All posts in "Debunking"

Will America Crash Economically? The Bible’s Bittersweet Answer

By Tim McHyde / September 7, 2018

Is the U.S. economy at risk to suffer a “total economic collapse?” Is the US is under judgment by God? Some say that the collapse of the dollar is “inevitable” due to the enormous national debt. But what does Bible prophecy say about the US economy? More than you would think: a specific and very helpful amount. Find out how America actually will fall and what her financial status among the nations will be at that time so you can put the perennial fears of a economic collapse to rest.


Benjamin Baruch: “America Gone in 1948 + 70 = 2018?”

By Tim McHyde / January 13, 2018
Is “America the Babylon” going to be destroyed in 2018 or soon thereafter? In 2017, Benjamin Baruch began sharing a prophecy theory based on applying the 70 years of ancient Judah’s captivity to the “slavery of modern Israel” under America. He says the 70 years began with Israel’s resurgence in 1948 under American dominance and end in 2018 with America’s destruction in WW3. Find out how he gets all this from Jeremiah 25 and more importantly, why you can be sure you do not have to worry about this happening quite so soon…


What The September, 2017 Revelation 12 Sign Tells Us

By Tim McHyde / September 22, 2017

Revelation 12 describes a heavenly sign of a ’woman clothed with the sun’ at the time of Jesus’ birth. A theory gaining popularity states that the same constellation sign is coming Sept 23, 2017 and not ever again for a hundreds of years. Is it right? What does it mean – the rapture, the Great Tribulation, the abomination of desolation or what? Let’s examine the evidence and understand the epidemic of theories just like this better…


Why That Disaster Wasn’t A Judgment Or Warning From God

By Tim McHyde / September 8, 2017

Do you wonder if a recent natural disaster is an important prophetic sign? Are some calling it God’s judgment? Or that it fulfills a prophecy in the Bible? Are you feeling kind of nervous or worried after a recent disaster that it was a warning or wake-up call from God or telling us that the end is soon? If so, then learn why natural disasters are not prophetic and not warning signs of the need to act…except for one thing that applies always…


Eclipse and Heavenly “Sign” Watching Debunked By Jesus’ Own Words

By Tim McHyde / August 18, 2017

With every interesting celestial event these days, Christian prophecy theorists take to YouTube to share their speculation on why it’s a “sign” and what it might just mean. But does God really communicate warnings this way in the sun, moon and stars? Does the Bible really instruct us to look for “signs” in the heavens? What are we to “watch” for according to Jesus? As you will learn, theorists (unintentionally) deceive themselves and others when they don’t properly define and use the word “sign” the same way the Bible does. Get Scriptural answers to these important questions, ones that you won’t find on YouTube no matter how many “views” a video has…


Psalm 91 Prophecy, Not Promises – “Secret Place” Location Found

By Tim McHyde / May 5, 2017

Psalm 91 is the second most popular psalm thanks to its powerful description of God’s supernatural protection which most read as promises for the everyday Christian life. Yet Psalm 91 never says it is a promise for a universal audience and what it does say is very specific and parallel to end times prophecy. It describes God protecting only the faithful from extreme conditions in one “secret place.” Find out the place’s location from how Psalm 91 lines up with the “beginning of birth pains” end-time prophecy of Jesus, Revelation, and Joel.


How I Unexpectedly Learned God’s Name in Israel (& About the Joel 2:32 Revival)

By Tim McHyde / April 25, 2017

Is God’s name Yahweh, the LORD, or just “God?” Most Christians have no clue and aren’t that interested. It’s just not important in Christianity, but it is in God’s Word and end time events. Get ready, as this ignorance of God’s name will end, and by spectacular means. Joel 2:32 says that those whom God protects from end time events will know and call upon God’s personal name. How will believers be able to do that when Christianity does not teach the name of God? Through the return of something that will excite us all… Find out God’s name, who will teach it and how Jewish and Christian tradition has kept you from knowing it already.


Planet X – The 2017 Arrival by David Meade – Review

By Tim McHyde / January 27, 2017

David Meade’s Planet X 2017 Arrival book claims overwhelming proof of well, you know, the end of the world in October 2017. Does it present anything new after so many failed doomsday dates? Yes, but dreams and visions from people you don’t know or recognize may not be a “good new.” Find out why this book’s predictions will fail like all the rest before it (and why it’s getting attention despite this).


Does God Curse Those Who Curse Israel Today?

By Tim McHyde / January 13, 2017

Is an ancient covenant God made with Abraham 4000 years ago resulting in blessing or cursing on modern nations when they interact with the State of Israel? Does God curse nations for cursing Israel like United Nations anti-Israel resolutions do? Learn the problems with this prophecy theory and what to look for when it comes to curses of God.

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