About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.


“Tim, Has Your Timeline Changed Given 2020’s Awful Events?”

By Tim McHyde / June 12, 2020

2020 has been a tumultuous year like no other in recent memory. Does that mean that the end is nearer than you or even I thought? Is my prophetic timeline that says we’re still years from the end starting wrong? Find out why nothing and at the same time one other aspect has changed regarding my timeline.


Beat the Coronavirus Pandemic Fears With Biblical Wisdom

By Tim McHyde / March 5, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak is already considered a pandemic by some experts, like the 2009 H1N1/swine-flu pandemic. For prophecy students, it is even worse because the Bible seems to say “pestilence” is one of the signs of the end times. Or does it? What should you do if it happens? Discover a forgotten health tool for the flu that Jesus talked about but Christians do not much practice.


Paul’s “Last Days People” Sign Here: Why Does God End Civilization?

By Tim McHyde / December 6, 2019

When God sends Wormwood to demolish civilization (Rev 6-8), is it because time’s up (6000 years) or are there conditions in society that give God cause, such as the negative attributes Paul warned Timothy about in “people of the last days?” (2Tm 3:1-3)? I could never explain this prophecy until I stopped trying to ignore how people are more rude, outraged, and angry than ever and researched the cause, a technology now infecting nearly all of us. Understand and see the writing on the wall for yourself so you can prepare for 2026. Learn three errors in judgment I see Christians using social media make and what they are forgetting. Update: The 5 battle-tested keys for success at doing what Jesus said that  I use…


“How do I make sure I survive the end?” – Learn the Bad News, Too

By Tim McHyde / August 16, 2019

Jesus warned that end-time events would not only threaten lives but also believers’ faith. Everyone will struggle with knowing that God himself sent Wormwood, purging billions of lives including your left behind loved ones. Maintaining trust in God’s goodness when he looks uncaring or evil is an everyday challenge, but your life could depend on it when the end arrives. Strengthen your faith now by understanding that the “Good News” is only half of the story about God. Learn the rest of the story, the “bad news” about God that the Bible repeatedly shares but we all filter out, setting ourselves up for disillusionment. Strangely, the plot from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” shows how bad things fit into the purpose of life God has left hidden…


Simple Endtime Events List

By Tim McHyde / June 21, 2019

This is a unique, simplified list of all end-time events from “here to eternity.” A supporter requested it and so I have posted it here for all supporters (only) since it came out so good. Unlike the graphical timeline chart from Know the Future, this is a bullet-pointed list of the same events in chronological order. Each event includes a brief description, link to related articles, Scripture references and the year I expect it (based on the sabbath-year cycles and my personal dreams). This complements the book chart and works better for some people to get the order of events clear in mind. Enjoy!


Next: Another Jewish Holocaust in Prophecy?

By Tim McHyde / June 8, 2019

Is a second Jewish Holocaust coming? I know, it sounds absolutely absurd that the world or God would let that happen again. But that’s exactly the face value meaning of an overlooked part of Isaiah’s prophecy of the end of Damascus. How could a good God allow this? What good can come of this? Read on for the answers that work for me to all these questions…


The Mark of the Beast—Proof It’s Reversible (Thank God)

By Tim McHyde / May 3, 2019

The Bible says the “mark of the beast” will be compelled on everyone globally. Does this leave people condemned forever, as most Christians understand the mark? A verse in Revelation 14 certainly seems to support this, but would that scenario be fair to people under the deception of Antichrist’s “strong delusion” as Paul called it? Discover the true cost of accepting the Antichrist’s mark, based on the consensus of Scripture, plus the passage that clearly shows some will survive the mark (and God’s wrath) and be set free in the Millennium…


Revelation’s 3 Resurrections vs. Heaven/Hell At Death

By Tim McHyde / May 3, 2019

Bible prophecy teaches about, not just one, but three future mass resurrections. If you think everyone goes to heaven or hell when they die, then it’s time to understand what the Bible says about God’s genius plan to use multiple resurrections to “raise” up children like himself—with nearly all coming to understand that only his way of love works and to choose to live for eternity with him on earth in harmony.

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