About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.


Rabbi Judah ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecy – Messiah in 2017?

By Tim McHyde / September 21, 2013

Rabbi Judah ben Samuel supposedly made an amazing prophecy concerning the future of Jerusalem that already has three accurate fulfillments from 1517-1967. The prophecy further predicts the start of the “Messianic end time” by 2017. But is the prophecy trustworthy and can Jesus even return in 2017? Read on to learn why how people interpret and use this prophecy is flawed. Also, what did Jesus himself reveal as the signs of his coming to watch for…instead of date watching?


John Hagee

By Tim McHyde / August 1, 2013

John Hagee is the founder of John Hagee Ministries. Hagee jumped on the four blood moons bandwagon in 2012 and 2013 with a book, DVD and even a T-shirt on it.


Mark Biltz

By Tim McHyde / August 1, 2013

Mark Biltz is the pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Tacoma, Washington, a Hebrew Roots congregation. Mark is known for his 2008 theory on the four blood moons or tetrad of 2014-2015 that made a resurgence in 2013. He is also the author of Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs.


Discerning Conspiracy Theories With Bible Prophecy and (Un)Common Sense

By Tim McHyde / July 2, 2013

Do you have friends who bother you with the latest conspiracy theories from YouTube or fringe “insider” websites? Do they leave you worried? If you’re online looking for Bible prophecy understanding, it’s impossible to escape scary conspiracy theories, even some that sound similar to what you read in Bible prophecy. But has end time Bible prophecy begun as the conspiracies seem to prove? Are predictions based on conspiracy theories reliable? Learn why conspiracy theories are not the way God is going to wake up the world, and what Bible prophecy says is his way so you can stop worrying about conspiracy theories.


Five Surprising Lessons of Bible Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / May 4, 2013

We study Bible prophecy expecting to understand what’s going to happen along with hopefully some idea of when. Yet along the way, there are several discoveries you won’t expect or maybe prefer not to find. For example, God’s special place to protect us from the Great Tribulation is not in heaven and how we get there takes a bit more than professing Jesus. Disappointing, for some, is the constant failure of date setters. Yet there are still good timing clues available, enough to raise the prospect of having to wait way longer for the Second Coming than anyone dreamed. Perhaps most surprising is why it’s OK if you don’t study (or understand) Bible prophecy at all?


The Coming 360 Day Year Predicted in Revelation (1260 Days = 42 months)

By Tim McHyde / March 30, 2013

Everyone knows there are 365¼ days in a year—except, seemingly, the Bible… In both Genesis and Revelation, there are 360 days in a year and 30 days in all months. You won’t find the 365¼ day year and alternating 29 and 30 day lunar months we see today. Does this mean the Bible is an inaccurate book (as skeptics believe)? Not in the least. Read on to find out the little-known calendar secret of ancient history from Genesis and also Revelation’s hidden prophecy about earth’s change to a 360 day year because of a global catastrophe—before the rapture.


Comet ISON in 2013: Nibiru Doomsday or Omen of Christ’s Return?

By Tim McHyde / March 2, 2013

When is a comet not just a comet, but a divine warning sign like Jesus spoke of coming in the end times? If you do not know how to answer that, Comet “ISON” may test you with fear and anxiety in 2013. Doomsday watchers are already predicting that Comet ISON is Planet X, Nibiru, Wormwood, or a gravitational earthquake/deep impact threat. Alternatively, some predict it will make a spectacular daytime visible sign in the sky one month before Christ’s return (yes, on Christmas, 2013). Is Comet ISON a good or bad sign, Nibiru, Wormwood or a fulfillment of some other Bible prophecy? Find out how to tell when a comet is just a comet and what must come before Wormwood and other things Jesus warned about come upon us.


Malachy’s Last Pope Identified – in Bible Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / February 16, 2013

The prophesied last pope is here according to Saint Malachy’s vision of 112 popes: “Peter the Roman/Petrus Romanus.” If Malachy is accurate, then Armageddon and the Tribulation that he “pastures” during it cannot be more than a single pope’s reign away or a few decades. But is Malachy’s last pope a reliable end time sign that faithful saints should get excited about? What does Bible prophecy say about the pope? Is he the Antichrist or the False Prophet? Learn the surprising details that both Catholic and Bible prophecy agree on about the last pope’s evil reign.


Post-2012 Doomsday Blues? 4 Lessons or Benefits

By Tim McHyde / February 7, 2013

Although many were relieved when December 21st, 2012 passed without any of the predicted disasters, some instead were confused or even depressed after. They wondered why they did not see through it like most people did (who may be saying “I told you so.”) Certainly it is easy to negatively judge the 2012 hysteria and those who spread it as malicious or make them wrong. Yet, there is actually a silver lining to 2012 and hysteria like it. Understand four easily overlooked benefits and lessons from doomsday date hysteria to help you get past the post-doomsday date blues or the temptation to judge those who participated in it–even if that includes yourself.


The Harbinger: Has America Ignored Actual Warnings From God?

By Tim McHyde / February 2, 2013

“The Harbinger” novel proposes that God has sent America nine omens or warnings of judgment starting with the 9/11 attacks. These “harbingers” include the Great Recession seven years after 9/11 along with several surprising coincidences at Ground Zero and “vows” against God supposedly made by US leaders. Rabbi Cahn claims that in all this God is following the “prophetic warning pattern” of Isaiah 9:10 that leads to economic downfall if we do not repent. But is this a message from God or even accurate to how God speaks? When you compare this theory to the real pattern of warning and judgment that is spelled out not just in one verse to Israel but throughout the entire Bible, you can see for yourself whether America is in judgment or being warned of judgment just yet.

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