“Tim, Has Your Timeline Changed Given 2020’s Awful Events?”

2020 has been a tumultuous year like no other in recent memory. Does that mean that the end is nearer than you or even I thought? Is my prophetic timeline that says we’re still years from the end starting wrong? Find out why nothing and at the same time one other aspect has changed regarding my timeline.

Is 2020: “Worst Year Ever” Candidate?

To say this has been a notable year would be the understatement of the year. I have seen articles arguing that 2020 was the worst year ever in modern history, and it’s only halfway over. Let’s review the awfulness that has happened so far:

  • Assassination: Back in January Trump ordered the airstrike on the Iranian general who felt he could travel with impunity in Iraq. People were announcing World War 3 off that.
  • Australian bush fires came next, killing almost 500 million animals, including putting the beloved Koala near extinction.
  • Meanwhile, the “China coronavirus” was already a major epidemic there. But many of us including myself expected it to be just another third-world problem like SARS or bird flu which would not heavily impact countries with better medical systems. We were wrong and deaths began to mount in the West, too. Social distancing restrictions were rolled out in March in many first-world nations, completely disrupting freedom, lifestyle, and prosperity there.
  • Global Recession: The social distancing restrictions soon led to layoffs and shutdowns of key companies starting around April. This caused an economic crisis around the world including unemployment in the US higher than it was during the Great Depression.
  • US Race Riots: Finally, as if everything was not bad enough, protests, riots, looting, and burning in response to police brutality and racism broke out in over 200 US cities (and some international cities, too). George Floyd’s death by suffocation from being pinned with a policeman’s knee on his neck ("I can't breathe") was the spark that lit the powder keg which social distancing, recession, and decades of racism in the US had filled up. Even as an American living overseas since 1999, I was devastated to see my homeland burning for its national sins and crimes that had become due.

Indeed it is hard to imagine a worse year or how this year can get any worse than it is (although many argue 1968 was still worse). Yet every time one of the events above happened, something worse always followed despite it feeling like we had seen the worst possible already, right? I did not even mention the “murder hornets” that came during COVID when we all had that same thought—"Seriously? Now, this?" Yes, the hits just keep coming as 2020 is "the gift that keeps on giving the whole year." (See a clip from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation below for the reference.)

Bad Times = Prophetic Speculation

Every time the world has even one calamity as we’ve seen in 2020, Christians who are aware of prophetic events from the Bible like the Great Tribulation and Rapture begin to wonder if this is God telling us they are near. Some Christians react by speculating about other possible meanings of the bad news, including inventing brand new prophecies loosely based on often a single verse of the Bible taken out of its context. We saw this distinctly with the “4 blood moons prophecy”  a few years back based on the single blood moon mention of the greater Wormwood prophecy (Rev 6:12=Joel 2:30). Of course, nothing that was predicted happened as this was only a man-made prophecy misusing a Bible passage for some credibility.

This type of prophetic speculation spreads and impacts my readers. They hit my website looking for better answers. Often they begin to doubt the answers they previously found on my website which gave them satisfaction and comfort because of disturbing new events and widespread speculation over them. The doubts right now are about my prophetic end-time timeline of 2024-2030 that has the Great Tribulation and rapture still over seven and ten years away, respectively. Here are two examples I received this month:

Tim, With all of the current events happening in the world do you still stick to your belief that the end is still a few years away? I’ve been reading different articles about things going on that are end time prophecy and many seem to think it’s a lot closer. Would love to hear back! Thanks! - Name Withheld

Hi Tim! I've been a longtime follower of your site but haven't commented. I'll get right to the point, many Christians are feeling a sense of urgency amidst what is going on with the pandemic and now National protests that have gone global. They believe judgement is coming any moment, many on YouTube are having dreams and visions of this event saying Jesus told them he is returning soon. I used to agree with your "why Jesus can't come back"  article but now I'm uneasy. The pandemic, and now civil unrest happening globally seems like a scene out of one of those left behind movies. Are you still sticking to your timeline and the rapture of the church not happening this year or even next year? I always believed our clock would start ticking when the AC came on the scene but as of now he hasn't. Of course, pre-tribbers believe he'll come after but I don't hold to that. Would love to have you respond with your thoughts. - Name Withheld

Why Generic Bad News Is Not an End-time Sign

Extremes in the news are not and cannot be an end-time sign. It has to be the right news exactly as is found in prophecy. And it can even be good news, actually (Mt 24:14). 

To understand this, just think about all the extremely bad events in history since Jesus left the earth. The black death or bubonic plague, WW1 and WW2, the Great Depression, and the Holocaust. Each time believers felt things could not get any worse and the end must be coming soon based on their subjective judgment of the situation. Yet each time they were wrong and things got better and continued on. Why? Because none of those events were clearly and exactly described in end-time prophecy as signs or even milestone markers.

Recognizing and applying this principle has been a great key to my success at debunking for my readers every worrisome invented prophecy or prophetic speculation that has come down the pike since Y2K/Year 2000 Bug. Y2K did dupe me at the very start of my foray into becoming a student of Bible prophecy in 1998, and in the process gave me important discernment. In that year I heard a shortwave radio preacher say that America was Mystery Babylon the Great contradicting what I had been taught at church that it was the Vatican. He was right and I only found even more evidence for that. 

That truth about America as Babylon was the beginning of being able to slowly unlock end-time prophecy, one brick of truth at a time to form a foundation to see more truth from. (It also helped greatly that I never was taught the false pretrib rapture doctrine. It throws the end time structure in Revelation into hopeless disarray by making chapter 4 of John going up to heaven “the rapture” instead of Revelation 11’s 7th trumpet where the rapture really is).

Why No Change In My Timeline

As bad as 2020 has been, perhaps you can begin to understand why it does not change my timeline. None of the events we have seen in their current context are found in end-time prophecy. I mention context because, for example, while there is “pestilence” mentioned which COVID-19 definitely falls under, that pestilence is in a different grouping and context. Notice:

Luke 21:10 — Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom [WW3]. 11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various [Hebrew: “all”] places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

See why COVID-19 does not fit? It was not preceded by great earthquakes and famines globally or in “all places,” the original intent of the Hebrew word translated “various places” in the Greek. In other words, Luke 21:11 is a direct parallel of Revelation 6, 7 and 8 which talk about Wormwood appearing in the sky and then disintegrating and falling upon the earth in differently sized chunks from meteorite to asteroid:

Revelation 6:12 — 12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place

If you keep reading through chapter 8 you find that tsunamis are caused, the sun is blocked, the grass and trees are burned. This will directly cause the famine Luke recorded. That will result in great deaths and loss of civilization and infrastructure including medical systems. The pestilence that we are able to lock down now will spread anew. Possibly COVID-19 itself is what is mentioned as it will spike again without any vaccine or antibody injection cure we develop that then becomes unavailable with the mass destruction. But you hopefully see how COVID-19 in the context of 2020’s events does not match the Biblical context.

Similarly, the Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 Mideast Nuclear War has not happened yet which must happen for other events to take place (like the gathering of the saints to safety in Judea) before even Wormwood described above can come.

Given all that, there is no change to my timeline. Horrible things are happening, but they are generic bad events, not prophetic bad events. The next potential Sabbath year for Jesus’ return is still 2030. Of course, seven years before that, 2023-24 is a Sabbath year, too. However, Wormwood would have happened last year (Pentecost 2019) followed by the Tribulation (2020-2023) if the Sabbath year cycle of 2017-2023 were the 70th Week. Because of the way the seven-year windows spread hot spots in the calendar out, we have a few years of safety before things fall apart at this time.

Article continues below...

The End In 2026? It's Now Possible

Since learning in 2001 that Yeshua must return in a Sabbath year, I've had to rule out three Sabbath year cycle windows for the final 7 years (2003-2009, 2010-2016, 2017-2023). With the next window (2024-2030) less than 7 years away, I'm ready to share why I believe, based on the real end time sign of Mt 24:14, that this can be the one. If it is, the "birth pains" (WW3 + Wormwood, Lk 21:10-11) would hit near its middle in 2026 with Yeshua returning in 2030. Find out what's changed to convince me about 2026 and what you can do about it...

The Timeline Aspect That Has Ended

Having explained why my 2024-2030 timeline is not impacted by generic bad news not found in end-time prophecy, there is one aspect of the timeline that I can say has ended. 2020’s sequence of horrible events confirms my warnings to you last year about my 2024-2030 timeline looking more and more confirmed by current developments in the world. This means the end of allowing for more seven-year windows like previous timelines did. Why?

First, I saw President Donald Trump’s continued maverick actions in the Mideast were changing the dynamic there, pushing Israel’s enemies, the Arab Muslims, and Persians into a corner. While every other president before Trump maintained the status quo for “security concerns” by not moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and other things like that, Trump was doing the opposite over and over. This seemed to finally be moving the conflict forward to the point that the Arabs, who had not attacked Israel in confederacy since 1973, might have a reason, at last, to foolishly (and probably emotionally) attack the nuclear power that Israel is.

Second, by the help of God, I finally understood Paul’s “last day’s people” prophecy in 2nd Timothy 3 and shared how it had been fulfilled already for several years since the advent and the proliferation of the smartphone and social media from the mid-2000s on. Because that pair of technologies led to people grouping up by interests online with constant access at their fingers wherever they were, the worst ideas and behaviors of humanity were being united, concentrated, and radicalized just as “groupthink” psychology explains. This is the “us vs. them” polarization that we have seen worsen the political divide in the same time period. This is the “mob justice” behavior that led to lynching mobs in the past and happens every day on social media like Twitter.

“Peak Civilization” Happened Already - Mercifully

At the time, I said that I feared that civilization had literally peaked already and we had already seen the best it would ever have to offer this side of the Millennium. It had already begun with a long-eradicated disease in America returning (the measles), highway fatalities increasing because of distracted driving (smartphones), and even "flat earth theory" making an unlikely resurgence just when you would think everyone would get smarter because of more information being available and of course truth winning out. Not so, just as group psychology explains. People end up grouping up and remaining in echo chambers with people who think just like they do ("ingroups"), affirming their wrong ideas with better propaganda than they had before so they feel more confident than ever to ignore anyone else (in the "outgroups") who disagree with them. Things go from bad to worse. This dynamic has been linked to the increase in mass shootings and so many other things that are now going wrong in the last decade and a half. 

Now because of social media, there are many people who believe COVID-19 is fake and some great conspiracy to get us all vaccinated. So they group up in rebellion against the government health mandates designed to “flatten the curve.” We’re already seeing at the time of this writing in June a second spike in cases in the US and most places where restrictions have been lifted or certain groups have flouted the safety measures often because of the bad financial situation the restrictions have created for them. I do not blame or judge them, but just as social media echo chambers brought the measles back, it seems to be bringing COVID-19 back. I think this cycle will repeat until we have a cure. People can only handle so much economic duress and social distancing before they get lax and spread the virus again.

What I never saw coming before the end was that God would allow civilization to crest and peak and then go downhill first. I truly believed it would continue to just keep getting better with the release of more advanced technologies. Not so. And because of that, I see how it makes sense that if God is going to wreck civilization divinely by sending Wormwood literally from Heaven to suddenly appear out of thin air on earth, then he had better have an answer to his critics. Some would object saying he ended civilization prematurely, “We were just about to get things right by inventing social media to spread good information and the smartphone and other technologies to make it always available!” Riiiight. God has covered himself well by allowing civilization to peak and regress. No one will be able to say that humanity was just about to figure things out and make utopia. We already were going backward for years. We see now despite all our advanced medical knowledge and having learned lessons from influenza multiple times from 1918 on, our civilization was disrupted mightily by a tiny coronavirus. Because of how God chose to do it, the arguments of any critics of God's ending of civilization will not fly any better than Job’s in trying to accuse God of impropriety to justify himself (Job 40:8).

Civilization has peaked, gone backward and Wormwood can come on schedule in 2026. Between Trump and COVID-19, the Damascus destruction prophecy can happen on schedule on or before 2022 according to my understanding of the divine dreams I have received

If nothing at all like the above was happening yet, I would be sitting here already questioning the next timeline window set to begin in 2024 about whether we will need to add another 7 years again, same as I did a little under seven years ago (maybe in 2015 or 2016 at the latest) when I ruled out 2017-2023 window. Nothing was happening. Instead, this time more radical things than I even could imagine would happen (Paul’s last day prophecy fulfilled, Trump’s actions in the Mideast, COVID-19) are happening and they all seem to work together to set the stage for the key prophecies of the Mideast war and Wormwood. It’s sobering, folks because I would have wished nothing was happening again and we could add another seven years. But I have wondered from the start of my timeline in the early 2000s when I wrote Know the Future if 2024-2030 was not the one seven-year period to fulfill the 70th Week. This was because I saw that John’s Gospel account seemed to indicate that there were exactly two millennial days (John 4:40, 43) from 30 AD when Jesus was with the Gentile Samaritans who accepted him as Messiah until he returned and the Jews would finally accept him (30 + 2000 = 2030, a sabbath year).

Of course, back there at the beginning, I could not imagine we would go another nearly three decades without Jesus’ returning! But here we are, just like in the movies where at the end of the story after going through many false candidates for romance, the guy or girl tells the best friend of the opposite sex, “It was you; it was always you.” Yes, 2024-2030, it was you; it was always you.”

Finally, An Endtime Prophet and True Repentance is Spreading

If all the above was not enough, in my last article I revealed contact with the first end-time prophet on the earth. They revealed that COVID-19 is being used by God to slow down the saints, get them in a listening mode for repentance, and then activation with the Holy Spirit. I’ve seen it happen with several of my supporters now who have reached out for help with the pull they feel unlike ever before to drop everything and seek God.

The spread of repentance this soon (before Mt 24:14 happens globally) is another thing I did not see coming. But it makes sense in hindsight. Leaders must repent first to be prepared and then they inspire another round to do likewise who like ever-growing concentric circles, are able to bring in and support more of the Bride needing to “make herself ready” (Rev 19:7 = repent).

Other Questions I’ve Had Lately:

Since I know that if one person asks a question, there are probably at least tenfold more with the same question who did not take the time to ask, I will address some further questions that I have been fielding lately (and add more as I see them come up):

Q. "Isn't the Rapture this year?"

No, it’s impossible for the rapture to come that soon when the 3½ year Great Tribulation has not even started yet. And that is before you properly factor in the prophetic Sabbath year (shemitah) cycles which provide a window for the rapture only every seven years, ruling six out of every seven years from ever seeing the Great Tribulation start. The same goes for the rapture which comes at the end of the Great Tribulation.

Q. "Seems like on your timeline you think 2026 is the start of the 3½ years?"

No, late winter 2027 would be the start of the 3½-year-Great Tribulation. Pentecost, 2026 is when Wormwood would come to end civilization which allows the antichrist to rise from the ashes and come to power within nine months of that devastation from earthquakes, famines, and pestilence.

Q. "Who is the prophet? Why can’t you tell more about them?"

I’m still not released by God to reveal their identity. The prophets (yes, now plural after more activations by the first prophet, just as John the Baptist activated Jesus as a prophet for his ministry) are not ready and actually need training.

This is another thing I did not realize before. But I always wondered why Samuel and Kings talk about there being the “school of the prophets” (1 Samuel 19:18–24; 2 Kings 2:3,5,7,15; 4:38–44). What do they need "school" for? Doesn’t God just clearly speak to prophets, “do X, Y, Z, OK?”

Nope. I have been told that there is much to learn about how to walk with God at that level and God is still not as clear as you would hope. It takes great discipline and sacrifice to stay slow to hear what God does say and be sure to get it right and not be distracted by other things. It’s just like dreams some of us have received from God or what it took to understand Bible prophecy. It is not at all 100% clear. It seems like it takes a lot of care for a prophet to not go beyond what they understood, not fill in gaps with their own interests, and to not go ahead of or behind God’s plan.

Because that prophet and others now activated since then are still in training, they are not ready to be revealed to the world. Trust me, you would not think much of a prophet in training! Talk about underwhelming. Your expectations of a prophet gained from reading about fully trained prophets described in the Bible after their ministry has begun would make you reject a prophet in training as not of God. If you remember the young prophet who seems to have died from a rookie mistake in his training in 1 Kings 13:11-25, you get the idea. A prophet who dies from a mistake in his prophet role? What a letdown! Seeing a prophet like that would ruin prophets for you.

I did not understand any of this yet last time, but now that I do I am glad that I can share that explanation for why they must all remain anonymous for now. That will change, so be patient. It is an exciting time, this coming from someone who for years said there are no prophets on the earth. Well, I was not wrong. It's just that it was true...until it wasn’t.

Finally, this school of the prophets is not an "elective." The office of prophet is a calling God gives you through usually another prophet contacting you. That connects you to the company/school of prophets to then begin learning. You do not enroll yourself =).

Q. I don’t care who it is, but I feel convicted to send some support. How do I do that?

A few have said exactly this and approached me even though I have not solicited on their behalf. There is no need. God takes care of his saints without them needing to ask (Mt 6:33) by putting it on people’s hearts. It’s exactly how I have been able to survive all these years with not enough book sales through the love gifts of people whose lives and walk with God have been impacted by my writing.

If you are one of those people who do feel that way, I can say I have been given responsibility for providing for their travel and other ministry costs. (Yes, on top of a family.) If you have given to my work in the past then if you give now it will also contribute to that new ministry of God. Just go to the donate page or better yet the support team payment page so you get a supporter account to access support articles or credited time for your existing account.

If you choose to, I want to remind you of the special blessing waiting for you which Jesus himself pronounced:

Matthew 10:40-42 — “40 He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives the One who sent Me. 41 Whoever receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is My disciple, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward

Thank you and I will have more for you as soon as I am able.

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About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.

Joan Blackwood - October 2, 2021

Phew that was long I began it early this evening before our church on-line prayer meeting and picked up around 8.30pm and have just finished reading it at12.40am. At least it re-assured me over the covid vaccine which I had had at the start of the year. It had caused me quite a lot of worry for a good while. Thank you for that! |i guess a lot of christians would have had worries about that.

i found much of what you said most helpful, even though i thought I already had quite a good end time knowledge, gained over many years. It cleared up some questions for me.

Jeremy Kicklighter - August 1, 2021

God has provided us with a powerful immune system and as long as we take care of that system it is more than capable of protecting us. The real numbers seem to agree with that. Why take an experimental vaccine when the survival (for healthy population) is greater than 99.8%? If you haven’t begun to already, you should be questioning why they are so insistent on everyone getting it. Problem, reaction, solution…remember? I do agree with Tim that belief in Jesus and Holy Spirit activation is our way out of what is to come. Remember that the fallen Angels/Nephilim revolted because of the creation of Man. Their goal is to eliminate mankind. My guess is they are aware of that and this concoction is designed as a mechanism to prevent that activation from taking place. The blood is part of the mystery. It is actually the physical representation of the Holy Spirit (the life blood of God). Ponder that for a moment. If you think the day will never come that you won’t be able to work or buy groceries unless you bear the mark, it’s already happening. Prayers and Blessings to you all.

Take heart everyone! Remember that God is a 5D chess player. Just listen to that small still voice and he will guide you through this.

    Eric Walker - September 12, 2021

    Agree! We must be sober and vigilant.

    At that time Jesus said, “I praise You,
    “Truly the Lord GOD will do nothing he has mentioned without revealing his purposes to his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7

    Father, Lord of heaven and earth [I openly and joyfully acknowledge Your great wisdom], that You have hidden these things [these spiritual truths] from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to infants [to new believers, to those seeking God’s will and purpose]. Matthew 11:25

Timothy Bell - December 14, 2020

It seems like a LOT of draconian and totalitarian measures are being forced upon us fast before we have the chance to escape to the safe place! How would you handle this if this is implemented in Germany as stated in the article below? Perhaps the implementation would be slow enough before the escape.


Donovan Bolton - October 3, 2020

Hi Tim,

I have the 8th edition of “Know Your Future”. In the timeline on page 3 the starting point is “2016 or 2023”. In this timeline you show “2024, or 2031 or…”. When timelines change like that, I find it very disconcerting. Please would you kindly explain why you changed the dates.

I see you have addressed why the timeline changed. Sorry, I did not read enough. I still find it disconcerting when timelines are changed.

Kind regards,


    Tim McHyde - October 3, 2020

    Donovan, my timeline did not actually change; it just stopped being open-ended. It has always allowed for multiple 7-year windows because not enough information was available to identify which sabbath year cycle was the right one to superimpose my roadmap onto. That changed once God gave me dreams and also as the article above says other confirmations came in 2020. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

      Donovan Bolton - October 3, 2020

      Tim, thank you very much for clarifying. The misunderstanding is my fault because I think you explain this in your book and in the article, so I apologise to you. Like many of us I am feeling a lot of anxiety and at times hopelessness – therefore I am looking for hope and assurance. But only Jesus can truly give us that. Thanks again, God bless you and your family.

Jeff Carlson - September 27, 2020

Hi Tim,

I’m two years away from retiring and my wife and I are considering a move from Texas to Europe, either Spain, Germany or Portugal. I know you moved there several years ago and wanted to know how that is going? Being closer to Israel is very appealing to us. What part of Germany are you in? Do you find that most people speak English? What drawbacks have you encountered? We’ve been to Munich and skied in Garmisch, love it there!
Thanks, Jeff

Elizabeth Becker - September 24, 2020

Thanks Tim for your insight. This year I have come to realize that God is not the Destroyer but the Restorer. God’s wrath is simply removing his hand of protection which is why he takes responsibility for it. Job was given as the example for this. And the apostles referred us back to the example of Job for the end of days. Satan only began his destruction once God removed his protection. So, everything that happens in Revelation is allowed by God but not executed by God. You may say why? Because people have turned their backs on the truth and on God – even many Christians. The seal of God is placed on the saints before the trumpets begin. The saints are those who believe in Jesus and obey God’s commands. Those who do not have the seal are not inside God’s protection. It is that simple. Once all the saints and those who call on the name of Yehovah are removed from the earth, Satan is allowed to do his worst. Satan is the Destroyer not God.

    Tim McHyde - September 25, 2020

    Elizabeth, I used to think that way, too, that “God allows but does not do evil/trouble” and deny plain passages like Job 1:21, 2:10, 42:11. Then God ripped my world apart in 2019 about that and I wrote my magnum opus article on this bad news about God explaining how so many passages disagree that God does create and send “evil” (Isa 45:7) for our good/teaching (Heb 12:6). However, unlike Satan, he sends destruction benevolently, not maliciously.

    Also, don’t forget the Woman is also protected but without the seal of God that the 144,000 have. This is because Satan’s army cannot get to where she is with the protection around “her place.”

      Jake Harmina - September 29, 2020

      Hi Tim,
      I recently heard a sermon from Don Esposito about the 7 good years and 7 bad years….how they will play out again in the End Times. I think we all agree that 2020 is definitely a bad year and maybe the first of the 7. Where do you think this might fit in to your timeline above? If 2020 is the beginning, it ends in 2027……and then the Tribulation begins??? YHWH has a way of repeating themes and patterns.

        Tim McHyde - September 30, 2020

        Jake, yes, God does repeat, but it’s not safe for us to decide which ones are going to repeat. We must look to actual literal end time prophecy to know. And there here is no seven good/seven bad years found there. Just 3.5 years of tribulation after around 1 year of beginning of sorrows.

Amy Petricini - September 16, 2020

Hi Tim,

I am writing this email because I scared of trump and what he is with the peace agreements i am very scared for our safety

Darren Melnyk - September 10, 2020

Hi Tim!

Looking forward to your next article as usual. Been following you since I first bought your book over 10 years ago. What are your thoughts on this covid-19 thing? I feel it’s just a ruse to get people to shun more of the few freedoms they still have left down the road (i.e. get them used to masks…social distancing etc).

    Tim McHyde - September 11, 2020

    Darren, in my opinion, COVID is a real bio-weapon Satan himself was allowed to design and unleash because God is using it to wake up and purify the Bride. Sure, lower levels are using it to their advantage, but they are not the ones behind it.

    Leanna M Reece - October 2, 2020

    Linked below is one of my posts to help you get started in researching this topic. The great deception is upon us and as we are told, the road is narrow- not wide. As an individual with a compromised immune system and very unusual, life-threatening medical issues, I am forced to thoroughly research everything.

    In this case, the politicians have literally been telling us all year that they are lying whilst intentionally eliciting a fear response, which prevents critical thought.

    My people shall perish for lack of knowledge. – God


earthcomedy - August 8, 2020

Study story of Li Meng Yan…search for her name

Virus from a PLA (Chinese Army) Lab?


Seeds for future military conflict? We’ll see…

earthcomedy - August 8, 2020

we ain’t seen nothing yet…..

Anon - July 31, 2020


Have you watched Dana Coverstone’s prophecy video for what’s coming later this year? If so what are your opinions? Can’t wait to hear back!

    Tim McHyde - July 31, 2020

    Anon, yeah, didn’t fit with what I understand from prophecy for America and these guys who get something right have a way of missing on their next prediction.

Bruce - July 30, 2020


your words and insight have in the past, and again today, had a calming effect on my spirit…..

thank you


Jody Johnson - July 21, 2020


Have you read any articles pertaining to Elon musk implanting chips in the brain? And what about the coin shortage in America. Does any of this change things now?

    Tim McHyde - July 21, 2020

    Jody, why would it change anything? Wormwood comes when it comes and Russia attacks in response to that, not coin shortages.

Steve Willson - July 20, 2020

Tim, there is a lot of talk of a coming new world order. Is that really in prophecy? Do you see it coming to pass?

Timothy Bell - July 17, 2020

If WWIII happens in close proximity to Wormwood and it looks to be in 2026, it would be interesting if Russia and et al, chooses July 4th, 2026 to provide the ultimate grand finale fireworks for United States’ 250th birthday. What a macabre thought.

    Timothy Bell - July 20, 2020

    Ok, I just read the article “One Reliable Sign of the End – The Prophecy About America, Russia & WWIII.” So apparently, Russia doesn’t pick a date but rather responds the early Wormwood effects that would threaten their ability to strike at America if they don’t do it immediately before the full later Wormwood effects comes to the whole earth.

Budi Christanto - July 15, 2020

Hi Tim,

Would you share your view about Ezra’s Vision of three-headed eagle beast in Esdras 2 book?

One of the sites on this subject:

Thank you

    Timothy Bell - July 16, 2020

    Since Ezra written this vision of the three-headed eagle beast while within Babylon, I think it is a vision of the future Babylon which is United States. It is interesting about the long and short feathers representing US Presidents. It is fine as it is and still fits within what Tim McHyde has put forth.

    But LastDaysAnon goes off on his own commentary of how the rest of the end times play out. He doesn’t believe in a rapture whether pre-, mid-, or post-trib. And he doesn’t reference Revelations 18 where United States is destroyed. Rather he believes United States will go through bad times but in the end rises again never to be fallen again.

    LastDaysAnon several times highly recommended everyone to follow Q-Anon which is likely a fake intel project giving out a lot of truth but leads you down dead ends and wrong conclusions. It kind of makes me suspect LastDaysAnon himself.

      Budi Christanto - July 20, 2020


      Thanks for response. I just read Tim McHyde’s position on apocryphal books in his comment here:


      As most christian, he didn’t accept them.

      It’s just me finding the timeline of three-headed eagle beast vision somehow fits McHyde’s conviction of end times date at 2024-2030.

Bryan McDaniel - July 9, 2020


Great article as always. I was just wondering your opinion about the coin shortage in the US currently? Can’t wait to hear back!


    Blaze - July 14, 2020

    It’s just a consequence of Coronavirus. I go to a gas station and they have a sign like “Due to the nationwide coin shortage please pay with a card or exact change.” And then I obey the sign. 🙂

    Tim believes America is Mystery Babylon (or best fit). —>Tim interprets that Mystery Babylon is a rich nation before its destruction. —> Therefore the coin shortage caused by coronavirus will eventually be mitigated or eliminated, probably when treatments or a vaccine for coronavirus make it safer to handle and produce those coins. (Or our economy may have better adapted to not really need coins as much) I’d imagine he would tell you something like that based on his previous writings and responses. That’s my two cents. https://escapeallthesethings.com/us-economic-collapse/

Kyle Key - July 7, 2020


I have extreme anxiety about all of the things that are going to transpire. How confident are you that it will be at least a couple years before the tribulation starts? I read the articles you linked someone else about the rapture and i agree with that but just wanted to inquire about the tribulation. Thanks in advance.

Kyle Key

    Tim McHyde - July 8, 2020

    Kyle, I’m 100% confident the Great Tribulation cannot start until 2027 at the earliest. That’s easy, when it won’ start: now-2026. When exactly it will start is harder.

Taylor Stofko - July 7, 2020

I just feel like a lot of this prophecy is super ethnocentric to America. Not that we aren’t important but I just feels like so much of America is in these articles and we are literally like just one country in the world.

    Tim McHyde - July 7, 2020

    Taylor, one country that the world literally revolves around financially, culturally, militarily (hegemony) just as Rev 18 describes.

      Joel Tyger - July 12, 2020

      Wow. I just re-read Rev 18. Specifically Rev 18:10-13. Gone in 1 hour!

      An interesting part is the end of Rev 18:13 where the prophecy talks about some of the goods that the merchants of the earth will no longer be able to peddle to the United States of Babylon, that being “… bodies and souls of men.” I know it should come as no surprise that God is outside time and any God-given prophecy will therefore speak of things that may, at the time of writing, and even for centuries later, not be fully understood.

      It is now plain to see that not being able to trade the “bodies and souls of men” refers in part to the end of a large number of paedophile networks currently making good money selling children to clients in the USA.

      Scary times just ahead if you call USA home. Then, not long after that, even scarier times ahead for the remainder of the world.

Walker Jones - July 7, 2020


I am one of your younger readers and have some questions about some things. I recently seen a video that stated the holy land is on the brink of a war right now. Is that the war you speak of? Also if it is doesn’t that in itself move the timeline up? Maybe a 2026-2028 return? Would love to hear back.


Kevin Tech - July 6, 2020


Things I read a lot of the times pose the questions of a rapture before tribulation and the antichrist arising. Are you sure without a doubt Christians will endure both of those? Trying to become more educated and not be misled. Thanks!

Kevin T.

    Tim McHyde - July 6, 2020

    Kevin, 100%. “Thus saith the LORD, there is no pretribulation rapture,” as Michael Rood once felt bold enough to declare. Many agree with him.

Maddy - July 1, 2020

Hi Tim,

I’m not sure if you have heard of him but there is a Pastor by the name of Dana Coverstone and he has gone viral for the dreams he has been given that have come to pass. Even the most sound Christians who don’t believe YouTube nonsense have taken to this Pastor. His videos speak of what’s coming and I won’t lie it shook me to the core. When you have a chance look him up I’d love to know your thoughts. He says September- November it’s going to be crazy for America and spoke of the hell that will be unleashed. Definitely very troubling and unsettling.

Caroline Carmack - June 28, 2020

I’m so ready for the coming of our Lord. I pray I can be involved in this process. I’m so ready to have real meaning and purpose for Christ.
As always, thanks Tim!

Paul Saunders - June 28, 2020

Is the ‘first end time prophet’ you describe, the Elijah who will warn the world to flee to Mt Zion before Wormwood strikes?

    Tim McHyde - June 28, 2020

    Paul, no, Elijah is the greatest end-time prophet, the greatest since Jesus. However, just as Jesus was preceded by and activated by the first full prophet of that time, John the Baptist, who was lesser, the end-time scenario repeats that pattern.

      Blaze - June 30, 2020

      You know this from studying the Bible or personal revelation? How could you possibly know that (be sure of that)?

        Tim McHyde - June 30, 2020

        Blaze, the pattern is in the Bible and the prophet is confirming the rankings and acting out the same pattern in them.

Timothy Bell - June 28, 2020

When the Middle East War happens (maybe in 2022), millions die in Israel and the Arab/Muslim countries. Due to that sad case, space opens up in Judea (and in Jordan).

The prophet comes and for two years he warns and instructs the righteous to move to Judea. I assume the Judea space would not be ready immediately after the Middle East War. So do you presume an advance team (with Israel government?) will be working on preparing the Judea space(s) for an influx of people? Will the prophet say it will be ready in 2024? Would the prophet be working with the Israel government or be independent?

Would at the same time the above is going on, will there be yet another advance team(s) preparing the Jordan space(s)?

Btw, the timeline at the top of this article shows 3 + 3 1/2 years = 6 1/2 years instead of 3 1/2 + 3 1/2 = 7 years. Typo?

Doug Hicks - June 27, 2020

Many so-called experts lately seem to believe that
the soon upcoming INJECTIONS (not medical vaccines)
contain DNA-changing material similar/equivalent to
the mark of the beast (which damn people to hell).
Tim, what does this do to your timeline (if it is true)?

Keith Wood - June 27, 2020


Have you seen the current situation in the holy land? Is this the psalm war? Please reply!

Thanks, Keith

anonymous - June 23, 2020

Hi Mr. McHyde,

I am 14 years old, and a new-believer. I have always known of God, but I didn’t begin focusing on my faith until this pandemic.

My parents are quiet about faith, but they have made it clear that their beliefs align with Christianity. Though, we do not attend church because of the issues associated with them (prosperity chruches, mega churches, etc.)

I have read many of your free articles, in search of the truth about the end. I have also been reading my Bible, with the goal of finishing it (and hopefully rereading several times)

When the time to escape comes, I will technically be grown and able to leave. I know that is much easier said than done, though. I worry for my family, and doubt that they would agree to leave with me.

The point is, I don’t know how to live from day to day when everything is going to end very soon. How can I face my loved ones, and live like normal if the world is coming to an end?

I’m in this walk all alone, and I don’t know how to build the strength to be faithful in such difficult times. Anytime I enjoy the blessings in my life, I just feel sad because I know it’s going away soon.

Do you have any advice for how to spend this time, and prepare for the great tribulation?

    Tim McHyde - June 26, 2020

    Anonymous, the advice I give is to do the same as always with planning your life. You learn from it in the process, regardless of if the conclusion is reached or not. The only change is seeking God with spiritual preparation of repentance like I have been teaching in many articles recently.

Josh - June 18, 2020

Still think Trump needs to be re-elected to provide the catalyst in the Middle East, as discussed in your previous article? His re-election is very much in doubt. He has Jimmy Carter level approval ratings. There’s far more potential downside to Covid-19, riots, tell-all-books, etc. than potential upside to any of these situations improving.

I think you may need to find a new catalyst for your events in the Middle East. I don’t believe Trump will be re-elected.

    Tim McHyde - June 18, 2020

    Josh, From your question it seems you are forgetting when Trump ran for his first term what his odds looked like to all against Hilary. It does not matter how it looks now for his second term, either, approval ratings or how many turn on him from his inner circle. I do not judge this by sight, but (I hope) by prophetic insight. I tend to still think he will be re-elected and bring the Mideast war by his disruptive presence. That said, it’s not a “thus saith the Lord” and like I said in the article above, COVID-19 alone may both end his presidency and bring the Mideast war at the same time!

      Josh - June 19, 2020

      Right, I remember Trump’s unexpected win over Hillary. His numbers are far worse now. He also can’t (or it’s more difficult to) run as the outsider, which he excels at.

      I really think a “weak” president on foreign policy could embolden Israel’s enemies as much or more than Trump’s aggressive actions. As you noted, though, you aren’t prophetically claiming Trump will be re-elected. It’s just a nice fit with your need for a catalyst. I get it.

      Hey, we shall see! Forget reality television. 2020 feels like we’re on a reality TV show…

Steve Willson - June 17, 2020

Tim, is this prophet the third Elijah? Is he Jewish?

Joel Tyger - June 17, 2020

I’m curious Tim, how can you know this person is the “first” end-time prophet? What if they’re not? But the second or third? Does it really matter?

“in my last article I revealed contact with the first end-time prophet on the earth. ”

I’m not doubting your conviction that he/she is the first, just how is it possible to determine this fact other than taking his/her word for it?

    Tim McHyde - June 17, 2020

    Joel, no, it does not matter really if they are first or not. But when I see this person activate other people they and I were already connected to as friends/supporters by God, and it spread from there, it makes 100% sense to me that God activated this person first and is using their existing social network of trust and safety to go forth and spread the movement of repentance. I never anticipated this as how it would be, but in hindsight, how could it be any other way? People need to know and trust each other before they can see the love in each other and know the spirit is working. Strangers do not do that as well. Look at the people Jesus called and how interconnected they were in their relationships, several brothers.

Blaze - June 16, 2020

In my head I had 2022 as the start of the 7 years with ME war. Then + 7 = 2029.

I went to event where I met someone who said things to me and others as though he was a Prophet. Should we consider mine and Mike Anderson experiences as encountering false prophets?

    Tim McHyde - June 16, 2020

    Blaze, no, the Damascus destruction war has always been detached from the 70th week as a prerequisite.

    Mike and you may have encountered people with the prophetic gift but not fully activated prophets since “you shall know them by their fruits” (Mt 7:15-20). But who can judge who was not there?

Steve Willson - June 15, 2020

Tim, did God want the prophet to contact you or how did you find him? Are you helping with his training? Can you tell where he is from?

Stephanie Jacobs - June 14, 2020


So glad to see an update article from you! Have you seen the recent Mayan calendar fiasco? If so can I get your thoughts? Thanks!

Andre - June 14, 2020

Hi Tim. Two things. When will you release a new edition of your book – if necessary? Do you have an ebook edition? Enjoy your day. Andre.

    Tim McHyde - June 14, 2020

    Andre, no plans for updating Know the Future as God has me working towards another book on how to respond to end-time prophecy and be saved: real repentance.

mem - June 13, 2020

Hi Tim – Can you at least share the sequence of events and understanding in your own mind that has led you to an iron clad conclusion that this prophet is the first end times prophet on earth?

Just anonymous sharing of the compelling circumstances that have resulted in such certainty in you, would help us to come to that certainty.

    Tim McHyde - June 13, 2020

    Mem, there’s nothing beyond what I already said in the Elijah/sacred cows article. They had comprehensive love for everyone that was their main motivation along with love for God to do his will and deliver the accurate words from the Holy Spirit received (along with other visible manifestations of the spirit). This rare, godly love is exactly what Jesus said to look for to identify prophets (Mt 7:15-21) or likewise like his trained-in-love disciples (John 13:35=Mt 7:21). I have never seen love for even the riff-raff (who you and I would write off and forget about) until getting to know this person. It’s the love of God for all his children like Jesus had that few on the face of the earth are gifted with. This is the proper measure for a prophet, at least the first one who is prepared to be recognized. The others activated by that prophet will have that prophet’s testimony even if they do not have their love focus as developed yet. Later, trained prophets usually do signs and miracles, but John the Baptist did not and he was received as one regardless for the same reason I imagine, the love and humility. Most have to wait like Thomas to see the miracles or other physical proof and do not understand the primacy of love in God’s economy.

Mike Anderson - June 13, 2020

I am sympathetic to those who expect high standards of prophets. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a prophet, but I’ve met several who have claimed to be but aren’t because they promote things antithetical to the Kingdom of God. Even so, some clearly have spiritual power.

Several years ago I was invited to a house church, and one day as I was passing by the house I realized they were meeting in about an hour and I had nothing better to do, so I decided to check it out. About forty people came, some of whom I recognized from other churches, but none knew me and I didn’t know them. As it turned out it was a special meeting. There was a “prophet” visiting from Northern California, who I gathered had been there perhaps a year or two before.

As he preached, I became very uncomfortable, and my intention was to politely sit it out and leave without causing a fuss. If I remember correctly, he talked about guns, protecting our freedom, taking back America for the Kingdom, taking in refugees from the cities, becoming like gods, the creative power of our spoken words, and all manner of New Apostolic Reformation teaching that I loathe. About forty minutes into his presentation, he stopped abruptly, walked right in front of me, and said, “You are a prophet as I am. I sense the spirit of the Archangel Michael upon you. Does that make sense? Is that your name, Michael?” (Yes it’s my name and he had no reason to know that.) “Receive my mantle from me.” He held out his hand. I was too shocked and unprepared to say anything helpful, and too polite to say “Go to hell” or some such, so I prayed earnestly for protection from God as I took his hand. He said the blessings I was waiting for were even then coming to pass, and then he left me alone. I was singled out, the only person he interacted with during his presentation. As I left the meeting, I overheard him say that some people do not receive the power that he imparts. I hope he was not the only one who noticed that I did not receive his power.

“You are a prophet” was in my understanding entirely flattery. Perhaps it works on others. As for me, if occasionally I think I have a message God would want that person to hear, that still doesn’t make me a prophet, but only someone maturing to the point of recognizing sin and avoiding it.

    Dwight Cardoza - June 13, 2020

    What does sin have to do with being a prophet? The gifts and callings of God are without repentance!

      Mike Anderson - June 13, 2020

      You did well to notice that my story shifts focus away from titled roles and onto good behavior. If you find someone with the title of prophet, but doesn’t demonstrate agape love, would you continue to listen to them because “the gifts and the callings of God are without repentance?” That saying has really been abused. It reminds me of those who insist on once saved always saved despite warnings that only those who endure to the end will be saved, as though we have no more responsibility in the matter of our salvation. No, we must always be on guard to keep our hearts pure.

      Besides that, think of the archetypal prophet, Elijah, how he felt worn down on Mount Horeb. He was replaced by Elisha. In 2 Chronicles 21:12 we find that Elijah came out of retirement to write a letter to Jehoram, King of Judah, but nothing else was recorded of him since he was translated to another location. My take on it is that God’s calling was subject to his continued cooperation.

      As for Romans 11:29, keep in mind the context here is the salvation of Israel, and many expositors fail to keep in view that not all born of Israel are of Israel, that only a remnant of them will be saved (Chapter 9). God’s plans for Israel will not fail, but individuals can fail to be a part of that group.

    J G Vaidhyan - June 13, 2020

    GOD directly talk to people. Either we miss the voice or we reject it thinking the voice is not from the divine (due to lack of our own discernment).

    Occasionally, a 3rd person is used in your conversation with GOD and you may know it by the following 3 indicators.

    1. The 3rd person may get divine directions about you, so that he can wait & pray for you to become eligible to receive & then accept those directions that are directly received from GOD.
    2. When GOD speaks to you, this 3rd person can confirm it to you. (a kind of second opinion)
    3. the 3rd person might have said something to a group and it strikes you as if it was told to you specifically.

    Everything else is flattery and it is surely not from GOD.

      Mike Anderson - June 14, 2020

      This seems sensible and borne of experience. Thank you.

Blaze - June 13, 2020

Not sure if I fully understood that story from the Bible. He did what he was supposed to do, then another Prophet (from God?) lied to him (planned by God?), and then he did the wrong thing. And the old Prophet (from God?) was upset about it since the man died (spiritual brother?)

Anyways, my question is, I mean, Was he not trained properly? (How could that be?) What went wrong here? What’s stopping these Prophets in the End Times from making mistakes and being eaten by lions?

Andrea Reid - June 13, 2020

Hello Tim,
Thank you for your recent article that had many interesting insights. I do, however, think you are inferring that people who are against vaccines cannot think for themselves. Even though you say in your article you aren’t doing that, there are several inferences that you are, one of which clumping anti vaccine people with flat earth people when one has nothing to do with the other. I spent hours and hours researching vaccines and decided not to give my youngest all the ridiculous number recommended. It doesn’t take a whole lot of research to find out all the dangerous things they put into vaccines and all the children and people who have died or had serious complications due to them. I know someone personally who developed a terminal condition 24 hours after a vaccination and doctors admit it was due to the vaccine. My point here is that any educated person knows that vaccines carry risk. Flu shots give people the flu. Happens all the time. Most people I know who are anti vaccine or anti “every” vaccine have researched this subject thoroughly. On the other hand the general public who are “sheep” ask no questions and just do what the medical establishment and government tells them to do. I firmly believe God gave us critical thinking and expects us to use it and be our own advocates in our health care. Clearly traditional medicine does not always work and only makes people sicker in most cases. You’ve said yourself you healed issues you had naturally. Not with conventional medicine. I’m not saying it’s never prudent to vaccinate. Just saying one needs to weigh the risks of the vaccine with that of the disease. I happened to be vaccinated for the measles and got them anyway. Go figure. I just don’t think it’s an accurate to infer people who question the system as being part of the larger problem. It shouldn’t bother others if some don’t vaccinate because according to the vaccinated people “they are safe” since they are vaccinated. So with that logic diseases would only affect the unvaccinated. But actually that isn’t always the case. It should be a choice and not forced. But you can bet after this Covid nonsense it will be required for everyone if they want to go back to school and work. How convenient for the pro vaccine people don’t you think?

    Tim McHyde - June 13, 2020

    Andrea, I said nothing about vaccines or anti-vaxxers in this article, so your inference is mistaken. I only stated that smartphones+social media is responsible for flat-earthism and the measles coming back along with highway fatalities increasing after years of decline. I have no judgment on you or anyone regarding the vaccine question because I know enough about it (like how it is complicated by the powerful liability protection and profit motive of the Big Pharma manufacturers) to realize it’s complicated. Measles coming back is partly due to awareness of these real complications and a mix of conspiracy theory being spread by social media. It’s just a sad sign of civilization’s decline for me not that anyone is bad, including flat-earthers.

jerome kimble - June 13, 2020

Thanks Tim…Wonderful article as usual! I’ve been a little worried about you folks, having not heard from you in awhile. Now I see you have been busy as ever! Wild times we are in right now. And it does seem that we are on the cusp of “End Times”. Take care and God Bless!

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