All posts in " flat earth "

Paul’s “Last Days People” Sign Here: Why Does God End Civilization?

By Tim McHyde / December 6, 2019

When God sends Wormwood to demolish civilization (Rev 6-8), is it because time’s up (6000 years) or are there conditions in society that give God cause, such as the negative attributes Paul warned Timothy about in “people of the last days?” (2Tm 3:1-3)? I could never explain this prophecy until I stopped trying to ignore how people are more rude, outraged, and angry than ever and researched the cause, a technology now infecting nearly all of us. Understand and see the writing on the wall for yourself so you can prepare for 2026. Learn three errors in judgment I see Christians using social media make and what they are forgetting. Update: The 5 battle-tested keys for success at doing what Jesus said that  I use…


Flat Earth Debunked by Bible Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / April 18, 2015

Why are people believing in a flat Earth again? What does the Bible teach: flat Earth or a globe? What is the verse in Bible prophecy that requires a globe earth and what does the flat Earth resurgence teach us about ourselves?