Do you ever have negative feelings towards God or confusion about what he wants from you, resulting in disconnection from God? If we're honest, we have to admit we all struggle with the task of loving and obeying an invisible Dad we have never met nor understood very well. Unfortunately, church fails to help us overcome this fundamental issue because the minute you get real about how hard this is and how Christianity has not made it any easier, Christians shut you down. They can't handle the "negativity" so they dismiss the issue with platitudes like, "It takes faith! Fake it til' you make it. You're too negative. Etc." In this podcast, Katrina and Tim share powerful insights and practical strategies that we have used to end this pattern for ourselves in order to finally have a strong, faith-based relationship with God. Learn how to overcome negative thoughts and know God as someone who cares for you so you can be in a connected relationship with him at last...
(Note: Tim's verse was Hebrews 11:6 not 10:6 as he stated)
Outline of topics covered:
- 1:05 - Tim reads emails he received showing the universal problem believers have but can't talk about or get help on at church: default disconnection from God
- 4:50 - Tim and Katrina share their similar struggles with knowing God
- 8:40 - Katrina's walk before and after and how she came to believe God is good
- 10:00 - Tim's testimony on prayer
- 11:24 - Breaking down what 2Cor 10:5 means and the simple way to take thoughts captive daily
- 15:30 - Katrina's simple but powerful technique to reconnect to God that anyone can do with a watch or phone
- 17:51 - The important lesson in Hebrews 11:6 (not 10:6 as stated) on diligently seeking God and how that looks practically
- 24:16 - Examples of raw, honest prayers Katrina has prayed and "lived to tell..." and why honesty is important
- 29:40 - Katrina's testimony of constant complaining about problems and perceived lack and the key insights that turned it around
- 34:37 - Accepting suffering as necessary and why it's not proof you are not blessed
- 36:45 - The important key Tim learned from the Healing Movement on what believers wrongly base beliefs on in place of the Word of God
- 39:00 - "Am I saved?" What Tim tells people who question whether they are "saved" or "called..."
- 40:42 - How to tell if you're trying to change or overcome on your own strength and how to use your new "connectedness" to God to get his help instead
- 42:00 - The reason believers make the mistake of not asking God for help with things they privately struggle with. How we both went from hating praying to loving it by being honest with God and confessing we hate it
- 44:17 - What we told Sam Miller on prayer that turned his life around
- 45:17 - The only thing God wants from believers and why you will feel worse when you first start trying to do it
- 48:00 - Tim's testimony of overcoming financial fear and anxieties using the strategy from this podcast, which also turned our poor finances around in the process as the fears lifted
- 54:00 - Tim's testimony of how, once he began rebuking financial fears with his prior realization that "God had unlimited ways to provide for us that we have no clue about," it literally came true when he was informed about $2000 he did not know was his.
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Tim McHyde
Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.
I read this today. Thursday, June 11th 2020. Hopefully it was a seed that will bear fruit in my life.
ReplyI just watched this sermon.
It complements Katrina’s advice on ending disconnection with God.
Tim and Katrina: It’s very comforting to know you both and I have loved my copy of Tim’s book “Know The Future” since I received it in early 2000. We have all grown a lot, both by reading others’ experiences and advice and also by counsel with others. Being able to share our experiences helps many who have many of the same problems we all face. I have so many stickems in Tim’s book, it’s easier for me to find in the bookshelf. I have referred to it many, many times and I am sure I will continue to do so. His writing helped get me on the right road and answered so many questions that I’ve always had. Thank you Tim, and thank you Katrina for both of your contributions to the gospel of the Kingdom. Love and blessings.
ReplyHi Jeanette,
It is an absolute pleasure to share what has helped Tim and I feel better about things pertaining to prophecy and living for God. I think it can be overwhelming to not know God’s plans (prophecy) and what life is all about. Anyway, it was for me (Katrina). As He has taught us things life has become more fun and less scary. I genuinely am so thankful for that and very thankful that we get to help others out of that same painful space.
I just want to thank you, Jeanette, for supporting us all these years by sticking with us, praying for us, and believing in us. We all definitely have been growing up together. It is rewarding to have a few people who have stuck it out with us as long as you have. We do appreciate you.
ReplyI am listening to this podcast again. Since I first heard it I have the suggested reminder that comes up on my phone throughout the day (four times… with my memory there are a total of 78 phone alarms set on there, 22 of which are currently active, nine of which are reminders to prayer). I also believe you’ve done much to confirm and increase my confidence that my trials are a gift and not the curse they appear to be. Btw, there’s still one of my daily phone alarm reminders to prayer that includes you guys.
ReplyHi Kathryn,
We find prayers for us invaluable! Thank you so much for including us in your daily prayers.
It has been an honor to see you continue to grow. Tim and I comment at times on how much we see you really maturing and seem to have more comfort than when we first met you.
May our Daddy continue to help you heal and feel His blessings rain down upon you!
ReplyDear Tim and Katrina:
Thanks for the advise and for sharing your thoughts on this, I can surely relate to this situation 😉
Best regards,
ReplyDear Tim and Katrina,
Thank you for this very practical podcast.
Thank you both for all the good teachings you are providing and helping many people to focus their minds on Yehovah deliberately.
Yehovah blesses you,
Chris Sorber
ReplyHi Chris,
It is fun for us to share how simple it can be to start creating a habit of thinking of God and His goodness. So many people think it is hard and takes so much time. That in itself just keeps people in guilt and feeling stuck. I do hope this new habit has continued for you. We would love to hear an update of how it has affected you since you first posted this.
May Yehovah continue to bless you and keep you!
ReplyThe reason I’m so interested in certain passions is because there is a process to attracting and giving love. It starts with the presentation and continues with what is inside to offer which then develops a bond.
I am just grateful to be checking in with my Creator every hour to thank him because it keeps the essence of living love as art at the forefront of my constant expression. It is my whole passion behind all my passions. And I am so grateful to have this alarm clock quacking at me every hour to stop in and say a bit of thanks (my alarm is a duck tone).
I would have never thought of it; it’s such a gift, so, thank you, too, Tim & Katrina for allowing the Lord to use you to drop beautiful messages like these.
Cheers to You!
ReplyI read a novel recently about the small book that people used to carry in their pocket, and when the church bells rang on the hour, they would take out the book and read a short prayer – a constant reminder of God’s being there and providing for them. It was called “The Book of Hours”, by Davis Bunn. I found it inspiring also in regards to the loss of a loved one.
I am waiting to get my grandfather clock working again for the same purpose as you mentioned. It rings on the quarter hour.
Your insights and advice were spot on.
ReplyI listened to this excellent pod cast last week and have been practicing the hourly mindfulness exercise this week. I like it. I like all of it. You can’t go wrong with a practice as simple and meaningful as that.
I love listening to both of you teaching together. It is so good on so many levels.
Thanks again. Listened to it twice and will probably listen to it many times more.
ReplyHi William,
It’s been a few months now. How has this new habit helped in these last months?
ReplyAwwww, what a fantastic Podcast. I lost Malc, my husband, nearly 5 years ago, and through that process found strength and faith. Six months later I hit a depression and my Christian life suffered as a consequence. Sure I could say the right things that people wanted to hear, and indeed chat like I was perfect. I denied to myself the feelings I was harbouring, and with that became distance from God and yet He was so good to me at Malcs death. He wrapped me in His arms and comforted me, He gave me strength, He lead me to Malc’s lost Bible. I feel without all the blessings He gave me at this time were the only thing that totally stopped me from turning totally away from Him. I thought all of this came because of Malc, not because I deserved them. I have felt not good enough, unworthy and void of His presence since then. I do not speak in tonges and Eas told you will not be accepted into heaven without it… Thank you so much for your great advice, I am going to do that from now… You know Tim and Katrina I have so missed Him in my life, and now you have given me a way back. May God keep blessing you both, you are in my prayers.
ReplyDearest Brenda,
I am so sorry for your loss. It is very hard to lose your best friend and partner. I am so glad God is showing up for you in the way that you need as your Comforter. It is interesting how The Comforter is not comforting if we don’t need anything to be comforted from. Many people are comfortable enough that it is hard for them to reach for The Comforter if not near impossible with all the distractions of everyday, modern life.
I hope we will get some updates from you on how this podcast and the other content helps you to maybe have more peace and hope.
ReplyDear Tim and Katrina,
Thank you for this podcast, i did not listen last week as we are selling our house and moving to something smaller as we get older. I was very worried and consumed with finances and the lack thereof. So this is very timely as I have been too concerned and now have prayed and given all to Abba Father. The other thing that I have been worried about is Matt 7:12 as I found I was not very nice to people and constantly getting down on myself. Through listening to this and trying my best to be honest with Abba, I have come to realize it is okay to fail and that , I CAN ONLY LOVE MY NEIGHBOR AS I LOVE MYSELF. Some days I do not love myself much and therein lies my problem and my solution. When I feel like that I now forgive myself and am honest with Abba, no longer trying to hide and He helps me to be kinder to myself and others.
More people need to be honest about their struggles so we can all help each other and stop judging. I have been bad at that but now see it as positive and will definitely use the one hour taking thoughts captive to Messiah to change my mindset, so that I can do better at loving God with all my heart and mind and strength and so love myself and others better.
What more can I say, at 67 it is wonderful to know that YHVH GOD is GOOD and I am NOT ALONE.
Many thanks,
ReplyThank you both so much for the podcast. I love your transparency regarding your thoughts and your struggles and your practical honest ways of overcoming by inviting God into those dark places. We have never met and yet I know in my heart we’re family. God bless you both ?.
ReplyHello Tim and Katrina,
I love love your pod casts, love to hear your voices! This one really hit home! made me cry when I said out loud, God is here, he is with me, he loves me and wants whats best for me.
I have always known this but to say it out loud, to hear it wow what a difference!
I have only been able to hear about half the pod cast, the other half wont load, not sure if its my internet connection or something else but I will keep trying. UPDATE: I used the download link instead of the stream player and that worked.
Thank you both again.
Peace to you and your family
ReplyIt is always wonderful to hear that someone is touched by God’s goodness and has a healing. Thank you Tina for sharing how good God has been toward you.
ReplyHello Katrina, near the end of the podcast 40-45 min you refer to two bible subjects that I keep on missing you mention I assume 1Chron 13 ? and also 1John 4? I am not sure what you said. Can you send it to me please, need to read it to help me further with the podcast. Maybe you should add these in the introductory before the podcast?
ReplyJohan, I hope to go into these two chapters I mention in the podcast in complete detail in later podcasts. The chapters I mentioned are 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 4. They are really profound chapters.
ReplyJust finished the podcast and it was amazing!
I am excited about putting these things into practice as I do have issues with how to pray and also who to pray to. Yeshua is our mediator yet He taught the apostles to pray to the Father. I find myself doing this but sometimes I direct prayers to Yeshua and Yehovah because I want Yeshua to know I thank Him for all He has done for me. Guess I’m a little confused on the only way to God is through the Son. I many times have to clear what I was taught earlier in life and focus on a “clean slate” mentality in my studies.
For those who find it hard to see God in today’s world, my suggestion is to look back on your life. It is amazing how many times in the past I see how it was God who got me through things…sometimes something said to me right when I needed to hear it to actually saving my physical life in a perilous situation.
God has recently shown me that I was working too hard on learning intellectually and needed to love Him better with my heart. I didn’t even realize I was there, so God does speak to us if we are focused on listening.
This podcast has helped me understand why I have failed so many times with my smoking addiction. I have been afraid to pray for God to help me because I am afraid He will do so by giving me cancer to motivate me to quit, or I will fail after asking for help and God will be angry at me. I’m still working on that.
I really liked the section on knowing you are saved. Not only is it assuring to me, but I now have the answer to give to others.
Thank you for all that you and Katrina do. You are truly a blessing to me.
Denise Ballings
ReplyYour post really shows that you think deeply on your spiritual walk Denise. You definitely do not sound like you are a ‘pew warmer’ only but actually try to figure out and do what God wants.
Yehovah is not so concerned about if you pray to Him or to His Son. They are so intertwined that I don’t think it is very easy sometimes to know where one ends and another starts. As Yeshua said himself, “If you have seen me you have seen the Father”, I think that they both have the same heart for YOU. I am grateful to them both as it was a team effort, just like Isaac was a willing sacrifice when Abraham was obeying God to sacrifice him. They were both obeying God when it was not convenient. If it is really important to know which one to pray to then it will be clarified for you when you need to know. Otherwise, Daddy has other things for you to focus on and learn for now.
Prayer is something that changes and grows as you practice and ask God to help do better. It is not about being perfect, but about reaching for perfection for the right reasons.
I like your exhortation to people to look back on their lives and be willing to focus on what they can see Yehovah has done for them so they can get a sense that He is still doing things for them and is there, present. To those who look back and think they don’t see anything at all where God has been there for you, I suggest asking God to heal your spiritual eyes to see as He wants you to see this. This is a prayer according to His will and will be answered if you really want it and consistently pray for it.
As for your smoking addiction- God is way more loving than your perception of Him. You will grow to see that more and more. There is a Scripture that proves what I am saying here- Romans 2:4. I will let everyone look it up so they will read the context of where this Scripture sits, and because it will help those who have a hard time opening their Bibles get excited to do so for a little tidbit :). I know. I am ‘mean’. Sometimes love makes others work so that they can feel good about their work.
Happy Scripture hunting!
ReplyThank you for your reply Katrina, I hope the final issue comes out soon because a lot of people will benefit from the advise you give in the podcast. Unfortunately I did not manage to go to the verses you suggested but I can wait.
Keep up the good work and I regularly thank God for the work you guys do revealing the true meaning of Gods message through Yeshua to us.
We love sharing what has worked for us. We know what it is like to feel stuck and wonder how to get unstuck. Now that we have been shown a few tools on how to stop that predicament we want everyone to get that relief!
We will continue to share as fast as we can.
ReplyIt seems as though, God answered me also through your timely podcast which, for me, was both helpful and consoling. Today, as before, I would was thinking about and asking/praying for a deeper connection to Him. There were intermittent tearful moments where feelings of unworthiness re surfaced when reviewing my life and the many mistakes and sins committed, over the years. It is uncanny also that a real fear and guilt arose in me also regarding the question of my salvation and being forgiven. I realize it points to my trust and faith that needs immense strengthening.
All of this happened today and then I saw, to my amazement, your new podcast which I eagerly listened to and recognized as being literally a ‘Godsend’ ?. … It gave me encouragement that I was not alone.. I will take your advice and remain open and willing , as suggested. One of my frequent call for help prayer is, “Please hold me tight and never let me go. Teach me, show me what I am meant to be doing. I want to serve You but I am not sure how,. I feel so unworthy and useless without your help. I know, through You, all things are possible, etc…”
Thank you both for a wonderful podcast. It gave me hope and a practical first step direction. Bless you.
ReplyWow Anna,
Thank you for opening your heart and sharing what your spiritual walk has been like. It is amazing the strength you have that you keep on going even though it has been painful not knowing what God wants and wondering if you are accepted by Him. I am glad we could give you some encouragement that He will never leave you or forsake you even if you cannot see Him or feel Him. He knows you are a work in progress. It is when we are doing the work on our own strength instead of letting Him help us change that we start feeling inadequate and alone. Keep going!
ReplyTim, I was looking for something like this for a while now and could not find it. I seriously asked God to give me an indication that He is listening to me and that I am not wasting my time trying to change my life.
That’s when I stumbled onto the podcast! I listened to it and immediately felt that I am on the right track although I need to add a few things. God played a hand in me finding the podcast to give me an answer.
It’s great advise and should be promoted more.
ReplyHi Johan,
Wow God has amazing timing because we literally got this podcast up only the day before your comment and have been re-editing it all of the day you made this post. So for you to find it when we have not even had the chance to tell people it is here is amazing. Daddy truly does love you and does hear you.
Thank you for taking the time to share with us!
ReplyI listened to the podcast twice. It is the best advice ever!
Praying and taking time and talking to God had been hard to do. It was like talking to an imaginary friend. God is somebody we don’t know, can’t hear, and can’t see Him so He is hard to connect with.
The advice in this podcast gave me the best way to get breakthroughs.
I also learned more how to not just replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts but to “capture every thought and bring it under subjection to Christ.” I know what that means now and how to do it.
And I learned how to build trust more in what God says and less on what I am experiencing. I know better how to give it up to Him.
My faith is growing that the impossible is possible with God!
ReplyGlad you are getting breakthroughs Ronnie!
May your faith continue to grow and grow and never diminish on God’s goodness toward you personally, and toward others!