10th Planet Xena 2003 UB313: Planet X / Wormwood Redeemed?
2003 UB313: Planet, Minor Planet, or Kuiper Belt Object and what does it mean for the Planet X “hoax”?
Continue reading >2003 UB313: Planet, Minor Planet, or Kuiper Belt Object and what does it mean for the Planet X “hoax”?
Continue reading >Ministry of David J. Meyer, which puts out the Last Trumpet newsletter.
Continue reading >Ministry of Stan Johnson which has a daily radio show and offers books and videos on End Times and Bible Prophecy. Check out the link below for the daily show archive
Continue reading >The Day of the LORD is at Hand is a book by Benjamin Baruch. I read it in 1999 and found it to be a helpful and superior teaching on Bible prophecy.
Continue reading >Prince William is yet another Antichrist candidate who only fits when you ignore the specific details given in Revelation 13.
Continue reading >Just who is “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 17-18? Popular answers are the Vatican or Catholic Church, Rome (“the city on seven hills”), Jerusalem, and Iraq where the literal city Babylon is found. These answers may seem to be adequate when you focus on only a few verses or traits of Mystery Babylon. However, when you consider all 60 characteristics of Daughter Babylon or Babylon the Great found throughout Bible prophecy, only one answer fits the many verses literally without forcing: America the Great. This article was written by the late R. A. Coombes.
Continue reading >In Revelation 20 all unrepentant, wicked people go into the lake of fire after standing before God in the Great White Throne Judgment. Yet in Revelation 19 the Beast and False Prophet go into the lake of fire 1000 years earlier at the very start of the Millennium. Why is their fate expedited like that with no trial, hearing or delay? Why are they not entitled to salvation like everyone else? Find out the stunning answer to this profound, overlooked mystery and the secret it reveals about the real population of the world.
Continue reading >Is God an angry judge who tortures helpless sinners ages without end? If hell does exist, where is it – and can those who are there ever get out? Read here about the true biblical hell – from one who has been there!
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