All posts in "End Time Prophecy"

Why Most Christians Won’t Be Raptured (& How To Make Sure You Are)

By Tim McHyde / July 28, 2017

The rapture is the hope of hundreds of millions of Christians. Unfortunately, according to Bible prophecy, most will be “left behind” weeping and gnashing their teeth because Jesus said “depart from me; I never knew you.” This will happen if we trust in what men have taught and not what Jesus actually said about belonging to him at his coming (1Co 15:23). Find out what most Christians are missing about the true requirements for the rapture so that you can be sure not to be left behind.


4 Plain Proofs America is Babylon + 6 Objections Answered

By Tim McHyde / June 16, 2017

Is America, the most dominant and influential nation of the end times, really not found in Bible prophecy as most Christians are told? If that doesn’t sound right to you, then you are not alone. There is no better, plain and literal fulfillment of Jeremiah’s and Revelation’s Daughter / Mystery Babylon than America whether you compare it to Saudi Arabia, Mecca, the Vatican, Rome, Iraq or anywhere else. Except…how can God judge a nation who does so much good and not judge so many arguably worse nations like China or Iran? How can Babylon be a nation when it says it’s a “city?” Where is the blood of slain prophets “found in her?” These common objections and more are answered…plus why you never need to fear being trapped or unaware in America when she is about to be burned.


The Third Temple Prophecy: What’s Holding Back Its Fulfillment?

By Tim McHyde / June 2, 2017

Many Christians consider the rebuilding of the Holy Temple and restarting of animal sacrifices not a prophetic sign, but an affront to Christ and the church (the “real” temple?). If you learn what the Book of Hebrews says is the actual purpose of the Temple and sacrifices, the plain prophecies about them coming again will make more sense. Discover what must happen first before Temple construction can begin, what prophecy may bring it, when it happens in relation to the 70th week, and what if anything you should do when you see the Third Temple rebuilt.


Psalm 91 Prophecy, Not Promises – “Secret Place” Location Found

By Tim McHyde / May 5, 2017

Psalm 91 is the second most popular psalm thanks to its powerful description of God’s supernatural protection which most read as promises for the everyday Christian life. Yet Psalm 91 never says it is a promise for a universal audience and what it does say is very specific and parallel to end times prophecy. It describes God protecting only the faithful from extreme conditions in one “secret place.” Find out the place’s location from how Psalm 91 lines up with the “beginning of birth pains” end-time prophecy of Jesus, Revelation, and Joel.


One Reliable Sign of the End – The Prophecy About America, Russia & WWIII

By Tim McHyde / April 14, 2017

Many supposed signs or dates of the end have been proposed and they have all so far proven unreliable. Otherwise, the end should have already come upon us many times over. Nevertheless, there are reliable signs given in the Bible, even if most readers and teachers overlook or misunderstand them. One major sign of the end that Jesus spoke about will be unmissable, although to discuss it can be depressing. But if you dare, learn what the Book of Revelation says about this event that Jesus hinted at, a reliable end time sign that has to do with the most powerful nation on earth in the end times.


Who Will “Bring Food to the Two Witnesses”?

By Tim McHyde / March 3, 2017

The Two Witnesses somehow preach against the Antichrist for the entire 1260 days of the Great Tribulation. But how do they manage to keep this going? Or just how do they even get fed during this stressful ministry? I have four interesting theories drawn upon the OT and NT (and one hater email) to possibly answer this question.


Elijah’s Coming and Immigration to Israel

By Tim McHyde / February 17, 2017

When does Elijah come in relation to end-time events? What year could that be? How do we recognize him before accepting his command to move to Israel? Also is Israel today really biblical Israel and how will we deal with the Ministry of the Interior’s history of rejecting believers or anyone not Jewish from immigrating?


Bible Prophecy Glossary

By Tim McHyde / August 5, 2016

A good comprehensive glossary of Bible prophecy terms can go a long way to help with the difficulty of understanding Bible prophecy. This glossary is different from others in that it is built upon the same two keys that Know the Future book uses: literal interpretation and insight into the prophetic Jewish Feasts of Leviticus 23 which unlock the book of Revelation.


When is the Great Tribulation Not Coming?

By Tim McHyde / October 17, 2015

Can we know when the Great Tribulation will be? Or at least when it won’t be? Mark Biltz thinks so and I agree with him, except for his reckoning of the Sabbath year. Learn what the Great Tribulation is and how to tell when it is not near.

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