An update about Tim.
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Tim McHyde
Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.
I’m sorry for your loss. I first bought Tim’s book in 2007 and was a great admirer of his ability to draw logical conclusions from the 800,000 word long Bible. I bet he and Chuck Missler are having some great discussions up there. I bought the latest edition again today and am looking forward to the newest updates.
ReplyThank you, Nancy for your kind words. It brings a smile to my face to consider the idea that Tim is having fun with Bible Propehecy with Chuck Missler. I thank you for your support all these years in this work. Many blessings to you!
ReplyHello Katrina, it has been 7 months now since the passing of Tim and I have to confess that I am feeling lost and empty.
I do not feel like I am receiving true guidance and direction anymore. Tim was a very sincere man who always gave guidance to the best of his ability and knowledge.
I truly miss that and keep on asking our Father how he intends to give us guidance and direction going forward. I struggle to understand why Tim was taken from us so early.
But our Father will somehow keep on leading us in the right direction.
Satan is desperate and trying all kinds of deceptions to deceive the whole world now with the satanic world governments.
We are all in big trouble.
Dear Katrina and family,
I am so sorry for your loss. I have read Tim’s book and articles since 2008. He helped so many people and he will be missed greatly. Sorry this message is late, I tried several times to find information since last year, but I finally found this memorial. May God bless all of you,
Where do I begin.
I first ordered “Know The Future” in 2011 and have read many pages outload. On one very sobering moment, with my Dad who went to be with our Lord in 2020 just as the signs of the times were made more clear.
I will keep this brief and blunt.
Tim was a witness and knew that His book would be used as a tool to edify, warn and encourage all who read and share it. I read his articles and point to them as well as His Timeline Map to also warn others of how close we really are to the final 7 years. Now His work is done here on earth and continues in heaven.
We now have the task to finish what we are given to do! Of course I am grieved to hear he is not with us here, but has already gone ahead to welcome us home soon. Let it be a comfort to us all.
Before we go, let us Shine and serve each other, gathering together wherever we find each other!
We have much work left to do before our Savior Returns! This is my constant prayer and vigilant cry! To tell everyone the Greatest News Ever and only hope for those who trust in Him!
One more note: Tim and I messaged a few times about redoing the cover artwork of the updated addition, but decided not to. I have spent the last 5 years focusing on building a YouTube channel and encourage everyone to join my next few LIVES and uploads, I will be mentioning Tim’s work and going through some of the most important points He emphasized to bring home how important it is that we are ready at any moment to Go Home and warn others to be ready by finding every last one of those who are lost and orphaned. We must do all we can to prepare every heart before He comes!
Bless you Katrina and your children, family and everyone who reads this!
I love you all!
Shalom in Yahshua,
Brother Eric Walker
Tim’s book gave me a wake up call on the great falling away… Lord help our strength that we maybe counted worthy to escape all these things.
Dear Katrina , my condolences.
Shalom Ed
Wow, so sorry and sad to hear this. We read Tim’s book when it first came out, (and shared with others) and he was gracious enough to answer some questions we had back then, via email. Does anyone know what age Tim was? His knowledge of scripture was remarkable and compelling, and his articles so eye opening, giving us much deeper and helpful insights into the end times. Was so hoping to hear more from him. He will be deeply missed.
ReplyHi Katrina,
I am very sad to hear of Tim’s passing, esp since his cancer was treatable with the gift of modern medicine.
The long post referred to Tim’s own testimony but I didn’t see it – is it somewhere else? Did he dictate a testimony if he was too sick to do it himself?
We read some of his book but found it too heavy for us…and just beyond our understanding (we are seniors). We had to set it aside. Maybe in the future we can pick it up again. In the meantime, we grow old and occupy the place God has given us; loving our family and walking as close to the Lord as we can get. Listening to Jesus and learning, like you, how to love better.
Anyway, thanks for the update – I only got it today but have sensed that Tim had passed. Lord bless you and your ministries.
ReplyKatrina, Tim was truly a remarkable man. He opened the scriptures to my understanding and I will be eternally grateful to him for that.
ReplyIn my last communication with Tim, when he said he hoped to see me in Judea, I answered the same and that I might be slow to arrive. It seems now that Tim will be slow to arrive.
I’m not sure what to think about Tim’s death. We make sense of the world through stories, and we hope by focusing on God’s story that we don’t delude ourselves about who we are and where we are going, as is typical for those who don’t know God. Tim’s story was full of hope, of making a way for others in Judea, of healing body and spirit, of helping others experience God’s love and provision.
There are other stories you could tell about Tim if you knew him well. People are complex and imperfect. Perhaps God decided to finalize the dissolution of the marriage bond so that Katrina is free, which is painful to contemplate, but it fulfills God’s high standards for marriage and remarriage. And yet most people are left alone to suffer consequences much less severe than death. This story is not clear in my mind either. I didn’t know Tim well enough.
We serve the God who is worthy of the hope we place in him, so I expect Tim will be rewarded well when it seemed to him and us that his hopes were dashed. We serve the God of the living, and I still look forward to sharing stories with him in Judea sometime.
ReplyI was curious if you will be releasing any of Tim’s unpublished projects or writings? I thought maybe he was working on another book project.
ReplyThank you for sharing this very honest letter. I am so incredibly sad to read about Tims passing. I’ve been wanting to reach out to him for some time now as hadn’t heard from him and wondered how he was doing. I wasn’t expecting this. Sending you love and prayers Katrina.
Hayley x
Hello Katrina,
This is life altering for many of us. So sad totimeliness. Way too early. I must admit a new level of anxiety rose up knowing now we don’t have Tim to rely on as we move down that end time timeline. I am equally saddened to read your honest testimony of your separation from Tim. I am so sorry you had to endure this. It was clear Tim was 100% into his ministry and his highly analytical personality sort of made it easy for him to prioritize it in his life. I hope you know just as Tim knew right to the end your love for him, he had love for you right up to his last breath as he expressed in his last newsletters. I always felt the two of you had a great blend of skills and styles to make the impact both of you had on your followers.
I did not know of your “owned by love” website. I subscribed yesterday.
I send prayers for your well-being and HUGS to let you know you are loved. My support will continue and I am sure your sharing of your experiences will help many. I have missed Tim’s monthly newsletters for over 2 years now as he became busy with life challenges and sickness. The fact that I still miss those newsletters and Tim’s insight is a testimony of how much impact they had in my walk with God.
God speed to you and the boys.
Tim spoke with me at length about fear and anxiety for many years, most recently in September. Our most recent conversation was in September of this past year. Tim is a wonderful soul, and someone who’s biblical knowledge/understanding surpassed my own- an amazing resource as I navigated what it means to be a follower of Jesus. I am so sorry to hear about this and I too, had a bad feeling in my gut recently having not seen any posts or heard from him. I know he is certainly going to be in paradise and you will see him again. I will continue to check back and support as able. I will be praying for you and the kids.
Katrina, you have my deepest condolences. I found Tim’s writings back in 2008. Tim is the reason I have the walk with God that I have.
ReplyMy condolences to you and your family. I just wanted to add another person to the long list of people that were blessed by Tim. May God grant you overwhelming comfort and peace.
ReplyDear Katrina
The pain of losing a loved one can be such a private thing that it is hard for this outsider to know what to say.
Tim has had an enormous impact on my thinking and understanding of Biblical prophecy.
He may have been the more public face of your relationship, but it was not hard to tell how much he valued and relied on you in that role.
My heart goes out to you Katrina.
Love and best wishes
ReplyYHWH reigns!
Thank you ABBA…..for our brother Tim, sister Katrina &
the ministries you have entrusted to their care.
May your SHALOM continue to surround their family & keep them
until the day MESSIAH YAHSHA returns for those who are his…..
ReplyDear Katrina, I was so saddened to hear of Tim’s passing. He was a truly special man and will be sorely missed. You have our deepest sympathy . May the love of God give you some peace and comfort during this tragic time. You will be in our prayers. My son Caio was troubled with the fact that people were and still are advising on YouTube to get away of the cities to live selfsufficient before the end times. But he knew that it wasn’t the best option, because people would get caught anyway, whereas that the scientists can find tribes, which has never had any contact with civilization, in the middle of Brazil’s Amazon jungle from satellities. As he wasn’t satisfied with that, he started digging on the internet to look for reasonable answers. It wasn’t easy, but thanks God he found Tim’s website in 2018. We are very greatful for that, because now we can understand things in a much more comforting manner, since Tim’s articles and your YouTube channel “Owned by love” and “Tim McHyde” opened our eyes for the word of God.
ReplyCan anyone shed light on what illness Tim passed from? I don’t mean to pry into personal affairs. I did perceive previously that maybe he had some stomach issues and was curious.
ReplyDearest Katrina,
I am distraught and heavy consternation over this great loss for us all, especially you and your children. I feel that we all have our time preordained like clockwork, every heart beat and every last breath. However, I feel Tim’s parting is premature. I will miss him very much. He has help our small congregation which I minister to immensely. Just last night on a livestream on YouTube I did I brought out Tim’s book and read part of chapter 11 and gave your website to our audience. When did Tim fly home? I am painstruck and awestruck! Beginning to shed many tears now. I cannot console you enough, I know. But, if I could, I would h7g you all and just pray that the pain in all our hearts 💕 dissipates enough to make sense of it ALL. In Jesus’s holy name, be blessed always. Alex Backman vivacristojesus.com
ReplyThis is so sad .My condolences to you and your family..So sorry for your Loss.Joey
ReplyThx for this info. I never knew and was praying to find out. I really apprec it.
ReplyDear Katrina,
So sorry for your loss but thankful for Tim’s gain (for to live is Christ and to die is gain – Phil. 1:21).
He has found his rest, till we meet him again.
ReplyRest on Brother…I have learned so much through you.
we shall meet at the feet of CHRIST.
I am kind of a newcomer. I bought Tim’s book years ago, and re-discovered it just about month ago. I signed up as a supporter and I will not be cancelling this subscription, for multiple reasons: 1- for all human failings, this ministry is a refreshing change from a hypocritical, hidden-sin culture of most other ministries, I respect the openness and honesty of Katrina’s letter. If people want to be offended let them be offended but sometimes God uses unorthodox and “offending” events and likes to use less than perfect vessels. It is about God and his message not about the vessels he uses! Or are we going back to the cult of “holy persons” of fake Christianity? Used to be ceasars, then popes, now pastors, the same focus on “holy messanger” rather than God prevails in Christiandom. 2- Tim’s timeline of events obviously still holds. This message still needs to be out there as we wait for events to unfold and more people need to see it. 3- The evolution in message from just another version of end time events to the return of the gospel of kingdom of love (while still providing continuing prophecy insights) did it for me. Reading in the letter, that Katrina had originally these insights makes absolute sense why the ministry had to pass into her hands. The message of soon coming events and the Kingdom needs to be paired with equiping for the Kingdom. 4- This is a personal reason: two of my kids are on Autism spectrum, and it feels so good to support a parent dealing with similar challenges.
Godspeed Katrina!
YES AND AMEN.. “sometimes God uses unorthodox and “offending” events and likes to use less than perfect vessels. ”
This was difficult to learn and accept. Thank you for clearly stating this. Because if we do not know and accept this our faith will fail us when we need it most.
Everyone please send this insightful knowledge forward. I don’t believe this is widely known.
ReplyI have only discovered that Tim died today. My sincere condolences to Katrina and her family.
Where can I read Katrina’s letter?
I am in Australia and have greatly valued “Escape all these things” ministry over the last few years. In fact as a Baptist pastor in Queensland it inspired me to start my own Luke 21 ministry and website which has been going for 2 years now. I have an interest in end-times teaching from the pulpit which not many seem to be doing and preparing the church for escaping all these things eventually to southern Jordan. So many seem to have not heard this important preparation as the woman in the wilderness. The importance of this post-trib teaching and exposing the lies of pre-trib and other nonsense is so important. So thanks to Tim, I was shocked to hear the news and didn’t know that he was sick.
ReplyKudos to you for teaching end time subject. In your pastoring. Do you know any church in Minnesota that does this?
ReplyI will miss my Canadian Brother very much. This is heartbreaking but what did we expect from the baptism of fire! I will happily continue to support this work and Tim’s legacy…..the world needs it more than ever!
Blessings to you all.
I really believed that Tim would pull through. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My finite human mind can’t make sense of it, but have to trust that God knows best.
I joined the forum back in 2010 shortly after I decided to leave the institutional church without any idea of what was next. It was a timely discovery and dare I say it…a revelation.
Since then I have been challenged to re-evaluate many of the churches holy cow doctrines that has blessed me to much.
I suspect we all have a deep urge within us that our days here in this age are numbered. My growth seems to have been shifting away from knowledge to matters of the heart. There’s a time and season for everything and right now I need to be molded into a loving citizen of the place of safety and beyond.
The last year and a bit has opened up some deeply buried issues that I have been able to successfully keep in check. I look forward to continuing my growth with Katrina.
Lastly, it is easy to look at Tim/Katrina and beat them with the stick of religion. But I am dealing with the log in my eye first. King David broke most of the Commandments yet is described as man after Gods heart because he was truly repentant afterwards. Our job is to love, sometimes rebuke when needed, but ultimately build each other up.
ReplyA resounding amen. I’m just now learning of Tim’s passing. May God empower Katrina and children and always provide all they need.
ReplyAmen, Sam! I’m sure many of the rest of us echo those very same sentiments. I look forward to the day when we can all meet and celebrate how much Tim and Katrina’s ministry and sharing of these concepts have reinforced our faith.
I am so sorry for your loss. But we know he is with the Lord as I write this. I am a life long student of scripture, having attended Christian (Baptist) schools for12 years. I am 74 years old. I was drawn to Tim because he was NOT a trained theologian. What he has written makes sense. I am an engineer. I like things to make sense. I learned more from Tim than any preacher or theologian I ever listened to or studied.
God bless you and your family.
In Christ,
ReplyDear Katrina,
My heart weeps with you and please accept my deepest condolences for you and your family.
I can’t thank Tim and you enough for what you’ve taught me ever since I joined the Forum in 2009. We shared the tears of sickness and the joy of discovering new insights with fellow brothers and sisters. I learnt that every Christian can understand the Bible without the need of scholars or pastors. I was set free from the fear triggered by all those prophecy and doomsday sayers everywhere. I took Tim’s word of no longer listening to all those dreams / visions / personal prophecies over the Internet because we have the “more sure word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19) in the Bible. I verified Tim’s end time timeline which is solidly supported by and coherent with Bible verses, which is the only trustworthy timeline I’ve ever learnt.
Later on I learnt our commission on earth is not the great commission, but rather the great commandment to love God, fellow human and myself, which Katrina you had clearly explained (yes, 3 commandments in total). And then I learnt to capture all my thoughts not to complain God (2 Corinthians 10:5), but instead be fully convinced that “God is good” in every circumstances.
I can’t thank God enough for all that I’ve learnt and grown up over the years under your ministry. I equally thank God for all dear brothers and sisters I’ve met ever since we’re in the forum, and I miss you all dearly.
I had introduced Tim’s website to my friends whenever we’re discussing on the End Times / Revelation. I’ll continue to do so and be a supporter to you, Katrina.
May Jehovah our God grant you peace and consolation from above exceedingly. Your family, York, and Tim’s family are dearly in my thought and prayers.
In Him,
(Hong Kong)
For me personally, I’m angry and feel the need to question God … I’m ok with that. My relationship with Tim was personal for 10 years and his teachings lined-up with what I see Biblically. I don’t understand God’s ways, but I won’t question His ways ….. for me: Thank you Tim! I’ll miss your teachings and fellowship. Go rest now for a little bit longer!
ReplyKatrina, I’m sorry for your loss, I’m speechless and can’t believe it, I feel sunk, I found Tims Website in 2006 and been with it ever since. Had no idea he was sick, I’ve been wondering because I havent seen any articles since October
ReplyKatrina, First of all I am so sorry for your loss of a husband, friend, and true follower of our Lord and Savior! When I prayed for him in these last few months I did so with the understanding that whatever happened “God’s will be done” and stated that I would continue to support you in the ministry that He started in both of you . Even though that update was long I thank you for your raw honesty and disclosure of your relationship not only with Tim but with God and those who have supported you and will now have to earnestly pray and also ask God for what’s next in that regard. For me, as I told Tim, I will continue to support the Ministry of “Escape all these things” and trust God in you however that unfolds. I sincerely pray for you and York as you seek God’s wisdom, understanding, and direction of the Holy Spirit as you go forward. I will leave with the same scripture God gave me when my wife passed recently last year (Sept 8th 2021) Isaiah 61: 1-3 “He gives beauty for ashes, the oil of Joy for mourning, and the garment of Praise for a spirit of heaviness.” Blessings always in Yeshua’s name! LOVE LIKE JESUS! Ron Perkins
ReplyI had been having a bad feeling about Tim for weeks, but it was still a shock to hear of his passing. As an Ex Worldwide Church of God member and an Ambassador College Alum, I felt a special bond with Tim. We had much in common, sharing the same experiences. I found Tim’s website in 2015 shortly after praying about the End Times and asking for guidance. I immediately recognized Tim’s “Revelation Roadmap” as an updated version of Herbert W Armstrong’s time lines. Timelines were a hobby in WCG, we were always trying to decode/improve them. In fact, I have recently found the earliest one in the June 1935 Plain Truth Magazine. Tim had the amazing ability to actually perfect it. Within just minutes of looking at Tim’s, I believed he had finally solved the greatest puzzle of all time, the series of events of the End of Days. I will continue my support. Talbert Henry Chisum
ReplyYes, that was an emotional read. I didn’t even know Tim was sick! So much to take in. What a beautiful life indeed, well done Tim, we miss you and will join you soon! Can I ask about the prophets in training Tim had mentioned? The dates given are fast approaching. It doesn’t surprise me that the will of God is to take away a leader/prophet before certain things they lead/preached come to fruition, as it happened all throughout the Bible. We’ll be praying for you in this time. Thanks for sharing, feel free to share more if you feel lead 🙂
Thank you so much for this letter. It’s been hard, but I am comforted by the knowledge that Yehovah is GOOD. He is LOVE.
I love you, I love York, and I love everyone who reads this comment/letter. This letter was actually an answer to a prayer I had regarding something I feel led to be doing.
This breaks my heart. I will be praying for your loss and your family. He will be missed.
ReplyKatrina, this is an astonishing piece of personal testimony. Thank you for opening up about your life to the team and for your brutal honesty. God has much for you to do, and with the attitude you demonstrate through your writing above, you sure seem ready to take it all on with gusto. God bless.
ReplyDear Katrina, my condolances. I am really shocked by this news. Will keep supporting this website. One Love.