About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.


The Thief on the Cross and 5th Seal – Life After Death Understood

By Tim McHyde / March 1, 2010

The “Thief on the Cross” was promised by Jesus to be in “paradise” that same day they both died on the cross. While it may be proof that baptism is not required for salvation, it has a greater significance only realized when you understand the 5th Seal of Revelation 6 literally. Find out what really happens when the righteous die.


The 2012 Movie & Bible Prophecy: “Striking” Similarities

By Tim McHyde / November 22, 2009

Most people who watch the new 2012 movie naturally consider it to be only science fiction. They rightly disregard the 2012 doomsday date as unreliable as all previous doomsday dates. What the majority miss is that unfulfilled Bible prophecy predicts most of the same events portrayed in the movie. Although 2012 is clearly not the year, these disasters will come in some year before the Great Tribulation (and therefore before even a “pretrib” Rapture). Find out the true parts of the 2012 movie which are coming to a reality near you and what the Bible says our response to it should be.


David Wilkerson Prophecy of “Calamity”: Why False

By Tim McHyde / March 18, 2009

David Wilkerson has released a prophecy in 2009 that “AN EARTH-SHATTERING CALAMITY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN” and recommends you get a 30 day supply of food. You may have heard that his church made 2000 sandwiches for rescue workers the day before 9/11. Before you worry about his warning, you may want to consider several problems with it and learn the truth about those 2000 sandwiches. In the process you may learn how to debunk future false prophecies that are sure to come in these bad economic times.


Ten Signs of the End Times (or Zero So Far?)

By Tim McHyde / January 1, 2009

Are there “signs of the end times” that we are supposed to watch for? Have some already happened or are signs happening now? What if we miss these signs? How do we know if all the “end time signs” hype is correct, that the end times have begun and if Jesus’ coming is really near? Find out how to discern these signs and to better recognize the few true signs that the Bible does talk about us witnessing in the end times.


Jubilee Year Cycle (49 or 50?)

By Tim McHyde / December 21, 2008

The Jubilee Year of the Bible is important to understand properly if you want to understand the Biblical Calendar, and with it Bible prophecy and what it holds for the future. But few people do. Some think it is 50 years, some 49 years. Find out the truth now.


Must I Give My Book Away Because Jesus said “Freely give?”

By Tim McHyde / December 8, 2008

If you produce and sell anything on the Bible such as a book, Bible software, or even a Bible version, you may be surprised to find that you that some Christians will make it a point to tell you how wrong you are to charge for it—because Jesus or Paul or the prophets did not charge for their teaching. But is this what Jesus or Paul taught, that anything associated with the Bible must be given away? Let’s look at the arguments and actual verses that apply to find the surprising truth.


Hear God’s Name Pronounced

By Tim McHyde / October 1, 2008

How do you pronounce God’s name? It is hotly debated. Opinions vary depending on the evidence used, mostly evidence external to the Bible such as results in the popular but wrong Yahweh “scholarly guess.” But based on the remaining unerased vowel points in the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible, the Leningrad Codex, we can get the most close possible today without a prophet. Listen to a recording of it below.


Bill Salus

By Tim McHyde / October 1, 2008

Bill Salus is the author of Israelstine and has appeared on WorldNetDaily as a commentator.


Isralestine Book Review

By Tim McHyde / September 19, 2008

Isralestine is a prophecy book by Bill Salus with a pretrib view and an emphasis on Middle East war prophecies such as Psalm 83


4 Blood Moons of 2014-2015? Mark Biltz Theory Debunked

By Tim McHyde / July 1, 2008

Do the four blood moons of 2014-2015 signal that some other great event is near? Will you regret it if you ignore it? Or is the theory flawed in ways that are easy to miss? Discover the prophecy breakthrough that invalidates this theory by someone who had the same eclipse table idea years earlier. Plus find out how Revelation says our year will drop to only 360 days after the real prophesied blood moon eclipse happens.

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