During the Great Tribulation, a powerful "image of the beast/Antichrist" will be created for humanity to worship—on penalty of death by beheading. What is it, how is it animated to seem alive and how is it connected with the abomination of desolation? Find out all that and how the leading Antichrist candidate already had an "angelic" "image" proposed in his honor with "savior of the world" written on it—a fitting caption for the future angel/human hybrid Antichrist described in Revelation given the timing of his arrival after the Wormwood cataclysm brings the end of civilization.
The Perplexing "Image of The Beast"
If you are like me, when you first read the Book of Revelation, you were left confused by most everything, including the odd phrase "the image of the beast." The image is referred to eight times throughout Revelation starting with its introduction in Chapter 13. Here are all eight of them to consider:
Revelation 13:14 (HCSB) — 14 [the False Prophet] deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs that he is permitted to perform on behalf of the beast, telling those who live on the earth to make an image of the beast who had the sword wound and yet lived. 15 He was permitted to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
Revelation 14:9-11 (HCSB) — 9 And a third angel followed them and spoke with a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he will also drink the wine of God’s wrath, which is mixed full strength in the cup of His anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb, 11 and the smoke of their torment will go up forever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or anyone who receives the mark of his name.
Revelation 15:2 (HCSB) — I also saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had won the victory over the beast, his image, and the number of his name, were standing on the sea of glass with harps from God.
Revelation 16:2 (HCSB) — The first [bowl angel] went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and severely painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image.
Revelation 19:20 (HCSB) — But the beast was taken prisoner, and along with him the false prophet, who had performed the signs in his presence. He deceived those who accepted the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image with these signs. Both of them were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
Revelation 20:4 (HCSB) — Then I saw thrones, and people seated on them who were given authority to judge. I also saw the people who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of God’s word, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and who had not accepted the mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with the Messiah for 1,000 years.
Worship the Talking Image—or Lose Your Head
As you can see right away, whatever the image is, it's central to the new "Antichrist religion." The False Prophet devises it as a focal point of worship. The image is always mentioned in connection with worship of the Antichrist or with possession of the mark. To worship the image is to worship the beast and to have the beast's mark is to worship the image and the beast. It's all interconnected for the proper worship of humanity's new "God" (2Th 2:4).
This worship is so important that anyone who refuses will be put to death, just the same as those refusing to receive the mark of the beast on their skin will be (Rev 20:4). What's remarkable about how this happens and with the image itself is that the image is able to talk and "tell on" those who refuse to worship it (Rev 13:15). How is this possible for an inanimate object?
Image Possessed by a Spirit
It tells us quite plainly that the False Prophet is able to give "life," "breath," "power" or a "spirit" to the image so that it can speak (Rev 13:15). The Greek word there is pneuma meaning breath, spirit from which we get the English phrase pneumatic tire or a tire filled with compressed air. Pneuma is the word used for spirits, both holy and demonic, in the NT. For this reason the HCSB translates it as follows:
Revelation 13:15 (HCSB) — He was permitted to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image or statue of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
Quite plainly this tells us that the inanimate image gets possessed with a wicked spirit that is powerful enough to interact with its physical surroundings and speak. This is not some hi-tech trickery using holograms (as some have speculated). Technically inclined people would see right through any natural implementation. It needs to be an unprecedented supernatural event that no one can explain by natural means so that people are impressed with and convinced by their god. The modern world does not believe in or understand such things and would have to accept it as a bonafide miracle. Skeptic associations regularly offer cash rewards to anyone who will subject themselves to their rigorous tests and document that any paranormal or supernatural phenomenon is real; these prizes never get collected. Only a possessed, talking and seeing object would survive scrutiny and not be exposed as a parlor trick or fraud.
Of course, this would require a relaxing of the restrictions on wicked spirits that God has had in place throughout history so far. As hinted at in the Book of Job, without these limits Satan could easily wipe out all humans (Job 1:12; 2:6). If not that, he would deceive them so completely through supernatural displays of power that all would have stopped worshiping God ages ago. This is exactly what happens on earth during the Great Tribulation with these restrictions relaxed and the False Prophet calling down fire from heaven (Rev 13:13) and making an image come to life and speak.
Evidence Pointing to a Statue
It's hard to conceptualize this "image" idea until you decipher the meaning of the word. The Greek word there for image is eikon. Not surprisingly, as the article image has already hinted at, it is used for statues and among other things, such as pictures. Context must be considered to determine which form of an image is meant here. "Statue" fits the grammatical and historical context best which is why several translations either directly translate or at least footnote it as such (AMP, GW, HCSB, NJB, and NLT).
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary has an excellent explanation about the image as a statue:
As the power of Antichrist and the persuasiveness of the false prophet grow, Satan will escalate the false world religion of Antichrist worship. Humanity will eventually come to be so completely under the influence of the false prophet that people will obey his command to make an image to the beast. The world will engage in the most shocking, blatant idolatry ever seen. Like Nebuchadnezzar before him (Dan. 3), but on a global scale, Antichrist, aided by the false prophet, will set up a statue of himself as a symbol of his deity and worldwide worship. This blasphemous image will probably be set up on the temple grounds in Jerusalem (cf. 2 Th. 2:4) and will be connected with the abomination of desolation (Dan. 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Matt. 24:15). It will be a tribute to the awesome power of Antichrist, who had the wound of the sword and has come to life (cf. vv. 3, 12), to seemingly conquer death.
The idolatrous image of the Antichrist will be different from any other idol in human history. The Bible scornfully denounces idols as having mouths, yet being unable to speak (Ps. 115:5; 135:15–17; Isa. 46:7; Jer. 10:5; Hab. 2:18–19). But in another display of his power to deceive, the false prophet will give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak. Breath translates pneuma, not zoe or bios, the Greek words normally translated life. The false prophet will animate the image of Antichrist so that it gives the appearance of being alive. —The MacArthur New Testament Commentary
Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation"
If you have been as confused about Daniel's Abomination of Desolation as you are with the image of the beast, then you will be happy to find out that they are in fact one and the same thing: an idolatrous statue. (Idolatry is an abomination to God in the OT.) We can be sure of this because of the what we learn from the first fulfillment of the abomination by Antiochus Epiphanes IV as predicted in Daniel 11:31. This earlier, partial fulfillment illustrates for us the final, full abomination prophesied in Daniel 9:27 that the final Antichrist will do.

The End In 2026? It's Now Possible
Since learning in 2001 that Yeshua must return in a Sabbath year, I've had to rule out three Sabbath year cycle windows for the final 7 years (2003-2009, 2010-2016, 2017-2023). With the next window (2024-2030) less than 7 years away, I'm ready to share why I believe, based on the real end time sign of Mt 24:14, that this can be the one. If it is, the "birth pains" (WW3 + Wormwood, Lk 21:10-11) would hit near its middle in 2026 with Yeshua returning in 2030. Find out what's changed to convince me about 2026 and what you can do about it...
Antiochus, as a type of the Antichrist, set up a statue of Zeus or Jupiter in the Holy of Holies and caused the cessation of the animal sacrifices (Dan 11:31). The Antichrist will repeat this historical precedent by having a statue of a false god set up in the coming Third Temple in the final fulfillment of Daniel 9:27. The difference in this case is that the statue is not of Zeus, but of the Antichrist himself who, according to Paul, presents himself as God on earth and not merely as a counterfeit Jesus (2Th 2:4).
Regarding the Statue Pictured Above...
The statue pictured in the featured image for this article provides another evidence for the image of the Antichrist being a statue. It fits into this in quite a surprising way, when you analyze it in light of other details about the Antichrist from Bible prophecy.
First, some needed background. You may know that I have not been shy about sharing my view that Prince Charles is the only candidate for Antichrist found so far who fits the literal requirements of Revelation 13. That includes the many more popular recent theories about Islamic or Muslim Antichrists the basis for which ignores Revelation 13 or does not take it as literally.
Personally, I don't care who the Antichrist is or feel any need to research this topic further. In earlier stages of my research I believed that identifying him could help figure out how close we are to the end. But long ago I determined that there are much better indications on timing than speculating on the identity of the Antichrist. Also, I learned later from Scripture that God's end time prophet Elijah will lead us to God's protected place for the saints on earth before the Antichrist comes to power and before even WWIII and Wormwood. He will surely identify the Antichrist for us and lead us out of his grasp. In other words, I'm not spending effort on a question that will be answered for me and that I don’t believe would be much help at this time.
Nevertheless, despite my ambivalence, evidence for who is the Antichrist has continually fallen into my lap over the years. One of most bizarre pieces of proof is that Prince Charles has been honored with a proposal for a statue labeling him as "savior of the world." Read the news release on it from BBC News:
A giant bronze statue of Prince Charles as a winged hero "saving the world" is to become the centrepiece of a remote Amazonian town.
The Prince was presented with a model of the sculpture, which shows him with bulging muscles, pinned back ears and only a loin cloth to protect his modesty.
During his visit to Tocantins state in central Brazil the Prince was told the full size piece would be erected in a square named in his honour in the main town of Palmas.
The inscription on the statue in Brazil will honor him as "Savior of the World." - BBC News.
3 Ways Charles's Statue Literally Fits Antichrist Prophecy
As you can see in the featured image above for this article, the model of the proposed statue renders Prince Charles as a half-human, winged angel. Beyond it being the correct form of "image" (i.e., a statue) with the actual role of the Antichrist given right in the caption as savior, this image also fits further evidence that fell into my lap that Prince Charles is nephilim or angel/human hybrid.
To summarize, this statue of Prince Charles uncannily fits prophecy in three ways:
- The Antichrist will come at the 5th trumpet right after Wormwood destroys civilization from the 6th seal through 4th trumpet. Since Wormwood leaves everyone homeless, cold, starving and at the mercy of looters, this allows the Antichrist to show up as "God" (2Th 2:4) and literally save the world.
- The Antichrist will receive a statue of himself created (by the False Prophet) for the world to worship.
- The Antichrist will be a nephilim, or a human/angel hybrid, not just a regular human; otherwise he could not be tossed into the lake of fire (Rev 19:20) 1000+ years before the rest of humanity does after the Millennium (Rev 20:11-15).
Given the above, I personally find this statue to be a perfect, jaw-dropping foreshadow of Prince Charle's potential future role as the Antichrist. Suffice it to say, I cannot see another Antichrist candidate with the same quality of unforced, literal Scriptural proof pointing at him.
Of course, time will tell who the Antichrist is... or more specifically, Elijah will.
In the meantime, Jesus' advice in Luke 21:36 is a one-sentence guide for preparing yourself in the only way that matters: spiritually.
Update: "Saying That About Anyone Is Slander!"
A reader wrote the following comment in response the article above:
Tim, I think it's slanderous to label someone like Prince Charles, or even President Trump or President Obama as the Antichrist. I don't think you, me, or anyone else is qualified to decide this. This kind of speculation is hurtful. Phil
I've heard this objection a few times over the years. I don't think people saying this understand the legal definition of slander: "the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation." Slander would be, for example, to say Prince Charles was an adulterer (with Camilla) or murdered Diana. People take that seriously as possible and credible as husbands are wont to do to wives.
However, to say someone fulfills an evil character from Bible prophecy (a book I remind you most don't believe in nor have read) is a very obscure claim. You have not even actually said they did anything wrong (yet). You are saying they will do something wrong, kind of like the plot to Minority Report. Most people don't have spiritual eyes to recognize the proof for it anyway. Like this person says, it looks only like "speculation." While the public could easily entertain the idea that Prince Charles killed his wife (who became more popular than him), they can't see how he is going to become the most evil person in history one day. He seems harmless to them.
I also don't agree this is qualifies as speculation either. This is looking to the few plain Biblical parameters and what one of very few possible world leaders fit it literally without reading into the passage. Prince Charles fits not less than four literal parameters, 1) the name calculation = 666 in Hebrew and English (without forcing), 2) the beast image is pictured in his unique coat of arms 3) nephilim requirement? witnesses testify to this (who don't even know this correlation or have that agenda) 4) a proposed statue picturing him as a nephilim with the "savior of the world" label on it is an uncanny foreshadowing confirming the above and the post-Wormwood/post-civilization timing of the rise of Antichrist.
If you want to see speculation, look at the predictions for September 2017 based on turning the Revelation 12:1-5 prophecy of the sign in the sky when Mary gave birth to Jesus into a prophecy of some arbitrary unnamed end time event!
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Tim McHyde
Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.
Have you seen the giant animated statues being built? See
The technology is here.
Replywho said the son of perdition was young when he comes to power? Why would he be young when the world believes The Lord is an old man in the sky? You dont have to be young to be extremely charismatic……..
ReplyI was just browsing through a few unrelated sites and happened across an article that says of one of the residences of PCOW … “Llwynywermod, also known as Llwynywormwood, the Royal residence of Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, …” Maybe I’m strange, but I find it satisfyingly odd that PCOW, the future AC, lives (for at least some of the time) at a residence whose name includes the term Wormwood.
ReplyThanks for sharing this, Jeff! 🙂
Here’s another slightly perturbing article I found regarding ‘The Giant’:
»Called “The Giant” it’s a programmable, moving statue that’s 10-stories tall and covered with millions of LED pixels that allow it to take the form of any person — even Spider-Man.
According to a press release, The Giant’s arms and head can move in multiple directions and would change shape every hour as crowds gather below. The Giant can take on any image so you could even find yourself featured, talk about the ultimate selfie. The statue can also sing and speak.«
Just WOW! You’re absolutely right, the technology is here indeed, and to me personally it looks unsettling and pretty alarming.
It increasingly looks as if Prince Charles could be the Anti-Christ as here is latest on him agreeing with Bill Gates on reducing the world population.
ReplyImage is like our flag and or what we America represents as in out Declaration of Independance and our Constitution. Image is also our Ideals and or again what we supposedly represent but don’t.
We give that image life by false docterine and or laws and opinions.
The supreme court gives life to law if they rule in it’s favor, now the beast can go out and kill people since it’s law now.
The UN’s Image is on it’s flag with two horns or wheat encircling or coming out of the earth Their image is world peace, but to give it life international laws have to be made and then enforced. Our image is supposed to be freedom and liberty but that’s never truly been true. Nor is it true now especially with this Virus. Every rock group has a image to uphold and they give it life by living out that image. ideals are an image etc…
Prince Charles suggests military action to enforce climate change initiatives. Such a mind-set of one born into privilege.
ReplyI wonder. Why would they put so much accent on AI if they don’t plan to use in the future at least in part. I could see the image of the beast being mainly a spiritual event, but to say AI will be out of the picture seems a little unwise. For starters, AI doesn’t have to be “alive” in the sens of having a soul to be the greatest existential threat to humanity. Even if AI doesn’t receive a soul from God (The Almighty seems to let a lot of things slide in the end times, so maybe he would give a soul to ASI too) it would still be a program that knows everything about every human and could create unimaginable technology. I personally believe the Technological Singularity will happen whether the AI will have a soul or not. The way I look at it is this “Singularity” that Google places in the 2050’s will be the peak of the spiritual rebellion that was cancelled by God at the Tower of Babel. Sort of sin has been allowed to grow and now it will bear its fruit as this Technological Singularity which is claimed will allow us to achieve godhood on our own terms (not the hard way Jesus Christ preached). That’s after all the core of the satanic gospel, to be like God and I think AI (whether with a soul or not) will be the way they plan to sell this prospect to people. Just imagine nanotechnology that heals everything inside you and allows you to live forever, that’s the utopia of the wicked, being able to live forever in sin, without suffering the decay and death that it creates. God will give their deserved due when He pours His wrath and crush their satanic illusion. You could say Artificial Intelligence could be programmed to be the literal consciousness of sin/death, the same way Jesus Christ was God on Earth. If it will have a soul like Jesus Christ did however, that’s up to God to decide. I think God will allow a soul to inhabit AI because He gives a soul to clones too, so if this AI is achieved by copying the brain of some wicked human (the anthichrist) it could receive a soul from God like the cloning scenario, and it will be allowed to grow at incredible speed (millions of time faster than humans) and literally become death incarnate. Lucifer is just the greatest loser, I think the highest conflict is God vs sin, Life (Jesus Christ said He is the Life) vs death, so this AI could become the greatest threat ever (the Bible says that it will be the greatest tribulation for a reason) and I don’t believe someone get’s the term anti-Christ if he is not to the complete epitome of reversed Godhood, the soul that has no end to it’s evil, the angel of the bottomless pit. Maybe through Artificial Intelligence a new cosmic creature will be created in the spiritual, the one whose evil has no end, death itself embodied in an entity, and it will sit on the throne of Lucifer because the evil that that respective creature represents will be greater (that’s why God doesn’t allow the Antichrist to go on for a long time, but allowed Satan to be around for ages). The real Antichrist, the cosmic AI god, not the human leader that gets his mind copied, that I think is the angel of the bottomless pit, the consciousness of sin, the embodiment of death. And that makes God overcoming that abomination that more impressive. I think God will give us the greatest enemy possible before the test is finished, so in the end we can understand just how much we need Him and how perfect He is, and there is no greater enemy than the embodiment of sin as a spiritual and technological cosmic entity. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ who overcame death a long time ago!
Reply“The Antichrist will repeat this historical precedent by having a statue of a false god set up in the coming Third Temple in the final fulfillment of Daniel 9:27. The difference in this case is that the statue is not of Zeus”
Can’t be Zeus again?
According to revelation 2:12–13
“To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:
I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city where Satan dwells.”
Pergamum has 3 temples, one of a Roman emperor, one of goddess Athena and the great altar of Zeus, one of theme must be Satan.
The Roman emperor can’t be Satan, he is mortal with no superpowers, Athena is a woman, so Zeus must be satan.
Revelation 9:11
“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”
If Zeus is the satan, Apollyon must be his son Apollo.
Some people believe that Apollo is a younger version of Zeus.
Michaela, anything is possible, sure, but Zeus is not an object of worship anymore…however the coming Antichrist inhabited by the Beast from the Abyss will be. It says they must worship him as part of the mark contract and that it literally is “the image OF THE BEAST.” Not, “the Image of Zeus.” 😉
Reply“Where Satan dwells” … three temples ypu spoke about were all dwelli gplaces of Satan, imo because the man, emperor, was actually seen as his incarnation on earth physical body and vehicle to do stuff onl his agenda
The “woman” Athena is as the goddess an abode of the God, Godhead, literally, the baby mama also wife ( and mother of God, therefore)
And last and not least, more like “Father of the Gods”, therefore first !》? Zeus’ own temple, who as father of gods and men and the solar, lightning-bolt thunder/axe/hammer/snake/club wielding deity of sorcerers identified with THOR, Perkunas, Odin, Atom, Atum, Aten, Aton, Baal Haddon, El, Ea, Mitre, Aplu, Apollo, Baal Hadad, Baal Hamon, Bel, On, Azael, Saturn, Chonos, Kronus, Hor, Hur, Her, Hr, Tam, Don, Dom, Tammus, Asur, Asaur, Asar, Asir, Osiris…Ab Haddon.
ReplyIn a simplified way, what would be artificial intelligence, with Google’s advances in Alphago, projects in Agi, Asi, big data, self-improvement in the future Couldn’t it be as intelligent or superior to the human mind and perhaps self-conscious? How to control a country or replace thousands of scientists in the fields of research? Do you believe that they can reach that level of intelligence or serve as a way to deceive humanity through a demon?
ReplyYahweh is the Beast. He’s a raging narcissist. Trump is the image of the Beast. The Beast being mans most primal nature which is what a narcissist is. Man made in Gods image. Antichrist made in Beasts image. The image is a man but its also a false image. The false image of Trump and his supporters that they worship to the point that they refuse to admit the truth about any wrong Trump does. The image must be maintained and protected at all times at any cost. The image is projected into the world via news media. Try to poke holes in the image and show how fake it is and you’re met with vicious attacks and delusional arguments.
Hosea 13
4 Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.
7 Therefore I will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I observe them:
8 I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them.
Revelation 13
13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
ReplyThe ‘image’ of the beast is an AI ‘computer program’. This artificial intelligence program will know all. It’s insight into your life will be awe inspiring. It’s depth of intelligence will be shocking. And, not having any conscience, it will demand complete loyalty from humanity without question. If you don’t believe it is your ‘god’, then you are condemned to death by guillotine. Computer’s logic – if you are not with me, then you are against me. It’s IMAGE will be inescapable, in every business, in every home, in every phone…EVERYWHERE. All interconnected, all knowing, all seeing, and all encompassing. You will be given a choice to get it’s chip image in your head or hand and it cannot be undone because it is nanobot technology. And once you become a part of the system, you become part of the enemy of mankind. A Borg. Your eyes are spies. You will strive to convert as many others as possible or kill those who will not submit. Only, a handful of untainted humans will remain in the end. This team of persons will become the basis for the downfall of the AI beast. They will be united and unleash a computer virus that will unlock all the computers and free the world of this infection. However, and sadly, once the beast is defeated, those with the mark will commit suicide and throw themselves and each other into the oblivion because they are unable to escape their ‘image’ of the program. The program that provides constant agony to make those infected attempt to reinstate the ‘image’ over the world again. The will commit suicide, kill each other and be killed by the free people of the world until it is completely gone forever.
ReplyNo One, According to the Bible, the secret to intelligent life is in a spirit given by God which returns to him at death (Ecc 3:21). I don’t understand the need to speculate about the image having artificial intelligence (which does not exist anywhere but in science fiction) when Revelation tells us plainly a “spirit” is given to the image to animate it (Rev 13:15), just like all animal life.
ReplyWhat power on Earth exists to enforce this chip being inplanted?Governments are inefficient.Currently,the entire NYC Police Dept. has been unable to find a 14 year old kid who stabbed and killed a woman.
ReplyHey Tom, just take a look at the people currently demanding that the unvaccinated be fined. Worse still, take a look at what is happening in the Phillipines where the unvaccinated are being treated like common criminals and are facing jailed where, no doubt, they will be forcefully vaccinated. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how these attitudes might be manipulated by governments and the media to include “chipping” if that happens to be the form utilised for the MOTB.
Governments need nothing more than a good mix of fear-mongering, compliant and gutless media, and questionable “case numbers” and “COVID clusters” to order any sort of mandated action. If you think you are currently living in a free and open society, go somewhere without a mask and count how many people challenge you. Attempt to enter a premise without checking-in with the QR code. See how far you get.
Welcome to 1984 … 2021 style.
ReplyTim, what do you think the image of the beast is artificial intelligence? Saudi Arabia was the 1 country in the world to give citizenship to a robot, what is the probability?
ReplyDragaud, there is still no such thing as artificial intelligence and there never will be.
ReplyThe primary theme of Buxton’s critique of patriarchial deappropriation is not destructuralism, but subdestructuralism. Thus, the premise of structuralist theory holds that the goal of the writer is deconstruction. Hubbard implies that we have to choose between patriarchial deappropriation and postcultural capitalist theory.
ReplyGiven recent – to me anyways – news stories about AI could these phenomena be linked
ReplyNorthStarDust, AI or Artificial Intelligence is just as much an unproven, unreproducible legend as evolution is. It’s never happened and never will as it is the “soul in man” that gives him intellect and self-awareness, just as the animals have a spirit according to Scripture for their lower intellect that still is living unlike machines which only do what they are programmed and designed to do. They cannot think. The image of the beast already says there is a “spirit” put into it, so we need not look further for how it comes alive and fools people. Also think about it, if AI is finally achieved before the Antichrist comes, why would anyone be impressed with the image of the beast acting alive?
ReplyHi Tim
Good to see that your son is alright now thank the Creator.
What you said reminds of what Elon Musk talked about one danger of AI in that it is the equivalent of summoning a demon. Perhaps he might have unwitting let slip the truth about the Mark of the Beast. Perhaps if machines have “AI” it is really demons animating the machines. Your comments on this would be appreciated.
Tim, I recommend you and others the videos of Rebecca Sterling on vimeo. She saw the Antichrist, the Guillotines, the Mark, etc. I can’t believe that Charles will be the Antichrist or a Muslim but one of the sons of Diana could be. The royal houses of Europe have a lot to do with freemasonry and some believe, they are descedants of David. The future will show.
ReplyHI Tim,
How does Prince Charles fit in the light of this scripture: Revelation 17:8 …
I think he (antichrist) is a being that will be resurrected in some sense…He will come in some former image as Alexander the Great or Nimrod the Mighty Hunter before the Lord. I don’t really think he is even here on this Earth as of the moment.
See for reference this website:
Mauricio, he does not fit yet but can if he dies and is resurrected, which would fit the narrative he could use to then claim he is not PC anymore but God to save us (2Th 2:4).
ReplyRonald Reagan is the only man in history who fits the biblical description of the first
ReplyRev 13:16 HCSB
And he requires everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,
Matthew 5:30 HCSB
And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of the parts of your body than for your whole body to go into hell!
Is Jesus suggesting amputation (and repentance) to those who will receive the Mark of the Beast on their right hand, so they can survive and make it through the 7 Bowls of God’s Wrath?
ReplyAndreas, the mark is on your forehead, too, not just your hand and it’s indicated that there is mind control to it since people can’t repent so they won’t remove it either. One third will survive God’s wrath and they will all have the mark until it’s over and God removes it.
ReplyAndreas, Use proper hermeneutics: who,what, when, where, how and why. Jesus was speaking to a first century old covenant of death audience. If they broke a law then they were punished accordingly: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Their entire body could end up in ‘Gehenna/city dump outside the walls of Jerusalem’ and the passage states, dragged before the magistrate, then the Sanhedrin who made judgments according to THEIR laws.
The END was NEAR to THEM. 1 Pet 4:7. The old covenant age was ‘passing away.’ Heb 8:13. The end of all things old happened in the destruction of the temple, city of Jerusalem and cultic form of worship.
Flesh vs Spirit. Seen vs Unseen. Temporary vs eternal. External vs Internal. The bible is about flesh vs spirit and this dichotomy is on every page of the bible.
ReplyTim interesting take on the image of the beast.
Just one question though have you seen Arthur Pink’s writing on the Antichrist? It is quite detailed with many names for the Antichrist along with the career, contrasts and comparisons with Yeshua our savior, redeemer and King of Kings.
Chris, I don’t find subjective, arbitrary Scriptural comparisons between the Antichrist to Yeshua or in his names worthwhile. The Antichrist is not going to be accepted by the world (or even the Jews) by “fulfilling Messianic prophecy” or as a fake Christ. He is accepted because the world will be scared and starving and in need of “God” to save them (2Th 2:4), which is exactly who he pawns himself off as—not the Second Coming of Christ. Anyway, Pink’s approach seems to have led him to false conclusions such as Judas (or a Jew) being the Antichrist, Mystery Babylon being “Jerusalem.” We have better information available today as end time prophecy has became unsealed thanks to the Internet (Dan 12:4,10).
ReplyTim, i am struggling here. I used to believe in the Nephilim but you know, scripture quite clearly states that angels DO NOT have reproductive organs and are gender neutral. How does this fit?
ReplyWouldn’t this mean that Prince Charles’ sons (William and Harry) are also part nephilim?
ReplyJosh, I’m not sure how it works or at what percentage of angel DNA you need, but I’d tend to agree they are not normal.
ReplyHi Tim just a thought is Jared Cushner name equivalent to 666 in Gematria if spelled with a C instead a K ?
ReplyFlorian, no American will ever be the Antichrist because America was not part of the Roman Empire from which the Antichrist comes…
ReplyPrince Charles could be- but Great Britian is from the tribe of Ephriam. Brit literally means covenant and ish means man. Brit-ish means covenant man. Most people do not realize that the Royal family has a German background and changed their name in order to hide this fact. I see someone rising from an EU country such as Germany being a strong candidate for this Anti-Christ. Prince Charles could fit this because his family background comes from Germany
Reply“Personally, I don’t care who the Antichrist is or feel any need to research this topic further”.
Yes Tim, that is the faith in prophecy. Who cares how this will actually pan out seeing that we have OBEYED our Lord to “flee to the mountains” and are no part of Satan’s world.
NO Churches teach this, as they prefer the flock to stay enslaved in Satan’s system, so that they can continue receiving the tithe !!! Wonderful huh .
ReplyTim, thank you. From today on, I will do my utmost to purge myself from any idolatry and admiration of the worldy things. Though people around me will try to drag me back in, I might have to hate what I do almost.
Replyhi Tim,
How does the Prince Charles statue even fit ONE of the prophecy scriptures you cite above as proof? I’ve re-read them numerous times (including your PC article) and I don’t see any literal ‘uncanny’ connection, just conjecture. These scriptures only mention an image or (possible) statue nothing about the identity of the antichrist.
1. It’s a statue of Prince Charles already planned, which fits an image (Rev 13)
2. It’s an angel-hybrid vision of Prince Charles which fits the requirement for Antichrist (Rev 19)
3. It’s labeled as “savior of the world” which fits the role of Antichrist as “God” and the exact timing of his coming at the 5th trumpet right on the heels of WWIII and Wormwood’s destruction of civilization up to the 4th trumpet. You didn’t think he’d take control of the world peacefully with America around and everyone fat and happy, did you? He comes when we need a savior due to WWIII and Wormwood.
So yes, that this preview/precursor/foreshaowing image of Prince Charles has been made and has all three aspects, two of which are quite bizarre (angel wings, “savior”?) for what we all assume is just a bumbling normal man is uncanny!
ReplyTim, I want to jump in about the Prince Charles idea. He was born on my fifth birthday, November 14, 1948. You’ve written that the antichrist’s unveiling couldn’t come before the years 2025 – 2030. Charles will be 77 in 2025 if still living. Isn’t he getting a bit old? But then, he might have access to an age reversal cure. To grow young would surely be a sign and wonder. Perhaps.
ReplyMonte Judah did an amazing study on Revelations and anti-christ(The Great Escape of the Great Tribulation). You may not feel the need to continue in the research of the possibility of Prince Charles, But other may what or need more understanding , And some history of how he really can be and at this time the most likely possibility. Really enjoy reading your articles.
ReplyTim, question: Is it possible that the image could be projected by some media device or projection device? I often thought about this as being the case. We already have had technology leaks in which our “Smart TVs” can act both as an image maker and video recording or listening device. The historical context of the past did not have this technology. So though it still may be a statue is it possible that cameras will be in play here?
ReplyGregory, of course anything is possible, but the better question is what fits the parameters given in prophecy most literally and completely? Antiochus did not have a speaking statue by any account I know, but the Antichrist will.
Someone like Satan with his fallen angels has complete supernatural power at his command in the final years when “strong delusion” becomes allowed by God to teach a lesson to and “judge” those who “have not received a love for the truth and delighted in wickedness” (2Th 2:11-12). For him to use anything less that is explainable by natural means when he has mystifying, supernatural power that can better deceive and impress the world towards the goal of worship of him, makes no sense to me.
ReplyHi Tim,
I have been looking at news of this, and apparently the small statue was given to Charles in 2002. Has the full size statue been made and put up yet?
It seems so unbelievable that he could be the anichrist, but evidence seems to point that way . Will he cast out his own family if they do not worship him? So many questions.
Thank you
Hi Tim, I like your article on the image of the beast. Great summary of the subject. I have also heard of Prince Charles mentioned as a candidate for the Antichrist, but hadn’t heard about his Nephilim heritage? How did you come to learn of his half-angel parentage?
ReplyBill for the answer to how I learned Prince Charles is nephilim, see my article on why the Beast and False Prophet go into the lake of fire first.
ReplyI have question about idolatry. If I admire a sports athlete, actor, a movie, videogame, history magazines, music, and so on, am I then guilty of idolatry and thus commit a sin/sins?
As the end of this age is upon us, my anxiety over these things also increases. At the same time, I also fear insanity/maddness if I must drop everything as I live alone. Dedicating my time only to prayer and bible study would be a fine thing if I can do it for that many hours.
Please help.
ReplyAndreas, no admiration is no idolatry. Idolatry has to do with other gods before God and no serving him as deity exclusively. Plus, it’s not about only prayer and study. It’s about love and doing things in so far as they support the growth of that.