All posts in "Discernment"

Is Trump “Cyrus” – His Election a “Miracle of God”?

By Tim McHyde / November 12, 2016

Was Donald Trump’s shocking election victory a “miracle” from God for “such a time as this?” Is Trump “God’s anointed” or “Cyrus” (Isaiah 45) as “prophet” Lance Walnau claims? Will he facilitate a new Jewish Temple like Cyrus did?  Or “restore America” like retired firefighter Mark Taylor’s prophecy says? Let’s discern these prophecies using “a more sure word of prophecy”—the written Bible, and critical thinking.


Gay Marriage and America’s Judgment in Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / July 10, 2015

Many Christians are upset over the legalization of same-sex marriage in America. Even worse is the fear that gay marriage will bring God’s wrath on America. Before we lose heart over opinions like this, let’s see what the Bible actually says are the reasons for America’s judgment and also why Sodom was judged. Find out the actual reasons for God judging America given in the Book of Revelation.


5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Can’t Understand Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / March 14, 2015

Can Words of knowledge, Christian prophets, popular prophecy books and videos or conspiracy news outlets help you understand what Bible prophecy says or what the future holds? Find out why they only bring more confusion, anxiety and fear to Bible prophecy students—and learn what approach works to understand Bible prophecy directly so you can bypass these unproductive dead ends.


How to Tell When Events Are Prophetic and How God Speaks Today

By Tim McHyde / May 3, 2014

Is God speaking today through current events? Christian leaders claim he is sending us signs in the heavens and in events on earth. If he is, most Christians don’t want to miss the warnings or instructions these events might convey. But how do we know when a disaster, eclipse, or war is just that, or if God is behind it or trying to tell us something through it? Do we have to pay attention to every new theory by Christian pastors and teachers or does the Bible have everything we need to know. Discover the Biblical pattern of how God communicates warnings to regular people like you and I and why you never have to worry about missing it if you ignore the latest Christian theories.


Discerning Conspiracy Theories With Bible Prophecy and (Un)Common Sense

By Tim McHyde / July 2, 2013

Do you have friends who bother you with the latest conspiracy theories from YouTube or fringe “insider” websites? Do they leave you worried? If you’re online looking for Bible prophecy understanding, it’s impossible to escape scary conspiracy theories, even some that sound similar to what you read in Bible prophecy. But has end time Bible prophecy begun as the conspiracies seem to prove? Are predictions based on conspiracy theories reliable? Learn why conspiracy theories are not the way God is going to wake up the world, and what Bible prophecy says is his way so you can stop worrying about conspiracy theories.


Five Surprising Lessons of Bible Prophecy

By Tim McHyde / May 4, 2013

We study Bible prophecy expecting to understand what’s going to happen along with hopefully some idea of when. Yet along the way, there are several discoveries you won’t expect or maybe prefer not to find. For example, God’s special place to protect us from the Great Tribulation is not in heaven and how we get there takes a bit more than professing Jesus. Disappointing, for some, is the constant failure of date setters. Yet there are still good timing clues available, enough to raise the prospect of having to wait way longer for the Second Coming than anyone dreamed. Perhaps most surprising is why it’s OK if you don’t study (or understand) Bible prophecy at all?


Post-2012 Doomsday Blues? 4 Lessons or Benefits

By Tim McHyde / February 7, 2013

Although many were relieved when December 21st, 2012 passed without any of the predicted disasters, some instead were confused or even depressed after. They wondered why they did not see through it like most people did (who may be saying “I told you so.”) Certainly it is easy to negatively judge the 2012 hysteria and those who spread it as malicious or make them wrong. Yet, there is actually a silver lining to 2012 and hysteria like it. Understand four easily overlooked benefits and lessons from doomsday date hysteria to help you get past the post-doomsday date blues or the temptation to judge those who participated in it–even if that includes yourself.


6 Wrong Ways to Face the End Times (& One Right)

By Tim McHyde / September 10, 2011

Bible prophecy says that bad things are coming. Conspiracy theories found on the Web only confirm this. In light of this warning, what should we do to prepare? Shall we leave the city or even the country? Move to Israel? Stock up on food and water…or even guns and ammo or at least gold & silver? Trust Jesus to protect us wherever we are? Find out the reassuring answer from Bible prophecy on where to put our time and effort to be ready and saved when the end time events come upon us.


Jubilee Year Cycle (49 or 50?)

By Tim McHyde / December 21, 2008

The Jubilee Year of the Bible is important to understand properly if you want to understand the Biblical Calendar, and with it Bible prophecy and what it holds for the future. But few people do. Some think it is 50 years, some 49 years. Find out the truth now.

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