Prayer Request For Our Son Zachary (Feb 28)

On Sunday Feb 4, we took our autistic son Zachary to the hospital ER because he was not improving from what we thought was just a flu with fever. They determined he was septic with a pneumonia from some unknown infection source and put him in ICU. 23 days later, he is finally home as of Feb 27. He still has some coughing to still clear up and weakened legs to rehabilitate. About the photo above: Zach being wheeled out of his home for the past 23 days.

Zachary is home regaining his strength and breathing capacity. Thank you for your prayers.

The updates from the hospital time are below and the new updates we do daily are at the new On the Narrow Path podcast page.

Hospital Updates

(See earlier background below.) Note the times are in Germany/GMT+1.

Feb 28

Here's the update from our first full day home after getting out of the hospital yesterday afternoon. To see some cute pictures of Zach from that day, watch the "slide show" of pictures in the video of the audio update on YouTube. The pictures start with the last night, the last morning in bed, the shave and shower, wheeling out of the room, and finally Zach at home resting with his new "Tasmanian devil" teddy bear sent by a supporter from Tasmania, of course. (OK it's actually a possum teddy, but since it really was sent from Tasmania, I couldn't resist renaming it.)

Feb 27

We're out of the hospital! They told us yesterday they would discharge us at noon and that's what happened. Listen to Katrina's short audio update. More to come tomorrow.

Feb 26

Busy day as we had another meeting with the chief of staff and had much to talk about after. Reason being he had talked to the insurance company and dropped a few bombshells including one on Zach's life expectancy. We'll make a big update on everything tomorrow. Stay tuned...

Expand earlier updates...

Feb 25

Katrina's audio update on Zach and a great teaching on how rushing, stressing and fearing in life shows you are missing faith per Ps 127:2.

Here's a bonus video of Zach's first meal feeding himself:

Feb 24

Katrina's audio update from last night and this morning:

Feb 23

Yesterday before Katrina came back to relieve me, I heard the doctors meeting outside my room using the German phrase "zu hause." I knew this meant they were finally discussing the timing of Zachary going home. Sure enough, a little later, a hospital coordinator appeared to ask me questions about what hospital equipment we had at home to support Zachary's recovery (wheel chair, anyone with nursing degrees, etc.). He shared they were talking about Zach leaving Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Very welcome news.

Here's Katrina's morning update from before I arrived back at the hospital after sleeping at home and getting here as fast as I could:

As soon as I (Tim) joined Katrina at the hospital this afternoon, the "uber artz" (ICU chief of staff) saw me and requested a meeting through a nurse in 15 minutes. While we waited, I prayed for favor and guidance with the transition out of the hospital. One thing we both didn't want was to leave the care system too soon and have a relapse and end up back at the ER. As an American who used to work as a programmer for an HMO, I was well aware of that scenario.

But when we went into the meeting and I was blown away. Instead of the chief of staff telling us they were basically kicking us out and needed to talk to our insurance company ourselves, and figure out everything to help Zach recover, he said they were very impressed with us. Yes, they noticed how we both basically lived at the hospital and how well we took care of Zachary for 23 years. He said Zach would need a couple weeks of care outside the hospital. Like Katrina mentioned in her audio update above, they called the HPZ center Zach buses to on a weekday basis to see if they had capacity but they do not. Outside that, it would be expensive for us with our current coverage elsewhere. Yet he would make some calls on our behalf to negotiate with our insurance for them to cover more, something he called a hobby of his.

He also said we need a long term care plan beyond the insurance we have now given Zach can have more aspiration episodes in the future. Better insurance. He then gave us the advice that we already have been given before but found no way to do yet: one of us would need to get minimal German job (15 hrs a week even) so we can get on the German public insurance. That would solve the problem because that system would cover us with whatever happened to Zach. He added "while in Germany, at least" which was funny he said that without knowing we plan to move on to Israel next). He offered to even help us figure that out with his connections if we cannot.

Simply amazing that my prayer for favor and reassurance about Zach not having a relapse came to pass. Katrina had been praying about the limitations of our current insurance and now it seems her prayer is going to be answered soon, too! So these are some big blessings already coming from this trial. I have a spiritual lesson like I mentioned last time that I cannot wait to share in a podcast once we're out of crisis. Thanks for your support and prayers, they are working! - Tim

Feb 22

Katrina is driving to a meeting at Caleb's high school about his failing grades (shared so you pray for him, too). Nothing new, unfortunately. So today I am watching Zach from mid-morning to midnight. I'll try to do an audio update to share a big breakthrough that happened two nights ago when I was here until midnight again (Tuesday night).

This morning before I came Zach was taken off oxygen. This is is huge progress. Not surprising to me given some signs I had from God Tuesday that this trial was ending. (I'll try to get into this later here or in a podcast sharing the precious insights and lessons we learned from this trial.) Zach is eating food that they feed him now (not Katrina anymore due to their preference to isolate variables with the vomiting he was doing) and sleeping which is great to see. I have him in sitting in the sun coming through the window while he naps after his belated breakfast.

Feb 21

No update from Katrina yesterday so I'm filling this in today. Yesterday marked the second of two mostly sleepless nights for her. Zach had some steps back these days with vomiting and crashing his oxygen and going back on a mask the first night. Then the next night he rolled on one arm and cut off the already weak low blood pressure circulation and made it appear like thrombosis was possible. Ultrasounds confirmed it was not. Just red from sleeping on it. Then that morning (yesterday) he had a seizure at 4am. But on the positive side his heart rate was below the 100s at last. This was the prequel to his oxygen being taken off the next morning.

Feb 20

We almost lost Zach last night a few times with a crash in his breathing after vomiting. Here's Katrina's explanation:

Feb 19

Katrina's update from overnight.

Feb 18

Katrina' shares some more good news about Zach's exit plan from the hospital that alleviates a concern we had about losing our private room once we transition from ICU (which Katrina depends on for caring for him 24x7). She shares about patience at the 5:00 mark.

Afternoon Doctor Update (new information on Zach swallowing into his lungs):

Katrina comments:

They are going to do another X-ray of his lungs tonight as well just to see what’s happening. They still are going to fast him for the specialist and do the X-ray. They obviously have to.

I just thought about it. It may be that maybe he was still a little sedated and things working slower. They sedated him lightly last night which I did not know until late this morning when he was still sleeping. I thought he was slow to wake up. I was told to wait a half hour from when they turned off the sedation and he would be fine to eat. I believe he needed more time than that although He was alert, he may not have had everything functional enough to eat.

It is only a worry because it is thought that maybe he had aspirated some throw up from being sick with the pneumonia that cause further troubles. But who knows what really happened. Only God knows.

Anyway, I was just praying here and thinking and he has eaten fine for two days straight until this morning. The only difference has been the sedation.

Feb 17

Here's Katrina's update on Zach's progress and at the 4:00 mark begins a teaching on burdens vs. burdensome and how we view Zachary as not a burden.

Feb 16

"Merci" in the photo means thank you in French. I love that it looks and sounds a lot like mercy. We say thank you to all of you with your prayers, financial support, comments and love. And we thank God for His mercy toward us and all mankind. Thus update is about God’s mercy and goodness toward us and you.

Feb 15

Katrina's podcast update for today on Zach. She explains the history of special needs people in Germany including how the Nazis killed all the people like Zachary.

Katrina also shared this typed update:

Zach will be on oxygen for quite a few days still. They will lower it little by little and see if his oxygen levels are good in his body. Thankfully, no more mask as of last night to deliver the oxygen. They see that his oxygen levels are staying up on just a tube of oxygen going into his nostrils without a full mask to cover the mouth. He is a lot less mad with that and squirms less. He leaves the oxygen tube alone unlike all the fighting he did for hours to get that mask off.

I have given him two proportions of homemade chicken soup broth that Zach’s loving dad made all by himself. I give him very little since he had been fasting for quite a while but he likes it and is coughing a little less now that his throat is more used to liquid going down it. I am sure the chicken soup is helping the inflammation for down in the body and also the warm liquid make his throat feel better.

He has more energy but still very weak. The afternoons are always stronger for him so I expect that he will have more and more energy during the rest of thee day. He is mad at being restrained of course. Who wouldn’t be? But he has energy to show he is mad. He is too load today to give me a smile yet which is very unlike him. I do expect he will start giving his famous smiles later today as he feels better and friends come to visit in a couple of hours.

Feb 14

After that, Katrina also sent this update:

Zach’s being mad all day paid off in one aspect- he dislodged some of the slime (Schleim in German) and his oxygen went up and less sickness in that lung. For a hard day for him that is something positive. He threw up a portion of his only meals today because he was so upset. The doctors and nurses really are rooting for him. They have come I during exciting times when he was going to stand for first time. They just came in and took the IV injection tube out of his neck. They got rid of a bunch of medicines right now. He is finally just sleeping after such an eventful tough morning and early afternoon for him. He is a fighter. He will make it. We just put one foot in front of the other as God leads it and God does the rest. We calmly do our part and support one another as this experience unfolds its lessons to us. God has been good to us and directed us throughout this event.

Feb 13

Katrina has good news in this short audio recording:


Feb 12

Katrina recorded another update on how she manages to minister to others during this trial. Also she expands on the latest Facebook comment about "letting Zach die" from the same person from yesterday:

This is so astonishing that Tim and Katrina WANT their 23 year old autistic son to LIVE instead of the burden of his care being lifted from them. An Assemblies of God Pastor I knew from the bookstore he owned in Hanford, California, that is now closed since he went back to Pastoring a church, was RELIEVED and THANKFUL when an autistic/brain damaged/or whatever son DIED. It was a horrible 16 years that was finally OVER. But here are Tim and Katrina who don't want to be relieved of a similar or worse burden. Wow!"

Play the video for her reaction to the above.

Katrina also typed up this:

I just got another update now...The brachialoscopy will probably happen tomorrow now. They might do it this evening but probably tomorrow. They will clean out his lungs deeper as much as they can at that time, and may, just maybe he can be extubate tomorrow. We don’t want to do it too soon though because they can’t clean his lungs out without the tubes so Zach has to be strong enough to be producing less fluid in the lungs AND do all that yucky coughing.

His thrombocytes are still getting slightly better. But he shows a little more inflammation . They don’t know where that is coming from. It may be another bacteria or who knows what is what they said. I believe it is just because I worked so much yesterday to get the edema out of his limbs. They are less swollen today which is good.

I really have to watch him. He is awake for about 5 minutes squirming around and wanting to pull at everything and bite his wrist (part of calming himself with what he does not like- part of autism). Then he falls asleep for about 15 Minutes and the cycle continues.

He is definitely keeping me on my toes today. I handing it fine and I am happy to see him have the energy to be more active. The doctors are working on the balance of helping him get the rest he needs to get stronger and be more active which can help with healing too. I know God will help them know how to make that balance.

Zach is still super sick and much wisdom is needed to do all the balancing necessary to get all the way better and make it out of this alive. That is what it looks like right now. I know by faith he will recover and be even better than he has literally ever been. I know God is here and doing whatever needs to be done.

Feb 11

Katrina did a short audio update here where she addresses a very raw and honest comment someone made on Facebook:

After that Katrina reported this:

Small update I just got from the doctor. Zach’s sepsis is going down according to the lab results. His immune system is coming up! He was at 20 for thrombocytes and has jumped to 27 (normal is 150). This is quite significant. It means the body is stronger to fight the virus. The body has to fight that because medicine does not exist to wipe that out.

They have had to keep him more sedated today because he has had such difficulty with throwing up while being intubated. So he has been very quiet obviously.

I have been working all day on reading the Bible to him and doing lymphatic drainage on his feet, ankles, and hands. I just keep going from limb to limb. I am sooooo thankful that God allowed me to go through massage therapy school and also become a lymphologist. I do not practice any longer as I was led to move from that to being a missionary and teaching. But the skills get used in ministry from time to time. (Tim probably would complain at reading this that the shoemaker’s family go barefoot ?).

Zach’s temperature is still not perfect but thankfully not high enough for medicine.

The new nurse on duty just came in and shared they will start to lower his sedation now and see how he does and start his feeding again very low to give him strength. Pray that we have no more vomiting!

Feb 10 Evening

Katrina's update: "Zach woke up really mad at 5AM. He was coughing with the tubes in his mouth. I called the nurse in and they tried to suction some stuff out. Not a lot came out this time. I think that is a good sign. Obviously there is still much fluid in the lower parts of his lungs.

I really had to hold him down because he wanted to take the tubes out, was coughing from the pneumonia in his lungs, and was just uncomfortable. I can’t blame him for fighting. Even those that can understand what is going on want to fight in a situation like this so Zach, who doesn’t understand is going to actually fight. Although I would rather he use that energy to get better I am glad he has that energy. They had to sedate him more to get him calm so they could help him.

I came downstairs to drink some tea and give the nurses space to clean him up Ana put him on his side so he can breathe better. (Then I got back up for the rest of my sleep thankfully.)

The doctor came in and gave us an update saying he is doing better, slowly today. I brought up about Vitamin C/Glutathione IV and she said they do not have that, but they have a C + multivitamin one with the Glutathione that they can try. (Many had told us to ask about this so that's the answer.)"

How are we doing? Katrina: "Although it still does not look great, I am peaceful believe it or not. I know what I cannot do clearly so I stay in a space of surrender knowing God can do it all. I truly trust Him so therefore I can rest in Him. My sleep schedule is off as you can imagine but I get enough sleep so far. The staff here is excellent. We are in good hands. So, even though this is a crisis I really believe Zach is going to pull through and have miracles happen that he ends up being even better than he has ever been at the end of this hospitalization. I am actually excited to see how he is better after this. I think we are getting better as a family. Crisis are just opportunities to grow. We definitely are riding this wave."

Tim: "“We have our moments where we say to God to 'please end this now!' And then we remember God can stop this at any moment even when it looks worse. We just have to pass the test of our faith, stay in faith and focus on the good that's going to come from this for sure. This gets me through the moments where I waver."

Feb 9 Evening

Katrina's update today: "I got done taking to a nurse and she explained what they know for now. They allowed me to stay as they cleaned out Zach’s lungs the best they could. They can’t obviously get to all the small branches of the air passages in the lungs but they get to the bigger ones and vacuum out the fluid in them. They said this cleaning looked better than the last time. Both lungs have infection in them but his left lung is really compromised with sickness.

The lab results of his blood that they took this morning came in. They did two types of tests to make sure they knew what Zach’s thrombocytes in his blood are doing. It was explained to me that this is what makes the blood coagulate when you get injured. It also does something with immunity of the body. Normal amount of thrombocytes is 150. Zach has only 20. It is super low. They only do transfusions for thrombocytes when a person has 10 or less. No one wants that to happen if at all possible because a transfusion for this has complications and Zach does not need any more complications.

The thrombocytes being low means that there is inflammation in Zachary’s bone marrow. This makes sense since immune defense is from the bone marrow (yes, I know the gut is another area for immune issues). The bone marrow is where blood is manufactured for your body. So we need that inflammation to go away.His fever is down for now and may it stay down. The antibiotics seem to be working right now. Zach has not had many antibiotics in his life so I expect that what they give him will work well. I think they changed his antibiotic to work more specifically with the bacteria they found. This pneumonia is a virus that then opens up to bacteria so your body is fighting by both. Many of you probably know that most viruses cannot be treated. The body must fight it. In Zach’s case, we need to get his immune system up to fight it. The bacteria are responding for now to the medicine. May it continue!

How are Katrina and Tim doing in all of this? We hold our hearts stable with trust in God. We each separately today experienced just about a half hour of that bad feeling in the pit of our stomachs and were able to fight and win the war through prayer and remembering God will make even this work out for good. God shines brightest in troubles. He loves to swoop in when things look bleak and show His power and love. This situation is growing us up even closer to God. I, Katrina, realized today in prayer that if I were to lose heart then I would be like the ten wicked spies that went in to The Promised Land and came back with a bad report. I choose to be like Joshua and Caleb—yeah, there are ‘tiny giants’ in the ‘land’ of Zach’s body but God already made sure the price was paid for him to have the victory through His Son. We stand firm in chosen peace from faith and have strengthened our weak knees with His promises. We praise Him whether in good times or bad because He is supreme and always good to us. Getting God’s ways written into our hearts and minds happens when our hearts and minds are tested. We are choosing to become stronger in Him and weaker in ourselves."

Feb 9 Morning

Katrina's report from last night: "Zachary’s fever is not getting down which means he is not getting better yet. His thrombocytes seem to be going back down for the moment. Those are things in his blood that deal with immune system.They cannot do much about the virus that is making this pneumonia. The bacteria which is also there with this virus they are waiting see the tests to find the specific ones to target.They are taking him now to X-ray his long to see how it looks. They are also going to try another antibiotic. Obviously they were not able to extubate him like that had hoped to by now.

The doctors again look worried as they hoped to see more improvement by now. But I dont believe Zachary has all his business finished in this life. God is divinely intervening and on top of what Zach is going through.What I would want everyone who loves us and are fighting with us for Zach’s life to know is that we are genuinely thankful for all of them. There is no doubt prayer works because otherwise Zach would not even be alive still to keep fighting in my opinion.I choose to see Zach well and fulfilling his divine purposes and believing this nightmare part will just be a testimony for him to tell about his past.

I am still calm and collected. I definitely have feelings about how awful this is but my vision of God is so huge that I feel His Comfort that He promised because He knew we would need it in this life. I choose to not walk by sight or present circumstances but on faith in God and love."

Feb 8 Evening

This afternoon they moved Zach out of bed into a very special chair which he is sleeping away in (photo below). Unfortunately his lung is still not good enough to function without the tubes so the extubation has been delayed.

But sitting in the chair during the day is a welcome progression. First, it makes it easier to breath. Second, it gives him a break from the bed and a difference of routine for the day compared to night.

His temperature is down with medication and the doctor says he hopes to have him off the penicillin and on a specific targeted antibiotic tomorrow. (Yes, we've heard this before, but here's hoping it finally happens.)

Katrina says: "I am at peace and had a good lunch. I look out the window of Zach’s hospital room and am in awe that I live in Germany and see German buildings in person and not just on postcards or TV. The view could be worse (photo below). Even after 2½ years of living here it is just an inspiration to look in any direction wherever I have been in Germany both it towns and countryside. I am super thankful for first world medical care! Thank you God!"

Feb 8 Morning

Katrina: "Ok, so update is Zach slept OK last night. He had a higher fever most of the night and they had to just give him something to bring it down. They left the window open all night and actually it made the air in here very nice to breathe.

He had one small seizure but that is to be expected with a fever and being sick. He is OK. He was stronger last night. He woke up and looked at me a few times and he groped at things to try and take them off or out. It was a little hard for him because he was coughing around having tubes in his mouth. He went back to sleep pretty quickly though after waking each time.

This morning his temperature is down with the medication. The antibiotics that they have had him on are definitely helping thank God. They have waited to try any other medication to help fight this illness because it was not good to try it with a higher fever.

The doctor stresses that he is super sick. My brain stresses that God is super supreme and I can trust Him to love and take care of Zach even better than I know how to. I am at peace.He will be put into a chair and monitored after taking re tubes out. That will be nice for him to be out of the bed for a while.

His hands and feet aren’t as swollen this morning.I am fine. I was able to rest enough around being woken frequently to help Zach through the night.I am so very thankful that this hospital lets us stay all night and all day as much as we want even in ICU. Zach has always gotten better quicker when he has me around. I think that probably most people on the planet understands that. My heart goes out to those who do not.

I will let you know how it goes.

Love you all!

Feb 7 Evening — Doctor says Zach still has a fever but it is lower. His immune system (leukocytes and thrombocytes) are coming up. They still have to clean out his left lung regularly. In summary, he is still "very, very sick."

Feb 7 Morning

Katrina: "I thought I would write up what I know for now. It is not much and I hope to get more information from a doctor sooner or later. I spoke with a nurse and just asked what she knew. She shared that they are going to wait to extubate him because he still has so much fluid and infection in his lung, and he is too weak to cough that much up. So they still have to help with manual draining of infection regularly and help his breathing.

His fever has come down. It is still elevated but better. It is 38 degrees Celsius and normal is 37. So his body is fighting. I have no information on his lab results yet. He is sedated. He is awake but does not move much except when he is more irritated which is not very often yet. I don't think he has the energy to be angry as of yet.

All of his vitals are a lot quieter today-there are less alarms going off showing that something is not within range. I see less care personnel in here just because there are less bells and whistles going off.

I am personally doing well. I have been praying over Zach and doing some lymphatic drainage. He had his  hand hanging off of the bed at night and it became fat. I got it down quite a bit and I got one of his ankles and feet down too. I have been praying and holding his left lung area as that is the infected lung.

I guess what I would want people to know is that it is possible to go through drastic things and keep the peace of God. It is possible to take crisis different than the world because we know and stand on faith that we have a most awesome, powerful, loving, Creator and Dad.  He is soooo with us. It is possible to not worry. I feel blessed that I get to build faith by standing on the truth of God's goodness more than on my sight and other senses. What we prayed and talked about this morning is our truth about counting it all joy when we find ourselves in trials and tribulations because it gives us the opportunity to CHOOSE belief in God over the suffering. Choose hope instead of despair.

Zach is still critical by physical standards.  We are still in ICU.  We just know God loves us all and is here with us as we go through this trial."

Feb 6 Evening — Doctors just reported they identified the virus he has "human metapneumovirus" (hMPV) which is common in small children or compromised immune systems (which Zachary has in this case). It weakened his immune system that let him pick up a bacteria that they have not identified yet (but will have lab results tomorrow about). But the special general "synergistic" penicillin they have now is working. His left lung is bad with the pneumonia, right lung is OK. But they hope to extubate and let him breath on his own tomorrow. Pray this may be so.

Feb 5 Evening — The doctors reported his blood labs were looking better. But he still has a fever (from the sepsis). And there are still unanswered questions "strange cells" in his blood work.

Feb 5 Morning — They have drained his lungs of some very concerning colored liquid and intubated him because the oxygen was not enough. They are still trying to understand the source of his infection. He’s mostly sleeping through it but the doctors have has some worried looks. Thx for your prayers and support through this crisis.

Feb 4 Evening — We went to the ER where they immediately received him and took blood, did an EKG, and ultrasounds of his kidneys and abdomen. They immediately put him on oxygen. Soon after they moved him to the ICU. German efficiency! (If this episode had happened not in Germany but when we were still living in Costa Rica this post would be Zachary's obituary.

Signs Leading Up To The ER

I kept Zachary home Friday from his special needs center because he threw up the night before and did not seem recovered enough in the morning.

Saturday morning I noticed he had a fever. That combined with the vomiting made it seem like he had the flu that triggered it. Katrina stayed near him all day on the couch while I worked on some writing for the Missing Manual.

As the next day went on, we got concerned because he was not improving like he normally does. His breathing was noticeably labored. I knew from past experiences with bronchitis that breathing difficulty is serious and means it is time to go to the hospital.

When we got there they received him right away thankfully. (I've heard the horror stories of long waits at the ER these days.) They took blood and determined he was septic with a lung infection from some unknown infection source. They said he needed the ICU.

Obviously, it hit him really fast. Now three days later, the doctors identified the virus as one that incubates in as little as three days (see update above for the name). He must have picked it up at the special needs center and then got sick and serious faster than we have ever seen.

I request and value your prayers for God to heal Zachary and guide the doctors. We know he will recover and get out of the hospital with everyone praying together and even believe this will work to good with some needed discovery about his health coming out from this. We never doubted his survival even though the doctors who first received Zach expressed worry about it. (Both Katrina and I have unfulfilled dreams about Zach that have strengthened our faith when things looked the worst.)


I've had the following repeated questions so far:

Q. "But how are Tim and Katrina doing?"

Expand answer:...

Short answer: We're actually staying in peace (Php 4:7). God has been increasing our faith greatly since moving to Germany. Seeing your firstborn near death and handing on for life with tubes is not easy. But we know he will survive and also believe something good will come out of this for him (perhaps needed insight into his specific health needs?). Also we know our God is rich and promises to provide all our needs (Mt 6:33) which includes the big medical bills we know are coming. (Already some of you are sending donations which is very encouraging to see—bless you.) This is a test that we were prepared for and will pass with God's help and your prayers and support.

Katrina typed this up on Feb 7th to answer this question: "For me personally my heart is just full of wanting God to really be magnified in this situation. I want it to shout if God’s perfect goodness and love and encourage tons of hands that have grown weary or weak. I would love for them to know how to tap in to The power of the Comforter and be comforted through anything.

My heart is at peace. My smile has not faded and my faith has been made stronger because I chose it over fear. I feel so humbly blessed that my heart is flowing with gratitude towards our Daddy.

I am physically tired just because the hours of sleeping are different. I  getting enough sleep but it is sectioned throughout the day when Zach is sleeping. So extra grace from Daddy that gives my uncommon physical stamina so that I can continue strong would be nice. Oh! And that we would be a blessing to all those around us to the glory of Dad and bless those who are helping us. They are amazing people!

Thank you for fasting for us. I have fasted many times for people and love that ministry. It is so nice to have warriors who fight with me when I am in the middle of the battle.

I believe that Zachary will have miracles and end up being stronger and more restored to what God intended him to have in this life. When things look bad that is where Daddy shines the brightest and shows He is most powerful and magnificent. I am actually excited to see the testimony of His goodness come fully from this situation. "

Q. "Have the doctors done Vitamin C IV for his sepsis?"

Expand answer...
Several have commented that sepsis is often not handled the best and results in unnecessary mortality such as when the doctors don't know about Vitamin C/B12/Hydrocortisone. We asked and they do not have that treatment here. But there is Vitamin C with other nutrients and they agree to order and try that.

Q. "Do you guys have any financial needs with this hospitalization?"

Expand answer...

The short answer is yes this will be a financial blow, even though we're in Germany and have insurance (required by law for our residency). We appreciate those who have asked and already given towards the coming bills which I've set up for those who can help below.

The longer answer is that we only have travelers' insurance here because we're missionaries and that's all we qualify for.

We've gone through a couple of insurance agents and have been told we're not able to get better health insurance because we have no prior insurance and because of our missionary status.

In the past the bills I've tried to submit for Zachary's regular doctor visits or seizure medication they did not pay. I'm sure with this emergency they will cover things finally but by no means all.

I will update this as I have more information. For now there is no doubt we'll need help and welcome those who feel moved to do so to help now.

As some of you who know me remember, I'm uncomfortable asking for financial help because of fear of coming across as begging. But one long-time reader of my free teachings gently corrected me on this.  I had thanked him for giving before I even asked and mentioned it was a helpful example to others at the same time saving me from "seeming like a beggar:"

How To Send Support

If all you can do is pray, thank you. We covet your prayers.

If you can also send support for the medical bills, we appreciate that as well. As self-supporting missionaries doing our ministry mostly for free, we depend on your support for our needs. As explained in the FAQ above, our only insurance option won't cover everything. We all know ICU and doctors are expensive.

Either way, God bless you for all your time, prayers, words and gifts.

Pictures Of All of Us At the Hospital

I'm including the pictures here at the end out of sensitivity to those who are squeamish about seeing people on breathing tubes or even just in a hospital bed. I understand that as I found it very hard to be around Zachary the first day all tubed up like that (fourth picture below).

Zach soon after he came into the ER. Breathing on oxygen.

Zach being wheeled from the ER to ICU soon after the above.

Zach in his ICU room after the first night.

Tim updating family and Facebook about Zach on the first night in the ICU.

Katrina watching over Zach to calm him with her touch and comforting words when he wakes.


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Tim McHyde

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Ted Shrout - March 9, 2018

Hi Tim and Katrina,
Just to see Yehovah shinning through your smile brightens my day. It’s such a blessing seeing the great work Father has done in Zack. I so much enjoy hearing both of your voices and listening to you both share your faith. I love that you don’t edit these updates. It makes it more real like your talking to us all face to face. I stand in agreement with you Tim about the good things that will happen in 4 years with Zack. We have a big Father God and nothing is to big for Him. Walking the narrow path is a great subject to teach on because we all need to keep hearing and being reminded of it. Your insurance along with all your needs will be taken care of. Our Father is always on time and never late. Our Father is our healer and our provider. Hope your able to keep updating every once in a while. Once a week would be great. But remember you both need to take a little time for yourselves. Love you all bunches. Yehovah Bless you all till you cup overflows and never goes dry.

Jennifer rinehart - March 7, 2018

Tim handsome son wife and you Love and definatelly prayer, i pray He ll bring you to mind as He has suddenly when needed? i feel for certain others though the yrs…. So i cant wait… till 6 yrs or less! When you had the dream i did NOT know you siad two yrs ago i wish id known… But You ve helped me withOUT a husband soooo sda and real friends[its a 2 way st for that to TRULY occur and yes most churches are lacedonia right?! I heard met someone today wow again been a little while maybe a yr God is good in other ways to me… about facts how Christians have it wrong soo many….. and ALL that you say write yes! biblically so he wont go to doesn’t believe seen real teaching and truly KNOWING the word as they should, REAL salvation some pastors dont get it… so isnt THAT confirmation[ again for me] amazing. AND then RIGHT TIM RIGHT after that on the kfax radio the minister thats so detailed and honest accurate… it was WOW, another confirmation!!!!!
No way do you get this?! I do lol confirming that we Must do follow accurately, and not go with what we here and leave whats HISS ways not mans views opinions…. also talked about WOW [for me] about the feats like you say….[It was [online itd show] todays kfax am radio about 10 am.
Tim amazing similarities total>>> You both!!! should talk wow hmmm?
Please answer… My typing can be bad nothing wrong with me BUT i cant help it never learned better from someone. Thanks yes amen about 6 yrs……Jennifer

Jenifer - March 2, 2018

I appreciate the audio updates! Keep it up please, they are encouraging. I am blessed that you are sharing with us the joy in the Lord through challenging times. Thank you. I’m happy that Zack is feeling much better and he’s out of the hospital. 🙂

Anna - March 2, 2018

So happy for all of you. It seems that, with strong faith and trust, you have come through tough challenges with flying colours. An inspiration and example for all to witness and, in particular, those who may also be experiencing tough challenges of their own, right now. Apart from teaching, perhaps you are also the physical way showers in ‘real life’ terms. Great news and thank you for the updates.May you all continue to be Blessed in your daily walk and in your blessing of us too.

Nanette - March 1, 2018

I am amazed to see the smile on Zachary’s face and the optimism and energy in your voices. This is certainly a manifestation of God’s work. I almost never encounter this kind of joy and strength in these type of circumstances, in my limited experience as a nurse. Let’s pray for the medical personnel who witnessed your clear display of the reality of our powerful and loving Father! I believe that they have the opportunity to respond in faith and receive abundant life from our Creator, and I am longing for all of them to do so! Thanks for your updates. You have encouraged me in my own small struggles.

Sue W - March 1, 2018

Sounds like Zachary’s illness has had the unexpected effect of increasing your “family” somewhat, Tim and Katrina!
Daily short podcasts on your inspiring, real life walk in faith?
Wow – that would be great.
Thank you for your courageous sharing.

mindy ryals - March 1, 2018

Praising our Father for Zachary’s recovery! Thank you for the updates and allowing us to participate in your journey. YHVH is already making good things out of trial you all have endured . Give Zachary a kiss and a hug for me and tell him he’s already an inspiration to many ?

Heather Toth - March 1, 2018

PRAISE to Yehovah!!! Love the pics of going home day! So full of joy, I don’t have the words! But if we were “talking” soul to soul, you would feel/know what I’m expressing 🙂 Lots of love and hugs to you guys!!

Andreas - February 28, 2018

That’s victory smile. Zachary is a fighter and he beat that illness. ☺

Johan Pretorius - February 28, 2018

Hello Katrina and Tim, this is great news that Zach is well enough to go straight home, this means that his recovery is even better than expected.
I want to thank you both for sharing this experience with us and allowing us to participate as a “supporting family” to go through this trial with you in prayers. This to me is both an example of what faith can achieve and a lesson also to never waver in your trust, believe and love for both Yeshua and Yehovah and how powerful prayer can be in times of need.
I reflected on this and compared myself with your and Tim’s faith and realised that I am not even out of the starting blocks yet. I still have a long way to go in my walk to have this kind of faith and trust.
We will definitely miss your daily educational “snippets” after each update.
Looking forward to further updates!!!!!
Bless you both.

    Ted Shrout - February 28, 2018

    I couldn’t have said this better. Thank You Brother.
    Bless You

Ted Shrout - February 27, 2018

What a smile. He says,”Hurry get me out of here before they change their mind”! So glad to here he is home instead of one of those other places. He will do much better at home where it is familiar to him. I prayed about that decision. It seems that was Yehovah’s will. Looking forward to the update.

Felicia B - February 27, 2018

So happy he’s home!! What a wonderful and amazing God we serve! You can tell in his face how happy he is to be going home! Love it!
I must say, I am going to miss the daily updates/lessons 🙂
Still sending love, prayers, and hugs.

Sam Miller - February 27, 2018

I love the smile on Zach’s face. (Katrina’s too). Thank God this trial is done for you guys. Blessings!

Stephen Josephson - February 27, 2018

Praise Jesus!
May God bless Tim, Katrina and Zach

hayley bond - February 26, 2018

Oh I am sooo happy to see Zachary looking so much better and eating on his own!
You realise that once you go home you’re going to have to carry on with your daily teachings Katrina :p
Just kidding but I’ve loved them all so thanks again! xx

Ted Shrout - February 26, 2018

WOW! IV’s out, tubes out, oxygen off, and shoveling ice cream in his mouth. Praise Yehovah. Glad to hear your getting a little more sleep also. He’ll be up and running before you know it. So many praying Father has to hear us. I just love seeing Gods power at work.

Thomas Burke - February 26, 2018

Dear Tim and Katrina, I have the impression Zach’s German schooling is kicking in … not to presume to know, just concur with Jeannette!

Jeannette Hall - February 25, 2018

The pictures of Zachary eating on his own are so awesome. Praise Yehovah !!!!

Darrell Miller - February 25, 2018

Tim & Katrina,

We are praying for Zachary and for Tim and Katrina also. We pray that ABBA heals Zachary and gives strength and courage to both of you also. His ways are higher than our ways and his purposes higher than ours. Sometimes we find out later down the road why the things that happen to us and our families did happen and sometimes we don’t. I know that the two of you as parents are loving and caring of Zachary. ABBA is also, and is the Father of us all. I know that you also know that HE loves us more than we can even imagine. Continue to be faithful and walk in HIS ways as you obviously do. Maybe ABBA has used your family as an example to others of what it looks like when an obedient family obeys and follows the commandments of GOD. The light of HIM shining through you as an example to them. May they be drawn to HIM by your example. May they be drawn to HIM, to repent and walk in HIS ways. May they worship and glorify HIS holy name. Please be encouraged to continue your excellent work for HIM. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom from HIM with all of us out here in the world too. Blessings and prayers from Dyan & Darrell in Oklahoma City.

Claudia - February 24, 2018

Katrina and Tim,
We just became aware of Zach’s health struggle a few days ago.
His progress sounds significant, God is faithful and so are you two.
We love your family and continue to pray for Zach’s complete restoration, along with strength, peace and provision.
Many are praying for you in Costa Rica, where you touched many lives with God’s love.

Thomas Burke - February 24, 2018

Thanks for the daily sharing and showing how to be a shining light on the hill! This sounds lke the option to work outside will be a door opener for you also! May Yehovah bless you strongly in this next stage of your journey.????

Helen Davies - February 24, 2018

Tim, such great news all around. And the pics were so nice to view. What a beautiful son you have. I enjoyed the pics of you and Katrina too. All so nice. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us along the way. I’m sure I speak for everyone connected that we’re all so proud of your strong stand, even if you didn’t feel strong every moment. You’re a wonderful example to us of your strong, enduring faith. Will continue to have Zach and the family in prayer and have been focusing on prayer for the medical costs. You know that God is guiding all the way, and then to Israel. Be very blessed today. God is so faithful and He will always be faithful to YOU, His faithful Servant. Appreciate you for all you give to the body of Christ.

Ted Shrout - February 22, 2018

Praise Yehovah Zack is off the oxygen. 6/20 was a day the devil lost the battle again. So no you didn’t almost loose him even though in the time it looked like it might happen. Our Father is in charge and the devil can’t touch him unless Yehovah says so. In Job satin could do anything but kill him. But I don’t need to tell you that, just a little reminder. It only gets better from here on and won’t stop even after he Zack is totaly restored. I will keep praying, and pray that all the prayers from the saints go from their lips to Father God Yehovah’s ears.

    Katrina McHyde - February 23, 2018

    Ted, it is so refreshing to find faith. When those of faith put their intention, prayers, and knowing together then Daddy shows up and helps the rest of the world that He is The Fixer of anything. He is being glorified and will be glorified in our testimony as a family on this journey when people see Daddy take the impossible and make it possible in Hos strength alone. I am so very excited to see people’s jaws drop and tears come to their eyes of how awesome our God is. What the enemy means for our harm God turns around for our blessings. This is going to be fun!

      Ted Shrout - February 23, 2018

      Katrina, thank you for your kind words. My faith has not always been strong and is still increasing with Fathers help and I still falter in that area a lot at times. I just go out and look around or up to the stars at night and say……. WOW your so big Father. He can handle anything we let Him handle. So let us just keep thinking BIG. You and Tim’s unconditional love for Zack is a testament to the love Father God Yehovah has for all of us. If some want to limit Him that’s their loss. All we can do is pray for their lack of understanding that, With God nothing is impossible. So don’t hurt your head to much {lol} wondering how things are going work out with Zach’s after care. That’s already taken care of Praise Yehovah!!!! Yes it’s going to be fun when Zach is out and home and fully restored.
      Just think how many people are being touched by this battle there in the hospital and will come to know and accept Jesus through this. Humm… Do you suppose Father might have had this in mind all along???

      Fathers love is from everlasting to everlasting,

P Alex Dillon - February 22, 2018

Hallelujah. Praise God!
Thank you for the update.
I am so grateful for the lessons and also so glad this trial is coming to an end.
God bless each one of you.

Vicki Skinner - February 22, 2018

Tim sweets – Do you really need to post your comments about Caleb as you did? He could easily be humiliated by it (being empathic – I was for him).

Traditional School is NOT for everyone. We ALL have our strengths yet schools (& sadly many parents) RARELY focus on tapping into THAT which brings us PASSION in life!!! Caleb has that PASSION SOMEWHERE inside!!!

I keep sharing prayers every day with y’all!!!

(I LOVE that pic of Zachary with the air mask on!! He’s such a BEAUTIFUL Soul!!!)

    Tim McHyde - February 22, 2018

    Vicki, ha! If only you knew how misplaced your empathy is or who you are talking about when you say “school is not for everyone.” But he’s unlike anyone you’ve ever met. He’s extremely bright and does well when he applies himself which has been rare due to immaturity. His failing grades are not some recent aberration. It’s been six years on the edge of failing school in now two countries by choice and his own admission. So Caleb is long past feeling humiliated or expecting us not to talk about it openly to get prayers for it. These are the natural consequences of his choices and it will be a great testimony for when he turns it around gets his minimum HS diploma with all the help he can get and moves on to business. Thank you for your concern and prayers for him.

      Blaze - February 26, 2018

      I’ve been studying and looking more into habits and motivation. There are many strategies and tactics for making success inevitable. Implementation Intentions, visual cues. I also like Jeff Haden’s philosophy where you can be happy about being successful everyday. I planned to study for 30 minutes. I did study for 30 minutes. I can be happy about that. I don’t have to wait to be happy until I get my diploma. He also mentioned a cool psychological study in his book about how talking about your goal makes you less likely to achieve it (You think you accomplished it already to a degree…Rather talk about your PLAN to achieve success).

Cynthia Schaffner - February 22, 2018

Praying for Zachary and you and Tim. God is Good…ALL THE TIME!!!

Sue W - February 20, 2018

Thank you for the daily updates, observations, reflections, scriptures and wise words, Katrina.

God must be strengthening you to care for Zachary 24/7 and manage to continue your ministry as well!
Prayers continue for you all.

hayley bond - February 19, 2018

Thank you so much for your updates Katrina! It was so lovely to see Zachary with a smile on his face. Your discussions on patience etc have been brilliant. I decided about a year ago to be more patient with my children and life in general. It’s paying off and can be done. Every time I feel myself getting stressed and impatient I take a breath and remind myself that it’s a choice. I read a while ago how we can change the way we act by stopping using the regular neural pathways and forming new ones so that the old ones shrivel up. It takes a lot of strength but through God it is possible and has a huge reward in the end of finding joy in so many more instances where I would normally miss out in my impatient rage.

Ted Shrout - February 19, 2018

WOW what a great smile. God is good all the time. What a wonderful report. But what else can we expect with such a great Father God. The second report was just a small gust of wind at the end of the storm, blowing the clouds away. Thank You again for keeping us all informed. I don’t know how you and Tim do it. I know Father gives you the strength and that’s the only way. With all the work you two do I sometimes wonder if you all ever sleep. LOL.
Many prayers going up for you all.

Love to you all

Thomas Burke - February 19, 2018

I often remember how, while visiting your home one day back in 2005 here in CR, Zach repeatedly embraced me with one ear against my abdomen. I think Tim said it was common for him to do so, but Zach made me feel special that day! It was a most sincere hug, I knew, although we had barely met… I pray and ask that Yeshua hug Zach that way today for me❤️

P Alex Dillon - February 18, 2018

Oh, Beautiful smile!

Thank you for sharing and allowing me to walk through this beautiful healing with you. Beautiful!

Heather Toth - February 18, 2018

So glad to hear he continues to improve!

And hello, Zach! Your parents, brother, Yehovah, and many others, love you very much. We pray for you and your family every day. Big hugs!!

Katrina, thank you for the daily updates. I love how, despite the daily challenges and lack of sleep, you not only update everyone, but squeeze in valuable lessons for us as well! I see God’s strength through you. You’re a wonderful momma. ♡ And Tim, thank you for the articles you continue to write, despite Zach’s hospitalization.

I’d say, “I don’t know how you do it!” but I know what you’d say: “It’s God!” Thank you for being living examples and testimonies for living like Jesus taught us to.

Love you guys!

Desiree Ivy - February 17, 2018

Continued prayers for the entire family

Thomas M Jayabhai - February 17, 2018

I just happened to read about Zachary. If I understood it correct, he is having pneumonia and is very severe. I am from India and if we have anyone with this disease, we make sure that the person’s chest and throat area is always covered in blanket to keep warm, which is very important for such patients. Here in the photos I could see his chest very much exposed. Also while taking bath, he should use the hottest water possible while showering, since pneumonia gains strength in colder atmosphere.

Also Zach should be fed with high protein diet, which would help him. Many of the doctors know these rules, but will not tell because they need patients with them the longest and the most complicated ways possible. Unfortunately, today we are living in a business world, where everyone needs business.

Ted Shrout - February 16, 2018

Thank you Katrina for the 2/16 update. I believe with you that Zach will have a complete restoration in this life. NO if and’s or buts. God established it in the beginning and there is no room for doubt or unbelief or what ifs. The restoration is there and final. We in faith just need to reach up in faith and grab hold of it. If we have doubt and try to make excuses for God no matter how good our intentions are I think we are hindering Him. Our Father God Yehovah’s word is pure, final and shall not return to us void. I continue praying God’s love,healing and total restoration for Zach, and expect nothing less of our Father in Jesus Yeshua’s name. Amen and Amen. It is finished….
Blessings to Zach,you ,and Tim.

P Alex Dillon - February 16, 2018

I am thanking my heavenly father for Zach’s strength and more smiles.

Zach has been such a blessing to me watching him through your updates fight through this. I’m excited to hear he will be completely restored in this life. I must live in that alternate universe with you because I have no doubt if that’s what you believe then it must be true.

I’ve been following Tim too long to question what rings true from his teachings. Both of you have blessed me with such comfort and peace. Yes God is good.

Learning biblical prophecy and everything I’ve learned in connection to that, especially God’s own holy name(!) has been the greatest blessing of my life.

I love you all. I’m so grateful for each one of you. I hope we get to meet soon and I look forward to meeting you in the future.


Ted Shrout - February 15, 2018

Praise Yahovah for the good report. His recovery and strength will happen faster with Father you and Tim there with him. Katrina thank you for taking the time to do the pod cast and keeping us up to date. I continue praying for Zach and you and Tim.
Tim and Katrina, you have no idea how much I have learned from you both.
Thank you for being obedient to the calling Yehovah has called you to. I believe He is using you both in a mighty way in these last days.

Love to you both

    Katrina McHyde - February 19, 2018

    Exactly Ted! I could not have said it better. I am so glad to hear when people really understand how strong our Daddy really is. You comment made me smile.

P Alex Dillon - February 14, 2018

I’m so glad to hear Zach is getting stronger! That’s beautiful you teaching me to appreciate restraints because I don’t always and now I can remember to thank God for the restraints he puts in my life.

Thank you and God bless you!

David Gotch - February 14, 2018

Dear Tim,

I want to let you know that I will be intently praying for your son Zach AND for you and your entire family. I have no children, but my late wife struggled with a horrible disease called Sarcoidosis, that started in the Spring of 2006, and ended with her death in the Fall of 2015. So, I know what it is to go through sitting in ER areas, and other waiting rooms for hour after hour, after hour.

All said, may the good Lord God, Almighty heal your son very quickly.

Most sincerely with warmest regards,
Dave G.

Heather Toth - February 13, 2018

Thank You, Father!!! Praying for continued healing, and the bodily strength for Zach to keep fighting the virus and bacteria, and strength to cough the crud up and out! Praying for ever-elevating thrombocyte levels! Continued prayer for strength, peace, comfort and rest for all of you! You are loved! ♡

Jeannette Hall - February 13, 2018

Praising Yehovah for the good report from Katrina on Zachary’s progress. Also, a thank you for the wonderful spiritual lesson Katrina gave in regards to restraints. Blessings to your entire family.

P Alex Dillon - February 13, 2018

I’m thanking God for giving Zachary the strength to do all his own yucky coughing. ?

Hayley - February 12, 2018

Thank you so much for keeping us updated. It’s so good to hear that Zachary has been more active today. In listening to you Katrina, I have come to realise that this is an area I really need to work on. I worry about everything with my children (to the point of neuroticisim) and it’s exhausting but hearing your strength through God has given me hope. You and Tim are such a blessing to me and I thank God for you both. Oh yes and could you come and be my live in headache healer!? Just kidding of course ?
I will continue to pray for Zachary x

Sue W - February 12, 2018

This really is a unique situation. So many people from around the world feeling with you all.
I don’t think I’ve ever posted three times on one topic.
I go from praying for you all to thinking “get those tubes out of him so he can start exercising his lungs now”, to feeling in awe of your faith and patience, to just a kind of silence and being present and growing with your trial.
This is a God send for sure.
Zachary, thank you for being here and being part of God’s pouring out of strengthening grace to us all.

sally Batenhorst - February 12, 2018

Our prayers are with you I’m so sorry to hear this I just found out today I’ve been ill myself so I’m better you know God will lead the way

P Alex Dillon - February 12, 2018

Thank you., Katrina for that message!

I’m so glad to hear Zachary’s thrombocytes are coming up.

I’m thanking God for his hand on you all shining in his glory during this time.

Linda van der Vyver - February 11, 2018

Katrina, thanks for taking the time to do the podcast. I needed to also hear your testimony today, as your son’s sickness brought back the traumatic times I went through with my son and daughter (as you know, they both died). I remember those times and how it made me stronger spiritually. But I also had fear and doubt. To this day, I still feel guilty for having had those fears which absolutely wore me out! I knew that God needed me to be fearless and doubtless to work His wonders. So I knew then I was powerless because I could not separate the fears and doubts from being a mother, so closely attached to my child / children. After their deaths, I heard people saying how strong I was …. it is true what you said Katrina: to have a child / children like yours, it keeps us as parents so vulnerable of God’s strength and peace! I pray for you often, may God’s peace bless and keep you and Tim! I spirit I am with you. Love, Linda, NZ

Pierre - February 11, 2018

I don’t wanna say anything . I have nothing to say. That’s what I am saying. however I mean to say a lot by saying nothing. I’ll just end with my blessings to you all, what ever is in store for you guys.

Sue W - February 11, 2018

Tim and Katrina, this significant trial comes hot on the heels of Katrina’s raw, honest and inspiring testimony about Zachary.
I doubt it.
You are a very special couple, chosen, I believe by Yehovah, to demonstrate radical faith to the rest of us ahead of what’s to come.
You have chosen to make your trials public.
That’s very brave and many people will benefit from observing your journey and responses to it.
Thank you for allowing us into your lives, setting an example and not being afraid to share your fears.
You are great teachers.
Many, many people are watching, praying, learning and hoping as a consequence.
Thank you and Yehovah bless you and your ministry.

Ted Shrout - February 11, 2018

Hello Tim and Katrina,

In all of this you both are showing a good example of faith in our Father. He is giving you strength in this time of need. Praying for Zach and both of you. I’m grateful to be able help you pray through this with everyone else here.

Yehovah Bless You

P Alex Dillon - February 10, 2018

I thank YHVH for your supernatural peace and comfort. I’m looking forward to see this miraculous healing and Zach’s improvement.

Good bless you all.

Jeannette Hall - February 10, 2018

How is Caleb doing through all of this? Is he away at school and concentrating on his studies?

    Tim McHyde - February 10, 2018

    Jeannette, yes, he’s away at school and must stay on task with school.

Felicia B - February 10, 2018

I have been sending up prayers non stop since I found out. You both are such shining examples of the kind of faith we all should have!

I am grateful that you have let us take this very personal journey with you. I look forward to the updates everyday. It is helping us all to increase our faith in Yehovah! I am standing with you that he will be better at the end of this battle!

You all are in our prayers. Sending love and hugs.

God Bless!

prissy lischin - February 10, 2018

Praying for your son and you guys.

Juliej - February 10, 2018

I am very sorry you are going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Julie J

GLOSSIE TOWNER - February 10, 2018

God heal Zach of his pneumonia with a speedy recovery, and bless and comfort you and Katrina in Jesus name.

P Alex Dillon - February 10, 2018

Tim and Katrina you have both changed my life so much already. I am so grateful that you are willing to stand through this challenging moment in peace. God bless you both for it.

You are not in any way beggars and I pray the Lord touch the hearts of every single one that loves you to help bare the financial challenge you are facing.

You are not alone. I have a hug for each of you in my imagination. I am praying for God’s supernatural healing over Zachary, that his thrombocytes will rise back up and he will be healed completely.

Much love!

(Alex, aka Patrice – pick a name, already)

Karen Veit - February 10, 2018

Hi Tim and Katrina,

I just found out about Zach in the hospital. I will keep him and your whole family in my earnest prayers, yes, for a miracle of healing. It is true that Germans tend to be stern, but their efficiency and knowledge is great and is what you need right now.

Recently, my new grandson who was less than two weeks old was in the hospital with a virus (RSV) that was causing him to have trouble breathing, so I know about fighting the fears. Prayers were answered for the little one, who is now home from the hospital and does not seem to be having any after-effects from everything.

Zach is having more complications than my grandson did, but I know that this is an opportunity for me to increase my faith, which is what I have been praying lately. The way for faith to increase is for us to pray and see the Almighty answer our prayers. Thanks for keeping all of us updated as we continue to pray for Zach’s healing and the testimony that will come from all of this.

Love and prayers,


P.S. Thanks for saving the photos till the end. I did look at them, but that gave me a chance to take a deep breath and be prepared.

Weldon Burgess - February 10, 2018

May God richly bless you and your family Tim. We will be praying for your Son.

Lovey - February 10, 2018

Pleading the BLOOD of the LAMB of God over Zach right NOW! May Jehovah Rapha heal him this very hour – may you see a remarkable change for the better for this young man. Standing with you for his healing.

much love & prayers

Sam Miller - February 9, 2018

You guys are still teaching all of us with your strong faith in this difficult time. Thanks for showing what it means to have faith in a good God, who works all things out to the good of those who seek him diligently. Ad thanks for showing us what it means to be diligent. I wish I could be there to help with some of your daily needs, food, cleaning, etc…

Blessings and prayers!


Vicki Skinner - February 9, 2018

Tim – regarding your comment of not wanting to appear as “begging” –
How about another way of looking at it?
With ALL you & Katrina have done for others – you’re giving people the opportunity to give BACK to YOU how they can – be it prayers, a financial donation or however they CAN help!

Those that see it as “begging” – I would bet that’s an issue THEY have around their own self worth & others. I find those types tend to be “takers” & not often “givers” themselves.

    Jen - February 10, 2018

    I agree Vicki Skinner.
    I just found out about this today after watching some videos about NDE for a couple of days now. The email from one of the supporters who shared “The Operation Chop Chop” by Tom Sawyer has led me to read the testimonies of those who have experienced that bright light and tunnel like vision with indescribable speed. My mother told the same stories with us years ago. She had an one major operation done with her left leg, because of the elephanthiasis that she caught from a mosquito bite back in 1969. And she had surgery in 1980 at the Philippines General Hospital while she didn’t know she was pregnant with our youngest brother (Henry). My brother was born in 1981 and died of broncho pneumonia when he was about 2-year-old.

    It’s the little act of kindness that matters. I thank Mr. & Mrs. Tim McHyde for sharing with us their testimony of faith. May Zach continue to fully recover in His speed in His love.

Vicki Skinner - February 9, 2018

Thank God you’re in Germany for this crisis! I trust their skills & equipment more than any country’s!! I’ve added Zach & the family to a couple international Prayer Lists I’m on.

Sarah Hindmon - February 9, 2018

Praying for you my friends. Love you guys. Believing for a miracle!

Joseph Seawell - February 9, 2018

“I shall walk before Yehovah, in the land of the living.”
Psalm 116:9

Believing in agreement with you for Zachary!

Jeannette Hall - February 8, 2018

What a blessing to be in such a great hospital facility with attentive and knowledgeable staff. Being in Germany during all this is so superior than being in the US. Sad but true. We are continuing to pray for all of you during this time.

Johan Pretorius - February 8, 2018

Hello Tim and Katrina, my thoughts are with you and your family. Let’s hope that some kind of treatment will come out of this to help ease Zachary’s condition and that he will be able to carry on his life with less problems. Stay strong and everybody is praying for you.

Sophie McDougal - February 7, 2018

Prayers for Zachary’s healing and comfort and peace for all.?

diane - February 7, 2018

Prayers for continued strength, faith and peace. A refuah shlema b’karov. May Zachary be blessed with a complete and speedy recovery.

Helen Davies - February 7, 2018

Just learned about this today. Am in prayer now and will continue. Praying for your financial needs regarding this. Father has gone before you and is per-fecting ALL that concerns you.

A real handsome son and I declare his perfect healing in Jesus name. Agreement with God and others means IT IS SO, AMEN!!!

Much love to you and family. You’re like a famiy to us and we appreciate you SO much!!!

Helen Davies/DallasTx

Jen Waldon - February 7, 2018

Praying for him and for you guys. God is good.

Sue W - February 7, 2018

Prayers for Tim, Katrina, Zachary and Caleb.
For Yehovah’s grace and guidance.

Heather Toth - February 7, 2018

Continuing prayers for all of you, specifically for YHWH’s healing, comfort, peace and rest ♡

Andreas - February 7, 2018

Praying for him right now.

    Jenifer - February 22, 2018

    Habakuk 3:19

    Stay STRONG in the MIGHTY hands of our Lord. Our Helper.
    May He continue to touch Zach with His gentle healing hands.
    Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Tim McHyde for the love that you share with us.

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