In this podcast, Katrina and Tim (and our two cats, Moses and Elijah chime in) to finally explain the big story of our move to Germany in 2015 and how God directed and blessed this unexpected life change every step of the way. Topics covered:
- Why a pastor had to invite me twice in 2013 to speak on Know the Future in Germany before I realized it
- What "do unto others" situation I struggled with and resolved the same day the key second offer came in
- How the suggestion we move to Germany came up when we gave our testimony of how God helped us get residency in Costa Rica
- Why we decided to move despite no promise of a job or financial help and only the help with German residency paperwork
- The "personal prophecy" we received from a stranger after that about God radically changing our life
- How God confirmed that Germany would be an easier and better life than Costa Rica through another speaking engagement—in Kansas!
- The HUGE unexpected blessing for our special needs son and us that the German social system provided
- Our plans for Israel now that we are just hours away (and whether Israel has anything to do with the move to Germany)
- A special prayer for our supporters at the end.
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Tim McHyde
Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.
Hi Tim, that’s great news about moving to Germany! I am a former subscriber having bought both editions of your book. I was actually born in Heidelberg, Germany to American parents. I have wondered at times if God would ever send me back to Germany but it’s in His hands! I am glad to see how God moves in the lives of other believers. Blessings In Him!
Hi Cee
Tim, I have your book, “Know the Future”. Have you made any updates to it in the last year or so? If so, I would like to get those! Thanks for all you do!!
ReplyBarbara, the 8th edition is still the latest however if you want my latest research for my next book, check out the support team articles.
ReplyI finally had the chance to hear it, I just hope you guys don’t forget Ticos and the “adventurous” life you had in San Jose. Abrazo fuerte a los 2!
ReplyJaime, we’ll never forget Costa Rica. After all, it’s the place that got Katrina shot and me a broken collarbone now sporting a titanium plate for a souvenir! =)
ReplyHi Tim & Katrina,
I am so happy to have found you. It has been more or less about 10 years ago now since I have been following Escapeallthesethings, also own a copy of your great book. I was a member for a while, then I stopped…now I am happy to be back again on the support team.
Looking back now, the reason I discontinued my membership before had less to do with money, and more to do with me being diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger Syndrome (has another name now?). I was strugling with this alone, since non of my family understood those things. I found the right doctor and finaly got diagnosed in 2012, just 5 years ago and now I’m 36. It was a bit late I think…I consider it a miracle. And this is in Sweden, by the way.
Your teaching, your book and all those free articles have really helped me to cope in difficult times, I am very greatful and also inpired by journey and faith.
Thank you, I will pray for you.
ReplyAndreas, I’m happy you did, too. Glad to hear you got a proper diagnosis and relief. I know people with ADHD and Aspergers and without diagnosis and treatment it’s quite a burden. I can’t imagine how my articles helped you cope with that but one never knows how your writing will impact people for positive or negative reactions.
ReplyAndreas, wow. It is a struggle to deal with ADHD and aspergers. Zachary, our oldest son, had ADHD and was healed of at least that so far, praise be to Our Father! Probably we all know that Our Messiah paid for us to be set free from these bondages and we are all trying to figure out how to fully take hold of our inheritance through what He has done. I know your healing of these things has been fully paid for as much as for our son’s needs for healing. I will start adding you in to praising God for your healing as well as our son’s. Don’t think that Our Daddy does not see you Andreas. He loves you very much and sees you. You are never alone no matter what you are experiencing and learning.
ReplyKatrina, I thank you very much.
Neurological illnesses aren’t easy to deal with for many of us. Luckly we live in the information age and the knowledge about it is there for all who want know. Yet, even in a developed (and rich) country a sufferer might find himself/herself in trouble. Tim mentioned he knows people without diagnosis and treatment…indeed it’s very challenging and burdensome for those people.
As for me, I am thankful to God for believing in Christ and the Bible, most people I know who have Aspergers in Sweden are Atheists, sadly. In my times and moments of powerlessness over my situation, I turn to God for help. God is my only hope in this life, and I’m sure the Spirit led me to you in my searching.
ReplyTim & Katrina, I just listened to your podcast and I’m so happy that the Lord continues to bless you as you are obedient and faithful! It is so refreshing and uplifting to hear your testimony. I’m still reading and gaining knowledge from everything you write. Like pieces of the puzzle for me, undoing what I’ve been taught through many years. I look forward to hearing and reading much more from you! Blessings!!!
ReplySandra, Thanks for joining the team and for your comment. Overjoyed you find it helpful.
ReplySandra, we are happy to have you here. We look forward to learning and exploring how we can please Our Father together!
ReplyHi Tim and Katrina,
Thanks for putting in the time to make this recording. It’s great to put voices to your names 🙂 The story is a great testament to your applied faith.
Also, at around the 40:13 time mark, Katrina mentions an update to “Know the Future” one final time. Is there something prophetic in that there will only be one more “final” update?
Where in Germany are you? I couldn’t quite catch the name of the town.
Geoff, Glad you liked it. We live in Grafenwöhr, Germany.
One final update to Know the Future because I’m moving on from that non-fiction rendition of my research to my next book that will be a fictionalized story based on it to teach people the principles Yeshua taught.
ReplyDear Tim, do you know that there are many villages in Germany, specially in East Germany, where you can buy a house with garden, everything for 10’000 Euros or something like this? the owners are old people, try to sell their good houses but don’t find anybody because people like to be in the cities. This is why Germany takes so many immigrants, but most of them like to live in cities and not outside without entertaintment.
I think many Amerikan Christians should think about that. The Mayors of these villages are happy to have people and also families with children. It’s a huge problem in Germany.
Catherine, No I didn’t know that. It’s a good thing I didn’t! I go for cheap. But God clearly directed us to this town where there are lots of Americans and we’ll just have to wait and see why. Besides the fact that we are so close to the center where my special needs son is accepted is one clear reason. I bet they don’t have centers like that near the 10000 euro homes.
ReplyDear Tim and Katrina,
I am in tears; especially when you told about that little church of the Nazarene and how God moved through it all! I also know how hard it must have been to condense your lives into a few suitcases; we had to do the same 16 years ago when moving from SA to NZ. I can clearly hear that everything around your Germany adventure, is God-inspired! I pray for you often; blessings to you! (By the way, I do the same work as those people looking after Zachary; I love the people so dependent on me!
Love, Linda
ReplyI’m glad the podcast touched you so much. Encouraging since I know we will only get better as we do more. Bless you to and for your support.
ReplyPeople who are gifted and called to work with those who are special needs are truly inspiring to me, like those who like to cook. Actually those who like to cook are harder for me to understand than those who help those with special needs :). But both groups I am thankful for since we need such people in our lives from both camps. That is the fun of YHVH giving diverse gifts to each of His children.
We appreciate your sisterhood over all these years Linda and we appreciate the tender heart you have for others that was obviously given to you by Our Daddy.
Many blessings to you and your husband!
ReplyFinding Yahweh,s will…a couple of days ago I prayed Yahweh if it was time for you, Tim, and I to go our separate ways because of the Support problems, and you were not writing me back…turned out you had an emergency, and Lar–BE PATIENT…
You got back to me, and my Support Account was all set up, and everything was cool!!!
My neighbor just showed up yesterday saying he would plow my driveway (I’m in central Wisconsin) and I took that as Yahweh’s way of telling me to stay here for another horrible winter…I pray that I’m doing His will…we keep saying we are going to move to Myrtle Beach, S.C. but we have young grandchildren here for one thing and wonderful neighbors…
It’s amazing how you and Katrina and your whole family ended up in Yahweh’s will by moving to Germany…Thank you for the story!
Christ’s blessings,
Wow, great story of God’s faithfulness. I can think of no 2 more deserving people than you two. Congratulations on all the great stuff going on in your lives.
I do have one question. You mentioned the pastor’s wife who had a word from the lord for you. Being the debunker of prophets that you are Tim, are you taking this with a grain of salt since you have so many other proofs that your move to Germany was God ordained? Or is there some other reason why you think this person is a true prophet?”
ReplyThank you, Sam. I’m glad we can be a light to others.
Oh, I still think there are no prophets today with the office of prophet like in the Bible in the tradition of Elijah starting in 1Kings 17.
But there are true prophetic words that come from God’s people. Of that, there is no doubt. The problem is finding the true words among many mostly false ones. Most words by strangers posted on the Web don’t seem to reliable. The ones that predict things I would never invest money on!
When someone comes to you when you’re not seeking a prophecy and they’re not seeking attention and confirms what you already were suspecting, and what then happens later, that’s something I think God sent as encouragement. There was no need to take it with a grain of salt because we were already seeing our life “open up” once we decided to move to Germany.
ReplyThat makes sense. So encouragement seems to be the way God uses prophetic words.
I wonder why so many people seem to consider themselves to be prophets because they have “visions” they feel are directly from God? I mean, aren’t these “visions” just your average run of the mill dreams we all have?
The people I know who make these claims seem to be sincerely trying to follow Christ yet their prophecies are so wrong/unscriptural. One friend wants to get together and discuss a prophecy that he received about some events that will be happening in the fall of 2017 or 2018 during the fall feast days. If these are anything like past prophecies he’s shared with me, they will likely be something very significant and of course I will have to politely disagree and he will get noticeably irritated that I’m not accepting his message as a true prophetic message.
ReplyYeah I get that anger from all the false prophets who I try to diplomatically ignore. If you kindly don’t respond, they will write angry curses at you for not heeding them as a prophet. I guess they never heard the line,_methinks
ReplyTim, yes i agree and my father had that line often…. hes gone with the Lord, and my family all but mother are still un-interested in the Lord., Anyhow prayers love Jennifer
ReplyThe Lord amazes me! its so nice to know that he sees us as individuals, he works with each one of us as we acknowledge him, Great testimony Tim and Katrina ! congratulations on soon to be 25 years of marriage.
Just wondering if you have thought of doing a group trip to Israel, I and many others in my circle have always wanted to go, but to do this on our own is very intimidating. we would love to travel there with someone who has already been, we would certainly consider paying for your travel planning and guide, perhaps if enough people go you and katrina could have a free trip for your anniversary? anyway just a thought.
Thank you for your prayers!
Peace to you and your family
Thank you, Tina, for your prayers and support and ideas. Keep them coming! You never know which ones will actually come to fruition. We have not every thought of putting together a group trip to Israel thus far. We have only been there once way back in 2002. Truly, we are not in any way connected well or know enough about Israel to put together such a group plan. We do have a few friends there, but other than that we don’t have a clue what to do there. Actually, we are not much at planning out our trips. If people in an area we are traveling want to get together then we try to work it out, but we usually like to just show up and see what The Lord plans out for us. Many people have a difficult time traveling with us if they have certain expectations, especially when they are spending so much money and want to feel like they are getting value out of their hard earned cash spent. We go to places, looking for opportunities to bless those around us, rest when we need to rest, and if this trip happens, look to be inspired to be in the right places to do a few video podcasts to share with the members here. We have no set plans on our trips as you can see. The way things look right now, we may have to delay our trip by a year, but who knows except Our Daddy in Heaven what will transpire. Whatever it is, it will be wonderful. But hey, if you want to pay for a ticket for me to go, Tim probably would not be able to make it, and meet me there, and we pray as soon as we land for Father to show us and direct us on what He would have us do and learn, then I am all for just letting Him give us the trip He wants us to have and the lessons He wants us to receive. Actually, Tim likes to tease me that I have travel faith- I always say that YHVH always blesses me on my trips. Even when things look really bad or bad things happen, it always turns around for good. The testimonies I am a part of in my trips even makes my mouth drop at seeing God everywhere and at all times during the whole thing. I have plenty of girlfriends I have traveled with that would attest to this ‘grace’ God gives me on trips. It may be because I have no expectations going in to a trip. I don’t try to make anything happen so strictly that I would get disappointed. This way of doing things does not work well with planning a whole group trip with others, unless they were so inspired to let go that much too and be ok with everything that would happen. I will pray that you are led to someone who has a gift at putting together awesome Israel tours that you might be able to plan your trip with! Much blessings to you!
ReplyGreat story so far, Tim & Katrina!
Thank you for the blessing in your prayer at theend of the podcast.