All posts in " wrath of God "

The Day Atheism Ends, Worst Day Ever—But For You?

By Tim McHyde / April 12, 2019

Revelation 6 depicts a surreal scene of the whole world crying out in fear of “God and Jesus”—before God’s wrath or even the Great Tribulation. Incredible, right? Why would atheists believe in God before Jesus returns? For years I doubted that obvious meaning—until now, thanks to a new insight into the full situation leading up to that scene. Once you see this, too, you will understand the great anger and regret that the entire world will feel after they know beyond any doubt God himself just ended our civilization along with most lives. Will you be among the bitter new “converts” who hate God or among the few who survive with their faith intact? Read on to gain awareness of the devastating blow coming and how to prepare for it.


Why the 7 Bowls of God’s Wrath Last 10 Days

By Tim McHyde / September 10, 2016

How long is God’s wrath? Since it consists of seven bowls, does that mean it lasts seven days? Using insights from my book Know the Future, understand why the length of God’s wrath is ten days and how to decode Revelation and understand it literally with the Old Testament Law.