All posts in " middle east nuclear war "

EATT Is Back Up After After Cyber Attack To Share About End Time Prophecy!

By Katrina McHyde / April 2, 2024

Let us give a huge huge ‘thank you’ to The Lord for directing and inspiring my partner to bring Escape All These Things back to life after a malicious cyber attack! This post is made to share the newsletter I sent out to all subscribers, with all of you, who are not on that list just because of the unusual circumstances of this cyber attack. If you are not subscribed to the free newsletter you might want to consider signing up so you know what is happening.😀


Why Jesus Can’t Come Back in 2024—But a proclamation was just spoken from The Lord

By Katrina McHyde / January 27, 2024

Can Jesus come back this year or are certain events missing before any end-time prophecies can occur including the rapture? Learn the comforting answer of Scripture from someone who has correctly helped others know what not to expect now over 16 years straight! Also, three questions to tell if you are saved according to Jesus. Plus, Katrina adds a message of the proclamation just spoken from The Lord.


Is This The Israel War We Are Looking For?

By Katrina McHyde / October 8, 2023

While the World is looking with horror at what is unfolding in Israel, many Believers want to know if this IS what we are waiting for. Is this the beginning of the End? Are we going to see the End-time prophecies fulfilled in our lifetime? Is it all starting now?


Why Jesus Can’t Come Back in 2023—But probably 2020 Began The Last Decade

By Katrina McHyde / December 26, 2022

Can Jesus come back this year or are certain events missing before any end-time prophecies can occur including the rapture? Learn the comforting answer of Scripture from someone who has correctly helped others know what not to expect now 16 years straight! Also, find out how COVID-19 confirms the end is near and three questions to tell if you are saved according to Jesus.


Next: Another Jewish Holocaust in Prophecy?

By Tim McHyde / June 8, 2019

Is a second Jewish Holocaust coming? I know, it sounds absolutely absurd that the world or God would let that happen again. But that’s exactly the face value meaning of an overlooked part of Isaiah’s prophecy of the end of Damascus. How could a good God allow this? What good can come of this? Read on for the answers that work for me to all these questions…


Isaiah 17: Will Israel Nuke Damascus? Why Not Yet From Psalm 83

By Tim McHyde / May 11, 2018

Isaiah prophesied the destruction and abandonment of Damascus, Syria over 2,700 years ago. Yet the city continues today, despite so many Middle East wars and predictions that “this year” it will finally come to pass. So what’s missing that has been holding this prophecy back? Israel’s strike on Iran? Or perhaps the overlooked prophecy in the Psalms about a future Arab war alliance targeted at wiping out Israel. Find out why the Arabs are sure to one day acquire weapons of mass destruction that leads them to finally attack Israel together again…and how their defeat opens up for the “beginning of sorrows” and Great Tribulation to finally happen.


Three Big Events I Expect By 2022 Based On Two Dreams

By Tim McHyde / April 27, 2018

Apr 27: Update – For years I’ve said that Damascus’ destruction is the first “bad news” end time event (after Yeshua’s Good News finally returns worldwide). But when? Before or after the 70th Week starts in 2024? Since 2005, it’s been left ambiguous on my book’s Revelation Roadmap because Scripture does not specify. Now, through two dreams that God gave me years ago and some recent new inspirations and deductions, I finally have a good idea of the year and am ready to share it with supporters. (One went bonkers when I told her.) Also find out what type of community Judea will be, how soon you can go there and even can you bring your pets? Perhaps what it looks like now from Katrina’s dreams. Lastly, if moving to Judea is so soon (for some), what behavior I heard God say to work on now…Â