A recent IAEA inspection report along with smuggled Iranian documents point to Iran being able to now quickly make nuclear bombs when it desired, potentially in time for spring 2022. Now with a new hardline, murdering president, Iran may be ready to fulfill Bible prophecy... thanks to Trump?
Another Unexpected Confirmation
This is now the third "confirmation" article in a row about the Mideast nuclear war that I expect to happen next year in the spring. A little background: back in April I had prayed and told God that it’s OK if I am wrong about this next part of my timeline in 2022 and I end up looking foolish. God responded by giving me a new insight into something I missed in the key Mideast war prophecy in Psalm 83.
Then a trusted prophet-in-training who had not seen that article surprised me with a prophetic word they had just received in an answer to their own question to God on timing. They said the exact date of the Mideast nuclear war was given to them 400 days from the date they received the word. There was a second question they asked about which was also answered at the same time, one which I can confirm privately is correct. Therefore I have confidence that the word on the date will turn out right, too. Either way, the main point is the date falls in spring 2022 which is my original timing expectation based on deductions from my dreams.
Now another confirmation which I was not asking or looking for. Given the challenges in my personal life lately, you can believe me when I say I had no ideas or plans to write anything on prophecy this month. I have not cared to stay abreast of international events, that’s for sure. But then a humble elder brother in Christ who I love but have not heard from since last year messaged me with questions about the Mideast war and what it will take to bring Israel to nuke her enemies. After I answered, he followed up with some big news on that topic which I had missed:
The IAEA reports that Iran has enriched uranium to 60% purity a level that only bomb-making countries pursue on the way to 90% weapons grade uranium-235. It has enough uranium at all levels of enrichment to create a few bombs when they choose to.
Iran’s Role in Damascus’ Destruction
Why is this significant? Because Iran has for almost two decades now been who I have had my eyes on as the culprit behind the end of Damascus. After I became aware of the Mideast nuclear war prophecy and added it to my timeline, I wondered how it would happen. I concluded that only another nuclear capable nation would attack a nuclear power like Israel. Then in 2002, it was revealed that Iran had secretly been enriching uranium with thousands of centrifuges. That seemed to be the answer to my question. To find out now from an official source that Iran is clearly pursuing nuclear weapons is a confirmation that Iran can indeed be the one who triggers the Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 prophetic event.
The next question one must consider given that my expected time for this event is now around one year away, is can Iran produce working, deliverable bombs in time for the attack on Israel in spring 2022?
If Iran cannot possibly do it then Iran must be ruled out as a candidate for who starts the nuclear Mideast war. Another candidate must be found.
Iran’s Intermittent Journey Towards the Bomb
Of course, if Iran’s leaders are smart, they have made sure that IAEA inspectors can access only part of their nuclear weapons program. Iran would have other activities and capabilities that they have kept shrouded. Since we must admit we do not know all that Iran is doing, we could end this article right here and state that there is nothing to say they could not achieve bombs in a year based on the little we know.
It turns out we have more to go on than just inspections and speculation. You may remember the big news in 2018 when Israel raided Tehran to steal documentation on their nuclear program. Benjamin Netanyahu held a press release with the headline “Iran Lied” referring to how the internal documents showed Iran was indeed pursuing nuclear weapons despite what they were telling the world.
Three years on, a new book analyzing those smuggled documents was just released last month. It has several important revelations that lend credence to the conclusion that “Tehran’s scientists could produce a bomb quickly if they acquire the necessary fissile material and an order from the country’s leaders to do so.”
- “top-secret weapons program was preparing for a “cold test” of key components for a nuclear bomb by late 2003 and could have quickly progressed to true nuclear detonations.
- “Work on an Iranian nuclear weapon was halted in 2003, but by then Iran’s scientists had mastered nearly all the technical challenges of bombmaking and needed only a reliable source of fissile fuel”
- “Iran has accumulated enough enriched uranium (meaning it has an increased concentration of the isotope uranium-235) to construct several bombs should its leaders choose to purify the heavy metal to the 90% level typically used in weapons”
- "If it gets nukes, Iran could fire using cruise missiles"
If I were living in Israel, these revelations would make me feel insecure and nervous. The new Mossad chief seems to be well aware of the advanced state of Iran's nuclear program given his warnings on what lengths Israel would go to against Iran.
But...Why Would Iran Attack A Superior Nuclear Power like Israel?
OK, Iran was close in 2003 to becoming a nuclear power and its scientists are still capable of making that a reality by 2022 if its leaders so desire. Yet...why would anyone desire such a clearly inadvisable thing?
That last question is one I asked my humble friend directly in our chat. Why would Iran, once it acquires a couple of nukes, attack a nation that mastered nuclear bombs and their delivery decades ago? His answer was as follows:
“Perhaps what we are missing is that Iran has a messianic self image that can only be realized in a Post Israel Mid East.”
When I did a little research on this idea like I did his other idea, I found merit. This apocalyptic religious aspect of Iran has long concerned the nations surrounding Iran.
My research reminded me that Iran is a theocracy or theocratic republic. Unlike the US with separation of church and state, Iran’s political leadership are religious leaders. In 2013, Saeed Ghasseminejad wrote an article called “Iran’s Apocalyptic Policy Makers.” He wrote:
“Two of the most lunatic and apocalyptic high-ranking figures in Iran are Ayatollah Ali Khamenei himself and his now disgraced one-time protégé, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. While Khamenei deeply believes his task is to prepare for Mahdi’s appearance, Ahmadinejad takes the apocalyptic narrative to an unprecedented level of lunacy and weirdness, even by the Islamic republic’s measures. He believes, for example, that the real reason behind the US invasion of Iraq was to search for the Hidden Imam and to postpone his appearance. Many observers believe Khamenei chose Ahmadinejad as president mainly because of their shared belief in this apocalyptic version of Islam.
Article continues below..."Depart From Me, I Never Knew you!" - Jesus
Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. So...who are they and what did they miss or do wrong? In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself!
“While many experts tell us Iran is a rational, pragmatic regime like any other in the world, all the facts shout that it is not. A large number of Iranian officials and decision makers have deeply rooted apocalyptic beliefs. Underestimating this radical ideology even as the Iranian regime is on its way to building a nuclear bomb can lead to dangerously wrong conclusions. The suggestion taking hold of late that a nuclear armed Iran is not the end of the world may unfortunately be dead wrong.”
When asked in 2019 by a journalist what he thought about the recent Iranian aggression, here’s what they reported:
“I think policymakers in the West should take the IRI official’s apocalyptic vision seriously,” he told me, “because that is what drives Tehran’s decision-making process. Preparing the ground for the reappearance of the Hidden Imam is the Islamic Republic’s raison d’etre. Ignoring it leads to misinterpretation of Tehran’s actions and miscalculation by Western policymakers.” Short version: When assessing the next scenario vis-à-vis Iran’s aggression and seemingly relentless push toward conflict, don’t overlook their apocalyptic theology. It’s more significant than most of us imagine.
You don’t have to be familiar with radical Shiite Muslims to know that religion can lead people to make radical, irrational-seeming decisions. I knew that already as a Christian from personal experience in some of my own decisions (like moving to Costa Rica sight unseen in 1999 due to Y2k) and from studying the predictions of many Christian doomsday theorists over the last few decades.
Attacking an established nuclear power like Israel requires a good amount of irrationality in the decision process. Now that I am reacquainted with the apocalyptic religious vision of Iran’s leadership and nuclear program scientists, I no longer question why or whether Iran would launch such an ill-advisable and ill-fated campaign.
Get Your Own Confirmations
As always, I encourage you to not trust my opinion or my conclusions but to take it to God for your own personal confirmation. That's something I’ve been advising a lot lately in my writing. Yet it occurs to me you may not know how to do it. If you don’t know how to get answers from God in your walk with God, it’s time to learn how.
You do it by expecting God to answer you on a question important to you and then making the sacrifice of time and focus to be slow enough to hear his answer. That's a challenge in our modern world and could explain why you don't regularly get answers from God already. A suitable question to start with before getting into external questions like timelines is to ask God about your personal salvation, whether you are saved according to the actual requirements for salvation his son spoke about. You may be shocked at what you hear. You may hear a whole lot of non-confirming nothing for a while. Then if you persist, something may come to put doubt into the question for the first time in your life. Then if you persist through the discomfort of what you are hearing, God will guide you to the answer to know how to be sure you're saved.
Once you are adept enough to hear from God, then go ahead to confirm insights like you hear from me. If he confirms the imminency of the end that I teach, you might then ask him what to do to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually for it. When this war happens it means that the final seven years are not delayed. Are you ready for that reality to come possibly next year? Let's learn from the surprise of COVID last year and make sacrifices to be ready for the next “birth pain” coming potentially next year on the way to the end. God is the only one who can guide you personally there, so earnestly seek him out as your guide. Your survival in the end times may depend on being able to hear from God.
July Update - New Iranian Hardliner President
I was satisfied with my report from June directly above on the IAEA’s confirmation of Iran’s intentions for making nuclear weapons. It was plausible that Iran’s mullahcracy following its apocalyptic religious ideals could order bombs to be made and attack Israel with them, as irrational as it is. I finally had confirmation that Iran had the means to acquire nuclear bombs and also why they would choose the inadvisable path of using them against Israel.
That was enough but here we are a month later with more big news from Iran. Weeks after my last report, Iran elected a new president, Ebrahim Raisi. He is viewed as a murderer for his role as a judge in the 1980s against dissidents. The United States imposed sanctions on Raisi in 2019 for human rights violations, including the 1980s executions and the suppression of unrest in 2009.
Iran has had many questionable presidents and the president really is only a figurehead with the real power being in the hands of the Ayatollah. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is 82 and may have cancer. He is seen as a mentor to Raisi. Raisi’s election makes sense if he is to become the next Ayatollah. Analysts see a dark turn in his election:
"Iran is becoming an even more repressive state and with somebody who has blood on their hands like Ebrahim Raisi [as President], you could see things going in a darker direction than we've seen in recent memory," said Holly Dagres, Iran expert and nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.
"Iran is heading in a North Korea-like direction of isolation," she added. "Iran has just two friends in the international community [Russia and China] and the path it's choosing is boxing up a very talented and educated populace."
More specifically, Israel’s foreign minister sees Raisi’ election as in alignment with Iranian nuclear ambitions:
(Israeli) Foreign Minister Yair Lapid called Raisi the “Butcher of Tehran” and “an extremist responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranians.”
“His election should prompt renewed determination to immediately halt Iran’s nuclear program and put an end to its destructive regional ambitions,” Lapid tweeted.
The Foreign Ministry said Raisi has “been rightly denounced by the international community for his direct role in the extrajudicial executions of over 30,000 people.
“An extremist figure, committed to Iran’s rapidly advancing military nuclear program, his election makes clear Iran’s true malign intentions, and should prompt grave concern among the international community,” the ministry stated.
In summary, Iran is in the news again with a development that makes it conceivable they will pursue the development of nuclear bombs and use them against Israel to fulfill extreme religious ambitions.
How Trump May Have Caused This
When I saw how much President Trump’s actions in the Middle East were disrupting the status quo, I suspected he was integral to the Middle East war prophecy happening by breaking up the status quo. No serious threat to Israel’s existence had been launched since 1973 and for good reason, Israel made it clear they would use nuclear weapons to retaliate against any existential threat. For this reason, I speculated early on that Trump would be re-elected to a second term so that he would be president when I expected the war to happen in spring 2022. However, once COVID-19 hit and made his reelection look unlikely, I suspected Trump may have somehow already done enough. Then I read this article about the election of Iranian President Raisi that explained how that could be true:
Many experts see this election as one of the by-products of former President Donald Trump's maximum pressure campaign against Iran, when the US pulled out of the nuclear deal even though Tehran had complied with the terms of the pact.
From 2018 onwards, Trump unleashed a torrent of sanctions that crippled Iran's economy and emboldened hardliners. The tiny window of opportunity granted by the clerical class to the moderate government of President Hassan Rouhani to engage with the US and Europe began to quickly close.
Trump had proven the hardliners' skepticism about the West correct, Iran's conservatives repeatedly said. The country's reformist camp was undermined and conservatives swept a parliamentary election in 2020
Again, this was another point on this whole Mideast nuclear war prophecy that I was ready to be wrong about. Now it looks like Trump indeed was put in office by God to bring the prophecy about, and his actions against Iran got the job done in his first term. Analysts are universally concerned about Iran's direction signaled by the new president. Time will tell if it played a role or not in the fulfillment of prophecy.
August Update - "Iran 10 Weeks From Nuclear Bomb"
Since my last update, Iran has continued to escalate activity in the Mideast. This is exactly as one might expect if Iranian leadership was getting bolder in their thoughts and ambitions ahead of starting a war with Israel in the spring.
- There was an Iranian drone strike against an Israeli ship.
- Iranian-backed forces hijacked a British ship in the gulf off of UAE.
As a result...
- "Israel is ready to strike Iran to stop its aggression, nuclear program - Gantz"
- Iran says "don't test us" in response.
Even worse:
Note that nuclear breakout does not mean a bomb in 10 weeks, just enough enriched uranium for one. A warhead for the fuel requires separate work which Iran has long been capable of doing (see above for that).
Another Prophetic Word of Confirmation
I have to stress again that I'm not looking to prove or confirm my spring, 2022 theory. I'm well aware of confirmation bias and try to avoid collecting evidence to prove my theory while ignoring evidence to the contrary. In fact, remember this series of confirmations all began with me telling God that I was wondering if I was wrong and to let me know if so. He did the opposite ever since and now even the Mideast news is acting up to support big trouble in the future from Iran.
On top of all the above, he sent another prophetic word giving us the current updated count until the war. That's now two words on the war timing, pretty special as I share in the supporter article about it.
It's definitely time to ask God yourself to confirm if the end is really starting next year and what you should do about it!
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Tim McHyde
Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above.
There’s been a lot of discussion about Iran’s ability to purify sufficient material to one or more nukes. I haven’t yet read much at all about another option. Israel has nukes. Would it not just be easier to hack their control systems and launch one of their own weapons against them? Sure, it’s going to be more of a challenge than skimming someone’s credit card at a cafe, but it’s all about getting the right digital signals to flow down the right path.
Perhaps it’s just far too difficult to hack Israel’s nuke launch system. In any case, there’s little doubt that Iran will continue with conventional development strategies to build their own nuke(s). But it seems inconceivable that they wouldn’t also be exploring the hacking option.
ReplyTim, do you believe that in the Middle East nuclear war would places like Turkey and the Northern African Arab/Muslim nations like Morocco and Algeria be among those whom Israel retaliates against along with Iran, Iraq, Jordan, etc.? Or will be be confined to those directly to the north, south, and east of Israel?
ReplyTimothy, go back to my book where the nations who attack Israel are listed from Ps 83 and those you list are not among them.
I have located other articles but can’t find your clear answer on this. Are you a pre trib or post trib rapture? If pre do you believe it is very close given the current state of everything. Kind of a new follower and wanted your opinion. Thanks so much!
ReplyIt would seem as if we are on the verge of an Israeli strike on Iran’s facilities, after watching Bennett’s speech at the UN this morning and seeing all of the recent articles, some of which you have posted.
How that strike happens and to what extent is yet to be seen. We are approximately 7 months away from spring 2022. May our Lord give us faith, wisdom and understanding as we see it all unfold.
Reply“IAF to start training for strike on Iran nuke program in coming months”
ReplyMichael Rood’s Camp is also looking for this Damascus war and he hasn’t mentioned anything about this happening next year. In fact, he said that all this was to happen on May of 2017 so he was completely off base back then … who else is talking about this, you can’t be the only one?
ReplyMauricio, it doesn’t matter or confirm anything if others found in the wide world happen to have similar prophetic ideas. It’s bound to happen with every idea and 7B people.
If you study 1Kings 22 you will find the typical case whereby God uses one voice to deliver his prophetic word not multiple which is what the false prophets do. Don’t go by numbers, but confirm with God if the source you find is serving him. It takes discernment which is not easy to acquire.
With all of the things going on in the world (Afghanistan, Covid, the vaccine, etc…) do you believe the timeline is speeding up? Every article I read seems to believe we are way closer to the second coming then 2030. I would love to hear thoughts on this! Thanks in advance.
ReplyWalt none of the news items you mention are part of the timeline. Remember Jesus said that you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars but the end is not yet. Your events are like rumors of wars that seen significant yet are not signs of the end.
ReplyTim, do you expect that not only would Damascus be destroyed by Israel but all Arab/Muslim nations as well? Iran, Palestine, Iraq no doubt be nuked but will city of Mecca, Turkey (hopefully outside of where Noah’s Ark is), Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, nations of North Africa, and those muslim nations in Far East be destroyed too?
ReplyTimothy, it’s more than just Damascus going away as the main article explains.
ReplyMakes sense. Damascus is the city described as destroyed, and while Tehran will likely be the initiator (and a secondary retaliatory target) it may be through proxies in Southern Syria that the initial nuclear threat is delivered and then Damascus pays the price. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tel Aviv is their primary target, or that they may be successful in its destruction. If they are, it might be considered a mitigating factor in how global opinion responds to the nuking of several Arab capitols.
ReplyDoes Damascus/Syria come into the picture as being the launching point for the attack? Shorter distance which makes several of the strategic aspects more likely to be successful.
ReplyHello Tim et all
Well then if this is the case, The Lord God Almighty must be speaking of this event to happen to many more people in the body of Christ and in the world in general. He must be warning others of the upcoming Psalm 83 event…It would be nice if people can post here if they see this confirmation being talked about by other Christians/Secular people etc…. Thank you
I may have missed it in an earlier article but when does America meet its fate? Also is the mark here before or after?
ReplyNicolas, America is gone right before Wormwood. The mark only comes during the Great Tribulation by which time America is gone.
ReplyHmmm seems like Mystery Babylon meeting it’s fate is in the works:
ReplyTim, as 100s of millions of “good” Christians including loved ones & friends will stay behind for/through the trib. What would be the best plan to survive. Even if u don’t have any idea please pray on it and anyone else who God gives hints to or dreams etc to pray on this also please…God has an answer Thanks Ron
ReplyRonald, we already have the answer to that in Revelation 6 that people will “flee to the caves in the mountains” to protect them from the falling rocks and the coming tsunami‘s. If you manage to accomplish that then you’ll have to take the Mark of the Beast to survive further.
ReplyTim, there must be millions of Christians that will survive (barely) somehow without the mark and I am hoping that God can give u and others that have a better connection/contact with him can pray on it and maybe get an answer for survival. Thanks, Ron
ReplyRon, the only people who escape the mark (who are not the 144000 and the woman in Jordan) are the martyrs 😩. The woman will probably number less than one million. There is no other group.
So again the only survival instructions there are is to leave with the Woman to Judea or flee to the caves in mountains and take the mark later.
ReplyNot true. The dead will also escape the mark. Do you think there will be any survivors in America when it is destroyed? How are the borders recognized here… Does God supernaturally intervene to protect Canada and Mexico? If I’m at Niagara Falls Canada I live, but Niagara Falls, NY I die. Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories. Any chance a small village, town, city, house, be spared?
ReplyBlaze, at that point the only dead are the martyrs because they torture you until you take the mark or refuse it (Rev 9:6).
Revelation 17-18 is pretty adamant that no one will survive or live in America after the judgment.
ReplyI was just mentioning this theme. I believe you had an article on it. So before that point.
Isaiah 57:1
New Living Translation
Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come.
ReplyTim, I need to correct you on the mark of the beast. It is not on your hand or forehead but in your hand and forehead. It is the works of your hand in compliance and in your head in believing the lies and not the truth. Remember the Lord said he would cause a strong dilution to those that are not his and follow the deceit planned by the media and big heads and world leaders. As I wright this I see that companies /corporations and hospitals are banning those who have not gotten the vaccine plus all the world is set for the digital currency that you cannot get unless you have a vax card in compliance thus you cannot buy/ sell/ or trade. Thus is the mark of the beast in the great reset/ new world order.
ReplyAlden, incorrect. Revelation says OR not AND:
Revelation 13:16, NIV: “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands OR on their foreheads,”
Plus that passage is literal not figurative as so many torture it into being.
ReplyTim, thanks for the short but most important update on Iran’s nuclear capability and the possible outcome from Israel in spring of 2022! I ordered 7 more copies of your book and will continue to support your ministry as things seem to unfold at a rapid pace! Pray that the Lord will use that knowledge along with Holy Spirit leading to bring others to the real Truth of the Gospel and always learning to “Love Yahweh and Love one another as ourselves!” Time is short and want to do all I can to help prepare “The Way of the Lord.” May the Lord strengthen you in health, mind, and spirit as you continue to unfold His living word as well as the written!
ReplyMy sweet dear Tim, oh Tim i’ve been wanting to ask you about this and i don’t know why i think this and i feel you’re the one to help me. For some reason i believe that Iran will do an underground test of their nuclear and cause a terrific earthquake at their bushehr facility since they’re sitting on a major fault line, and cause all their nuclear weapons to explode and destroying Elam all four winds will erupt and Israel will celebrate by starting the 3rd temple. This would then result in psalm 83 and all this would happen as you have said in the spring of 2022. I’m probably wrong as i have been before but i feel i have to tell you anyway. Thanks for always listening, your friend always, bob wheeler
ReplyRobert, that could happen I suppose but psalm 83 specifically mentions a confederate attack on Israel. So does Isaiah 17:14 mention everything as the result of those who try to loot Israel.
ReplyFaith is nothing you wish for. Faith is knowing that what we all want base on todays true reality and working together is going to happen. I will give you a prophecy base on todays 100% facts. You can call it VICENTE PROPHCY. If you want plant earth to evolve the way God wants or from God creation you need to get rid of just one thing. MANKIND!!! iF YOU WANT TO SAVE THE PLANET THE WAY IT IS TODAY YOU HAVE TO GET RID OF ONE THING, THE united states. Or if you want peace in the world get rid of the UNITED STATES and ISREAL. With the Untied States of America there will always be war. So stop worrying about Russia and Iran
ReplyDoes anyone remember the long range bombers that Russia sent to Venezuela? It has been a couple maybe more years ago. But I never heard of them leaving. Does anyone know if they are still there?
ReplyRussia sent Tu-160 strategic bombers and a missile cruiser to Venezuela in 2008 amid tensions with the US after Russia brief war with Georgia. A pair of Tu-160 also visited Venezuela in 2013. Monday, December 10th 2018 was the last time Russia landed in Venezuela, two of its Tu-160 Strategic bombers. Russia-Venezuela relations include cooperation in areas of common concerns, such as their common status as oil exporters, and policy toward the US. Venezuela is Russia most important trading and military ally in Latin America.
ReplyTim, commenting on your “Go away I never knew you” Jesus gives the reason as
(Greek translation) “Those working lawlessness” Different than lack of love.
Ronald, God’s entire word and law is summed ups as love (Mt 7:12) so working lawlessness is living not by love 😀.
Do you think there is any chance that the vaccine is the mark of the beast it will be?
Thanks from a long time follower.
ReplyMonte, no chance for me.
1. the mark is to be a external visible “mark” on the hand or forehead skin, not an injection into the blood (usually through the arm).
2. The mark is not here yet, not until the Antichrist and False Prophet reign.
ReplyAgents of Shield Season 5 had circular markers embedded in the wrist. They were used in a dystopian future for tracking, currency, shocking, pinning arms to walls.
ReplyThough it or something like it could be the reason for the mark. You get this injection and the mark is a visible way for people around you to know that you are “safe” because you’re vaccinated, along with everything else. Just a thought, not saying it’ll end up working that way.
ReplyThanks for clarification that the Covid Vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast.. some people tried to tell me otherwise and that’s when I take them to revelation chapter 13 and show them….
ReplyTim in your rapture article you say the first 4 trumpets are pre tribulation.
Can u lend insight to why u say this this? How close to trib? How much time for all 4 trumpets?
Thanks, Ron
Hi Ronald, if my memory serves me right, the 6th Seal to the 4th Trumpet are attributable to Wormwood, which will happen in quick succession before / after Pentacost of 2026, assuming this is the sabbath year cycle for Jesus’ second coming.
After a period of famine and pestilence, the Anti-Christ will come to power with the solution to world’s problems and promise of peace and security. Then comes the Great Tribulation in early 2027 (1st of Nisan).
ReplyHey Sam, Just reading revelation and…”Then the third angel blew his trumpet and a great star fell from the sky…….The name of the star was bitterness/wormwood= GREEK TRANS”
So how does this fit with u and Tim?
Hi Ronald, I learnt from Tim’s articles and I understand that “Wormwood” could cause the effects of the 6th Seal to 4th Trumpet as follows:
Wormwood could be a gas giant like Jupiter or even bigger like a brown dwarf. It’ll approach us from the Southern sky (or out of nowhere as suggested by Tim later), which is very difficult to observe years in advance. When it’s near enough, due to its huge mass, the gravity effect will cause the crust to move apart, Earth’s rotating axis to tilt, not to mention tsunami and volcanic eruption. On Earth we’ll witness all lands and islands moving apart, and stars falling from the sky, i.e. the 6th Seal.
This is followed by the 7th seal (a non-event on Earth) and sealing of the 144,000 at Mount Zion (at Pentecost, Revelation Ch 7).
The orbit of Wormwood seems to cross with Earth. Soon afterwards, the 1st Trumpet will bring a meteorite storm (from its satellite or tail), with one third of trees / earth burnt. With the 2nd Trumpet, a huge meteor will drop into an ocean, which will turn into blood, killing all creatures inside. With the 3rd Trumpet, the air is polluted with the gas released by Wormwood, poisoning one third of all fresh water. As the atmosphere is polluted with the above events, the 4th Trumpet will cause all celestial bodies (sun, moon and stars) to be dimmed by one third, which in turn will cause extreme cold weather and famine.
ReplyTim, I’m so glad your’re doing better and I’ve felt it would be our Father that would do your healing, because you’re needed by millions of people that need to be led to the place of protection. My family and I included. Tim I have so many things to ask you when you’re completely healed. Just concentrate on your health and I’ll pray more for your recovery. As always, your dear friend and supporter and thank you for getting back to me so I didn’t complain to the Bank about my donations to you. Thank you, thank you. Bye for now and God bless you and your sweet family, Bob wheeler
ReplyI felt an impression to study Psalm 83 right now.
In the study guide for the Psalm, for verse 2, it mentions the hebrew word for roar/uproar is Hamah. This word is very similar to the Hebrew word Hamas, which means violence.
Iran is a backer of Hamas, and it has financially/politically/militarily supported them in the past.
Maybe a coincidence, but I feel it is not.
Just some thoughts.
ReplyConsider reading the book of Judges. Reviewing the battles described in the Psalm. That would be more fruitful imo.
I have been seeing news of wars in the Middle East as well as cashless society rumors. Could any of this news potentially change the timeline? Thanks from a long time follower.
ReplyRhonda, no change as this war has always been a prerequisite event separate from the rest of the timeline. It could happen any time and the rest can delay or come immediately.
ReplyBlaze, it would depend on the yield of the bomb, a smaller more surgical strike of 15 to 25 KT * combined with the typical north east or south east winds that are prevalent 50% of the time during the spring in the western Ephriam area may leave limited damage to crop growing or to Jerusalem/Judaea on the interior of the country. * that KT yield might be all that a nascent nuclear Iran could deliver (?)
Do you believe the nuclear war could happen before the spring of next year?
Frank, I used to allow for that possibility but now that I feel there is a confirmed spring date I don’t expect it sooner. I think Iran is preparing in many ways but not ready or able before the date. There probably is yet another trigger event to get them to the point of attacking Israel in their religious insanity. What it is I don’t know but maybe we’ll recognize it when we see it and know that Iran will prepare the nukes and the plan after that?
ReplyA “now or never” event? A terminal illness, or impending inspection by regulators, some inevitable consequence of a preemptive strike that would eventually prevent an attack, etc. Will there be much planning, isn’t it more of an emotional response? Is there any meaning to “Let us seize for our own use
these pasturelands of God!”? https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+83&version=NLT Because if nuclear weapons are used that would render lands unusable, correct?
This article is likely to provide even more confirmation:
In a recent interview with NBC News Putin claimed that that WP article is ‘fake news’:
Putin dismissed as ‘nonsense’ a Washington Post report that Russia was preparing to offer Iran an advanced satellite system that would enable Tehran to track military targets, including the remaining US troops in Iraq.
“It’s just fake news,” he said. “At the very least, I don’t know anything about this kind of thing. Those who are speaking about it probably will maybe know more about it. It’s just nonsense, garbage.”
Judge for yourselves!
ReplyIn July I will begin working as a Hospice R.N. God has led me in this direction and I pray for continued blessing, in leading others to our Lord. Tim your website has been home base – providing sound biblical knowledge which most definitely has allowed me to come to decisions and not focus on the chaos in the world I currently live in. I am preparing my heart and soul. I believe that God will lead me in His chosen plan for my life as long as I continue to listen.
ReplyThis is a great calling Amy! Let His light and love shine through you. This will be challenging and rewarding, I’ll pray that Yahweh bless and strengthen you. Happy Sabbath all.
You may have heard Russia has positioned nuclear capable bombers in Syria recently. Also, Iran has friends in low places like N. Korea and Russia, both assisting Iran with their nuclear plans. It’s just a matter of time. I’m assuming the nuclear strike must come from a Syrian based attack on Israel due to Damascus being subsequently destroyed. Have you ever seen any reference to the demise of Tehran in the end times?
ReplyThank you Tim for the article. God bless you and praying for your speedy recovery, in Jesus Name.
ReplyTim, do you know the work of dr bob thiel from the cogwriter website, what do you think of his ideas, of europe being the last beast that will defeat the usa…?
I am praying for you in the name of TRUE LOVE Jesus the Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) and want you to know how appreciated you are. May God’s healing power take care of any health issues and I pray you have the best of
everything during your recovery. Much peace to you and safety!
Deborah Abel
Elijah can’t be far off, shouldn’t be hard to miss a guy like that!
ReplyHi Tim,
What I find difficult to fathom is how, once Damascus is a ruinous heap of rubble, anyone will be able to ignore the clear link to Biblical prophecy. Maybe a cover story will emerge. I know we have so little time left, and to spend some of it attempting to predict what may emerge on the news front is perhaps not overly wise. The most pressing of matters right now is to get on with getting right with God.
But I remain fascinated with how mainstream media will manage the blindingly obvious prophetic link. How they will pull off what will have to be a series of very convincing cover stories that deceive the vast majority of the world’s population about the links between what is about to take place and end-times prophecy?
I have a few ideas but am not ready to share the details at this stage. Suffice to say, I believe that decoy events are in the advanced stages of planning and these will be cleverly played out in the lead-up to, and in the days directly after, the coming ME war.
ReplyI often glance to see if there’s anything new on this site. Wasn’t expecting a new article.
You may have discussed this in your book. I remember some interview with Ahmadinejad where he may have talked about this (apocalyptic beliefs). Would have been years ago, but how many mainstream interviews could there have been?
Was probably this I guess…
ReplyCouldn’t agree more Tim. The old saying, “Patience is a virtue” applies to how our Saviour interacts with His followers for sure!
ReplyWell something seems to be going on. Two fires on key Iranian infrastructure within hours of each other is probably not an accident. https://news.yahoo.com/iran-navy-ship-sinks-fire-102106010.html
ReplyGreat insight. I am convinced that Israel will know Iran’s intent before anyone else which leads me to this conclusion: we can read through Israel’s persistent strikes against Iran that your statement will prove itself. As the time draws near, I expect more strikes that signal Israel’s last ditch effort to thwart the inevitable.