This is a unique, simplified list of all end-time events from "here to eternity." A supporter requested it and so I have posted it here for all supporters (only) since it came out so good. Unlike the graphical timeline chart from Know the Future, this is a bullet-pointed list of the same events in chronological order. Each event includes a brief description, link to related articles, Scripture references and the year I expect it (based on the sabbath-year cycles and my personal dreams). This complements the book chart and works better for some people to get the order of events clear in mind. Enjoy!
bold are events found in literal prophecy.
[Brackets] are events that are deduced.
Note, the descriptions are abbreviated because again this is for supporters who have all read my book, Know the Future. If you want a reminder of what terms mean, see my Bible prophecy glossary.
The Simple Events List
June 21 Update: Added missing "70th-week" start and missing Elijah's first appearance vs. his two messages and camp roles before that; other clarifications throughout including colors like red for key negative events and green for key positive!
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Tim McHyde
Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.
Something has been sitting on my mind. Tim’s timeline marks Nissan 1 (Aviv 1) as the beginning of the 70th Week.
On Michael Rood’s calendar (using the lunar phases, aviv barley), we are in the month of Adar. March 10/11 would mark the end of the month (depending on when new moon is sighted).
If the barley is Aviv, the new year begins that next day. If it ISN’T, we have a 13th month (Adar Bet).
I’m not saying that Yehovah told me or the Spirit told me this, but I feel we WILL have an Adar Bet this year. The new year won’t start until April.
If so, Nissan/Aviv 1 will correspond with the solar eclipse that is coming across America (forming an X or a Tav in Paleo-Hebrew). Does this serve as a warning? Time will tell.
ReplyThanks Randy for your informative update, let’s keep watching how events unfold. When reading your last sentence, I saw “Tim will tell” initially. 🙂
ReplyI’m also watching for the solar eclipse.
There is also some talk about a red heifer that’s needed for ritual purification before the temple can be constructed. Apparently someone in the US has been rearing a few for some years.
Another thing that interested me recently was Tucker Carlson’s interview with Lex Fridman. In it, Tucker makes a comment that if the war escalates, he expects a coalition to attack right after Ramadan. Guess when Ramadan is over?
April 9th 2024.
Solar eclipse April 8th 2024.
As you said, time will tell.
ReplyI’ve been having a lot of thoughts and I still have confidence that the timeline is still correct. Damascus may not fall before the end of 2022 but the start of the 70th week, I feel, is still going to begin in 2023/2024.
ReplyHello Randy, just thought from my side on the Damascus issue.
If we look at the Hebrew Callander then normally the new year starts in March or April.
If we keep this in mind, then 2022 should only end by around February onwards.
So Damascus could still be destroyed up to then which is technically still 2022.
To me the destruction of Damascus is not an indicator of the so called 7 years end time. It is a separate event that takes place.
If we focus on the 7 year event, then it should start around March 2024.
The true revelation should still be taught by Elijah that must still appear.
A sure sign is definitely the destruction of America and wormwood hitting the earth.
These 2 events should take place around May 2026 with the beast and false prophet in connection with Satan taking over around March 2027.
The return of Yeshua should happen around September 2030.
Only time will tell.
Regards Johan.
Tim I stumbled upon this video…IT’S A MUST SEE! Watch it and let me know what you think. On YouTube…”The coming temple”-full documentary.
It grieves me to hear of your illness. You have been a great inspiration to me and you still have much to do to help me and others like me to understand where we fit in this universe of God’s children. My thoughts and prayers go with you. This may be a selfish thought but I need you and I know many other people who look to your thoughts and ideas for guidance. I don’t agree with everything you write. You don’t agree with everything I write. That is ok! We are both men seeking the truth the best we know how. It doesn’t matter if we see God from different viewpoints. He is still God and we are both seeking the truth about him. Please be aware that others reading your work are also looking for guidance, information and not God in a bottle. If they are, and are looking for someone they can worship and follow, I know you would be very disappointed they got that impression from you. You have NEVER done or said anything to invite that attitude. Your understanding has grown over the years and it has helped mine to grow. REMEMBER, you are here ONLY to sew the seed as you have done to me for the last 17 years. The ground it falls on is not your responsibility. Keep doing what you have been doing. The path you are on, the words you use and the ideas you have developed are as good as any man could provide. Let God worry about where the seed falls and the harvest.
Your Friend (for 17 years)
Hi Tim
A very concise study summary for us you’ve presented that I am sure most here appreciate .
What is your take & interpretation of the “deadly wound” in Rev 13 which the Beast receives as prior mandatory prerequisite to the antichrist rising up?
ReplyJim, I think the deadly wound is the Antichrist dying and being resurrected. That’s why people respond by asking who can make war with him? He seems invincible; God (2Th 2:4).
ReplyOne of the seven heads of the beast gets the deadly wound. According to Reveletion 17:9 & 17:10 the seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits, they are also seven kings.
To my understanding, one of the kingdoms of the antichrist will get a deadly wound (the kingdom will be almost destroyed) and will be resurected/restored.
ReplyDeadly wound was the 7th head [ male-of Government] -Rabin. You fail to realise the 1946 Beast out of the [Mediterranean] SEA. …Judah calling itself Israel that murdered by demanded Roman Crucifixion[& got it]- which Rome washed it’s hand of the responsibility- the murder of GOD’s Messiah Son sent to redeem them causing GOD to turn His Face from them almost 2000yrs. What is more BEASTLY than that….11th king [P.M-male] & 8th head[3repeat twice] known as ‘the little horn[son= the Bibi[baby] son…..you think you understand but do not sadly- No Insight!
Binyamin Netanyahu[666 old Heb. Gematria] after confirming the Mosaic Covenant with Pope Francis in Rome 17th/1/2016 will now in his last 42 month Authority-7years cycle on – will make his’covenant with the many’ -a New Temple promise- heralding in the first half of Last Week I believe..second half the Two Prophets…Watch & See!….Merry Christmas
Hi Tim,
Thank you sooo much, at last, someone who received the Word and Timeline as I have, started to doubt what I had received, so many calling a pre-trib Rapture, just did not make sense with all the prerequisites to happen first Amen and God Bless us all ??????
Hello Tim,
Originally you had the GT starting in the spring of 2027 with the rapture in the fall of 2030, which makes sense because that equals 1260 days or 3.5 years. I’m confused when you now mention that the GT starts in the winter of 2027 because that doesn’t seem to leave enough time to complete the 1260 days/3.5 years. Am I missing something? Thanks.
ReplyBrandon, good catch. I made a mistake in the book and in the timeline of failing to consistently distinguish between how the Abomination of Desolation 30 days before the Great Tribulation does indeed happen “on a sabbath day in winter” like Jesus prophesied (Mt 24:20) (say, early March 2027) while the Great Tribulation happens a month later in spring (say, late March/early April) and exactly six months before the Day of Trumpets in the fall (Sept/Oct). I fixed it on the timeline here and made a note for any future ebook update.
ReplyThanks Tim and that makes sense now. I appreciate you clarifying that.
Please forgive me if this has been stated before, but where does Ezekiel 38-39 fall on your end times timeline? In particular, When Israel is unable to defend herself and is saved by God from God and Magog’s attack. “And I will send a fire on Magog, and on them that dwell securely in the isles; and they shall know that I am Jehovah.”
– Ezekiel 39:6
ReplyKendall, great question, oversight on the (overly-)”Simple” list above. Fixed.
ReplyHello Tim, yes I understand, but at this point in my life all your articles, whether for the support team or free, is valuable to me. You have raised the intensity of the free articles to a higher level which adds just as much value. One question though, am I allowed to share this article with family and friends? Also are you going to update this article by adding the article of Paul’s end time people. Br Johan
ReplyJohan, thanks for the heads-up. I’ve updated the article. Sure you can copy and paste the contents to an email for your loved ones.
ReplyHi Tim, I am busy going through all your articles, the you tube vlogs and support team articles. There is such a massive amount of information available it sometimes feel over whelming. This end times timeline events to me is very powerful and I wondered if you ever thought about making it a free article. I am sure it will have some impact on readers who are not aware of what is coming and maybe shake their comfort zone, and we know certain people don’t like to be shaken. Just a thought. Otherwise keep up the good work and I am looking forward to some more shockingly insights from you and Katrina. Yehovah bless you and your family.
ReplyJohan, I thought about it but I think you could make a similar argument for almost any of the supporter content to be made free and shareable for all. Then where would that leave supporters who I feel responsible to give extra value to?
ReplyYes Tim, there are people, myself include, who are on disability that literally are living on such a small check that cannot afford the luxury of paying such a small price to glean such powerful info, please reconsider posting for free. May the Lord bless you & yours! Thanks, Ronda
ReplyRonda, all will be free in time. I’m writing a book with all the content without any charge. In the meantime, I need support to write the book and this is how God directed me to receive it. When everything is posted freely, the support does not come. That said, I know my paywall is not a barrier to any saint since God can direct you how to get provision (like he did me) that allows you to find $10 for access (Mt 6:33).
ReplyTim, thanks for the simplified list as it’s really helpful for me as I am mostly “old school” and don’t like to get to bogged down in all the details. For me it all essentially boils down to the two most important things Yeshua taught concerning the GotK, “Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and strength, and Love your neighbor as yourself.” The details are important but are somewhat dependent on timelines and certain events given in scripture, past, present, and future. I still have alot of work I need on my own salvation and pray I’ll be ready when it’s time to “escape all these things” and be called to the place of safety! Also would like to know how the new “Missing Manual” is coming or other pertinent info for the times we are currently in.
ReplyRon, the manual is still in R&D; we’re still learning what needs to go into it. That said, we seem to be getting the last pieces now to be able to write and release the first chapters this year. Please pray.
ReplyThank you Tim for the new timeline ! I was under the assumption that wormwood destroys the whole planet earth am I wrong in my assumption?
ReplyLorraine, indeed reading Rev 6-8 about Wormwood sounds so bad leaving a doubt anyone could survive (Rev 6:17) outside the protected righteous (Joel 2:32), but then if we keep reading we find out the Beast makes people who are not in “Book of life” take the mark (Rev 13:8). This means many non-protected wicked people survive Wormwood to enter the Great Tribulation. Out of the frying pan, into the fire as it were.
ReplyNow that Isil is a moot point in Syria . The remaining Syrian government can go back to it’s national pastime, harassing Israel. Lately the Syrian government has been beating the war drum saying it wants the Golan heights back. That’s nothing new. Since Al-Assad has no trouble gassing his own people I would imagine a gas attack on Israel to regain the Golan heights is not out of the question.
ReplyHi Tim,
Always a joy to read your posts. I will be completely honest I’m confused. I don’t understand why many are banking on this 70 year generation and that we will be raptured within days maybe even in the next few hours. My understanding is won’t the believers witness all the things that will happen before Christs return. If the Antichrist is to wage war on Christian’s how can he do so.if there are none to do that with “if” we’re raptured before. Another nothing I’m confused about is this “Deal of the century” could this very well be the deal that signals the rapture. I’d appreciate your comments and clarifications. I feel like I still have a duty to still bring people to Christ whom I care deeply for and if the purported dates being set by pre-tribbers from now until June that Christ is coming makes my heart hurt for the people who I know need Jesus.
ReplyMarie, yes this May 14, 2019 “end of Israel’s 70th anniversary year that started in 2018” rapture date idea is pretty desperate. It won’t happen because it’s a contrived prophecy and like you said they base it on a false premise of a pretrib rapture. Why does this happen? In short, by ignoring plain Scripture and relying on persuasive teachings of men because, emotionally, the former is not what we want to hear while the latter tickles our ears (2Ti 4:3).
ReplyTim I love your posts and your work. Regarding the generation of the fig tree, these are the bad figs described in Jeremiah that created “Israel” in 1948. Judah as a name would have been more correct but still a lie. Jesus said it would be as it was in the days of Noah. For that reason it seems the generation definition would be 120 years, not 70 or 80 if we are strong as stated in the psalms. That brings us to 2068, not 2028. Isaac Newton said not before 2060. He was pretty smart. So I’m thinking this is still birth pains. The elites have much to accomplish yet, not to mention Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Isaiah 17 regarding Damascus. Also the prophecies concerning Israel I believe refer to the people, where they are now in the world, not fake Israel created in 1948. If that’s correct, Ezekiel’s invasion could refer to the US and Western Europe, exactly who is targeted now with political social and economic unrest. Just thinking about it all.
ReplyHi Mike, thanks, my view on the parable of the fig tree is different, that it is not a date-setting riddle.
ReplyWell said and truth always rises to the occasion. 🙏🌹✝️
ReplyTim your SIMPLE EVENTS list leaves out (in my opinion:) the earliest sign(s).
For Israel to be attacked several things must occur/be happening.(That aren’t now).
1.Arab nations are as unorganized as they have ever been..this will have to change GREATLY. And an Arab leader/organizer who stands out?
2.Atomic weapons…For Israel to attack several nations with atomic weapons multiple Arab nations would have them.Not so now.
3.Israel would near this time of events have really pissed off the Arabs/made them extra angry.?
Ronald, sure, you could list those items you suggest, but it may be that the we never perceive the organization of the Arabs, or their acquisition of nukes nor see that Israel provokes the Arabs noticeably. Those three things are all speculation on my part you probably read in my Psalm 83 article. For this reason, the simple endtime events list strives to focus mainly on actual prophectic events with important deducted events.
As surprising as this may sound, there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence (US statements and documents) alluding to the Iranian’s already having nukes. It appears they were looking to acquire them in the 90’s when the Ukraine collapsed. Apparently, roughly 250 nukes (smaller ones) went missing and were never recovered (as was reported in released documents). This may help to explain way in which this war begins. The Iranians know full well that announcing the mere possession of nuclear weapons would create (organically) an arms race in the Middle East. While they may be looking for tech to produce these weapons themselves it makes more sense to have them while feigning possession of them. Remember, the Iranians also know that direct frontal assaults on the Israelis have all failed—What’s required is something else….something which allows to hit them in strategic places (using smaller nukes) with the goal of knocking out Israel’s ability to respond while giving them (the Iranian’s and others) the opportunity for a direct frontal assault. This scenario would allow the Iranian’s to attack the Israeli’s (along with other countries) sooner rather than later. Iranian strategy would require a massive assault that prevents a response–any strategy, where they announced a large number of nukes would still result in the same stalemate as what we saw in the cold war (mutual destruction). The Iranians must use the element of complete and total surprise if they wish to defeat the Israelis.
ReplyOn point as always Tim. In the day and age where we all go to and fro and knowledge is increased, I absolutely love this quick reference timeline. As I’ve tried to explain some of the events that must happen when discussing Revelations and the fulfillment of prophecy, it get’s so easy to get focused on one of the above bullets that you can hardly give them a solid timeline because you have to explain each bullet in detail. I love how you list the main events and then provide the link that can give more info on each step but still allows the readers to see the “big picture” at the macro level and then be able to delve into each step at the “micro level.” Absolutely great article. Thanks for sharing and keep on keeping on brother. Love and Prayers to you and the family. Look forward to finally meeting you when it’s time to leave Babylon.
ReplyHi Tim,
I know Satan is cast into the lake of fire after the 1000 year Millenial reign. So if he was loosed for a season at the end of the Millenial reign to tempt the people living then, then how can the people of the third resurrection be tested / tempted if he’s gone/ thrown into the lake of fire? Hope my question makes sense!
Thanks Tim! God bless you and your family! ?????
Christina, as long as people are in the flesh, even without the help of the Devil and demons, they can be tempted, tested, suffer and otherwise grow character. It just takes longer in such a utopia, which is another argument for why Adam had a 1000 year life span and this same long life span returns in the Millennium and into the 2nd resurrection period (Isa 65:20).
ReplyThank you for this list, Tim.
Like your glossary, it’s a great reference and refresher for those of us who are distracted or may not retain as much as we once did.
Hi Tim! I have read the support articles and still don’t full understand the second resurrection. Like you said, the Bible does not really expand upon the idea and you had to do some work to really find it and synthesize it. Does anyone else you know hold this idea as truth? If it was the truth, why is it not talked about and why does no one know about it? I really hope it’s true, I hope everyone gets to walk with Jesus without Satan in their ear, its just a radical idea!
ReplyTaylor, that’s a very fair question which I’ll let Jesus answer since you’re asking about one of the “mysteries of the kingdom” as Paul categorized “the resurrection” (1Co 15:51-52). Jesus said the mysteries of the kingdom he shared (and by implication, all those inspired by the HS in the Bible) were hidden on purpose from the masses and revealed only to the “inner circle” few, like his 12 apostles—not 2 billion Christians (Mt 13:10-11)! So the Bible is hard on purpose and we have to live with scant evidence for mysteries like this which keep them hidden. We can be glad we know them even if we cannot get others to see them, OK? And you have to diligently seek, on the internet, etc. and not just from your pastor like you do, to find them.
Thanks for getting back to me. I read the resurrection article but I figured it would be easier to reply.
In Rev 20 it talks about the 1000 years being over and the books being opened, and everyone not in the first resurrection being judged (the rest of the dead). It immediately says anyone whose name is not in the book is thrown into the lake of fire, so I don’t understand where there is any period of time for living. It seems like you’re either risen at the first resurrection or at the second where they open the book and if you’re not in it- bam you’re done. That’s just based on the scripture I’ve been focusing on. I also don’t know how you can connect Ezekiel to Revelation or know they they’re related. Obviously Ezekial is about Israel regrouping but how can we know it’s a dual prophecy?
Also, I think the only sect that teaches this idea is the Church of God, which is interesting and a denomination I haven’t looked into because of stigmas about being a cult (at least in my neck of the woods) but I’m nondenominational so I’ll definitely look into it. Like Harold, I’ve been seeking the word more and seeking to love more and focusing less on attending an institution! Thanks always Tim!
ReplyTaylor, always a pleasure; these are good questions. Read Rev 20:5 carefully and note that it says the rest of the dead “LIVE again.” Since this group can only be the remaining unrighteous who were deceived by Satan (Rev 12:9) and all will be judged at the end by God’s law which these never were taught clearly, then a fair God must let them “live” for long enough to learn and practice what they are going to be judged by, yes? Also, you’re right Ezekiel 37 is a vision of the lost of Israel getting another chance/life in the flesh. However, again, it would be unfair of God to make that exclusive for Israel (Rom 2:11=Joel 2:32=Rom 10:13). The best understanding of that vision therefore is that it’s showing through Israel what God is going to do for all humanity. Several prophecies use this approach. For example Revelation 12’s “the woman”, representing all saints being protected in the Great Tribulation, not just Israeli saints, yes? Again, God never promised the Bible would be easy or clear and these curve balls are how he throws most off the trail of the mysteries of the kingdom. They require good critical thinking skills which most do not have.
Yes, I learned this teaching from a “cult” but A) If the dominant religious leaders calling you a cult are themselves deceived and teaching lies (Mt 24:4-5), what value does their opinion have? and B) Jesus’ group was also called a cult as well by the dominant religion of his day by Paul’s time (Acts 24:5). C) Truth stands on its own merit and there is no place you can learn truth that does not also have lies and errors, too.
ReplyGood answer Tim! Thank you! I’ll think about it more. Having trouble really believing it and wrapping my head around it since it is so not obvious in scripture so I’ll pray about it.
If people get one chance at salvation though, wouldn’t only the second resurrection folks be those who died young, babies, mentally disabled, and those who lived prior to Jesus or rejected him initially? What makes you think it could include people living today who just never fully grasp what they need for salvation or are taught incorrectly but never seek truth, or are confused?
ReplyTaylor, thanks, yeah, I would call this an area to pray for God to help you confirm. It’s a game changer.
Yes, I’m sure normal, healthy people qualify for the second chance as it’s not fair to condemn a person to eternal death when God lets Satan deceive the whole world (Rev 12:9; I.e., Evolution is a very plausible and popular faith/religion, the religion of Science) and God’s truth is hidden (like Jesus said plainly) and requires great diligence to find since Christianity is not teaching it and the Bible is hard to understand. The purpose of this time is not to condemn people to hell but to show what happens when humanity lacks God’s spirit and government: genocide…and yet a few still succeed to demonstrate that God’s truth was available and his way doable if someone was able to diligently seek it out. God is innocent of shoving his religion down our throat and of leaving us without any chance or help. His plan is fair and simply brilliant.
ReplyIt was the Almighty Himself who originally placed his name at least 6823 times in the scriptures. Jesus is not his name , Yahovah, Lord is not his name . We have to get it right. He said I come in my Fathers name. Why is it so hard for His people to know his name and use it. My name is my name and I want to be called by my name not some other name and so does Yahwah and Yahshua. I know this is not the subject but, to me this is so important as everyone uses JESUS, LORD, YAHOVAH, GOD for names and titles and this is a serious error.
ReplyKatie, if knowing or using God’s name was as important as “Sacred Namers” like you think, then Jesus would certainly have included that instruction in what he stressed was important: to love your neighbor as yourself (Mt 7:12). BTW, “Yahweh” is not found in a single Hebrew manuscript while God’s name is consistently vowel-pointed as Yehovah in over 1000 manuscripts now.
ReplyTim – I have disagreed with you on several points before but in this I fully agree.
There was a pastor of some years ago that said the same thing – Adrian Rogers. Gods name is YaHoVah as in Nehemia Gordons summations. You might like to know that this name with the vowel pointings have been stamped on many coins of the 1600’s as well as on the front page of the 1611 bible.
Again the Vast amount of Mankind are BLINDED SPIRITUALLY !, and the Churches of this World are Similarly BLINDED , which is WHY they preach “Another Gospel” and ignore Prophecy ! because they are NOT LED by the HOLY SPIRIT
ReplyHi Tim, how is Isaiah 65:20 not fitting with the 2030-3030 millennium? How did you get to see that it was talking about life after the 2nd resurrection? Thanks, Tim!
ReplyKristine, it applies to both and it was not my intention to say otherwise. I have to remember people are not up on all the articles not linked like “Millennium in Prophecy” that explains the 1000 year life span begins then AND also applies from thereafter to all in physical (non-glorified) humans.
ReplyIn these resurrections, people are living roughly 100 years more or less? And then are they having children? So are these new people that will not have experienced the old world?
ReplyBlaze, only in the 2nd resurrection do people have a physical life and it’s probably 1000 years like the people in the Millennium had after the restoration of all things. They mostly will have come out of the 6000 years under Satan, but it is conceivable that some born in the “new world” (Millennium) will die unsaved and need the second resurrection, too. (Some will hear and believe bad stories/opinions about God from bitter people still alive from old world into the Millennium.)
ReplyHi Tim they hav e a 100yr period of life , and here pro-creation stops . This is nearing the END of GOD,S PLAN regards Glyn
I’m sorry, but I’m confused between 2nd and 3rd resurrection. Can you somehow explain it in more detail as I’ve only heard about 2 resurrections.
ReplyHello, Tim & Katrina,
Thank you for this simple timeline. Does the 3rd resurrection occur at the white throne judgement?
Also, it seems that at 1260, 1290 or 1335 day mark will put us in winter. Then why does Jesus say Matt 24:20? As if there would be an earlier time to flee to Jordan?
Thanks for all you two do!
1. Yes, thanks, I’ve added the 3rd resurrection.
2. Yes, fleeing at 1335 days is also winter, but it won’t be a “sabbath in Winter” like the Abomination of Desolation will be, with much less transportation available, hardship for pregnant and nursing women, and more importantly, no time to grab provisions or even a coat.