About the author

Tim McHyde

Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.


The Millennium: Ten Surprising Changes Jesus Brings (or Grass-Eating Cats)

By Tim McHyde / July 20, 2018

You probably know that the Millennium is the future 1000 year reign of Christ and his saints. But do you know about the amazing changes that Jesus’ Second Coming will bring besides world peace? Such as how you’ll be able to feed your cat by letting it out into the yard to graze? Cats along with all carnivores will become herbivores, according to Bible prophecy. Discover that and nine other surprising prophesied changes that will make the Millennium very different from today and as close to utopia as possible with the Kingdom of God arriving to earth finally. Plus (New), find out what the Gospel of the Kingdom is…


Podcast: Facing (and Fixing) Your Unrighteousness With The End Approaching

By Tim McHyde / July 13, 2018

Question: why do you keep up with Tim’s writing or serve God? If the honest answer to both is predominately “to escape the end,” you are just like most readers, including one named Brenda, who have a major problem. In this podcast, Brenda tells the story of how a couple of my articles on the righteousness needed to reach or fit in at Judea spun her into depression because they exposed her wrong motivation for serving God (survival, not relationship) as a liability for end time survival. As Brenda’s story shows, with the end times coming and the need to be both strong and righteous to have God’s help (Lk 21:36), our normal tendency to be or feel unrighteous can be exceptionally scary and depressing. Are you ready to stop hiding from God and distracting yourself and to finally face your unrighteousness head on? You can overcome it starting now with the wisdom and successful strategies found in this podcast from Brenda, Katrina and Tim.


10 Reasons You Will Likely Reject God’s End Time Escape

By Tim McHyde / June 22, 2018

Most Christians assume they automatically qualify to escape the Great Tribulation by a “pretrib rapture.” But if that’s so, then why did Jesus command us to “pray for the strength to escape…and stand” as if escaping takes, not mere belief, but faith and action? Find out how God’s end-times escape plan will indeed require something few Christians have: unwavering mental strength to obey in the face of adversity. Identify which out of ten areas you are vulnerable in now so you can start working on them. This is the only way to not give in to pressure and disobey God’s difficult escape command in the end times like Lot’s wife did.


Dream: “Fountain of Youth” Healings Coming

By Tim McHyde / June 1, 2018

God’s plan for the saints to gather in Judea to escape the end times (Joel 2:28=Mt 24:16) sounds unfeasible for many reasons including the poor health or medical dependencies of most Western adults. Divine healing must be given to God’s servants again just like it was in the exodus from Egypt (Ps 105:37 KJV). But there is no prophecy that promises that. So I prayed for confirmation. In this dream, God did just that with a bonus insight: exactly where and how the healing will take place for those who obey God’s command to flee. Once again, it’s not what I originally thought or what most would prefer! Plus: I was wrong, there is a prophecy about healing and rejuvenation in Malachi!


Isaiah 17: Will Israel Nuke Damascus? Why Not Yet From Psalm 83

By Tim McHyde / May 11, 2018

Isaiah prophesied the destruction and abandonment of Damascus, Syria over 2,700 years ago. Yet the city continues today, despite so many Middle East wars and predictions that “this year” it will finally come to pass. So what’s missing that has been holding this prophecy back? Israel’s strike on Iran? Or perhaps the overlooked prophecy in the Psalms about a future Arab war alliance targeted at wiping out Israel. Find out why the Arabs are sure to one day acquire weapons of mass destruction that leads them to finally attack Israel together again…and how their defeat opens up for the “beginning of sorrows” and Great Tribulation to finally happen.


Podcast: How to Stop Complaining (& Save Your Family in the Process?)

By Tim McHyde / May 9, 2018

Christians are not taught how complaining repels blessings and attracts curses as Exodus 15-16 graphically proves and Paul warned (1Co 10:9-10). This happens because even a grumbling thought puts you out of the faith needed to please God (Heb 11:6=2Co 10:5). In this talk we share powerful insights and testimonies for overcoming both superficial and “engine warning light” complaints in your words and your thoughts. Learn how doing repentance like this blesses you now and may be the only way your family will follow you to Judea later (Joel 2:32) as the precedents of Noah and Lot’s families shows!


Unseen Wormwood: NASA Conspiracy or Divine Curve-ball?

By Tim McHyde / April 27, 2018

Where is Wormwood now? Does NASA know about it? If Wormwood is a rogue planet coming as early as 2026, how do I explain zero verifiable sightings? Is NASA hiding it, is it unusually dark, supernaturally cloaked or something else entirely? In this article I tackle the unanswerable question that has dogged me for over a decade with my new insight to finally provide a satisfying explanation based on Biblical precedents. Also why Judea definitely won’t be overrun with faithless Wormwood survivalists and why even the rich won’t be prepared for Wormwood.


Three Big Events I Expect By 2022 Based On Two Dreams

By Tim McHyde / April 27, 2018

Apr 27: Update – For years I’ve said that Damascus’ destruction is the first “bad news” end time event (after Yeshua’s Good News finally returns worldwide). But when? Before or after the 70th Week starts in 2024? Since 2005, it’s been left ambiguous on my book’s Revelation Roadmap because Scripture does not specify. Now, through two dreams that God gave me years ago and some recent new inspirations and deductions, I finally have a good idea of the year and am ready to share it with supporters. (One went bonkers when I told her.) Also find out what type of community Judea will be, how soon you can go there and even can you bring your pets? Perhaps what it looks like now from Katrina’s dreams. Lastly, if moving to Judea is so soon (for some), what behavior I heard God say to work on now… 


On the Narrow Path – Podcasts

By Tim McHyde / April 17, 2018

Episode 14! – Are you on the narrow path that Jesus spoke about (Mt 7:13)? What does it look like to find it and stay on it? That’s what Katrina and Tim discuss about in this near-daily podcast series. It’s about finding ways to deal with life’s situations with faith, love, hope and most of all, with God. (If you have a question you’d like addressed, leave a comment). Check back for updates here.


How God’s End Time Protection Could Also Kill You

By Tim McHyde / April 7, 2018

Do you ever think that all you have to do to survive the end times is to wait for Elijah’s call, much like how most Christians simply wait for a “pretrib Rapture?” If so, think again. God’s end time safe haven from Wormwood and the Antichrist has a curve ball: the possibility of death by the Holy Spirit. Just like Ananias and Sapphira (Act 5:1-11), if you go into God’s community run by a prophet without taming your typical manipulative, prideful, grumbling, or gossiping Christian character, you may end up dead all the same. Find out why this will happen (again), how to tell if you are at risk, and how to change yourself now to avoid this for you and your loved ones who indeed likely will ride your coattails to safety.

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