About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.


Why That Disaster Wasn’t A Judgment Or Warning From God

By Tim McHyde / September 8, 2017

Do you wonder if a recent natural disaster is an important prophetic sign? Are some calling it God’s judgment? Or that it fulfills a prophecy in the Bible? Are you feeling kind of nervous or worried after a recent disaster that it was a warning or wake-up call from God or telling us that the end is soon? If so, then learn why natural disasters are not prophetic and not warning signs of the need to act…except for one thing that applies always…


Most Bizarre Speaking Invitation Experience Ever! (In Cyprus) + Lessons Learned

By Tim McHyde / September 1, 2017

This podcast tells the story of what happened when Katrina and I decided to take a supporter’s (paid) invitation to celebrate our 25th anniversary in Cyprus and teach her friends. It seemed totally safe and we prayed about it before accepting. Yet it turned out that the supporter had hidden ulterior motives that I never could have imagined…nor would you, revealed only after I began teaching. Find out what happened and the lessons we learned from this most bizarre speaking engagement ever!


Eclipse and Heavenly “Sign” Watching Debunked By Jesus’ Own Words

By Tim McHyde / August 18, 2017

With every interesting celestial event these days, Christian prophecy theorists take to YouTube to share their speculation on why it’s a “sign” and what it might just mean. But does God really communicate warnings this way in the sun, moon and stars? Does the Bible really instruct us to look for “signs” in the heavens? What are we to “watch” for according to Jesus? As you will learn, theorists (unintentionally) deceive themselves and others when they don’t properly define and use the word “sign” the same way the Bible does. Get Scriptural answers to these important questions, ones that you won’t find on YouTube no matter how many “views” a video has…


Why Most Christians Won’t Be Raptured (& How To Make Sure You Are)

By Tim McHyde / July 28, 2017

The rapture is the hope of hundreds of millions of Christians. Unfortunately, according to Bible prophecy, most will be “left behind” weeping and gnashing their teeth because Jesus said “depart from me; I never knew you.” This will happen if we trust in what men have taught and not what Jesus actually said about belonging to him at his coming (1Co 15:23). Find out what most Christians are missing about the true requirements for the rapture so that you can be sure not to be left behind.


The Image of the Beast Identified At Last

By Tim McHyde / July 7, 2017

During the Great Tribulation, a powerful “image of the beast/Antichrist” will be created for humanity to worship—on penalty of death by beheading. What is it, how is it animated to seem alive and how is it connected with the abomination of desolation? Find out all that and how the leading Antichrist candidate already had an “angelic” “image” proposed in his honor with “savior of the world” written on it—a fitting caption for the future angel/human hybrid Antichrist described in Revelation given the timing of his arrival after the Wormwood cataclysm brings the end of civilization.


4 Plain Proofs America is Babylon + 6 Objections Answered

By Tim McHyde / June 16, 2017

Is America, the most dominant and influential nation of the end times, really not found in Bible prophecy as most Christians are told? If that doesn’t sound right to you, then you are not alone. There is no better, plain and literal fulfillment of Jeremiah’s and Revelation’s Daughter / Mystery Babylon than America whether you compare it to Saudi Arabia, Mecca, the Vatican, Rome, Iraq or anywhere else. Except…how can God judge a nation who does so much good and not judge so many arguably worse nations like China or Iran? How can Babylon be a nation when it says it’s a “city?” Where is the blood of slain prophets “found in her?” These common objections and more are answered…plus why you never need to fear being trapped or unaware in America when she is about to be burned.


Why I’m Convinced The End Begins in 2026—And What You Can Do About It

By Tim McHyde / June 9, 2017

[I’m only releasing this information to supporters:] Since learning in 2001 that Yeshua must return in a Sabbath year, I’ve had to rule out three consecutive Sabbath year cycle windows for the final 7 years (2003-2009, 2010-2016, 2017-2023). This same insight enabled me to easily rule out every date-setting prophecy theory along the way, bringing comfort to many scared readers. With the next possible window for the 70th week coming next decade (2024-2030), I’m ready to share why I believe, based on the real end time sign of Mt 24:14, that this can be the one. If it is, the nasty birth pains (WW3 + Wormwood) would start near its middle in 2026 and Yeshua would return at its end in 2030. Why am I now sharing a “doomsday year” myself and how am I not a “hypocrite” for doing so? How is my 2026 conviction different from what prophecy theory date setters have done? What about “no man knows the day or hour”? Read on to understand what has changed, why I’m so convinced about 2026 and, most importantly, what the Bible says to do if the end is indeed coming in your lifetime.


The Third Temple Prophecy: What’s Holding Back Its Fulfillment?

By Tim McHyde / June 2, 2017

Many Christians consider the rebuilding of the Holy Temple and restarting of animal sacrifices not a prophetic sign, but an affront to Christ and the church (the “real” temple?). If you learn what the Book of Hebrews says is the actual purpose of the Temple and sacrifices, the plain prophecies about them coming again will make more sense. Discover what must happen first before Temple construction can begin, what prophecy may bring it, when it happens in relation to the 70th week, and what if anything you should do when you see the Third Temple rebuilt.


Psalm 91 Prophecy, Not Promises – “Secret Place” Location Found

By Tim McHyde / May 5, 2017

Psalm 91 is the second most popular psalm thanks to its powerful description of God’s supernatural protection which most read as promises for the everyday Christian life. Yet Psalm 91 never says it is a promise for a universal audience and what it does say is very specific and parallel to end times prophecy. It describes God protecting only the faithful from extreme conditions in one “secret place.” Find out the place’s location from how Psalm 91 lines up with the “beginning of birth pains” end-time prophecy of Jesus, Revelation, and Joel.


How I Unexpectedly Learned God’s Name in Israel (& About the Joel 2:32 Revival)

By Tim McHyde / April 25, 2017

Is God’s name Yahweh, the LORD, or just “God?” Most Christians have no clue and aren’t that interested. It’s just not important in Christianity, but it is in God’s Word and end time events. Get ready, as this ignorance of God’s name will end, and by spectacular means. Joel 2:32 says that those whom God protects from end time events will know and call upon God’s personal name. How will believers be able to do that when Christianity does not teach the name of God? Through the return of something that will excite us all… Find out God’s name, who will teach it and how Jewish and Christian tradition has kept you from knowing it already.

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