All posts in "End Time Prophecy"

How We Escape the Great Tribulation: Faith, not a Rapture (In 3 Phases)

By Tim McHyde / March 22, 2019

Most Christians assume they automatically qualify to escape the Great Tribulation by a “pretrib rapture.” But if that’s so, then who are the believers that the Antichrist beheads? Find out why God’s end-times escape plan will require something few Christians have: sacrifice and faith. Learn how to fix that, be ready for the end times and escape it with God’s help.


Why “Elijah Must Come First” & How To Identify A True Prophet

By Tim McHyde / March 1, 2019

Are there prophets now or coming in the future? Yes, Elijah is predicted to lead us in the end time. But how can you tell a true prophet like Elijah from a false prophet like the “False Prophet” who “calls fire down from heaven” (Rev 13:13)? Learn how to cut through Christian misinformation on prophets and zero in on the one end time prophet you will hear about and must listen to: the “Third Elijah” (Mal 4:5-6) the one who finally brings the revival Christians dream about…


End Time Escape Obstacles: “I’ll Just Stay Behind…”

By Tim McHyde / February 16, 2019

To face the horrible end-time events, do you plan to flee to Judea or are you resolved stay put? Is it too overwhelming for you to think of trying to save yourself? To many, it seems easier and even nobler to stay home rather than “run away” (as some characterize what I teach). Yet, there is so much in prophecy that this response does not account for. It’s time I shared them so you can see why staying put is a very bad idea and hopefully move on to accepting what God has planned for the saints end time escape.


Will Angels Preach the Gospel Worldwide Before the End?

By Tim McHyde / August 4, 2018

Jesus said, “This good news of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end shall come” (Mt 24:14). But Revelation 14:6 says that an angel has the “everlasting gospel to preach to the world.” So who exactly preaches the good news, a prophet or an angel? And most importantly of all, what is this good news of the kingdom, anyway? It’s not what you think!


The Millennium: Ten Surprising Changes Jesus Brings (or Grass-Eating Cats)

By Tim McHyde / July 20, 2018

You probably know that the Millennium is the future 1000 year reign of Christ and his saints. But do you know about the amazing changes that Jesus’ Second Coming will bring besides world peace? Such as how you’ll be able to feed your cat by letting it out into the yard to graze? Cats along with all carnivores will become herbivores, according to Bible prophecy. Discover that and nine other surprising prophesied changes that will make the Millennium very different from today and as close to utopia as possible with the Kingdom of God arriving to earth finally. Plus (New), find out what the Gospel of the Kingdom is…


Isaiah 17: Will Israel Nuke Damascus? Why Not Yet From Psalm 83

By Tim McHyde / May 11, 2018

Isaiah prophesied the destruction and abandonment of Damascus, Syria over 2,700 years ago. Yet the city continues today, despite so many Middle East wars and predictions that “this year” it will finally come to pass. So what’s missing that has been holding this prophecy back? Israel’s strike on Iran? Or perhaps the overlooked prophecy in the Psalms about a future Arab war alliance targeted at wiping out Israel. Find out why the Arabs are sure to one day acquire weapons of mass destruction that leads them to finally attack Israel together again…and how their defeat opens up for the “beginning of sorrows” and Great Tribulation to finally happen.


How God’s End Time Protection Could Also Kill You

By Tim McHyde / April 7, 2018

Do you ever think that all you have to do to survive the end times is to wait for Elijah’s call, much like how most Christians simply wait for a “pretrib Rapture?” If so, think again. God’s end time safe haven from Wormwood and the Antichrist has a curve ball: the possibility of death by the Holy Spirit. Just like Ananias and Sapphira (Act 5:1-11), if you go into God’s community run by a prophet without taming your typical manipulative, prideful, grumbling, or gossiping Christian character, you may end up dead all the same. Find out why this will happen (again), how to tell if you are at risk, and how to change yourself now to avoid this for you and your loved ones who indeed likely will ride your coattails to safety.


3 Types of “Salvation” in Prophecy That You Won’t Want To Miss

By Tim McHyde / February 17, 2018

You already know about spiritual salvation, but what about the other two kinds of “salvation” in the Bible that will be available and critical in the end time? One kind you will definitely need when it is offered, the other I’m sure you will at least want when you hear about, if not absolutely need. What are these other “salvations,” why do Christians overlook them and how do you make sure you receive them when they are available soon?


What Kind of “Earthquakes” (Mt 24:7) Are An End Time Sign?

By Tim McHyde / January 5, 2018

Many think severe earthquakes are on the rise. Christians naturally wonder if this is what Jesus spoke of in the Olivet Discourse about the sign of “earthquakes in diverse places” preceding his coming (Mt 24:7). But are normal, scattered earthquakes like this a sign of the end? A reexamination of this passage is now possible to find out what type of earthquakes are indicated which completely changes the usefulness of these difficult words of Jesus.


Eclipse and Heavenly “Sign” Watching Debunked By Jesus’ Own Words

By Tim McHyde / August 18, 2017

With every interesting celestial event these days, Christian prophecy theorists take to YouTube to share their speculation on why it’s a “sign” and what it might just mean. But does God really communicate warnings this way in the sun, moon and stars? Does the Bible really instruct us to look for “signs” in the heavens? What are we to “watch” for according to Jesus? As you will learn, theorists (unintentionally) deceive themselves and others when they don’t properly define and use the word “sign” the same way the Bible does. Get Scriptural answers to these important questions, ones that you won’t find on YouTube no matter how many “views” a video has…

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