About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.


God’s 6000 Year Plan: Dating Jesus’ Latest Return?

By Tim McHyde / December 2, 2017

Has God given man 6000 years to rule himself before Jesus returns to take over? Many Christians think the Bible teaches this and they leverage it to predict the year of Jesus’ Second Coming. But is it possible? How do you count the years? What do they start from? (Hint: not Adam/Creation) Also, what does Adam’s age for Seth’s birth tell us about the latest that Jesus can return?


Which “Audience” Will God “Keep From” the Tribulation (Rev 3:10)?

By Tim McHyde / December 1, 2017

Everyone would prefer a “pretrib rapture” to a “Great Tribulation.” Conveniently, Revelation 3:10 promises to keep “thee” from a global hour of testing for all on earth which sounds just like the Great Tribulation. But who is “thee”—believers today or of another time? The passage’s “audience” is what determines that or who the originally intended recipient of the message was. Ignoring the audience of Bible passages is a major source of false doctrine that deceives us and even puts us in bondage. You don’t want to keep transgressing this rule! Read on for three common Christian examples of misapplying audiences to help you to avoid that mistake yourself. Plus the answer to who alone was promised absolute keeping from the Great Tribulation…


Podcast: Handling Everyday Verbal Abuse God’s Way

By Tim McHyde / December 1, 2017

You might never experience physical abuse, but there is no escaping verbal abuse unless you live as a hermit away from all humans. Verbal abuse is commonplace today if you work at an office, are active on social media like Facebook (or have a post-trib rapture teaching website..) or if you belong to a church where gossip is the norm. Heck, if you have friends or family you will have verbal abuse. So, how do you handle these assaults God’s way? How do you not respond in kind with those juicy retorts you think up? Tim and Katrina discuss strategies and key verses to overcome in this overlooked but crucial aspect so you can have “maturity” in the faith according to Jesus’ brother, James (Jas 3:2). (You are tired of being an immature believer, right?)


The 24 Elders: Who They Are How They Got To Heaven

By Tim McHyde / November 17, 2017

Who are the 24 elders? The popular Christian interpretation says that the 24 elders represent the raptured Church. But is that figurative reading backed up by literal Scripture? Why not just take the passage as it is plainly written? There really can be 24 elders in Heaven if you understand where they came from in an overlooked passage in connection with the day of Jesus’ death. In the process, you will learn something about the three planned mass resurrections of the righteous.


“Just as in the Days of Noah”? Should You Be “Taken” Or “Left”?

By Tim McHyde / October 27, 2017

What did Jesus mean that the time of his coming would be “just like in the days of Noah?” as Matthew records? Depends on who you ask! His analogy is usually terribly mishandled, often because teachers ignore Luke’s version which includes a key detail that Matthew is missing about the days of Lot. What do both Noah and Lot’s days have in common? And most importantly, who are those that are taken and who are those left? Which one should you be?


God’s Bizarre Plan to “Catch and Release” Satan Before Burning Him Up

By Tim McHyde / October 20, 2017

The biblical teaching of a Devil who inspires evil in the world is so disturbing that it causes some to doubt that Satan is meant to be taken literally. After all, why would God create or tolerate a Devil? Adding insult to injury, Revelation 20 tells us that 1000 years after Jesus returns and jails Satan, God will let Satan loose again. Satan will immediately inspire men to gather an army against Jerusalem. What is God thinking? Find out how God keeping Satan around today and releasing him from jail later (before he goes to the Lake of Fire with all the wicked) is the most loving thing he could do because of the important truth it demonstrates about evil.


Podcast: How to End Disconnection From God

By Tim McHyde / October 11, 2017

Do you ever have negative feelings towards God or confusion about what he wants from you, resulting in disconnection from God? If we’re honest, we have to admit we all struggle with the task of loving and obeying an invisible Dad we have never met nor understood very well. Unfortunately, church fails to help us overcome this fundamental issue because the minute you get real about how hard this is and how Christianity has not made it any easier, Christians shut you down. They can’t handle the “negativity” so they dismiss the issue with platitudes like, “It takes faith! Fake it til’ you make it. You’re too negative. Etc.” In this podcast, Katrina and Tim share powerful insights and practical strategies that we have used to end this pattern for ourselves in order to finally have a strong, faith-based relationship with God. Learn how to overcome negative thoughts and know God as someone who cares for you so you can be in a connected relationship with him at last…


So You Figured Out Christianity Deceived You—Now What? (Parts 1 & 2)

By Tim McHyde / September 29, 2017

Jesus specifically warned about Christianity “deceiving many” through the strategy of “coming in my name” (Mt 24:4-5 KJV), yet few Christians recognize their own adopted Christ-named religion in his words. When, after many years as a Christian, you finally arrive at that sickening realization that you indeed have been deceived by Christianity, a crisis of faith can ensue. How can God let a sincere servant like you be so duped by the one religion about Christ available? How do you forgive God or yourself for not verifying what Christianity said? Where do you go from here with Christianity, church attendance and what you call yourself now when people ask? Learn how to work through the issues that come up as critical thinker who knows Christianity has not faithfully delivered the “faith once delivered”  (James 1:3).


What The September, 2017 Revelation 12 Sign Tells Us

By Tim McHyde / September 22, 2017

Revelation 12 describes a heavenly sign of a ’woman clothed with the sun’ at the time of Jesus’ birth. A theory gaining popularity states that the same constellation sign is coming Sept 23, 2017 and not ever again for a hundreds of years. Is it right? What does it mean – the rapture, the Great Tribulation, the abomination of desolation or what? Let’s examine the evidence and understand the epidemic of theories just like this better…


The Parable of the Ten Virgins Revisited

By Tim McHyde / September 15, 2017

The enigmatic Parable of the Ten Virgins seems loaded with potential secrets on the end times, but few of us are sure we understand it. The wedding feast at the Lamb’s Second Coming, the oil that is needed to enter the feast or Kingdom, the “virginity” and the mysterious “go buy” command that throws us for a loop on our ideas for the oil…what does it all mean? What are we missing when we are confused about this and other parables of Jesus? Find out and puzzle no more on what you need to do to enter the kingdom of God.

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