Irvin Baxter

Founder of End Time Ministries, Irvin Baxter has a surprising amount of unconventional yet solid interpretations of Bible Prophecy, such as the meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, America in Bible prophecy, and the timing of the rapture.

Why I like Irvin Baxter

Irvin Baxter is known for his website and daily radio show on prophecy called Politics and Religion (It is available archived as mp3 at his website below).

I listened to Irvin's radio show for a number of years and discovered several gems among his prophecy teachings. For example, he says that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are already riding having inspired Catholicism, Communism, Capitalism and Islam. I disagree with the last one (rolling it into the 2nd one) but three out of four is not bad.

Even better, Irvin understands that America is indeed in Bible prophecy. He has a great teaching on how the four beasts of Daniel 7 include a reference to America (and Britain) in the first beast (lion with eagle's wings). Where I differ on this is how he interprets the wings being plucked which he interprets as the Declaration of Independence (rather than the destruction of America as I teach in my book.)

Irvin is also unconventional among prophecy teacher broadcasters in that he holds a post-tribulation rapture position and he even touches on Wormwood in his teaching (like myself). While he bases his rapture position on looking at the rapture and resurrection texts (like Rev 20:5) literally, his teaching on Wormwood unfortunately is allegorical, turning a "star burning like a torch" (Rev 8:10-11) into the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.

In conclusion, even though I'm not Pentecostal (or of any denomination), I like Irvin a lot and how he thinks on Bible prophecy. If you have a chance to listen to his radio show, you will find more than the typical number of verifiable interpretations of Bible prophecy.

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About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.

Christina Gibson - March 13, 2019

Hi Tim, here is a link for I. Baxter’s Identity Of Mystery Babylon.

I wanted to thank you & Katrina always for your devotion to ministering to the Body Of Christ and to His Kingdom. God bless you and your family ( Of course Elijah & Moses kitties included).

    Tim McHyde - March 13, 2019

    Thanks, I haven’t watched him many years and I forgot that he teaches Babylon the Great is the Vatican.

Christina Gibson - March 11, 2019

Hi Tim, I don’t know if you were aware that Irwin Baxter denies that America is Mystery Babylon the Great. He thinks it is Rome.

Question: Do you think Revelation’s “ Babylon is Fallen, Is Fallen” is referring to first the original Babylon then to America? Or do you believe that it’s first referring to America then to Great Britain? I ask because I saw an old question / answer of yours by accident but I can’t locate it here on this website. Thank you in advance! I hope you and your family are well. God bless you all. ????

    Tim McHyde - March 12, 2019

    Christina, he used to teach America was in prophecy, at least Daniel’s eagle. Can you provide a link?

    Fallen, Fallen is double and I think a dual prophecy of America and Britain’s fall. See my book for details.

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