All posts in "Bible Mysteries"

The Parable of the Ten Virgins Revisited

By Tim McHyde / September 15, 2017

The enigmatic Parable of the Ten Virgins seems loaded with potential secrets on the end times, but few of us are sure we understand it. The wedding feast at the Lamb’s Second Coming, the oil that is needed to enter the feast or Kingdom, the “virginity” and the mysterious “go buy” command that throws us for a loop on our ideas for the oil…what does it all mean? What are we missing when we are confused about this and other parables of Jesus? Find out and puzzle no more on what you need to do to enter the kingdom of God.


Why Most Christians Won’t Be Raptured (& How To Make Sure You Are)

By Tim McHyde / July 28, 2017

The rapture is the hope of hundreds of millions of Christians. Unfortunately, according to Bible prophecy, most will be “left behind” weeping and gnashing their teeth because Jesus said “depart from me; I never knew you.” This will happen if we trust in what men have taught and not what Jesus actually said about belonging to him at his coming (1Co 15:23). Find out what most Christians are missing about the true requirements for the rapture so that you can be sure not to be left behind.


The Image of the Beast Identified At Last

By Tim McHyde / July 7, 2017

During the Great Tribulation, a powerful “image of the beast/Antichrist” will be created for humanity to worship—on penalty of death by beheading. What is it, how is it animated to seem alive and how is it connected with the abomination of desolation? Find out all that and how the leading Antichrist candidate already had an “angelic” “image” proposed in his honor with “savior of the world” written on it—a fitting caption for the future angel/human hybrid Antichrist described in Revelation given the timing of his arrival after the Wormwood cataclysm brings the end of civilization.


4 Plain Proofs America is Babylon + 6 Objections Answered

By Tim McHyde / June 16, 2017

Is America, the most dominant and influential nation of the end times, really not found in Bible prophecy as most Christians are told? If that doesn’t sound right to you, then you are not alone. There is no better, plain and literal fulfillment of Jeremiah’s and Revelation’s Daughter / Mystery Babylon than America whether you compare it to Saudi Arabia, Mecca, the Vatican, Rome, Iraq or anywhere else. Except…how can God judge a nation who does so much good and not judge so many arguably worse nations like China or Iran? How can Babylon be a nation when it says it’s a “city?” Where is the blood of slain prophets “found in her?” These common objections and more are answered…plus why you never need to fear being trapped or unaware in America when she is about to be burned.


How I Unexpectedly Learned God’s Name in Israel (& About the Joel 2:32 Revival)

By Tim McHyde / April 25, 2017

Is God’s name Yahweh, the LORD, or just “God?” Most Christians have no clue and aren’t that interested. It’s just not important in Christianity, but it is in God’s Word and end time events. Get ready, as this ignorance of God’s name will end, and by spectacular means. Joel 2:32 says that those whom God protects from end time events will know and call upon God’s personal name. How will believers be able to do that when Christianity does not teach the name of God? Through the return of something that will excite us all… Find out God’s name, who will teach it and how Jewish and Christian tradition has kept you from knowing it already.


Who Will “Bring Food to the Two Witnesses”?

By Tim McHyde / March 3, 2017

The Two Witnesses somehow preach against the Antichrist for the entire 1260 days of the Great Tribulation. But how do they manage to keep this going? Or just how do they even get fed during this stressful ministry? I have four interesting theories drawn upon the OT and NT (and one hater email) to possibly answer this question.


Why the 7 Bowls of God’s Wrath Last 10 Days

By Tim McHyde / September 10, 2016

How long is God’s wrath? Since it consists of seven bowls, does that mean it lasts seven days? Using insights from my book Know the Future, understand why the length of God’s wrath is ten days and how to decode Revelation and understand it literally with the Old Testament Law.


Why Is the Tribe of Dan Not in Revelation 7’s 144,000?

By Tim McHyde / August 2, 2014

Why is the tribe of Dan is missing from the 144,000 in Revelation 7? Theories abound. Is it punishment for Dan’s idolatry and Dan being the city of Rehoboam’s idol worship? Or is it because the Antichrist comes from Dan as “the serpent by the way” prophecy may suggest? Is there any proof for these theories? Learn a new and convincing explanation to this centuries-old mystery.


The Coming 360 Day Year Predicted in Revelation (1260 Days = 42 months)

By Tim McHyde / March 30, 2013

Everyone knows there are 365¼ days in a year—except, seemingly, the Bible… In both Genesis and Revelation, there are 360 days in a year and 30 days in all months. You won’t find the 365¼ day year and alternating 29 and 30 day lunar months we see today. Does this mean the Bible is an inaccurate book (as skeptics believe)? Not in the least. Read on to find out the little-known calendar secret of ancient history from Genesis and also Revelation’s hidden prophecy about earth’s change to a 360 day year because of a global catastrophe—before the rapture.

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