Let us give a huge huge 'thank you' to The Lord for directing and inspiring my partner to bring Escape All These Things back to life after a malicious cyber attack! This post is made to share the newsletter I sent out to all subscribers, with all of you, who are not on that list just because of the unusual circumstances of this cyber attack. If you are not subscribed to the free newsletter you might want to consider signing up so you know what is happening.😀
Notes Before The Newsletter
Wow! That was NO FUN to be attacked! With God's grace and help, my partner, York, spent hours and hours to get EATT back up, not knowing if it could be done for certain. I have to admit, I was not much help because I just had to pray and breathe: Having the possibility of years and years of sacrifice and work go down the drain because of some hurt human or cyber thug humans not having anything better to do with their time just had me stabilizing myself in praying constantly. If you were a bug on my wall, you would have heard over and over again for a week something like, "It's all lost! Lord, the ministries under my care are Your ministries. They are not mine. You get to decide the outcome of what happens to them. If You are done using EATT to minister to people then, Your wisdom and love are above mine and I will accept it- with some mourning for the loss. Thank you for letting me minister to Your people for as long as You allow. It is an honor. I'm scared Lord but I trust in You." 🐞Wimper, wimper, cry, cry.😢 What a way to end or begin a new Biblical Year! 😂
I got out a newsletter to all the subscribers and supporters as quickly as possible. Usually, I would have sent out separate newsletters to both groups to share the Holy Day Calendar update and give insights about what might be happening in End Time Prophecy. But, since my plans were thwarted, I sent out one big newsletter simultaneously, giving insights into Bible Prophecy, spiritual encouragement, personal news, and information on this attack.
In celebration of this coming new year and the website being restored (There may be small glitches left. We will find out), I wish to gift everyone with this blog post. This post is special as I will give more information to those who are not supporters than I usually would. Don't worry, there is still a lot of meat in just being a subscriber or visiting this site! But supporters get extra because without them and their financial support, this website on End Times Prophecy could not be maintained -and not be repaired from the malware attack- to minister to everyone. So please take a moment and thank The Lord with me providing through the supporters for this ministry. Add in a huge thank you to The Lord for blessing me with my partner, York, please. No ministry is done alone. It takes teamwork.
The newsletter that was sent out on March 26th, 2024 says the rest of what needs to be said in this post. Blessings to all!...
The newsletter titled: 2024 Updated Spring Holy Day Calendar & Attack on EATT
Dear Loved of God fellow humans,
Here we are somewhere close to the beginning of the new year based on the Aviv barley. May this new year bring you blessings upon blessings and closer to our Lord and Savior!
Here is the update on all things for starting this new year:
1) Malware blocks the website
First, the EscapeAllTheseThings website has been maliciously attacked. Of course, this happens right when I need to get the new information to all of you for the new year. 🙄 I am working as fast as I possibly can to get the site back up and running for all to enjoy the massive amount of content that is there. Prayers are DEFINITELY appreciated. But since I am having to go step by step to figure out how to clean up the mess from this attack and the the site running again, I am going to give you the new information of the Holy Day Calendar right in this email. Which brings me to...
2) Discussion on 2024 Updated Calendar Information 📜
(The calendar is at the bottom of this email)
The first thing to note is that this year is a tricky one. The Aviv barley inspections put in question whether the Holy Days start this month or next month. On the one hand, there is a TINY bit of Aviv barley found- just a small tiny handful. The rest of the barley is either with empty pods or in the worm stage. Basically, if you wanted to count this as enough to start the new year then those who raise crops would tell you that the harvesting of the majority of the crops would fall right smack dab in the middle of the days set aside as hold and one cannot work on certain days of Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. This is very difficult on the whole community and to me does not make it enjoyable to have a required Feast of The Lord. The command by God for God's Holy Days is to rejoice in them.
On the other hand, there will be those who just push to believe that God does not care about convenience or ease and just expects us to do 'the letter of the law'. This group would probably argue that if you could get juuuuust enough barley from a couple of patches that were ready to be waved properly before The Lord in sacrifices, then you just do it and deal with the mess created by not being able to fully enjoy the festival time but have to work on the days that you are still allowed to work and have faith in God that He will make up the difference of taking days off right in the middle of harvesting time.
I hope I have explained the dilemma to you clearly. Most people who watch the Aviv barley get really reverent and excited to do the task with all their heart. And many years too many of them bicker over who is right and who is wrong, creating unloving and disrespectful arguments within The Body. Don't get sucked into such ungodly fighting as Paul warned us of in Galatians 5. And also, Christ taught His disciples many times to quit trying to fight over who is better or will be better in His Kingdom. Trying to be better than someone else is nearly the same as 'right fighting' about when the barley is ready. They both fall in the category of self-righteousness instead of righteousness paid by our Savior.
The Passover Supper is when Christ taught again that all of His disciples, including us, love one another as Christ loved us. Christ was just about to die for all of us and the last point He wanted to bring home was loving one another! Christ gave "The New Command" (John 13:34). There is no love when we are trying to be right and have a hardened heart to make everyone else wrong.
It is ok to agree to disagree. It is even ok to strongly agree to disagree. It is not ok to harden your heart toward another person. Christ died for every single human being and that is how much each person is worth to Him! The need to become that much worth in our own hearts and minds.
Let us honor our Father in heaven and our Savior in this uncomfortable situation we find ourselves in this year concerning when the new year really starts. Each person has been given The Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. You have The Holy Spirit always there with you and in you. Each person should go into prayer and ask The Lord directly what He would have you do and believe concerning when the new year begins. Everyone needs to exercise their use of The Holy Spirit to gain a stronger connection to their Lord. This is of utmost importance that you hear directly from Him in all matters- John 16:13.
I know most of you are waiting for the prophet Elijah to come and give you answers. He will come in due time, but you won't be able to even understand who he is if you have not taken the time to gain strength in using The Holy Spirit in prayer over some time already. The only exception will be those who are called 'in the last hour' whom God will give extra help for what they need. I assure you, none of you reading this fall into that category. You will have enough time to practice exercising The Holy Spirit. 😊
3) Now, since the site is (was) down and I cannot put out messages to subscribers AND to supporters as I would have done,
I will gift all the subscribers (and now those reading this blog post😉) at this time by writing what I would have only written to supporters and give opportunity for subscribers to pray for the gracious supporters:
Since we are all together, both supporters and free subscribers in this email, I would like to first thank all the supporters who are truly necessary in order to get The Message out and maintain it. It is a combined effort that allows these messages to be made, maintained and spread for the encouraging, teaching, and edifying of The Body or those who would join us at a later time. If subscribers could just take a personal moment of gratitude in prayer to thank those who feel led by The Lord to be supporters- without them this ministry could not continue. Free content could not be made for those who just cannot afford to support or are not led to support this ministry. The Lord has many workers in His fields and He places each person in their tasks and responsibilities. You are included and thanked by myself for your portion of the work you do for The Lord!

"Depart From Me, I Never Knew you!" - Jesus
Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. So...who are they and what did they miss or do wrong? In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself!
Supporter content is different than free content in that I share more personal information. For instance, I would not tell subscribers this year directly if I would keep The Spring Holy Days this month or next month. I would just give the information that is available and let each subscriber decide where to go from there since I know each person has The Holy Spirit to direct them from there.
For the supporters, I would share what I am doing and why I chose that specific path over another. I might also give deeper or more personal information on where I think we are in End Time events. Or I might share more on how we are doing here in Germany where we live. This time I will only have a "light" version to offer.
-To these ends, let us start with what I think about what the first month of the year is. After heartfelt and prayerful consideration, I believe that next month is the beginning of the new year. I did not hear a direct word about this from The Lord as I prayed. In my case, that usually means that what I know and decide is enough, or it is not important to Him that I know that information. So I am basing my decision on what I know for now, which is that there would be so little barley fully ready and the other part of the fields would ripen and need to be harvested right in the middle of the Feast Days that I cannot fathom that this would be God's will. It is supposed to be a harvesting feast unto The Lord and a time of rejoicing for God's provision of the crop.
So this is my opinion and I do respect if others come to a different conclusion. It truly is a tricky year to know what to do.
-Where I think we are in End Time Events is another hot topic as always since there is a lot of movement in our world right now and this is a ministry for End Time Bible enthusiasts 😀. I have been keeping up to date on the various wars and ethnic conflicts happening right now. I have also kept my eyes on technology growth, world economic trends, and laws being passed in various places. Plus, I am keeping an ear on what evil things and ideas are growing. Man are things moving faster than ever!
I know there will be quite a few who will groan when they hear that I still don't think this is the last seven years even with all these wars, economic trends, new laws, and technology- especially with AI- moving so quickly. I do not think the world is bad enough even for this to be the last seven years based on how bad things were during Noah's time and how bad Revelation share it will be. And for those conspiracy theory enthusiasts, I do consider even what comes from that world when I am looking at where we are. Tim really was against conspiracy theories. I am neither for nor against them. They are just information bites that can become more solid and easier to see them be proven with time or are proven to be wrong. With time a new fad of beliefs pops up and the old theories die away or are updated. Over five decades of existence in the End Time Prophecy world tends to make one go slower in jumping to conclusions as one sees so so many predictions and perceived personal words from God lead many astray. If you have been an End Time enthusiast for some time, you understand what I am saying. ☺️
I don't think it is the last seven years because Damascus is not a ruinous heap yet and because I don't see The Bride even close to ready. And I don't see that evil has permeated the world enough yet. Yes, evil is there and is bigger than what can be seen on the surface, but even with that, I don't see it as bad enough yet. Plus, even with what I see, or don't see, my prayerful watching and searching prayerfully in The Spirit with The Lord gives me no indication that this seven-year cycle is The One. I would tell you if I got any kind of strong indication otherwise. In my case, it's not there even though I am completely open to the idea that this could be the last seven years. I am prepared to leave now or years from now to where The Lord directs me in the End Times so I am fine with either possibility.
Here is something I have learned to consider which may help you as you prayerfully watch what is happening in the world and what is in Bible Prophecy- Looking at news and information of world events helps us to see directions and trends toward End Time Events BUT one must also temper that information with being in prayer always and learning to personally hear from The Lord through the Holy Spirit. This is because we can get an idea of what Satan's timeline is and what he wants to do through the news, BUT God is the one who controls the timing of everything! He frustrates Satan's plans or miraculously delays them all the time. So you cannot walk only by sight of news because news alone will lead you astray and have you make some very wrong decisions on what you should and should not do. I am testifying to this unfortunately from five decades of making some very terrible decisions because of leaning too much on just news and what I could see happening in the world. I was focused on headlines instead of trendlines. May you avoid the ditches I have fallen in. 🥰
Back to Damascus being a ruinous heap- if I don't see Damascus a ruinous heap by the end of the Spring Holy Days, then I am quite confident that we have more time than many of you would like to face before our Messiah comes. This is because even if Damascus becomes a ruinous heap at that point, a lot of other prophecies have to be shoved into being fulfilled before we get to the man of sin (lawlessness) taking his seat in the temple of God- 2 Thessalonians 2.
So, for now, even if I see Damascus fall a few weeks or months after the end of the spring Holy Days, then I still believe we have to wait for the next cycle of seven years to see if that is the last cycle.
If I hear anything different or feel anything different, I will let you know in future supporter newsletters and blog posts.
-For those who love hearing how we are doing in the supporter content-
-I am dealing with some health issues but God is so so good and I feel His presence and peace. There is a large non-cancerous tumor that needs to be removed and I am on the path for this to take place. I am not scared or worried in any way. I truly have a peaceful heart.
-York is fine and healthy. There is no huge news of change happening at the moment. He really works hard at helping Zachary and me, plus runs his business. I am so grateful to God for him.
-Caleb shared yesterday that he is fine and just living his life as a 25-year-old should. He was requested by a neighbor to switch parking garages. He used this space as storage. So he is busy moving things around. Oh, what fun!
-God has been very good to my son, Zachary, who is special needs! I have made an extensive video update and a complementing blog post of what has been happening for him in the past year or so. Although both the video and the blog post are long, many who have watched or read them have commented on how they encouraged them in their own path to healing and restoration. The video and blog post have an important message in them concerning what Christ did for us on the cross as well which is just the message for this season. If you watch the video and it encourages you, consider sharing it with others who might be blessed by it as well. Watching the video all the way through, leaving likes and comments, and subscribing to my YouTube channel is a way you can help this ministry and the other one under my care to reach more people for our Lord.
By the way, so there is no confusion- Escape All These Things is more for End Time Bible Prophecy whereas the other ministry under my care, Owned By Love, is for all people who are preparing their hearts for End Time events OR for 'meeting their Maker', whichever comes first. 😉 These two ministries complement one another and obviously have a little amount of crossover in their content since how you prepare for prophetic End Time events is actually the very same preparation to 'meet your Maker' if or when you pass away.
4) Holy Day Calendar Date Options for Spring Holy Days 📅
Option #1
1st Day Chag HaMatzot(Passover)- Sunset March 25, 2024 to sunset March 26, 2024
7th Day Chag HaMatzot (Last Day of Unleavened Bread)- Sunset March 31, 2024 to sunset April 1, 2024
Chag HaSchavuot (Pentecost or Feast of Weeks)- Sunset May 18, 2024 to sunset May 19, 2024
Option #2 is inconclusive until the new moon is spotted so I give both possibilities below
1st Day Chag HaMatzot (Passover)- Sunset April 23, 2024 to sunset April 24, 2024 OR Sunset April 24, 2024 to sunset April 25, 2024.
7th Day Chag HaMatzot (Last Day of Unleavened Bread)- Sunset April 29, 2024 to sunset April 30, 2024 OR Sunset April 30, 2024 to sunset May 1, 2024.
Chag HaShavuot (Pentecost or Feast of Weeks)- Sunset June 15, 2024 to sunset June 16, 2024 is a sure date since it is always on a Sunday.
May your Spring Holy Day celebrations be full of joy, safety, and blessings from our Good Father!
With all love and belief in each of you, may the rest of your year be full of Shalom and health!
Katrina McHyde
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Katrina McHyde
I am glad to see the website back up. The attacks on the website are especially pertinent and I see a deliberate effort from the enemy (Satan) to get rid of this info, especially during the times we live in.
Much love to all of you 🙂
ReplyHi Katrina,
Praise Yah that you guys got the website fixed and running! In this age of increased cyberattacks, we all need to up our anti-virus protection. I’ve begun regular donations again to help pay for any upgrades you need to make to ensure this doesn’t happen again. There is so much good information on this website, it needs to stay working in these end times.
Thanks and God bless!
Thank you very much Jake, I feel encouraged by your help and dedication.
May the Lord bless you!
Katrina McHyde