Understanding the Nephilim and their Role in Bible Prophecy

The "mighty" Nephilim giants of Genesis 6 are gone, but Revelation describes a return of another kind of Nephilim to play a major role in the end times. Despite this, few Christians know anything about the Nephilim—nor would they want to know given the scary details of these actual monsters. Without facing this shocking level of evil and abomination that God has chosen to allow, you can’t fully understand end-time prophecy or even God’s ways. If you are brave, it’s time to understand the Nephilim in the Bible and conquer your fear of monsters.

Real Monsters: Giants, Demons, and Fallen Angels

Most of us stopped being scared of monsters once we left childhood and learned that just like Santa Claus, these scary creatures are fantasy. They exist only in children's imagination, legends, Greek mythology and movies like Poltergeist—not reality.

However, if you (as a believer) stop to read the entire Bible, you may be forced to reconsider that reassuring thought. The OT and NT have accounts of several varieties of these real-life monsters:

  • Giants: Even casual Christians are aware that David fought a nine-foot giant named Goliath. Probably only a minority realize that the Promised Land was filled with giants, the bad news of which made up the "evil report" that the ten unfaithful spies of the land scared the children of Israel with.
  • Demons: Most Christians also know that the New Testament tells of how Jesus and the apostles had to contend with demons, also known as ghosts or poltergeists. The NT gives no explanation as to their origin and purpose. They are just treated as an everyday part of life, responsible for as much as one-quarter of the sicknesses that Jesus healed.
  • Fallen Angels: Let's not forget Satan. He's an evil or fallen angel who cast one-third of the angels to earth in revolt against God (Rev 12:3).

There is one other biblical monster which the typical Christian has probably missed:

  • "Nephilim"

Despite their obscurity, we shall see that the Nephilim are a key to understanding how all of the above are connected and also to understand aspects of end time Bible prophecy such as the locusts, Antichrist/Beast and False Prophet, and "the abyss." They also may explain why there are persistent reports of UFOs and alien life in the world today.

Who Are the Nephilim?

The Nephilim are one of the more mysterious and disturbing topics of the Bible. The word Nephilim only appears twice in the Bible. Here are the two passages:

Genesis 6:1-4 (HCSB) — 1 When mankind began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were beautiful, and they took any they chose as wives for themselves. 3 And the LORD said, “My Spirit will not remain with mankind forever, because they are corrupt. Their days will be 120 years.” 4 The Nephilim were on the earth both in those days and afterward, when the sons of God came to the daughters of mankind, who bore children to them. They were the powerful men of old, the famous men.

Nephilim literally means "fallen ones." But what are they and what made them powerful and famous? Early interpreters believed them to be giants. Nephilim was translated as "giants" (gigantes) by most ancient Bible versions such as the Greek Septuagint ("gigantes") and Latin Vulgate ("gigentes").

The other occurrence of Nephilim bears that conclusion out. It is found in the "evil report" that the ten unfaithful spies gave of the Promised Land. Note that unlike the first account:

Numbers 13:32-33 (HCSB) — 32 So they gave a negative report to the Israelites about the land they had scouted: “The land we passed through to explore is one that devours its inhabitants, and all the people we saw in it are men of great size. 33 We even saw the Nephilim, there—the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim! To ourselves we seemed like grasshoppers, and we must have seemed the same to them.”

The Nephilim are said to be the source of the Anak. As the context indicates, the Anak were one of the races of giants in the Bible who could view the Israelites as ants in comparison. (Quite fittingly, "anak" (ענק) is the word for "giant" in modern Hebrew.)

Like with the "rapture timing question" (i.e., a pre-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture), not everyone agrees on what the Nephilim were. Just as the majority of Christians believe in a pretrib rapture, the majority of Christians doubt that the Nephilim really are giants and that the "sons of God" who parented them are angels. Just like the idea of a post-trib rapture, it's too scary for the average Christian to believe that God would allow such ghastly horrors as evil angels to roam freely and create freakish monsters. Yet as we shall see, not only is God allowing us to be on the earth for the Great Tribulation, he is also allowing us to be on the earth with living, breathing monsters.

Who Are "The Sons of God?"

The identity and nature of the Nephilim is indeed greatly complicated by the ambiguous term used for their procreators, the "sons of God." Just who are they?

It's helpful to recognize that in biblical usage, the term "sons of God" (benei HaElohim) refers to only direct creations of God such as Adam (Lk 3:38) and the angels (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7). You and I only have the right to "become the sons of God" but are not there yet (John 1:12). When we are rebirthed (John 3:3) by God into glorified spirit bodies at the rapture or resurrection, then we shall be at last (Rom 8:19). The following passage makes it crystal clear that we become sons of God "like the angels" in the resurrection:

Luke 20:36 (HCSB) — For they cannot die anymore, because they are like angels and are sons of God, since they are sons of the resurrection.

Since glorified humans did not exist in the time of Genesis 6, that means the sons of God referred to there must be the angels. This, by the way, is just how the Greek Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus) translation of the Hebrew OT rendered the phrase "sons of God" in Genesis 6:2. "Angels" there makes perfect sense in context because of how the "sons of God" is a term of contrast to the "daughters of men. It's describing something different from and much more noteworthy than "the sons of men" and the "daughters of men" mixing as they do every day since Adam and Eve. That is not noteworthy. Finally, angels mating with humans is the best explanation for why the offspring were so "powerful" and "renown."

How Can Angels Have Sex if They "Don't Marry" (Mt 22:30)?

Now that you can see from the Bible that the sons of God who created the Nephilim are fallen angels, there are many questions and objections that may come to mind. Is such a thing even possible? Would God allow it? If so, why?

A frequently raised objection to this idea of how the Nephilim came from sex between angels and women cites this statement of Jesus:

Matthew 22:30 (HCSB) — For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven.

Article continues below...

"Depart From Me, I Never Knew you!" - Jesus

Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. So...who are they and what did they miss or do wrong? In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself!

If you analyze it carefully, you can see that Jesus' statement has nothing to do with evil angels on earth having sex. It's talking about holy angels in heaven marrying. (It is proven every day on earth that sex without marriage is possible.)

The Bible tells us much about the nature of angels. One recurring theme is that angels appear in human form, such as those who came to Abraham and Lot, completely convincing ones, at that. For example, Paul said we may entertain angels unbeknownst to us (Heb 13:2). Abraham apparently took the three angels who visited him as "men" (at first) and offered them a meal. Most interestingly, the angels ate the food (Gen 18:8)!

If angels look like humans, act like humans and even eat food like humans (hmm, where does the food go?), then we may wonder what else can they do like humans? What reason do we have to doubt that they can engage in sexual reproduction, too? I personally have no doubt that an angel could pass a complete physical—if they could ever be compelled to submit to one :).

What Exactly Are the Nephilim? (Wasn't Jesus Technically Nephilim?)

An important point to draw from this understanding of how angels can manifest physically as they wish is that their offspring with women are not "half-angel and half-human." Nor are they part-spirit and part-human. If that were true, then one could argue that Jesus was a Nephilim, too, since the Holy Spirit was said to have come upon Mary his human mother to conceive him. On the contrary, Jesus had only a human parent, Mary, and only human DNA from her. (Ron Wyatt claimed that Jesus had only 24 chromosomes instead of the full set of 46 chromosomes that one would have from having two human parents.) He was completely human, "the last Adam" (1Co 15:45).

Unlike Jesus, the Nephilim are not produced by a spirit (in this case, of an angel) causing a woman to conceive miraculously. Nephilim are produced through two physical bodies mating just like normal humans are. It's just that for Nephilim offspring, one of the parents is, let's say, an "angelic human" instead of a normal human. The key difference is that the sperm produced by the angelic human is not normal human DNA but must have the genetic modifications for creating giants. The angels can apparently manifest in their sperm whatever genetic code is needed for the creature they desire to create (not just giants, as we'll see later). This produces a humanoid, not a human, nor an angelic/human hybrid.

In other words, the fallen angels were able to do genetic engineering through their God-given ability to manifest flesh as they wished. You could say, using the current parlance, that the Nephilim were the first GMOs, "genetically modified organisms."

By the way, since this offspring is not human, but humanoid, it can no more receive salvation than a goldfish can. This is important to consider for the answer below on what happens when a Nephilim dies.

What Happened to the Nephilim and their Fallen Angel Parents?

As Genesis 6 says above, violence filled the earth as a result of the Nephilim. God decided to send the flood and start over. This killed all the giant Nephilim at that time. Only Noah's family of eight humans survived on the ark.

As for the wicked angels who parented them, the Bible also describes their fate:

Jude 1:6-8 (HCSB) — 6 and He has kept, with eternal chains in darkness for the judgment of the great day, the angels who did not keep their own position but deserted their proper dwelling. 7 In the same way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them committed sexual immorality and practiced perversions, just as angels did, and serve as an example by undergoing the punishment of eternal fire. 8 Nevertheless, these dreamers likewise defile their flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme glorious ones.

2 Peter 2:4 (HCSB) — For if God didn’t spare the angels who sinned but threw them down into Tartarus, and delivered them to be kept in chains of darkness until judgment

Tartarus in Greek means "deep abyss." It seems to be the same as the abyss of Revelation where Satan also will be imprisoned when Jesus returns (Rev 20:1-2). This is an interesting parallel to how the Greek Titans were condemned to Tartarus by Zeus for their rebellion against their father Uranus.

Then Where Did the Giants After the Flood Come From?

So to summarize the story we've covered so far:

  1. Fallen angels + women = Nephilim/giants.
  2. Fallen angels were bound in the abyss.
  3. All Nephilim died in Noah's flood.
  4. There were still giants (Nephilim) "also afterward" the flood (Gen 6:4). E.g., Goliath and his four brothers (2Sam 21:16-22 and 1Ch 20:4-8)

In fact, there are several races of giants listed in the OT after the flood:

  • Rephaim (Gen 14:5)
  • Anakim (Nu 13:33)
  • Emim (Gen 14:5)
  • Zuzim (Gen 14:5)
  • Zamzummims (Dt 2:20)
  • Zophim (Nu 23:14)

So where did these giants come from? The Bible does not directly tell us. One possibility is that the angels repeated their sin to create more Nephilim after the flood. This is possible because not all did this sin. Note in passages of Jude and Peter above how the Bible says "those angels who sinned" and "those who kept not their first estate." This implies that not the entire one-third of the fallen angels who Satan cast to earth (Rev 12:3) had sex with women. (The Book of Enoch puts the number at only 200 "watchers.")

The challenge for this theory is that the Bible never describes another incident of angels cohabiting with women. It would make sense they never did this again given the stiff penalty imposed on the fallen angels for this sin.

Another theory (that is also not without difficulties) is that the Nephilim DNA came aboard the ark. Although Noah was "perfect in his generations" that does not mean everyone else on the ark was. The best candidate would be one of the wives of his sons, specifically the wife of Ham. The nations of the giants of Canaan can be traced directly to Ham. If Ham's wife had some recessive giant Nephilim DNA, then this could explain how one of her sons (Canaan) is the ancestor of all the giants described in the land of Canaan above.

Why Did God Allow the Nephilim Back?  One Positive Aspect of the Nephilim

Obviously, the existence of the Nephilim must work to achieve God's overall plan or God would not allow these things both before and after the flood. It does seem that the genocidal effects after the flood were gone. Perhaps the negative changes to the environment after the flood compared to the more favorable antediluvian environment explains why the giants did not spread to take over the earth again.

As we'll see later, the Nephilim in modern times take a different form than giants which fits into Satan's plan to guide the world now and to outright rule it later.

I can share one clear reason God allowed the Nephilim to continue on to this day. You see, as scary and unsettling as all the above is, there is a disturbing positive twist to the overall negative impact of the Nephilim in the world.

Even before the Internet made hearing such things unavoidable, I've heard accounts over my life that some of the greatest technological advances in history have come with the help of evil spirits. Maybe you've heard such stories, too. For example, I heard long ago that the inventors of such important technologies such as the transistor or the ICBM came through men who "had help." Much like how modern pop musicians have occasionally admitted they feel they had help in writing one of their key hit songs, so, too, have many inventors.

The Mother of the First Nephilim?

What's interesting is that we have a veritable technology explosion within one family recorded in the Genesis pre-flood genealogies: the family of Lamech. That family also has a detail that is extremely rare for a biblical genealogy: the inclusion of a woman, Lamech's daughter, Na'amah (נַֽעֲמָֽה). When you see a woman mentioned in Bible genealogy, it's a good idea to ask why someone thought they were notable enough to include.

Well, admittedly that's something I neglected to do. I had believed for a long time that the family of Lamech was likely the benefactor of a contract with angels because of how much technology his sons originated or became "fathers" of:

  • Genesis 4:19-20 —19 Lamech took two wives for himself, one named Adah and the other named Zillah. 20 Adah bore Jabal; he was the father of the nomadic herdsmen.
  • Genesis 4:21 — His brother was named Jubal; he was the father of all who play the lyre and the flute.
  • Genesis 4:22 — Zillah bore Tubal-cain, who made all kinds of bronze and iron tools. Tubal-cain's sister was Na'amah.

Despite understanding how this family probably had angelic assistance in order to achieve breakthroughs in not just one, but three critical sciences of agriculture, art, and technology, I never focused on Na'amah (well the Bible is a big book after all). It was not until a supporter shared a link to the book The Judgment of the Nephilim that I found out that several Christian sources go into why Na'amah got her mention. Na'amah was married to a fallen angel in exchange for the arts and science "knowledge dump" that her brothers received from the angels and implemented and specialized in. 

In other words, Lamech's daughter Na'amah was perhaps the first mother of a giant in history. The dowry price for Na'amah was that superior angelic knowledge. The angels in return got a human female with which to start their race of Nephilim offspring. By the way, her name means "beautiful" or "pleasant," so she may have been quite a looker which even angels liked (1Co 11:10), regardless. (In modern Hebrew you can use a form of Na'amah's name to say "pleased to meet you:" נעים מאוד / naaim meod; literally "very pleasant/nice".)

All this to say that as monstrous as the Nephilim are, their inception has been instrumental to the advancement of human civilization. Another case bearing out the truth of "all things work together for good" (Rom 8:28).

Where Do the Demons Come From?

Understanding the source and angelic/human hybrid nature of the Nephilim helps explain a great mystery in the Bible: the origin of demons. Where the demons came from that Jesus and Paul dealt with in their ministries is a question never explained clearly in the NT. In fact, it's not explained explicitly anywhere in the Bible.

Nevertheless, the Jewish Book of Enoch does elaborate quite a bit on this topic. Even though Enoch is not Scripture, that does not mean it cannot be helpful to consult like other imperfect Jewish books such as Josephus. The NT itself quotes Enoch (Jude 1:14). Enoch can help fill in details that Scripture does not give—so long as those details do not contradict Scripture.

What Enoch indicates is that the demons are the spirits of the Nephilim released upon their death. I have no reason to doubt Enoch on this as certain details in the Bible fit well with this different origin for demons compared to angels.

For one, it seems that unlike angels, demons cannot just manifest a body. If they were born into the Nephilim body then it makes sense that when it's dead that they are out of luck unless they find another one. We see in the NT a strong desire to inhabit bodies demonstrated in demon behavior. They possess people when they can (Lk 11:24) and when cast out of people they'd rather go into an animal than just be "naked" disembodied spirits again (Mt 8:31).

To summarize the difference between angels and demons:

Angels Demons
Origin Created by God Sexual offspring of a fallen angel and a woman
Manifests various real physical forms at will Can only possess an existing physical body
Power Very powerful and deadly Without a body, perhaps only able to be a poltergeist or noisy ghost
Banished into the abyss (alive) Killed in the lake of fire
Ultimate Fate To be judged by the saints Unredeemable and unsavable like the animals

"Just as in the days of Noah" = Giants Again?

When Jesus said that the end times would be "just like Noah's day," was he indicating the return of the Nephilim? The short answer is no because he also said it would be "just like the days of Lot," too, which was not associated with giants.

Yet there is something that Noah and Lot both had in common in their days.... See this article for the full story on what Jesus was referring to in context.

Small Nephilim Today and in End Time Prophecy

Obviously there are no marauding giants today. All have been killed off by modern times and their giant skeletons are found throughout the world (and quickly hidden by Satan's workers who want that part of history hidden).

So are there still Nephilim of another kind or are they only going to return later, or both?

Here's a question to ponder: If angels can create giants, wouldn't creating other types of humanoids, say normal-sized ones, be a piece of cake by comparison?

Several of Jesus' statements make one wonder if that is not what Satan switched over to. In more enlightened times like our own, giants are not going to succeed like they once did, for obvious reasons. For example, there is the Parable of the Tares and Wheat where Jesus describes the offspring of Satan that are indistinguishable from the offspring of God until the end of the age when the angels can pick them out and dispose of them (Mt 13:24, 41-42). Then there is where Jesus calls the Jewish religious leaders "sons of their father Satan." Was he speaking literally? He could have been given the Nephilim.

"Lake of Fire Early Birds"

The clincher for this line of reasoning is found in a revealing detail about the fate of the Beast and False Prophet. They are slated to be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev 19:20), just like wicked unrepentant humans will be (Rev 20:15). However, their destruction there will come over 1000 years earlier than the rest of humanity's does at the Great White Throne Judgment. Even the armies who they lead in battle against Christ do not go to the lake of fire (final, "second death" of the soul) with them but are simply killed (only "first" death of the body - Rev 19:21). Why the discrepancy? Are they really that evil that they "do not pass go, do not collect $200 and go straight to jail," so to speak? No, the Bible says all humans are to be judged and to account for every word before God at the last day (John 12:48).

The only conclusion that fits is that these two are not human, but humanoid. They are demonic Nephilim who cannot be saved. That being the case, there is no reason to wait 1000 years for them to be judged like humanity is. They go straight to the lake of fire like the rest of the demons do at the end of the age (Mt 13:40-42). Similarly, the fallen angels go into the prison of the abyss with Satan (Rev 20:3). In this way, both kinds of evil spirits will be removed at the start of the Millennium so they cannot deceive humanity in God's kingdom on earth anymore (Rev 20:3). (See my article on this.)

If the Beast and False Prophet are Nephilim that appear human and deceive the world this way, then there may be more already today. As the late Chuck Missler's Return of the Nephilim video teaching suggests, perhaps the alien abductions of today (yes, even of Christians) are simply the modern version of the angels "taking wives of all which they chose" (Gen 6:2)? Perhaps the aliens are not extra-terrestrial and instead are extra-dimensional (coming from the spiritual plane of God, angels, and demons).

"Could I Be Nephilim and Not Know It?"

I've heard this question countless times. It's a bit amusing how it usually takes the other form of "Can someone be Nephilim and not know it" similar to the sheepish question people ask "I have this friend who..." because they want to get information while protecting their privacy.

When we hear there are non-giant Nephilim among us, it is quite natural to wonder if somehow you might be a monster yourself and not know it. (The same question occurs when believers find out about the unpardonable sin. They wonder if they might have committed it unknowingly.)

My short answer to this question would be much the same as for the unpardonable sin: if you are worried and unsure if you are Nephilim, then you're not!

What I have heard about Nephilim would back this up. Bear in mind that if you are a Nephilim, it means you have been specially created by an angel for a purpose. Many of the Nephilim are in high places of power like presidents and prime ministers, kings, and queens. Would they completely abandon you and not put you to use? Also, you would have a demonic spirit in you (not a human spirit) which apparently gives you powers. Reportedly Nephilim can manifest their demonic spirit outwardly making them no longer look human but monsters. This is where the "reptilian race" theory comes from.

My conclusion is therefore that if you were Nephilim you would know by nature or would know because a fallen angel parent visits you.

Now for the other question of whether there are Nephilim around you and you don't know, that is indeed possible. Again, unless you see them shapeshift or with a fallen angel, I don't think you can tell. Freaky thought, right?

Don't Fear, Don't Worry

It is probably disheartening for many to find out that God has chosen to allow the existence of not only a Devil but also fallen angels, demons and physical monsters called Nephilim, too. This fact is shocking to many Christians. But should it be?

Bible prophecy has already told us that God is going to allow a Great Tribulation to overtake the whole earth with us still on it and that he is going to allow an army of locusts to invade the earth when the abyss prison is opened up. (The abyss is the restrainer that Paul spoke of in 2Th 2:6–7 which is keeping the Man of Sin/Antichrist/Beast from being revealed. It must be taken out of the way to release the Beast from the Abyss and inhabit the Antichrist man.)

Those are no doubt Nephilim created by the fallen angels locked up in the abyss, if not (somehow?) Nephilim in the abyss, too, as the natural reading seems to literally state (Rev 9:3-11=Joel 2:2-9). Yet, God has also revealed his plan in Bible prophecy for saving us on earth from the Great Tribulation.

Likewise, although we may not like it or understand it, there is no need to be anxious about the monsters God allows among us. If God is allowing these things, he has a plan to make it work for good (Rom 8:28) and to protect us in the meantime. How could it be any other way with a loving Father like we have?

For some deep insight into what God's purpose is in allowing Satan, fallen angels, demons and Nephilim, see Satan in Prophecy.

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About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.

Dominika Privatt - January 2, 2022

I hope I might have a potential answer how Nephilim could appear after the flood. My personal opinion: I don’t think any Nephilim DNA was aboard the ark. However, it appears there are two ways in which Nephilim can be produced. The first way is to be an offspring of a woman and an angel. In this case the being is Nephilim from birth. However, it seems that there is an alternative process in which we start with a human and end up with Nephilim. Genesis 10:8: “And Cush begot Nimrod; he BEGAN to be a mighty one on the earth.” The scripture emphasis is that Nimrod had a human father, but then at some point he became “mighty one” (Nephilim). I believe the process involves dying and being revived. It might be behind Osiris myth (and other mesopotamic myths), This may be why the scripture describes Antichrist as someone who recovers from a deadly wound. I believe the soul leaves at the certain point of the dying process and the demon enters. Obviously this does not happen every time somebody dies, so there have to be some very special circumstances to allow for this process to take place.

    Mike - July 21, 2022

    This theory is interesting and would make sense of why satan and michael were fighting over Moses’ body.

    Ken Ammi - January 6, 2023

    You seem to imply that God failed, correct?
    He meant to be rid of them but couldn’t get the job done, He missed the genetic loophole, the flood was much of a waste, etc.

April - August 26, 2021

Excellent article Tim! I had been waiting for years for you to address this, I just remembered your site and came back to find you are still going strong and you tackled this issue as well!! Thank you 🙂

Cindy - May 18, 2020

Do you believe people with the Rh O negative blood type are of the nephillim or reptilian theory? I have been reading this about my blood type and it worrys me God might not save me.

    ne pas dire - May 3, 2021

    Interesting question but lets go to scripture and see what it says:

    Romans 10:9 says, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
    Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
    2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
    1 John 1:9-10 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.”
    John 6:37-39 says, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.”

    Lean on scripture (John 5:39)…we live in very troubling times and as Yeshua compared between the one who built on the sand and the one who built on the rock. (Matthew 7:24-27)
    Jesus the Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiach) is the rock and His Word will never pass. (Matthew 24:35)

Wesley Whatley - March 11, 2020

Just google ‘giant skeletons found’ and click on the link about the Smithsonian being ordered to release data on how since the early 1900s they have repeatedly destroyed evidence of giant skeletons.

Josh - January 28, 2020

I Love your article Tim. I’ve talk to people about the serpent seed before. Yahweh told Adam when they sin. That his seed would crush the head of the serpent and the serpent would bruise his heal. Speaking of Yeshua death and resurrection!. Also in Daniel the prophecy of the feet being made of Iron and miry clay can not mix. Also when the it says Noah was pure in his generation the original word use is talking about his blood . Like DNA . We all know that Satan always wants to be like God and if he could corrupt the DNA. Then the Messiah couldn’t have been born. Plus all the structures found that are huge like off the coast of Japan and the skeletons that were huge and disapeered. Plus the elongated skulls of Puru. Also in are day and age there becoming more out. Showing there real eyes . You have generation of the same families holding all the powers. You have the bohiemen grove . Where all the world power makers meet. I watch a interview between two senators . One got upset and the other hiss at him on live TV . Peoples hearts have been hardened and they no longer have eyes to see and ears to hear to see this stuff. There also a pbs documentary called madness in the fast lane about 2 Swedish twins getting hit on camera multiple times by trucks and cars and get up and fight authorities. Like nothing happened. Plus I believe all these Super hero movies are them preparing us for the great deception. As for the rapture all through the word our Lord got his people through tribulation like Daniel and others. Even his disciples where myrter. It says in revelation that even the election would be fooled if the days were not shorten. I’ve told people that the election are his people. So if there was a pretrib rapture. Then how is there elect on earth. Plus there getting so open on tv and music video with the satanic imagery. May I ask you a question do you think Worm wood is a nuclear weapon. Since Chernobyl is Russian for wormwood. One last thing is the Kings of the East really Japan. Because I’ve seen some translation say the Kings of the rising sun. The only country that goes by that is Japan?

Johan Pretorius - September 3, 2018

Hello Tim, any thoughts on what happens to the soul/spirit of a nephillim when the human body dies today? Do they take over another human being?

    Tim McHyde - September 3, 2018

    Johan, demons typically roam the earth outside bodies, influencing them from the outside with negative thoughts and impulses. It takes special rights and open doors to possess someone.

      Michael, Al - August 29, 2019

      Hey Tim, It’s too much to write, BUT! If you talk against the Harpazo, you will be left behind! Is that something you really want to risk? It’s one thing to condemn yourself, but your leading others to condemnation.. Long story short, the body of Christ will be taken before the tribulation.. If you really want to know, I’ll use pure scripture to show you..

        Tim McHyde - August 30, 2019

        Michael, sorry but what I write or understand doctrinally is not what determines whether I’m saved and headed to the kingdom in the rapture. That’s determined by my faith in God’s goodness (Heb 11:6) which is needed for peace and harmony in God’s kingdom where everyone there now has settled the matter that God is good and worthy to obey primarily by loving all his children as yourself. There’s nothing you could show me that I have not seen or would change my mind that the harpazo is good and comes “after the tribulation” (Mt 24:29-31)

          Mike - July 21, 2022

          As in Matthew you stated, his elect come with him. They are in the air still. Hence from one end of heaven to the other, not earth. The trumpet is the 7th trumpet in rev 11:15

          Jesus said he would save his very elect from judgment. The great tribulation is judgement.

David Price - August 30, 2018

Tim, I was not sure if you have covered this before or not and if this is correct place to ask this, but have you been able to explain the dinosaurs and the ice age in the creation timeline? Where do they fit? I would think after the flood as there was not supposed to be water before the flood.

    Tim McHyde - August 30, 2018

    David, Kent Hovind answers where the dinosaurs and ice age fit. I recommend googling his creation evangelism seminars.

Wells - August 29, 2018

Hi Tim thanks for sharing. But please I have a question: If demons originates from dead Nephilims, please how do we explain their population (if the population of demons = the population of dead nephilims)? I mean I expect the population of the demons to be small in number relative to living humans, but it seems their are a lot of demons out there.

It just appears as if there is a demon for every living person. Are the dead nephilims (demons) that much in number?

    Tim McHyde - August 29, 2018

    Amakiri, It’s my understanding that there are millions of demons. What’s the problem with millions of giants before the flood making lots of demons ever since? It said the earth was filled with violence because of them necessitating the flood…

Dena Warfield - August 26, 2018

Tim, thank you for adding the “Don’t Fear, Don’t Worry” section to this post. As you have pointed out, to some people this can be very disturbing, but God will take care of his people. “And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.” Rom 8:28

Hendrik Coetzee - August 26, 2018

Gen.6:4 implies that in the days after the flood there was a new group of angels “came in unto the daughters of men”. KJV

    Tim McHyde - August 27, 2018

    Hendrik, that’s what I lean towards because of the UFO abductions today. But I don’t know why some were put in the abyss for this sin in the past but today they escape punishment for creating nephilim. Perhaps because it’s not filling the earth with violence this time like before the flood it was too aggressively done.

      Kyle Winslow - March 5, 2020

      Excellent essay, Mr. McHyde & I would agree with nearly all of it

      I suspect that why no Angels since ‘The Watchers’ have been thrown into the Abyss since the days of Jared is that none of them since have tried directly mating Angels with Humans. The books of Enoch & Jasher (which as you, I believe can be very edifying as long as Scripture isn’t contradicted.) talk about how the Angels not only mated with Humans directly, but they also genetically manipulated plants & animals.

      So there were animal/animal hybrids (going against Biblical ‘Kinds’), ungodly plant/plant hybrids, also animal/plant, human/animal & human/plant hybrids. This is likely where the stories of creatures such as Manticores, Griffins, Gorgons, Hydras, Centaurs, Satyrs, Hippogriffs, Minotaurs & many, many others, had their origins. In the years before the Flood it must have been complete Genetic Chaos, nearly the exact opposite of God’s Very Good & ordered creation.

      Enoch & Jasher also speak of how Men *learned* these secrets of genetic manipulation from the Angels & began to do the same practices as their Teachers, even taking people against their will to be manipulated. It’s only an inference, I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I strongly suspect that creating all these other abominations did not violate God’s Law to the degree that Angel/Human mating did, so did not qualify for the punishment of being tossed into the Abyss.

      Others have made a fair argument about one or more of Noah’s Daughters-in-law were not 100% genetically pure (Tamim) as he, his Wife & their 3 sons were. As if to reinforce that possibility, I believe the book of Jasher says Noah did not select Wives for his Sons until one week before the Flood! So these women might have had just enough recessive hybrid DNA in them that it took years after the Flood for it to manifest. Given that Brothers & Sisters married each other at that time (and would *have* to, to repopulate the Earth) it would only be a matter of time before some of that corrupted DNA would manifest & become dominant.

      There’s also another possible source that could easily have worked with this above process, they are not mutually exclusive, that of Nimrod ‘beginning to be’ a Gibborim, or Giant. (Mighty Man in the face of the Lord) What if this prototype Antichrist/Beast had obtained knowledge of this process from some writings that survived the Flood, or perhaps had it ‘whispered in his ear’ directly from some Fallen Angels?

      Regardless, if one is willing to research the testimonies of thousands upon thousands of people, it becomes clear that many, if not most, of them have had direct encounters with extremely strange *Flesh and Blood* creatures, that our Scientism-based-religion, insists cannot be. From Bigfoot to Dogmen, to Rakes/Wendigos, to Dwarves, ‘fairies’ & even Mermen & more, these encounters are happening all over the World & with increasing frequency.

      Again, I would never state my belief here as the Gospel Truth, but I believe that these beings are part of the 200,000,000-strong army spoken of in Joel, which will come upon the Earth openly & cause Men’s hearts to fail them with fear. I suspect that shortly after Jesus’ Christ’s death & Resurrection, the Holy Spirit began His work of The Restrainer, keeping evil, both general & specific, in check, until the time of the Tribulation, when he will remove that restraining power & allow all Evil to condemn itself by its actions.

      Lastly, check out creatures called, ‘Cynocephali’ they were supposedly a race of Dog-Headed beings that dwelt from Europe all the way to India for thousands of years. Yet some time shortly after Jesus’ Ressurection, these creatures supposedly disappeared without a trace, to never be seen again in Public.

      Thanks again for your excellent article, God Bless.

Elizabeth Becker - July 27, 2018

Ok. Great article! I think that this perspective can also explain some of Jesus’ parables about weeds sown in by the evil one? Matthew 13:24-30;36-43

Dadadada - July 1, 2018

you can be a nephilim and not know it brah hahahahahaha so about 13 people in the comments are most likely nephilim your father or mother of spirit a fallen angel… 1 part devine 1 part human .05 devine 2 part human .25 devine 2 human and so on only the nephilim is stronger than the human dna all it means is you dont have a choice where to stand when humans start their attempt to kill those monsters as you say you will find the nwo is already against you… all that keep faith are welcome in gods house you just cant always get to vip p.s the bible was written by nephilim and jesus crist as an angel is the opisite of him as a human you cant fit a angel into a human they must be showing you apart of them at once thats why nephilim look human cause they can only filter a part of the giants soul at once… it just condences itself as it gets smaller so the nephilim that are here today are just as powerful as they where they just dont know it…

Loretta - June 12, 2018

ALL things were created by God through Christ, no exceptions, not even for people whom you like to imagine to be “Nephilim” or “abominations” or “Devil’s Spawn”; also, God wants all people to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth, as Saint Paul writes in First Timothy 2:4.

“John 1:3 King James Version (KJV)

“3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”

ALL things — no exceptions; even those people whom you wish to condemn as nephilim” were created by God through Christ.

Also — EVIL angels can never be any sorts of “sons of God” or “b’nai ha Elohim” because God is NOT the father of any evil; he created all as good, hoping that they remain good. (John chapter 8 and the entire epistle of First John.)

Who then were the “Sons of God” who married these “daughters of difficult, the “daughters of men” got difficult, also.

Contrary to what you, O wise teacher, said about humans becoming God’s sons/children, a teacher much wiser than you, Saint John the Apostle, had this to say about Sonship in one’s lifetime (First John chapter 3):

“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

“2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

“3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.”


“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

“2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

“3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

“4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

“5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.

“6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

“7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

“8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

“9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”


    allen hall - January 13, 2020

    you must come to ‘the fullness of the truth’.

    Amy 3092 - May 18, 2021

    Isaiah 45:7 – I form the light, and create the darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

    Mike - July 21, 2022

    Jesus massacred millions of Nephilim personally and he said he’s throwing them in the lake of fire.

Johan Pretorius - March 8, 2018

Hello Chris, yes, what I find very strange is the massive amount of UFO “sightings” on YouTube all over the world but not a word of it is mentioned on any news channels or news papers. I believe YouTube is being used to brainwash people into acceptance of so called ETs around us. We are in very dangerous times at the moment.

    Chris Ball - March 9, 2018

    Indeed Johan we’ll have to be the ones that build our houses on solid ground as Jesus talked about. The most dangerous 7 years will be signalled when Elijah turns up and everyone hears about him on the internet who will come in the authority of Moses and Elijah.

    Daniella Goldstein - February 11, 2020

    Johan, we all have been lied to, the Germans were the first ones going to Mars in the 1930’s. There are colonies on several planets and star-systems where humans and aliens live. Aliens are also living on our Earth. Everything is hiddeen from us, you can google: “Secret Space Program”, to begin your search for the truth. I stumbled upon this while I was watching some live TV broadcast where the host suddenly addressed her speech at me directly, saying: “You, you, who have the blood of Jesus Christ”, and she went on and on, telling me they were going to cut my heart out while I was alive and they were going to drink my blood.
    I was quite shocked. I am aware that I am related to the Habsburg Dynasty and there is a possibility that I am Rh negative. I am just now getting a blood test. I have been harassed for 16 years, I am what they call, a “Targeted Individual”. I am fighting back like a lion though, I am strong, I am a believer. GOD bless all of you, don’t be scared, it will be ok, we will have to stand together, all of us, we will prevail!

Chris Ball - March 6, 2018

I’ve been doing research on the UFO phenomenon and it is obvious that it is simply demonology with 21st century trappings. Why would people who have had contact with them suddenly have super strength, precognitive abilities for starters if they really came from the stars? No they are simply demons pretending to be ET for the Great Deception. I suspect that the Great Deception we’re warned of in the Bible will be demons/fallen angels claiming to be aliens from the stars. Any comment on this?

Asha - February 23, 2018

Read this today and suddenly EVERYTHING CLICKED! Remember the whole MK ULTRA experiments that happened and are still up to this day happening? By reducing victims to child like states and disassociating them away from reality wouldn’t it be easy for these people to become hosts to Nephilim?
Wouldn’t that mean that those who do receive the mark of the beast can become hosts to these NIPHILIM AS WELL SINCE THEY WILLINGLY SIGNED THEMSELVES OVER TO BE USED IN EVERY WHICH WAY BY SATAN?!

Bob Michaud - November 20, 2017

Good write. I started telling people almost exactly the same thing in the 1970s. It freaked people out back then. Now google giant skeletons-interesting. I got interested in 1963 when I started translating mythology and after a little research found consistant stories from many cultures and realized that there had to be a thread of truth. Note interesting ancient drawings in caves and pyramids of what appear to be a mix of human and other life forms.

Also I have a niece (whose dad clashed with me in the spirit-something evil about him and his life proved it) She is not only very large but was born with 6 fingers and 6 toes. Her life has been a spiritual disaster. I wonder about the genes and and if a diluted mix could truly find salvation through Christ. Comments welcome.

Louis Mirisciotti - November 15, 2017

Fantastic article. Years ago when I worked in a hospital as an EKG tech, I was called to the ER to do a test on a very young boy. Everybody was murmuring about him. They said he had 6 fingers. It freaked me out when I saw him for sure enough he did have 6 fingers on each hand. It causes one to wonder if the Nephilim do indeed exist today.

Rob Foster - November 14, 2017

Hi Tim, I wonder if it might be possible that Nephilim, the original offspring of an Angel/Human couple, can mate with each other and other humans. If that’s the case, there’s a good argument in favour of there being multiple millions of mixed race Nephilim/Human offspring all over the earth. Are the offspring of such mixed relations going to possess the same abilities and characteristics of the original Nephilim? I think so, as once the DNA is “polluted” it will likely stay that way. This opens up the possibility that in any one geographic area, there are numerous N/H hybrids we pass every day.

Grant Blackwood - November 14, 2017

I dont get you, you talk about all these signs and you have failed to recognize one who is walking around on the planet as we comunicate. His name is Steven Freye. This man is walking around performing miracles and wonders that nobody can explain and yet no one seems to be picking up on it especially prophecy experts like your self. Check him out, could he be nephlim???!!!

    Tim McHyde - November 14, 2017

    Grant, maybe you’re missing that Steven Fraye/Dynamo is indeed recognized internationally…as a showman, magician, illusionist. You might want to study how illusionists work using guarded secrets of their craft before you jump to conclusions that they are nephilim just because nobody knows their secret yet.

April Lopez - November 13, 2017

Very well put together. I truly believe these “aliens” are posers, and are in fact the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. I wonder tho, have they created the bodies they are in (gray alien) with the specimens they take from people during abductions, or what is the purpose for abductions? I know many abductees claim to have been told by them that they are “spirit guides” and things of that nature, but there has to be a reason the majority are taken to some type of lab, and specimens are taken.

Catherine Hafner - November 12, 2017

Tim, you say the demons will be killed in the lake of fire? how can a Spirit die?

    Tim McHyde - November 12, 2017

    Catherine, ahh, a spirit never does die of itself. But don’t you think God can terminate any spirit he wants to which is the purpose of the Lake of Fire? Spirit-terminating fire?

      Catherine Hafner - November 12, 2017

      Tim, read again Revelation 20:10 in Englisch is perhaps 20:9 the Lake of fire where the Antichrist, the false Prophet, the Satan and his followers will be, is from eternity to eternity.

        Tim McHyde - November 12, 2017

        Catherine, read again in multiple versions based on multiple manuscripts. Some say “were” not “are.” Given it’s uncertain what the original Hebrew said (which Revelation was received in as the church fathers attest) I would point you to the fact that there is a New Earth after that, with no mention of a lake of fire there anymore. God is not a sadist and does not need to torture people for eternity.

          Mark - August 27, 2018

          I think the only ones who will remember “from eternity to eternity” will be those of us who are still alive for ‘eternity’ who actually know that some were destroyed in a lake of fire at the end of judgment day.
          In our physical world, fire burns things up so that it can never be copied or repaired. Other forms of destruction can leave pieces or parts of something that could be rebuilt, like a puzzle, yet all the pieces are still there. Try burning a picture up and then putting it back together. Unless there was a copy, that particular picture is gone for good…”from eternity to eternity” Jesus said the gift of God is eternal life, period. I would have to agree, what would be God’s point in keeping those spirits in a state of eternal life, even if that ‘life’ was very unpleasant?
          I do believe the dead are all in Hell right now and they are either in Paradise or on another side of a great chasm where they are in misery, mainly because of extreme regret they feel and a longing to go to the other side, as is described in the rich man and Lazarus, but they can’t. Those in Paradise, such as the thief who died next to Jesus are enjoying a true earth like paradise awaiting the trumpet. At judgment day those in paradise and those in deep regret will be brought to an end and they will be either accepted into eternal life in Heaven and a new earth, or burned up in the lake of fire. I believe God will have mercy on whoever He chooses to have mercy. There is a possibility that some on the paradise side of Hell will be thrown in the lake of fire and some of those tormented with regret will be granted eternal life.

          ne pas dire - May 3, 2021

          Just as a preface:
          One of the things i must emphasize is that salvation is found only in Yeshua Ha Mashiach, the only begotten Son of God who indeed is God. Which allows for us to be able to disagree agreeably.
          Based on that, a couple things indicated are not something that i agree with.
          So the fact that a name is actually given leans to the credence that this is a parable? (Luke 16:19-31)
          Your idea of hell does not hold weight given actual scripture (Mark 9:42-48), (Revelation 14:11) or even the fact that Christ said that hell was created for… (Matthew 25:41 – unless you’re also saying these beings are temporary)
          Also to take light what Christ said, as in the days of Noah and as the days of Lot (i wonder if those days are manifesting themselves even more so today…the days of lot i think anyone can see that without having to think about it but the days of Noah (don’t think giants…but of what is said of Noah in Genesis 6:9and the word used to describe him (Tamim).
          But either way interesting article…At the end of the day though, the Bible, the Whole Bible and nothing but the Bible (Matthew 24:35)

E. Koles - November 12, 2017

Why think we are an enlightened age. Are we stronger genetically etc. than the time of Adam who had full use of his brain up to the flood? See God’s comment re the ability of man in Gen.11:6. Also check the work of Thomas Horn, Steve Quayle and Timothy Alberino re pre-flood megolithic buildings etc.

    Tim McHyde - November 12, 2017

    EKoles, The point is that modern people consider it unenlightened or superstitious to believe in giants, and sometimes even in God.

Mark - November 12, 2017

Good article. I liked your take on the book of Enoch. I have personally found it fascinating. For one thing the book of Enoch 76:8 describes, “seven great islands I saw in the sea and on the earth”……… Is this referring to 7 continents long before anyone knew they even existed? Sure seems like it.
At another place it seems to be describing the rapture, but I can’t find it now. Then there is a description of an angel taking Enoch on a tour thru what appears to be the Garden of Eden. The description and naming of some angels is also very interesting. I’m wondering why it wasn’t canonized?

Andreas - November 11, 2017

Tim, is it possible that mankind simply reproduced the post flood nephilim on purpose? If so the Giants didn’t have to return. Noah and his family had to be sofisticated humans, not primitive stone age neanderthals they teach about in school. They had built the Ark, where blessed with living hundereds of years (almost thousand?), they had witnessed the Nephilim before the flood.

Maybe some wicked men that sadly came from Noah’s offspring, with time attempted to access angel powers & immortality. They knew somehow that some family members carried left over Nephilim DNA, so perhaps they turned to genetic engineering & pagan rituals to bring the Nephilim back on purpose, when it didn’t have to happen?

    mikhael - November 12, 2017

    Noahs generations were perfect, but was mrs noahs’? or the wives of the sons of Noah?
    does Noahs generations mean just his ancestors or does it include his sons?
    Canaan must’ve done something to cause Ham to see his fathers nakedness and got cursed for it.
    Was canaan a nephilim?

Hendrik - November 11, 2017

Good day Tim,
Some should look again at Dan. 2:43 (KJV)

mauricio malagon - November 11, 2017

Hello Tim
Please note that Giants (Nephlim style) do still exist:

I’ve heard this testimonial in several different places

They’re probably in hiding knowing very well that we can easily eradicate them.

    Loretta - June 12, 2018

    Mauricio Malagon.

    (Remember: to “eradicate” is to kill.)

    Because you have such an evil belief-system in your heart!

    So, tell me what might happen to you if those SO-CALLED abominations/nephils turn out to be innocent human beings without a single bit of DEVIL-DNA in them — hmmm ?!

    You might have thought that you were “eradicating” subhuman/untermenschken beasts or “Devil’s Spawn” — and actually you were either murdering innocent human beings. How righteous and Christlike! (Note my sarcasm here!)

    The Nazis ALSO were obsessed with Eradicating what they deemed as “inhuman”/”subhuman”/”evil” genes (and the people who allegedly had said “bad” genes), and thus they did set out and then successfully murdered six million Jews and twenty million Romani (Gypsies), including these obviously innocent Gypsy children seen in the article linked below.

    Do you think that any of these Gypsy children of any color (including the little Albino Gypsy girl who obviously distrusts and dislikes the Nazi cameraman) deserved to be “eradicated” (killed)? If so, then consider yourself a murderer.


    Your heresy is hateful and superstitious and evil and damnable — just like the teachings of the “Serpent Seed” heresy and the hellish superstition that motivated the Nazis to torture and murder millions of people!

    By the way, I’m a “high-functioning” autistic, so perhaps some of you deceived heretics might deem me to be some sort of “Nephilim”/”Spawn of the Devil”/Serpent’s Seed”/”Devil’s Spawn” — and that perhaps I should be (as you put it) “eradicated”. Here are a couple clues if you want to kill your first Nephil (singular-form-word for “Nephilim”): I am a middle-aged white woman of about five-foot-two in height, I have blue eyes, and I live in central Pennsylvania. Come and try to get me, you superstitious murderers!

    What do you now have to say about your admitted use of the word “eradicate”? God rebuke you for your deadly verbiage!Yeah — “eradicate” you say!

    — Sincerely, Loretta

      Sherry - August 25, 2018


      Peace be with you.

      That stated, I am sorry for whatever anguish you are experiencing due to someone else’s words perpetrated from behind the safety of a device keyboard. Please keep in mind that people who choose to speak loudly & boldly are often the least likely to be aggressive or bold when confronted face-to-face.

      Also, announcing that the military could eradicate something or someone isn’t the same as ordering such an action or doing the action oneself. I can easily kill a spider if I so desire, but it doesn’t mean I do or will. I tend to cover one with an inverted cup, slide a piece of paper beneath to relocate one if found inside.

      Additionally, I don’t think the poster or who all you are angry at was specifically targeting you. Try to chill a little.

      Also, Yeshua/Christ will take care of the final judging of what or who is evil or innocent, dear. Yehovah/YHVH does all things for the good of those who love him. If you are of the Most High, you put your hope in His plan, not fear, hate, or division.

      The person assumed that any Nephilim is evil, since there is no documentation available otherwise. You’re a King Kong character hanging on the Empire State Building swinging wildly at the helicopters, dear. Such behavior can endanger you, even if you’re innocent.

      Don’t hate a mere man for being afraid of what appears to be an identified threat. It’s sad, but fear & hate can go both ways.

      Yeshua said to be like lambs, be meek, turn the other cheek, with love. Otherwise, if you hate, you’re no better than your perceived aggressor.


rosie - November 11, 2017

i don’t know how to put this in words, without sounding negative about the fallen angels and abba’s leaving those filthy evil bastards alive. sorry but this has irritated me for years. we already have flesh weaknesses, people problems, country problems, life full of problems galore, and these things got their way and what they wanted, even tho they turned against abba, and His Son. then on top of that, they came to rape and take women, mixing seed, killing and eating people, created hybrids, taught the humans how to make war devises, astrology, to cut roots which gave us so called legal drugs, and taught women the art of make up, and the list goes on! no i questioned abba for years why did HE allow this evilness. in the Bible ABBA killed some men and people, for less sin than what these evil idiots did! we already had enough weakness of the flesh to deal with, and living in babylon trying to get out of it along with a big list of hell we live in and go threw… no, no, i do not get allowing this, and like i said this eats at me a lot! this is stupid any way you look at it!

    Chris Ball - November 24, 2017

    Hey rosie

    Concerning what you were saying about Abba killing people for committing less sin than these fallen angels. I would say that is humanistic reasoning which is much different from Abba’s. As Abba is perfectly good and those people who committed “less sin” had knowledge of the truth and yet disobeyed. If they weren’t killed then rebellion would spread and I would liken it to preferring to have a hand amputated for example than have the whole body die.

    Oh the reason why those fallen angels are allowed by Abba to have their way with humans is as judgement on those who don’t want to live by Abba’s laws.
    It isn’t because Yehovah wants these fallen angels to mislead people, those people already misled themselves trying to do what is right in their own eyes.

    Hopefully that answers your frustrations and if you find it unsatisfying please note I never claimed that this would be a completely satisfying answer.
    Christ be with you.

Leslie - November 10, 2017

Thank you Tim for such an excellent article. Although not canonical the Book of Enoch is extremely important in getting a complete eschatological picture as it was written for this time, referenced and alluded to in the Scriptures. Furthermore, the Book of Enoch was found at Qumran and the early church in the canon as well as afterward was very familiar with this text.

Those whose have had our faith eyes opened to the gender inversion (transgenderism) as practiced by the elites and those of used by them

April Lopez - July 11, 2017

Hi Tim, I thought I had read all of your studies but just found this one, and its so odd as this is one of my favorite subjects and you are one of my favorite bible teachers! I agree with you 100% on everything you said up top, and I learned a few things as well so thank you once again! Have you listened to Steve Quayle and what he has to say about “Stasis Giants”? Its very interesting, and so is his new 3 series documentary film- True Legends. More people should be aware of this very important part of biblical history, its unfortunate that The Book of Enoch was left out of canon otherwise I feel the Christian Body would not be so lukewarm today. The reptilian “people” is also very interesting and I wonder if perhaps the “grey alien” that many people see today are the disembodied spirits of the nephilim with “new bodies” created by the many specimens taken from human during abduction?

    Tim McHyde - July 11, 2017

    April, Steve Quayle is a great resource on giants, and I saw True Legends part 3 which was incredible information. I don’t have a clue on the “greys.”

      April Lopez - July 11, 2017

      L.A. Marzulli has suggested such about the greys, and its actually something I have always wondered in the back of my mind. The fact that the antichrist and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire before the 1000 years of Christ’s reign is 100% proof that they are not human, so yes it does seem that many world leaders at this time are not fully human “the tares”. It also answers our questions as to what their motives are for many of the important decisions they make today that impact us so negatively. However, it seems all that is in the dark is being brought to light. I wanted to share this with you because you have also come to the same conclusion in your studies regarding the timing of the Lords return:

        Johan Pretorius - November 11, 2017

        Thank you April, very interesting reading, something to chew on. Tim I personally don’t think that you are off with your suggestion on 2026.

Clay - May 23, 2017

Excellent and scary article, Tim. But the very last words say “see Satan in Prophecy,” which is not a link. Using the search function with these words gives only articles that don’t seem to fit. Can you please give a direct link to the article you are referencing here? Thanks!

    Tim McHyde - May 24, 2017

    Clay, thanks for the report. It’s now fixed or go here for Satan in Prophecy.

Trace Horn - May 18, 2017

Very, very informative with great biblical perspective/fact. While the Book of Enoch may be good for some understanding, I was extremely pleased with how you almost solely referenced Scripture, and properly interpreted at that. The last parts are more possibly theoretical, but definitely within the realm of possibility and something to ponder and pray about. Thanks, and God bless you

Michael - May 13, 2017

This was a good article. I ran across this teaching with bible scholar, Dr Michael Heiser’s book ‘Unseem Realm’. Your article was very succinct. I persoanlly have been trying to understand if the bible is telling us giants will be coming back in the last days? It is so hard to believe such supernatural things could still happen in such a modern age. And with so much fake news, videos, and now audio, it is going to be more difficult to discern what is real. But we are not giving a spirit of fear from God, so no matter what happens, we continue to trust our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Tim McHyde - May 13, 2017

    Michael, giants are not coming back. Nephilim in other forms have been here all along and more locust-like ones are coming when the abyss opens up at the 5th trumpet/Great Tribulation. When Jesus spoke of the days of Noah he was not talking about giants because he mentioned the days of Lot in the same breath. It’s about something else.

      mem - August 25, 2018

      I dont think it can be said with certainty that giants are not coming back. In fact there are modern accounts of giants as recently as the last 10-20 years, such as the living redheaded giant of Kandahar that a US special forces unit killed with great difficulty.
      It is not impossible that giants will play a role and come back regardless of certain bible passages not relating to giants. Remember, some of the Revelation was sealed up

        Tim McHyde - August 25, 2018

        Mem, It’s possible but my statements are based on there being no prophecies about giant men in the end times. We do have prophecies of the locusts and scorpions of the 5th and 6th trumpets/Great Tribulation. Hence my statement of no giant men again to be expected.

Kelly - April 5, 2017

Really insightful and informative! This explained a lot to me. I had a few questions and you answered them. Great job. Thank you.

Liz - April 3, 2017

Good write up . most people just go to You tube nowadays and dont bother with write ups. are you on you tube?

    Tim McHyde - April 4, 2017

    Liz, thanks. Yes, alas, video is more enticing to people, but the quality of the information is lower. I have a channel but don’t do much on it. God is leading me to write my next book and writing articles leads directly to that while video, not so much. =) Plus, not even a viral video has the reach of a successful novel, and viral videos don’t get made into movies, extending the novel’s reach even further.

      Jeff Counts - June 26, 2017

      extremely accurate explanation of our true yet hidden reality and our true history. very well put……..

      Brandon - September 10, 2017

      very interesting article I’ve seen several YouTube videos on Giants but never new they were offspring from woman and fallen angels and didn’t know they were in the Bible at all makes me think if all this was around the dinasour age

      Bee - January 9, 2018

      Hi Tim, please could you share a link if you have the post on Christians being here during the great tribulation. I would love to understand it better. I also enjoyed reading the book of Enoch. It puts many things in perspective, lots of excerpts were drawn from it in the making of the movie, Noah. There was plenty mention of the watchers in it

        Tim McHyde - January 9, 2018

        Bee, I’ve included the link now on the rapture timing above in the conclusion.

      Joel Tyger - February 12, 2020

      Definitely stay with the writing. It’s a gift you most certainly have. Videos can be made by anyone with a mobile phone and a mouth. Logical and practical writings such as yours are extremely rare and are where I believe God would have you invest most of your energy. Keep up the good work 🙂

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