All posts in "End Time Prophecy"

Gay Marriage and America’s Judgment in Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / July 10, 2015

Many Christians are upset over the legalization of same-sex marriage in America. Even worse is the fear that gay marriage will bring God’s wrath on America. Before we lose heart over opinions like this, let’s see what the Bible actually says are the reasons for America’s judgment and also why Sodom was judged. Find out the actual reasons for God judging America given in the Book of Revelation.


Is Petra the “Prepared Place” of Safety For Israel or You?

By Tim McHyde / December 20, 2014

Petra is believed by some to be the place Israel finds safety during Armageddon. But Bible prophecy reveals a different place protected from the Antichrist. Worse, it is not for the nation of Israel but only for the scattered righteous: yes, faithful believers are still on earth because the rapture comes 3½ years later. Read on to understand God’s end time escape plan for you.


Ark of the Covenant Found? Role in End Time Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / August 23, 2014

Does the lost Ark of the Covenant still exist? Will it resurface? Some claim it is hidden in the Temple Mount, others Mt Nebo, others Ethiopia. Some predict it will come out in the end times for the Third Temple and Antichrist’s “confirmation of the covenant.” What does the Bible say about the role of the Ark of the Covenant in the future? Surprisingly very little, but enough to discount the ark having any role in end-time prophecy.


Why Is the Tribe of Dan Not in Revelation 7’s 144,000?

By Tim McHyde / August 2, 2014

Why is the tribe of Dan is missing from the 144,000 in Revelation 7? Theories abound. Is it punishment for Dan’s idolatry and Dan being the city of Rehoboam’s idol worship? Or is it because the Antichrist comes from Dan as “the serpent by the way” prophecy may suggest? Is there any proof for these theories? Learn a new and convincing explanation to this centuries-old mystery.


Jesus Told His Disciples What the End Starts With, But Do You Understand It?

By Tim McHyde / February 1, 2014

Jesus’ disciples asked him the very question that every Christian still wonders today: how do we know when you’re coming back? Amazingly, Jesus answered by giving the actual “signs of his coming and the end of the age.” He didn’t refuse! We can read his straightforward answer in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Yet Christians don’t understand his answer as evidenced by how they fall for every speculative counterfeit end time sign theory hatched by Christian prophecy theorists in its place. Find out what you’ve been missing in Jesus’ answer so you understand the real signs of his coming and never have to fall for another false prophecy theory again.


7 Things Christians Have Against Bible Prophecy – Answered

By Tim McHyde / November 15, 2013

Do you get grief from other Christians when they find out you like Bible prophecy? Do they try to convince you to stop studying it, to save you from “deception?” Join the club. Bible prophecy is not popular with most Christians for several reasons which they will be sure to share with you. Learn what these common objections are and how to answer them–if not for their sake at least for your own satisfaction. Be certain you’re doing nothing wrong to study prophecy which is actually something encouraged in the Bible.


The Coming 360 Day Year Predicted in Revelation (1260 Days = 42 months)

By Tim McHyde / March 30, 2013

Everyone knows there are 365¼ days in a year—except, seemingly, the Bible… In both Genesis and Revelation, there are 360 days in a year and 30 days in all months. You won’t find the 365¼ day year and alternating 29 and 30 day lunar months we see today. Does this mean the Bible is an inaccurate book (as skeptics believe)? Not in the least. Read on to find out the little-known calendar secret of ancient history from Genesis and also Revelation’s hidden prophecy about earth’s change to a 360 day year because of a global catastrophe—before the rapture.


Malachy’s Last Pope Identified – in Bible Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / February 16, 2013

The prophesied last pope is here according to Saint Malachy’s vision of 112 popes: “Peter the Roman/Petrus Romanus.” If Malachy is accurate, then Armageddon and the Tribulation that he “pastures” during it cannot be more than a single pope’s reign away or a few decades. But is Malachy’s last pope a reliable end time sign that faithful saints should get excited about? What does Bible prophecy say about the pope? Is he the Antichrist or the False Prophet? Learn the surprising details that both Catholic and Bible prophecy agree on about the last pope’s evil reign.


The Four End Time Groups: Will You Be in the Safe Group?

By Tim McHyde / June 4, 2012

Most Christians recognize just two groups of people in the present time or the end times: the saved and the damned today, and later, the raptured and “left behind.” But Jesus and Bible prophecy do not describe it so narrowly. There will be not just two, but four groups we can fall into for most of the final seven years. Find out what these end time categories are, which one you’ll likely fall into (it’s not what you think), and what to do today to help you make it into the right group later. Also who the mysterious “Woman” of Revelation 12 is…


The Two (Not One) Gog/Magog Wars Recognized At Last

By Tim McHyde / March 5, 2011

In the intriguing Ezekiel 38 & 39 Gog/Magog war prophecies, God has hidden his meaning similar to how Jesus hid his with his parables (Mk 4:10-11). Since these two consecutive chapters are so similar, the consensus is that they are the same prophecy of a single attack on Israel by the same “Gog.” Find out why there are actually two Gogs and two wars indicated there through a parallel prophecy in Revelation—1000 years apart.

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