End Time Events Preparation- Are we ready?
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Katrina McHyde
https://youtu.be/jc2uD2OjObY The best website ive ever found for blow by blow up to date everyday news on what were waiting for
ReplyCome, Let Us Reason… As pertaining to End Times, we are focusing upon Lines and Precepts that are out of order. This is causing the lack of Understanding of End Times. We must apply Isaiah 28:10 as a guide to the valid interpretation of the written Word. We are told in this verse about Lines and Precepts and juxtaposing those Lines. In this, Precepts will emerge. This verse is part of the answer to the question raised in verse {9} whom shall he teach knowledge, and whom shall he make to understand doctrine?
We were being warned about the manner in which the scriptures would be recorded and presented to us. The transcribers of the Word were not necessarily Spirit-filled, they were merely men and did what was told them to do. As a result, the scriptures are presented to us as “fiddle sticks”… or a gigantic puzzle with pieces everywhere. We must pick up one here and there..{10}here a little and there a little.
In some chapters, various topics or time period is discussed in one verse which makes it easy for us to focus on the perceived one topic or time period when two is being presented. The other scattered Lines verifys validity of Perception.
This is why Jesus said, “Seek and you will find.” If we do not comply then our perception and understanding of The Word will be as in verse [11] as in stammering lips and we will miss the benefits of verse [12] this is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; this is the refreshing.
[12] To those who will not hear, they will fall backward, be broken and snared and taken. The outline for the End Time is already laid out for us in the Olivet Discourse [Matthew 24 and there are many other scriptures that makes this Discourse come to life but, it is scattered and we must put the Lines back together.
ReplyHi Katrina,
I’m a long time supporter. Thank you for keeping this website alive. May Y’hovah bless you and your family, and may Tim rest in peace. I was heartbroken when I heard the news about his passing. I’m very sorry and still shocked.
I am currently eperiencing hard trails myself, and I would ask for anyone to pray for me. I’m sick, growing old, suffering from loneliness, depression and anxiety, and many other trails.
Please pray for me, anyone. I will also pray for Katrina/her family and the supporters of this site.
I feel like Y’hovah/God will delay the Middle East war until all the Bride is ready, like Katrina wrote about the bride making herself ready. We will need strenght, supernatural help and assistance from angels in order to get to His place of safety.
ReplyAndreas, Speak and Pray The Word. Think about Him In You and You In Him…we are never lonely. If you find yourself without others around you, count it all Joy, especially in these Times. There is something HE is telling you that will be a Blessing to many. Be Ye Encouraged.
ReplyDear Remnant friends,
I just finished a book with a post-trib view of the times we live in, which you may find of interest. “7 Year Apocalypse” by Michael T. Snyder (pub. 2021) mirrors much of what our friend Tim McHyde wrote in “Know the Future” in reviewing how we may all be at the verge of those “beginning of sorrows” described in Matthew 24:4-22. (read the headlines recently?…) When I read Tim’s book ~6 years ago, I was on a 15+ year journey of my own where I was reconsidering the pre-trib interpretations of prophecy I was raised under. It started when I first read “The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church” by Marvin Rosenthal back ~2001. When I found Tim’s book and web site, the Spirit within me was both thrilled and comforted to continue that educational process with a Biblically sound review of OT and NT eschatology. I don’t have any ‘thus saith the Lord’ word for anyone, but after reading both books I am ever more impressed with the need to re-assess my personal, professional and financial entanglements; which are several. I also have Christ professing friends whose situations could make personal mobility, should the need arise, to be emotional wrenching. One owns a paid off $3M (i.e. top of the market fiat dollars value?) home overlooking the SoCal shoreline-with a great job right nearby, and another just contracted a multi-year high value stock vesting position in a major AI company. These contexts would be very hard to let go of, if it came to that, as Tim described in several posts. I’ll bet most of us have similar (although smaller $$s probably!) situations. I am praying for all of us, as these are times requiring great spiritual discernment. Luke 21:36 If you have also read Mr. Snyder’s book, I would be interested to hear your thoughts.
ReplyAs I was reading, I just smiled. The list of “How to” items sound like many questions I’ve been asking Yehovah lately. There are times I don’t feel like I’m doing enough. Praying that my feet do stay on the narrow path. I know I’ve slipped into those “ditches” from time to time. It’s good to keep up with current events, but not to keep all our focus on them. I do try to keep up with Israel news and Iran. They are very close to having nuclear weapons grade uranium. Love & blessings !!!
ReplyI love this support team note! This is the time NOW to mend any divisions in the Body of Messiah. We are hurdling towards the most intense times in human history. It will shake the very foundations of the universe.
Love God. Love your neighbor. Live this life like you don’t have tomorrow. Because we are NOT guaranteed it.
Have you been the best You?
Everything will happen in HIS time.
ReplyIt is very hard to feel/show love for those who turn your own house into a prison where you can’t get out. I guess you still must, though, and trust God to somehow miraculously provide food. Certainly a test of faith right up to the time you pass away from starvation.
ReplyHi Katrina,
Thanks for this message. I agree with you, I see multiple divisions amongst the Body of Messiah. I see the modern Pharisees condemning the Laodiceans and all those they deem too wordly….even though we are all living in this End Time world and have dirtied ourselves a bit with it. No one is perfect or without sin and we all need to focus on our relationship with our Elohim…as you stated. Even if fulfilled prophecy starts to become an everyday event, we can’t let it distract us from our personal walk and what Yah expects from us…..change, growth, work and fruit. Blessings to you and to all that are watching!
Great article! I am in both of the end time prophecy groups, thinking I’m not good enough to make it, not strong enough to leave loved ones behind, but also fed up with the injustice and suffering in this fallen world. I agree that we need to shift our focus on getting ready for whenever OUR end might come and not be so concerned about a date THE end might come.