All posts in " beginning of birth pains "

Psalm 91 Prophecy, Not Promises – “Secret Place” Location Found

By Tim McHyde / May 5, 2017

Psalm 91 is the second most popular psalm thanks to its powerful description of God’s supernatural protection which most read as promises for the everyday Christian life. Yet Psalm 91 never says it is a promise for a universal audience and what it does say is very specific and parallel to end times prophecy. It describes God protecting only the faithful from extreme conditions in one “secret place.” Find out the place’s location from how Psalm 91 lines up with the “beginning of birth pains” end-time prophecy of Jesus, Revelation, and Joel.


Jesus Told His Disciples What the End Starts With, But Do You Understand It?

By Tim McHyde / February 1, 2014

Jesus’ disciples asked him the very question that every Christian still wonders today: how do we know when you’re coming back? Amazingly, Jesus answered by giving the actual “signs of his coming and the end of the age.” He didn’t refuse! We can read his straightforward answer in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Yet Christians don’t understand his answer as evidenced by how they fall for every speculative counterfeit end time sign theory hatched by Christian prophecy theorists in its place. Find out what you’ve been missing in Jesus’ answer so you understand the real signs of his coming and never have to fall for another false prophecy theory again.