t send him to baptize), it was done with full knowledge of the meaning.

    All this to just say, don’t discredit those who aren’t church goers as spiritually empty. Some of those in that 17.2% are spiritually empty because they cling to the rituals of church rather than focus on what Christ really wants for us.

      David Price - July 24, 2018

      Elizabeth, I felt led to respond to your post. I can fully understand your feeling regarding the church. My wife and I have not been to church in about the same period of time. Our family served in not one but many churches over our 37 years of marriage. It always seems to be the same results. They expect us to do all of the work, while the rest relax and socialize and ignore those working. I say this not to get pity or be a martyr but to let other know and understand that there are many of us in the same position. When this occurs in the church there is no real fellowship or encouragement. We left as well because we were burned out and felt no support from the church. We left and there was no follow up as to why. I don’t think a lot churches want to know why.

      I was taught by my father to be in church not just to be there but to serve God. Since finding Tim’s site and his postings, I can now see the bigger picture of the Message of the Kingdom and it is dramatically different from the church’s message. Even our past friends are “praying” for us to return to the church. I do not believe we have much time left and agree with Tim that this could very well be the Daniel’s 70th week coming in 2024. When I tell people, they shy away (as Tim has warned) but feel they need to at least be told. For others feeling the same, be encouraged, you are not alone.

      “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt 6:33

        Tim McHyde - July 24, 2018

        David, thanks for sharing your encouraging words. Regarding the abuse and manipulation you experienced serving in Christian organizations, have you read So You Don’t Want to Go To Church Anymore? written by two ex-pastors? It will be very relatable.

          Elizabeth Becker - July 24, 2018

          Thanks David for sharing that. I too was heavily involved in church and married to a pastor once. So I understand the ugly underbelly. It takes courage to walk away.

          Thanks Tim for that link. I didn’t know such a book existed!

        Sherry Phelps - April 9, 2019

        Thank you David and Elizabeth. I too have been away from organized religion for many years for the same reasons. I would not say that I suffered abuse or manipulation at the “churches” hands, but I would say that I too served in many church position and also experienced “burn out.” I also realized that organized religions come from man- not straight from Yehovah or the teachings of Yeshuah His Son. Through much prayer and petition to Yehovah, I have sought out online teachings and preachings and am MUCH closer to Him than I was when “going through the motions” of attending church regularly. My parents continually harp on my lack of attendance; however, I know that I am talking to Yeshuah daily and studying the Word of Yehovah more now.
        Rest assured that neither of you are alone.

        In Him,

Sue W - June 20, 2017

Sam I agree about getting something else out of the articles on re-reads. It’s great!

I also have the mixed feelings about close ones who may decide not to go when Elijah calls.
Yehovah’s will be done.

Sam Miller - June 20, 2017

I keep rereading all these great articles. I find something new in them each time I do, something that jumps out at me.

Tonight it is the reality of how difficult it may be to convince certain loved ones (my 2 children in particular) to flee with me and how immensely difficult it will be if they cannot be convinced.

I’m so thankful I have time to pray about this and work on progressively exercising my faith. I’m so thankful that I know what to be praying for and what my most important mission is between now and then.

It makes all the other worries of life seem pretty meaningless.

While I do not feel it is my responsibility per se to save my children, I have begun talking to them about some of these things, my wife too.

I pray for the right words to say and the right timing. For my youngest son, I leave out all the scary stuff and just talk to him about loving others, even bullies and other people that may be difficult to love. He’s pretty good at that already and seems to have a soft heart so I’m encouraged. Who knows, maybe he’ll be one of the 144,000. He’ll be about the right age then (assuming 2026 is it) Who knows, right?

Anyway, just thought I’d share what I was thinking about tonight after re reading this article for probably the 10th time (like all the others). ????


    Donny Chartrand - July 22, 2018

    The 144,000 are 12,000 from each tribe of Israel and I thnk there is too much confusion on this and it is very clear in revelations who they are

      Tim McHyde - July 23, 2018

      Donny, yes, and America is full of lost Israelites, primarily from Ephraim.

Zachary Miller - June 1, 2017

As usual, you’re explanations are very helpful! I suppose there is one last lingering question regarding those who go vs. those who do not go: Why is it that some are able to understand these things while many others are not? It has to make one wonder about the ‘deterministic’ nature of knowing about future events as God appears to know….

    Tim McHyde - June 1, 2017

    Zak, most are not able to understand because they don’t have that radical, truth-seeking streak to them. They value acceptance and fitting in more. Read the latest supporter article on Christian deception for more on cognitive dissonance that gets in the way when do look at truth causing them to reject it.

Zachary Miller - May 31, 2017

The big question I have regarding the escape: Will God ‘prevent’ believers from going to Israel because they are unworthy? Or will it be open to anyone who wishes to follow regardless of their worthiness?

    Tim McHyde - June 1, 2017

    Zak, I don’t see why God would prevent anyone based on their righteousness. It’s not like the escape place is entrance into the kingdom. It’s simply taking God’s prophet at his word and against all the things that make it look wrong (Middle East location, nuclear fallout, far away) and not the way to go, by faith going. To get to survive is a fitting reward for that kind of faith and sacrifice. BTW the “unworthy” in Lk 21:36 is a less favored variant compared to the “strength” variant. It will take mental strength to escape, not so much worthiness, although you could say you are worthy to escape if you have the faith.

Kristiana - April 8, 2017

I have a concern though…
If the rapture is not possible, then why is there so many people that have dreams about the rapture? I believe some dreams may not be 100 percent correct but doesn’t it say in Acts 2: 17 that people will have dreams and prophesy? And I have been hearing of confirmations from other people that will have the same exact dreams that others have concerning the rapture. I’m not trying to be mean but I’m honestly, genuinely confused. I hope I’m not coming off harsh, not my intentions at all. I’m just curious.

    Tim McHyde - April 8, 2017

    Kristina, Yes, God gives dreams. I’ve had a few of the real variety. So do many.

    But Christians every year share dreams saying that the rapture is coming “this year.” (Just google “rapture in 2017 dreams” and you will find them.) And every year they have been wrong.

    Why does this happen? Because Satan and his demons gives dreams, too. That’s why John says we must “not believe every spirit but test the spirits” (1Jn 4:1). Christians generally assume if they got an inspired dream then God must have been behind it. They don’t test it against Scripture. Scripture does not literally support a rapture before the Tribulation. The handful of verses on the rapture all tie it to the resurrection at the second coming and after the tribulation period.


Ron - March 12, 2017

Israel is the last place you want to be. If some fake Elijah tells you to go there ,don’t do it.

    Tim McHyde - March 13, 2017

    Ron, thank you, you expressed exactly what people will say and believe when Elijah announces the escape plan in the Bible.

Sue W - February 18, 2017

Tim, since first reading your view that it will take great faith to leave on Elijah’s instruction, I felt rather despondant about leaving any relatives or friends who have disabilities or frailties that seemingly would make it impossible for them to go too.
I would feel too guilty (or perhaps even cowardly) to leave them for my own safety.
Your update at the end of this article has lifted that burden from me.
If, as you say, even people who seem not to be able to travel for any reason at all, will be given divine help to do so, and they know that, it really levels the playing field.
If everyone who believes has the same opportunity and help to flee and they actually choose not to, then the decision for me can be based on my faith alone, not out of duty to anyone.
Thank you!

Jon - December 17, 2016

(I saw these mind-blowing articles on Google. Any reactions?)

“Famous Rapture Watchers,” “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty,” “Pretrib Rapture Stealth,” “Pretrib Hypocrisy,” and “Pretrib Rapture Pride.”

    Tim McHyde - December 18, 2016

    Jon, They sound judgmental and not anything I’d want to read?

Elizabeth Slaughter - October 31, 2016

Hi Tim, I don’t understand why God would call us to Israel – there are too many believers to live in this small state & anyway if God is God isn’t He able to protect me here in Australia? – Also, couldn’t the martyred believers be new believers – if there’s a pre-trib rapture, just looking for truth

    Tim McHyde - October 31, 2016

    Elizabeth, thank you for your comment because you just voiced the main objection regular Christians will have when Elijah comes because of which they will disobey the command to flee: “We’re safe in Jesus anywhere; my pastor reassured me of this!” Yes, he can save you in Australia or any place and he will do this for the 144,000 wherever they go, but the plan for the majority is already written in several prophecies of gathering us all to one place: first Judea then Jordan.

    Because of this, while there may be 2 billion Christians worldwide, few will be able to justify such a hard and wrong-sounding move. Perhaps there will be a million or so who do. They can still fit in Judea easily. The whole world population of 7 billion could fit in Jacksonville, FL it was calculated see for more on how the idea of overpopulation is false.

    Sure some of martyred will be new believers! But it will mostly be believers extant already today like you and I because there is no pretrib rapture and Jesus said that his warning about being hated on the whole earth and having to flee was not just for Jews but all on the face of the earth! (Mark 13:37; Luke 21:34-35).

    This is also why in the the next verse he told them to pray that they may have the strength to escape (Luke 21:36). There is no automatic pretrib rapture. It will take mental strength to escape because it’s on foot and it looks wrong to move to a nuclear zone!

Joan Blackwood - October 30, 2016

many of God’s people are already experiencing beheading at the hands of the likes of ISIS and persecutio of believers is certainly already hotting up in those areas.

    Tim McHyde - October 31, 2016

    Yes, believers have been beheaded for 2000 years but that’s not what the prophecy is talking about. Rev 20 is speaking of the intense global beheading by the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation.

Samuel Oliver - October 29, 2016

Very clear and concise instructions to escape the coming Great Tribulation, Thanks Tim and keep up the good work, your brother in Christ. God Be you and yours.

juliette falzon - October 29, 2016


I sure appreciate your wisdom and courage to express your views as revealed in the Bible and it is a great pleasure to read and understand your reasoning.
There is one thing though that puzzles me .
We are on the verge of WW3 and all your explanations tend to stray on that big obstacle which will destroy total humanity.
Can you please explain how believers are going to escape and be the in the promised place of safety?


    Tim McHyde - October 29, 2016

    We have been on the verge of WW3 since the 1950s, yes? Why has it not happened yet? Too much to lose, mutually assured economic destruction.

    See, WW3 won’t happen until Wormwood is near and Russia has nothing to lose by burning the country that underpins the world economy. See for more on that.

    Believers will escape with God’s help as the article above explains. They will go when Elijah appears and tells them it’s time. See for more on that and

brent - October 29, 2016

Really well presented article . This is one viewpoint that makes the scriptures fit together .
I really appreciated that.
I think this is a gift from God to read this and take it into my heart.
God Bless Tim

Garay De Ryder - October 29, 2016

Congratulations, Timothy on your excellent book. I have read it 4 Times. As we know, ” all that say Lord, Lord , do not enter in.” So our preparation has to be adequate and our dedication acceptable, to the Lord , for us to be ” found worthy “. You have nailed the personal issue that will, at this most crucial time, precludes so many from being physically saved, from and away from The Tribulation. It surely is a Faith/Faithfulness issue. The Foolish Virgins are in the lack luster , lukewarm Laodicean condition. So by their freewill choice, they have precluded themselves from the miraculous ” Wings of an Eagle ” Event. My take is that there is the Remnant of True Believers, But only a subset group are the Elect of The Remnant, who are switched on , watching and awake for the Lord’s Return. They are continually praying, repenting and searching out the Truth and The Will of God. So these Elect – Called Out Ones, are found WORTHY and are airlifted to the Safety of The Wilderness Haven. God is ALL Powerful and Christ is Lord of All, So He can Still the Storm, Raise the Dead and Decontaminate a Nuclear Blast Zone. All in His Miraculous Powers. I suspect that End Time Events will escalate in rapidity. It behooves all who desire ” to Escape All These Things “, to get very serious about their Spiritual Preparation. Surely ! we are seeing all The Signs of The End, & as the Lord says in, Math 24:33 “..when you see all these things ( Signs ) that IT IS NEAR even at the doors,” I have been miraculously preserved from sure death, a number of times, so I have TOTAL confidence in God’s Miraculous Abilities. In my real experience, He has saved me to the uttermost. And He will save all those, who through faithful obedience, place their full trust in Him. This is the required quality level of Faith/Faithfulness for these Critical Times.

Candie Daneliuk - October 29, 2016

Hello Tim
I’ve been out of touch, There has been no reliable internet out here in the country where I reside. But hopefully yesterday we had a 16 foot pole installed to allow us to receive a clear unbroken signal. So far so good.
My question is: are there two sets of 144,000 ?
Do you believe the 144,000 in Rev.7 are a different group than the 144,000 in Rev.14?
And the scriptures say that the two witnesses will be operative at the same time the saved Christians are in the place of safety. So then will all those people that are being converted at that time be the ones that will be being beheaded? Rev.11
Will God also seal the people taken to safety? or will that not be necessary as God will be performing some supernatural miracles at that appointed time.

    Tim McHyde - October 29, 2016

    Great to hear from you, Candie.

    Although the 144,000 are mentioned in two chapters, Rev 7 and 14, they are one and the same group. Rev 7 shows them being marked right, actually taking place before the 6th seal of the previous chapter (because Rev 7 is a parenthetical chapter, see my video on that: Rev 14 shows them right after they have been sealed on Mt. Zion in the presence of the lamb, right before they are sent out on their mission of preaching the good news of the kingdom.

    Nobody will be converted by the Two Witnesses because they begin their mission after the figurative “door to the ark” is already closed. Remember, Jesus said everyone must flee by the time they see the abomination of desolation ( That comes 30 days before the Antichrist takes over, a short probation period to run like hell as he said in that passage. See more more on them.

    Only the 144,000 need a seal of protection because only they go around the world in the Antichrist’s empire to preach as witness. The rest of us are protected in the place prepared, by the place literally. Think of the series/book “Under the Dome” for what that may be like as nothing Satan wants to do will be able to touch us.

    Hope this helps, sister.

      Alamb - June 18, 2018

      Respectfully, the 144,000 are not going out and preaching during the time of the Anti-Christ’s reign. That is part of the pre-trib rapture agenda teaching to help justify people getting saved during the time of the great tribulation. Nothing in scripture says these sealed 144,000 from the tribes of Israel are witnesses. In fact, if they are sealed around the 6th seal then they are literally sealed right before Jesus returns at the end of the tribulation since the sixth seal, seventh trumpet and seventh bowl line up. Blessings in our Savior.

        Tim McHyde - June 18, 2018

        Alamb, I don’t teach the pretrib rapture and there is no need for the 144,000 special “anywhere you go” protection during the Beast’s empire when there is already gathered protection for the Woman unless they’re tasked with preaching the Gospel as a witness (Mt 24:14) just like the 12 and 72 in Jesus’ day did.

        Actually, the 6th seal is about 9 months before the Tribulation starts and 4.25 years before it ends. The seals, trumpets and bowls are not parallel as you imagine, but serial.

Ken Cole - October 29, 2016

So those that do not have the funds will be left behind. Passports are not provided to those who owe back taxes or have not paid their child support or in some other way they owe the government monies. Most of the world will parish, those in Africa have no funds to speak of.. It is going to be a sad day.

    Tim McHyde - October 29, 2016

    Not at all. God’s plan is not so feeble as you imagine. You obviously did not read the whole article including where I talk about the promised supernatural provision for travel indicated by the woman’s “eagles wings”.

      Julie Szymczyk - June 20, 2018

      Wow this is all soooo scary!! I don’t want to see any of it.

John Lemons - October 29, 2016

I do not appreciate the post-trib or mid-trib views. May I recommend you see the Geneva Bible(1599).?
II Thes. 2:3 – We who are in the will of Jesus will not be here on earth for any of the tribulation!!

    Tim McHyde - October 29, 2016

    In every Bible I read 2Th 2:3, it says the falling away and Antichrist must come first before the day of Christ and our gathering to him = post tribulation rapture. If your doctrine requires an outdated translation of a single verse to support it and it’s not in the readings of any modern accurate version today, then I’d reconsider it. Try this video:

Francis Connolly - October 28, 2016

Love to read all of your thoughts and decisions. Save them for some of my children to read also. Thank you for your diligent study. I have bought your old book as well as your newer one.

Sherrie - October 28, 2016

What about all of these safe places in the mountains, in the US, that people are being told by the Holy Spirit is moving them to prepare? It seems many “preppers” who are Christians are being told by the Holy Spirit that there are protected places being prepared by God for his believers to flee to? Do you not think that there will be safe places here in the US as well?

    Tim McHyde - October 29, 2016

    Sherrie, good question. We must always test words against written revelation that applies and test the spirits. The written word tells us America will burn and that a call will go out for two years before telling people to come out. This contradicts any personal prophecy saying to hole up in the hills of the US. See for more on that “more sure word of prophecy” we have.

    Also prepping is not compatible with the end time escape plan:

      Pat - May 21, 2019

      Tim is it possible that some Christians will not have to go through “the hour of testing” as described in Rev. Ch. 3:7-13?

      Perhaps Christians that are like those in the early church of Philiadelphia will be spared from the Great Tribulation. The wording seems to even specify that this church will be “kept out of the hour of testing”.

      The Apostle John seems to contrast this church with the church in chapter 2:19. The people in this church were not faithful or obedient and therefore will not be kept from tribulation.

        Tim McHyde - May 21, 2019

        Pat, the promise of Rev 3:10 refers to a church age that ended/died out over 100 years ago now. We’re all Laodicea now, like it or not, rich and in need of nothing materially, but spiritually poor, naked, blind and pathetic needing gold refined in the fire…a daily prayer of mine.

Cab - October 28, 2016

Hi, Tim — Very interesting article, thanks. What about the scriptures in Jeremiah that tell us to flee Babylon, which we’re told is going to be destroyed, and for everyone to ‘flee to his own country.’ That seems to say to just get out, and get out NOW, and pick a country, anyplace but here. People who emigrate to Israel must promise not to proseletize, and that is denying Christ. Jesus said if we deny him, that he will deny us before the Father (which means Hell).

    Tim McHyde - October 29, 2016

    Cab, if you reread Jeremiah 50:16, you’ll notice it does not say that. It says the sowers will go back to his land. It does not command us to. To find the command for the saints, read Jeremiah 51:45-46, 50 where it says to those escaping “come out of her” (=Rev 18:4) “let Jerusalem come to mind” after the two years of “rumors in the land” followed by violence (WW3).
    You don’t get out now when you read Rev 18:4. It’s a prophecy of a future command to get out as I explain here:
    The door to emmigrate to Israel will open because they will lose many in the coming nuclear war: No need to deny Yeshua to get there. God will (must) make the way to fufill all these prophecies.

Larry Cook - October 28, 2016

I purchased your book, I really think it has much wisdom, and I will read it over and over as my reading skills are about 3d grade level. Not my strong point. I do not understand what I read, and forgot a sentence once I have read it. However after reading it 20,000 times I begin to get it.

My wife has written many books, (Myra Cook) that she has on ebook or something. (I am not internet savy), I am trying to get her to read it as well. Her views are similar, but may vary, not sure. She is really into fallen angels, and how they relate to stars, sky, whats going on today etc.

Anyways, I do enjoy your book, and I believe you are on right track. Though I have limited knowledge, I have in past been been given good discernment on what to believe and not to believe.

Megan - October 28, 2016

What if this place we are called to isn’t so much a physical place as a spiritual one? What if what we are called to give up is not just home, family and friends but every single thing in our lives that takes precedence over God? That secret addiction, the need to always be right, the “security” of relying on ourselves, etc. Anything that we rely on or value (knowingly or not) more than God must be left behind. Then, when His will alone is your sole concern, no matter where you are or what He allows to happen to you, you are His. Satan can do nothing to you that God does not allow.

    Tim McHyde - October 29, 2016

    Megan, Absolutely we are called to repent and “bring every thought into captivity”, anything that is not love and faith.

    But this does not deny the plain literal meaning that says “come out of her my people” “move forth” “let Jerusalem come to mind” “Those in Judea flee to the mountains” “All who call upon the name of YHVH shall be saved for in Zion there shall be salvation among those who God has called.” See for more details.

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