Is This The Israel War We Are Looking For?

While the World is looking with horror at what is unfolding in Israel, many Believers want to know if this IS what we are waiting for. Is this the beginning of the End? Are we going to see the End-time prophecies fulfilled in our lifetime? Is it all starting now?

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About the author

Katrina McHyde

Brandon - October 16, 2023

It is so exciting that He is coming back soon! The number of scoffers out there only seems to add fuel to the fire! 2 Peter 3 warns us about scoffers in the last days. I’ve never been more ready to go home, and see Him in all His glory! It has made me more urgent in preaching the gospel on the streets.

    Trent Williams - October 21, 2023

    We know that Jesus is coming back very soon, but we just don‘to know whether this current Hamas-Israel war is the one that fulfills Psalm 83/Isaiah 17! Time will tell eventually!

Victor Talbot - October 11, 2023

Thanks for calming my mind with this article.

Sam Hui - October 10, 2023

Thanks Katrina for the timely update and allowing us to observe and discuss the unfolding events together. I still think the current war could be the Psalm 83 war with reasons below.

The Arab and Muslim countries are now standing in line with the Palestinian / Hamas in their announcements. With the progress of the war, who knows if these Psalm 83 countries will one day form a (secret) ally with the stated goal “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more!” (Psalm 83:4)?

On the other hand, while the US and Western countries have given verbal support to Israel, will they really participate in the war themselves, risking casualty and revenge from the raging Arab / Muslim countries? For instance, US today dare not involve in the Ukraine war directly.

Isaiah 17:14 and the fate of Damascus will mark the lightening end of the war. It’ll take time for the war to progress…

Thanks Katrina for your conclusion, which is a very timely reminder for us. Let’s keep watching, get your own relationship with God (and people around us) right, and keep growing in faith and strength in God.

Blaze - October 9, 2023

What about BRICS? That’s an alliance… Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. I feel like that shouldn’t have been left out of the article. I don’t know if you know about it. This is official Jan 1, 2024.

This would make the cost of war less costly, right?

Roi Israel - October 8, 2023

This war could very well be the one that creates the right atmosphere for the Antichrist to rise up and bring in a peace covenant. Everything has been pointing to him rising up this year. Lets wait and see the final outcome. May God bless and protect the innocent people at this dreadful time

Robert Hanna - October 8, 2023

Thank you for the timely update Katrina. Glad to hear you’re on the mend from your illness. May God heal you and bless you and your family!

Personally, I see this as just the beginning of the conflict and we don’t yet know where it will lead or how it will unfold. Conceptually, I could see a harsh Israeli response that could result in very tough conditions and suffering in Gaza that could galvanize Arab/Muslim support for a collective response which could then trigger the Isaiah 17/Psalm 83 scenario. That’s only one of a number of possible routes to that end.

It’s incredible to me how many off-hand nuclear war comments are bandied about by world leaders and mainstream media pundits these days. The use of nuclear weapons is rapidly becoming “normalized” in the military, public and political discourse! Crazy!

There is just so much going on throughout the world regarding the potential for conflict and war, economic crises, famine, social unrest, societal decline and collapse, etc. It’s really too much to keep track of it all.

At this point, it does seem like there is still just enough time for the Middle East war to occur, the temple to be rebuilt and sacrifices resumed. That would all have to happen by 2026/2027 to allow for the 3.5 year tribulation to start with the AOD and wrap up before the 2030 Sabbath if indeed we are now in the 70th week. The closer we get to that timeframe with no ME war or third temple in place, the less likely we are in the 70th week or the Sabbath year calculations could be off. Regardless, I think your position of letting God’s perfect timing be revealed to us as events unfold is the way to live in harmony with His word.

    Greg Schultz - October 11, 2023

    Well said and I agree.

Trent Williams - October 8, 2023

Even though this October 2023 war with Israel and Hamas is unlikely to be psalm 83, we must continue to be watchful for whenever the psalm 83 war materializes!

    Tim McHyde - October 11, 2023

    Dear Trent, thank you also for your personal message. Yes, let us be watchful for the psalm 83 war and let us pray for all the innocent victims right now, Jew or Arab or Gentile. Let us live a life that prepares us for God’s kingdom. I bless you.

      Trent Williams - October 12, 2023

      Someone is calling for a global Muslim uprising this Friday the 13th of October 2023. I think that may be a conspiracy theory or falsehood since that’s less than 2 days away as of Wednesday night.

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