All posts in "Bible Mysteries"

Parable of the Fig Tree: Jesus On Knowing If He’s Coming Now or Later

By Tim McHyde / June 3, 2011

Jesus gave the “Parable of the Fig Tree” in his answer to his disciples’ question on the sign of his coming yet Christians don’t understand the sign it refers to and instead keep inventing new ‘signs’ almost every year. The parable itself is often turned into a symbolic prophecy referring to major events in the history of modern Israel one “generation” away from Christ’s return, supposedly allowing you to calculate the second coming date. But does “this generation” refer to Jesus’ first century audience or maybe to our generation, the “last generation?” Discover the real meaning of the parable and the key to discerning where we are in Bible prophecy that it plainly teaches when you let it.


The Thief on the Cross and 5th Seal – Life After Death Understood

By Tim McHyde / March 1, 2010

The “Thief on the Cross” was promised by Jesus to be in “paradise” that same day they both died on the cross. While it may be proof that baptism is not required for salvation, it has a greater significance only realized when you understand the 5th Seal of Revelation 6 literally. Find out what really happens when the righteous die.


The Abomination of Desolation Identified At Last (By 7 Clues)

By Tim McHyde / July 1, 2006

Although the average Christian wouldn’t know an “abomination of desolation” even if it came up and bit them in the rear, Jesus gave important end time survival instructions for “when you see the abomination.” This cryptic phrase describes the key event that immediately precedes the Great Tribulation and is the last chance to flee to safety from the Antichrist. Nevertheless, people continue to disagree on what the abomination of desolation is or even whether it is past or future! Find out why it’s not the Dome of the Rock or any past event, and what exactly Revelation says it will be.


Antichrist Identified From 666 and Revelation 13?

By Tim McHyde / July 1, 2006

The Bible describes a future one world government leader ruling for the last 42 months of these End Times. He should be alive today. Does Revelation 13’s clues including 666 identify him as Prince Charles of Wales? Find out in this article written by Monte Judah.


The Two Witnesses – Would You Want This Job?

By Tim McHyde / May 28, 2006

The Two Witnesses are impressive end time prophets able to stop the rain, send plagues and survive the Beast and False Prophet who they prophesy against. Understandably, they are the subject of much speculation and even envy today among Christians. Christians alternately believe that they are Enoch and Elijah (who allegedly never died), Moses and Elijah (from the Transfiguration), or even Christians among us today who claim to be them. But are they here and do we need to figure out who they are or worry about what happens if we don’t? Find out why they are not here today and no one in their right mind should want to claim to be the Two Witnesses.


60 Reasons America is Mystery Babylon (Not Iraq)

By Tim McHyde / May 2, 2006

Just who is “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 17-18? Popular answers are the Vatican or Catholic Church, Rome (“the city on seven hills”), Jerusalem, and Iraq where the literal city Babylon is found. These answers may seem to be adequate when you focus on only a few verses or traits of Mystery Babylon. However, when you consider all 60 characteristics of Daughter Babylon or Babylon the Great found throughout Bible prophecy, only one answer fits the many verses literally without forcing: America the Great. This article was written by the late R. A. Coombes.


The Mystery of the Antichrist’s 1000 Year Early Annihilation

By Tim McHyde / August 7, 2005

In Revelation 20 all unrepentant, wicked people go into the lake of fire after standing before God in the Great White Throne Judgment. Yet in Revelation 19 the Beast and False Prophet go into the lake of fire 1000 years earlier at the very start of the Millennium. Why is their fate expedited like that with no trial, hearing or delay? Why are they not entitled to salvation like everyone else? Find out the stunning answer to this profound, overlooked mystery and the secret it reveals about the real population of the world.


When Were the True Dates of the Crucifixion and Resurrection

By Tim McHyde / January 1, 1997

A great example of how religion teaches traditions in place of the Word of God is the 3 days and 3 nights supposedly between a “Good Friday” crucifixion and “Easter Sunday” resurrection.  It does not fit. (No, you’re not crazy for that always having bothered you.) Some have asked my opinion on the right days, so here’s what I think is right in this article written by Chris Lingle. – Tim

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