All posts in " prince charles "

The Image of the Beast Identified At Last

By Tim McHyde / July 7, 2017

During the Great Tribulation, a powerful “image of the beast/Antichrist” will be created for humanity to worship—on penalty of death by beheading. What is it, how is it animated to seem alive and how is it connected with the abomination of desolation? Find out all that and how the leading Antichrist candidate already had an “angelic” “image” proposed in his honor with “savior of the world” written on it—a fitting caption for the future angel/human hybrid Antichrist described in Revelation given the timing of his arrival after the Wormwood cataclysm brings the end of civilization.


Antichrist Identified From 666 and Revelation 13?

By Tim McHyde / July 1, 2006

The Bible describes a future one world government leader ruling for the last 42 months of these End Times. He should be alive today. Does Revelation 13’s clues including 666 identify him as Prince Charles of Wales? Find out in this article written by Monte Judah.