All posts in " covid-19 "

The Mark of the Beast – If You See It, It’s Too Late (Not COVID Vaccine)

By Tim McHyde / October 1, 2021

The Book of Revelation may be a confusing book overall, but it is crystal clear on “don’t take the Mark of the Beast” (Rev 14:9). Yet how do you obey that? Can they force the mark on you or trick you into taking it? Find out everything you need to know about the Mark of the Beast today—plus a startling new insight on the months of torture awaiting those who take action too late.


“Tim, Has Your Timeline Changed Given 2020’s Awful Events?”

By Tim McHyde / June 12, 2020

2020 has been a tumultuous year like no other in recent memory. Does that mean that the end is nearer than you or even I thought? Is my prophetic timeline that says we’re still years from the end starting wrong? Find out why nothing and at the same time one other aspect has changed regarding my timeline.