On the Narrow Path – Podcasts

Episode 14! - Are you on the narrow path that Jesus spoke about (Mt 7:13)? What does it look like to find it and stay on it? That's what Katrina and Tim discuss about in this near-daily podcast series. It's about finding ways to deal with life's situations with faith, love, hope and most of all, with God. (If you have a question you'd like addressed, leave a comment). Check back for updates here.

Note: Due to popular demand, I'm working on getting this podcast published to be discoverable on podcast apps like iOS Podcasts and Android Stitcher and more. I'll post here about it soon.

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About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.

joy marley - July 7, 2018

Hi y’all ?
Was really enjoying these weekly podcast and looking forward to them, hope y’all will get them going again and are all okay.
God Bless

    Tim McHyde - July 7, 2018

    Joy, they have been going but you need to subscribe to YouTube channel to get updates.

      joy marley - July 14, 2018

      Oh really! I feel a bit silly now lol. That’s ok will have catching up to do!

Kimberly Mcgill - April 28, 2018

I so love you guys! I appreciate the podcasts! Thank you for all the encouragement and teaching. Prayers for you and your family. Life can get hard sometimes but we need to have faith that things will get better. Hang in there y’all!

Andreas - April 26, 2018

Hi Tim & Katrina, I wanted to ask about praying. First, how often should you pray, and at what times? And second, is it necessary to start and end with: “in the name of the father, son and holy spirit, amen”?

    Tim McHyde - April 26, 2018

    Andreas, pray any way and any time you are comfortable. Make it a conversation with God about everything that concerns you knowing you cannot offend him and that talking to an invisible father at all is an act of faith that is highly sweet and pleasing (Rev 5:8=Heb 11:36). You cannot go wrong as even your “wrong” prayers are transmuted by God to be right because he knows best.

thomas foryan - April 9, 2018

Tim and Katrina, love you both for letting us into your lives and for your invaluable instruction. Also love all the comments from others. It’s great to hear people all trying to move in the same direction – towards God.

Trying to do God’s will not because I have to, but because I want and love to. Trying to replace complaining with contentment and thankfulness. It’s not easy. It’s actually extremely difficult, but moment by moment and day by day I think I am getting it. I hope so anyway.

Just wanted to drop a line and let you both know that you are appreciated. As always, God bless.

ed tay - April 6, 2018

May Abba bless you guys more for sharing this to all. Appreciate Tim’s sharing on the supporter’s podcast never go or retreat to a place of no god no faith when trials gets to us. Shabbat shalom Ed

Sam Miller - March 31, 2018

Thanks Katrina for the great podcast on complaining. I’m glad we get a few years to learn and grow in this area before we move to Israel.

This is yet another podcast ill listen to multiple times to cement it into my thick skull. ?



P Alex Dillon - March 31, 2018

I just listened to episode 9. Thanking our Father for Katrina, walking on water by God’s grace, finding peace in the midst of madness.
You’re a gem , walking by example.
Thank you!

Tony - March 26, 2018

So grateful to you for making these. Your podcasts have helped me change the way I think for the better. ?

hayley bond - March 23, 2018

Lovely watching you dancing with you son Katrina. As a mother of two sons I understand how wonderful and precious those times must’ve been for you x

Sue W - March 23, 2018

Wow, Caleb. A new adventure!
We pray that you can make a career out of one of your passions (the one that will pay the best:) and just simply enjoy the others.
Best wishes!

Sue W - March 21, 2018

Ha ha, Katrina.
Thank God for your podcasts and your dirty taps.
Much love to you all, your readers and supporters.

Hayley - March 15, 2018

Hi guys, awesome as always! 🙂 I know exactly what you’re saying with the shellac people. I notice it a lot and it’s something I have always struggled to deal with. Not saying I’m perfect or anything like that at all obviously. I love that you’ve had this topic, thank you.

Johan Pretorius - March 11, 2018

Hello Katrina, hope you guys are well. It seems that Zachary is getting stronger by the day now which is good news.
I would like to comment on podcast #6 where you describe asking yourself ten years ago what you have done that led to the position you are in now.
It is not an easy question and difficult to analyze what you could have done differently.
I think being deceived by Christianity there is not much you could have done to change matters spiritually unless you were called out much earlier which would have given you an advantage to improve your daily life from then up to now.
The only thing from my side I would have liked to change is the way I handled my financial situation and should have put more money away for my retirement and old age.
It is very good advise to go back and annalise your life at these different ten year age intervals and just compare where you were then and where you are now. It definitely gives you something to think about how your life progressed up to the point where you are now in today’s life.
Thank you for that.

Jenifer - March 10, 2018

I need this encouragement. The things that are happening in and outside of my home can be discouraging. I get easily angry and irritated when I know that there is something amiss that is happening where I don’t have full control of. I need to just remind myself that He is a Sovereign God and all things will work out for His glory. Please keep this up. Thank you! More blessings to your family. I am glad that Zach is in good health again.

Heather Toth - March 9, 2018

Love hearing these snippets of your life and the raw realness of it. Despite all the challenges recently, what I appreciate so much is your tenacity for God through everything, and your honesty. Whether you’re tired, happy, frustrated…. whatever the situation… you share it. You’re “counseling” yourself by applying what God tells us in his Word, and everyone listening can learn by your example. That’s my favorite kind of teaching 🙂 Thank you for being real, especially when it’s not easy. Love to you ♡

Sue W - March 8, 2018

Tim and Katrina, thank you for the love, blessings and counsel.
Always relevant and timely.
Go slow, step by step, choice by choice, replace fear with faith, don’t quit.
Is that a drawing by Caleb you’ve kept?
It seems to say all will be well with love. The original smiley!

Johan Pretorius - March 7, 2018

Hello Katrina and Tim, I have been listening to the podcasts again and realised that I tend to focus on my “issue’s or wants or needs” more in my daily life instead of looking for and counting the existing blessings I already have. It seems that we are over powered by the negative long term things in our lives and do not acknowledge the positive short term things that we have on a daily basis.
I also noticed that our thoughts can so easily be distracted by meaning less thing’s and it needs real concentration and focus to keep your thoughts in control.
So since I am becoming more aware of this I realise that trying to walk on the narrow path is definitely not a ‘walk in the park’.
I now try to complain less and focus more on the blessings I already have and try to leave the long term difficult “issues” with Yeshua and Yehovah, although it is not easy to just let it go, the thoughts keep lingering in the back of your mind.
It is going to take daily practise and also prayers for assistance and guidance to keep on growing in faith.
Keep up the good advise.

Thomas Burke - March 7, 2018

Dear Katrina,

This may not be an appropriate comment here, but I can’t help sharing that I had a fleeting vision (usually this happens not often but if and when falling to sleep for a day time nap and it jolts me back awake because the short vision has strong visual characteristics that impress me as different than a dream) in this case it was you represented as a large chess bishop piece with lessons, some written some video, streaming from the Holy Spirit behind you, through you and to the front and out to those that receive them. I had a strong feeling that the chess bishop graphic did refer to an important pastoral status in the church whether now or in the future….

I have had several, maybe half dozen or more such sharply defined very short visions in my life mostly when a young man, and can see a personal fulfillment or meaning in my life for almost all of them. This mini vision had the same quality to it.

Maybe this is just encouragement and gratitude that wells up from my heart or maybe a touch of the Spirit… but it is for you!


    Johan Pretorius - March 7, 2018

    Hello Thomas, I normally envy people who talk about their dreams and what happened in the dream.
    My dreams are so negative that I am at a stage whereby I ask our Father Yehovah in my evening prayer to please keep the dreams away because they do not add any value to my life.
    A good example is for instance I want to drive a car, this occurs quite often, then I can’t find the keys, or I am driving but there is no brakes, or the car won’t turn with the steering wheel, or you can’t get going the car stays in one place etc. Very negative.
    There are more examples about water, snakes, lions and so on and they are all negative.
    So my dream life are definitely not a Hollywood movie.
    But thank you for sharing that dream with us, I think it is exiting and shows that things are definitely starting to move in a certain direction.

      Thomas Burke - March 8, 2018

      Hello Johann,

      Thanks for the feedback, but just to clarify, I have dreams like you do too. I find that the really negative ones that stick in my memory (I forget most the others within seconds of awakening unless maybe I dreamed of flying or breathing under the ocean!) can usually be tied to unresolved issues that are snarled in my subconscious until I can work them out in real life. In dreams one is usually the main actor or close…)

      The short visions I receive very rarely are not dreams per se but more like as if someone were projecting a few seconds of video on a screen just as I am about to nap, that is, before rapid eye movement associated with dreams in deeper stages of sleep kicks in. The visions have always been beautiful, give the strong impression of having a meaning to convey from the HS, and I am not the most important element in the vision if depicted at all…
      Hope this clears up some aspects about visions.

      But to your situation, my brother in afflictions, I think it is normal to have nasty dreams at times and that they are reflections of your daytime struggles as I said.

      Even if you are fighting the good fight, you are always faced by evill powers that want to trip you up at work, etc. and that will carry over into dreams. Take them as something normal in life, work on them if you can but mostly take it as a signal that you have to pray, maybe fast too in some way, focusing on gaining strength and wisdom superior to our spiritual enemies, that is, you change yourself not the world.

      Following Tim’s recent teachings on the commandments for believers in the Sermon of the Mount, particularly forgiving, blessing and praying for one’s enemies
      has lightened my anxiety about life situations. Try it, everytime you think or feel something negative about a person(s) put in a few seconds of prayer “in your head” as Katrina recommended recently. It will be like untying knots bit by bit….

      YBIY Tombcr

        Johan Pretorius - March 8, 2018

        Thank you Thomas for your encouraging reply, I make a habit of going through all the articles and podcasts in the supporter team just as a reminder of what Tim and Katrina are revealing to us. We tend to forget quite easily what has been said in these podcasts and articles and need to remind ourselves on a regular basis. Regarding the dreams, mostly I forget about them and try to get it out of my mind. I just find it interesting that you mentioned your dream and I believe more and more of the serious supporters and believers will start getting these revealing dreams as we get closer to the “end times”??
        We’ll stay in touch.

Rebecca Gartner - March 4, 2018

I just became a supporter a week ago and the timing for my life struggles and the podcasts I’ve listened to are by no means a coincidence so I thank you for your teachings! Katrina I don’t know if you include teas or tinctures in your health regime but they are an inexpensive way to address some issues. You may want to consider looking into stinging nettle (tea or tincture form) as it is not only high in vitamins and minerals but is useful for respiratory issues (e.g. allergies) and hair growth stimulation!! God bless!!!

Sue W - March 4, 2018

Yes indeed, Tim and Katrina.
Where are the men?
I think many are disengaged and perhaps disempowered by modern society.
Not sure.
Perhaps that’s a topic worth exploring for your ministry.

    Zachary Miller - March 5, 2018

    Where are the men?

    In my opinion the answer is simple if you really think about it. Since most societies are socialistic in nature (including the US) they rely on the inherent property of “redistributing wealth” (this is a feminine quality that arose within the family system). What this created was an environment where men (who still create the majority of economic value in the world) are forced (through direct/indirect taxation) to pay for government benefits that benefit women/families who they they themselves were not married to or involved with directly. Ask yourself why there are women/girl government health web sites when there are none for men in the US—even though men die much earlier than women ( https://www.womenshealth.gov/, https://www.girlshealth.gov/)?

    Societies have become feminized and so have many “organizations” (including churches). This forced feminism has resulted in the violation of the 1st commandment (making the state “god” and dictating rights to its people through law), the 10th commandment (promoting the coveting of other people’s resources), and finally the 7th commandment (by allowing those who covet other people’s resources to advocate for the state to steal those resources from those who generate them). The reality of “feelings” now trumps the reality of “truth, logic, rationality, and the rule of law”. This warped worldview has caused in the complete breakdown of the family structure and has elevated the state to that of “family” and “god”. As is always true with socialism those who produce simply go on strike when they know their productive output will be taken by others…The same is true when men are dominated by feminine world views—we simply walk away…..

    But in regard to why men aren’t posting (in this thread) it may be (and I’m just guessing) because it’s either not geared towards the male perspective OR it’s not a topic we have a whole lot of interest in (in general). You don’t go dear hunting with a worm and fishing pole do you? In any case, there was some helpful information/advice in the videos…However, being a male with an “INTJ” personality I can say that topics that cover “feelings”, “love”, and other topics that are not “thinking oriented” tend to be ignored…I’m not intending this as a jab at the videos but that I understand that it’s difficult to customize messages not only to both sexes but also to all the varying personality types that exist across the human experience. Where some might consider “love” to be primarily a feeling I view it as the strict adherence (as one best can do) to the actual commands (and respecting the nature rights that God gave to every human being). We, as a society, seem to have gone off the deep end and focus on the “feeling” rather than the “action” of love (which contradicts the idea of stealing other people’s resources).

      Thomas Burke - March 7, 2018

      Hello Zachary,

      Consider that Yehovah God commanded that the sons of Israel give a 10% contribution of harvests to the tribe of Levi (correct me someone if inaccurate) to sustain the temple but also their families, and more…

      Consider how Yeshua and the Apostles and his followers shared and his attitude in general about material goods…

      Consider how you might share even with the undeserving and your enemies in order to lay up treasure in the coming Kingdom of Heaven, so as our Father gives to the good and the evil…

      Consider also that Yehovah God created the world and all its natural resources, that mankind built up a prosperous world economy, and that you added your own labor to obtain your wealth, in that order… Do you not then owe a debt of gratitude to God and mankind, giving both to Caesar and God each their own?

      I agree governments are giving lopsided support to women and children nowadays, but, hey, as a man (100% redblooded or any other straight definition) I have had great support all my life from women in my family and outside. So in fairness, I think it is smart to promote the wellbeing of women who often are the weaker ones seeing how much you received and most likely will receive if you live to a ripe old age, in your family and outside…

      And please don’t offend my manhood, it takes mental and spiritual “cojones” to live by the examples found in the Bible, mostly masculine examples btw.

      Oh, and watch out for the Millenium. I don’t think the Lord will allow us to leave the young, the weak, the sick, and the old unattended to. Guess who will have share their wealth or be taxed to get that done?

      Pls also consider one of the many verses in the Bible that have influenced the development of socialist societies (not to be confused with communisn!)

      Deuteronomy 14:28-29 ESV

      “At the end of every three years you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce in the same year and lay it up within your towns. And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance with you, and the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your towns, shall come and eat and be filled, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands that you do.

      YBIY Tombcr

Thomas Burke - March 4, 2018

Katrina, on the question you threw out as to why there are more women commenting and more women in church in general, the only thought I came up with after posing that question to myself for years also, is that maybe Yeshua needs more saints for the Millenium formed in this life as women, strong in virtues such as humility, empathy, solidarity, virtues it would seem more often found in women…
Pls let me know what you think of this possible reason.
YBIY tombcr

Thomas Burke - March 4, 2018

Hi Tim and Katrina,
I think you have developed a very functional format (short podcasts integrated with daily life) thru your passage at the hospital with Zach! Great for staying in touch with all those that love you and sharing spiritually with them both!
YBIY tombcr

Antonio - March 4, 2018

I’m very happy that you’re making these videos. They’re very helpful. I appreciate them very much.

Am I able to ask you if you’d address a specific issue in one of them?

Thank you ?

    Tim McHyde - March 4, 2018

    Antonio, yes please send your questions.

Blaze - March 3, 2018

Pattern Recognition.

Leviticus 26:10
1 Samuel 17:34
Exodus 14:3 (This whole chapter though. Too many verses to list.)
Numbers 13:30
Matthew 16:21

New International Version
You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new.

Anyways. I enjoyed the podcast.

Kris - March 2, 2018

Keep the Podcasts coming. …we love hearing them. We miss you all so much and we love to hear all that is going on and about the blessings from Father that you are receiving. You all deserve it. We have learned so much from you in the last 2 years although I must say it feels like we have known you for a lifetime. Willi said that getting to know you, Katrina has been such a joy and he has won so much from your unconditional love and constant faith. We love you all and of course we include you in our prayers. We continuously ask Father to bless you abundantly. We love you!! K&W

    Katrina McHyde - March 2, 2018

    Kris, you two are a gift from God to us! It is wonderful that we get to grow up in God together! We love you too.

Andreas - March 2, 2018

Thank you for this podcast, it is very helpful. All your podcasts are great, I will go back and listen to them again piece by piece because together with this one they are all superb and connected to each other. They help me and comfort me during my own struggles, trails and difficult situations, too. God bless.

Tina Black - March 2, 2018

Great post!!! yeah this hit home, I and my family have been going through many transitions lately, and I kept asking “what did I do wrong? why the punishment? Am I out of Gods will?” Just trying to figure out why so I can try to fix it and make it right. So I really need to hear this today, thank you so much
Peace and love to you and your family

Johan Pretorius - March 2, 2018

Hello Tim and Katrina, thank you for this advise. It is nearly a year now that I have been staying with my cousin on the farm and it is very isolated and I hardly see anybody except when I go into town once a week. It is very hard for me to live like this and to adapt to this situation. I do not have any means to practice my love for fellow beings because I do not see a lot of people to practice on. I keep on praying that Yehovah will come up with a better life for me soon so I can start living and improving myself and change for the better. So if I look at it as just temporarily I might be able to hang in there and look forward to the new life he will give me on this earth till the coming of Elijah. I hope it is soon because I am really struggling on a daily basis. Keep up the advise.

    Katrina McHyde - March 2, 2018

    My dear Johan- it’s not about quantity. It’s about doing the best in the circumstances God gives you. Your life now is perfect to learn what you need to learn and God is as much there as anywhere so therefore it is a good place. Praise Him there in that circumstance and see His good there. Tough times are super important to go through. They are just challenging and push us. But you can learn to deal with whatever life you have on His strength when you feel the weakness of your own strength. That means getting to the end of your strength and reaching up and ask God to help you understand how to acccept His strength. You are just fine where you are. And of you don’t feel fine then that proves you are just fine. An easy life does have as much opportunity as a hard life.

      Johan Pretorius - March 3, 2018

      Thank you Katrina for your encouraging words. It’s been two years now since I have been retrenched and being unemployed, it is also now nearly one year since I have lost my house and all my belongings. The difficult part is to stay with and depend on other people for a roof over your head whereby all my life I was used to being independent and had my own property. Also being separated from my two boys who relied on me so much is very hard for me, thanks to Yehovah at least one of them managed to find a job with a friend of mine, so now I only have to help one of them financially on a weekly basis which is hardly enough for him to put enough food on the table for him and his wife and child. So I am not thinking about my situation only but also theirs which puts even a bigger strain on me because I feel so helpless to support them more in their needs. The other issue is the memories I have of the time we stayed and worked together and planning our futures just to loose everthing in a blink of an eye and all of us ended up with nothing, just heartache and uncertainty for what’s ahead of us in the future. We don’t know if we will ever see each other again except for talking over the phone and trying to encourage each other that things will change for the better soon, but is it just a false sense of security? We don’t know. I don’t want to sound negative but I cannot forget my memories and the hopes we had compared to where we are today. That is what makes it so hard for me to accept where I am and with no light in the tunnel of any changes for the better. I discuss this everyday on my walk and talk and pray everyday that things will change and improve so I can find peace of mind, security, comfort, happiness etc.

Heather Toth - March 2, 2018

Psst… Hint Hint… Please keep doing these podcasts as you’re able ~ Praying you’ll be able! (Loving you did this one while cooking ~ while you’re doing life!)

Awesome news about the wheelchair delivery, and Zach’s checkup! Praying for him gaining strength in his legs… and for rehab.

And you’re right… you’re choosing to trust Father… choosing how you perceive and handle your experiences… choosing to believe for better… and choosing to rinse off that pasta! 🙂

Oh! “Walking The Narrow Path” gets my vote 🙂

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