All posts in "Support Team"

Is This The Israel War We Are Looking For?

By Katrina McHyde / October 8, 2023

While the World is looking with horror at what is unfolding in Israel, many Believers want to know if this IS what we are waiting for. Is this the beginning of the End? Are we going to see the End-time prophecies fulfilled in our lifetime? Is it all starting now?


Preparation for 2023-2030 Sabbath Year Cycle

By Katrina McHyde / January 5, 2023

Many people believe 2023-2030 is the Sabbath year cycle we are looking for to see our Messiah return at its end. Is it the last cycle? How do we prepare for it if it is? Pertinent questions from supporters are answered in this post.


Simple Endtime Events List

By Tim McHyde / June 21, 2019

This is a unique, simplified list of all end-time events from “here to eternity.” A supporter requested it and so I have posted it here for all supporters (only) since it came out so good. Unlike the graphical timeline chart from Know the Future, this is a bullet-pointed list of the same events in chronological order. Each event includes a brief description, link to related articles, Scripture references and the year I expect it (based on the sabbath-year cycles and my personal dreams). This complements the book chart and works better for some people to get the order of events clear in mind. Enjoy!


Podcast: Facing (and Fixing) Your Unrighteousness With The End Approaching

By Tim McHyde / July 13, 2018

Question: why do you keep up with Tim’s writing or serve God? If the honest answer to both is predominately “to escape the end,” you are just like most readers, including one named Brenda, who have a major problem. In this podcast, Brenda tells the story of how a couple of my articles on the righteousness needed to reach or fit in at Judea spun her into depression because they exposed her wrong motivation for serving God (survival, not relationship) as a liability for end time survival. As Brenda’s story shows, with the end times coming and the need to be both strong and righteous to have God’s help (Lk 21:36), our normal tendency to be or feel unrighteous can be exceptionally scary and depressing. Are you ready to stop hiding from God and distracting yourself and to finally face your unrighteousness head on? You can overcome it starting now with the wisdom and successful strategies found in this podcast from Brenda, Katrina and Tim.


Dream: “Fountain of Youth” Healings Coming

By Tim McHyde / June 1, 2018

God’s plan for the saints to gather in Judea to escape the end times (Joel 2:28=Mt 24:16) sounds unfeasible for many reasons including the poor health or medical dependencies of most Western adults. Divine healing must be given to God’s servants again just like it was in the exodus from Egypt (Ps 105:37 KJV). But there is no prophecy that promises that. So I prayed for confirmation. In this dream, God did just that with a bonus insight: exactly where and how the healing will take place for those who obey God’s command to flee. Once again, it’s not what I originally thought or what most would prefer! Plus: I was wrong, there is a prophecy about healing and rejuvenation in Malachi!

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