All posts in "Support Team"

Podcast: How to Stop Complaining (& Save Your Family in the Process?)

By Tim McHyde / May 9, 2018

Christians are not taught how complaining repels blessings and attracts curses as Exodus 15-16 graphically proves and Paul warned (1Co 10:9-10). This happens because even a grumbling thought puts you out of the faith needed to please God (Heb 11:6=2Co 10:5). In this talk we share powerful insights and testimonies for overcoming both superficial and “engine warning light” complaints in your words and your thoughts. Learn how doing repentance like this blesses you now and may be the only way your family will follow you to Judea later (Joel 2:32) as the precedents of Noah and Lot’s families shows!


Three Big Events I Expect By 2022 Based On Two Dreams

By Tim McHyde / April 27, 2018

Apr 27: Update – For years I’ve said that Damascus’ destruction is the first “bad news” end time event (after Yeshua’s Good News finally returns worldwide). But when? Before or after the 70th Week starts in 2024? Since 2005, it’s been left ambiguous on my book’s Revelation Roadmap because Scripture does not specify. Now, through two dreams that God gave me years ago and some recent new inspirations and deductions, I finally have a good idea of the year and am ready to share it with supporters. (One went bonkers when I told her.) Also find out what type of community Judea will be, how soon you can go there and even can you bring your pets? Perhaps what it looks like now from Katrina’s dreams. Lastly, if moving to Judea is so soon (for some), what behavior I heard God say to work on now… 


Podcast: Yes, Peace In Hard Trials Is Attainable

By Tim McHyde / March 16, 2018

Jesus said “in this life you will have trials” (John 16:33) yet  Christians receive no comprehensive training on how to “suffer well.” Frankly, the concept of enduring trials with “joy” like Jesus’ brother James describes sounds crazy and unattainable (Jas 1:2). That’s what I used to think, too. After nearly losing our firstborn son and staying with him at the hospital for 24 days, we learned some helpful keys to maintaining real peace in trials. This podcast shares how we stayed in faith throughout the ups and downs. Includes a major breakthrough Tim made that can help everyone who squirms looking at people in hopeless situations like amputees. Listen to this podcast before your next trial comes!


Prayer Request For Our Son Zachary (Feb 28)

By Tim McHyde / February 28, 2018

On Sunday Feb 4, we took our autistic son Zachary to the hospital ER because he was not improving from what we thought was just a flu with fever. They determined he was septic with a pneumonia from some unknown infection source and put him in ICU. 23 days later, he is finally home as of Feb 27. He still has some coughing to still clear up and weakened legs to rehabilitate. About the photo above: Zach being wheeled out of his home for the past 23 days.


Krullmi’s Testimony – “Three Habits”

By Tim McHyde / January 26, 2018

“Krullmi” is a longtime reader and supporter starting back when I had only the Know the Future prophecy book and private forum. (Krullmi is his handle there). After a year on the support team and listening to the latest podcasts he took the time to share how it helped him to get back to actually living by the main rule Jesus taught as he used to do until he inevitably backslid. I thought his words were so real, wise, and confirming that I asked to share them here for others to benefit. I trust they will encourage you to stop putting off working on the hard things Jesus’ words convict us to do but we lack the wisdom or support to pull off—up till now. (The clear-er conscience towards God this affords sure is a relief!)


Podcast: Ending Disconnection With God – Part 2

By Tim McHyde / January 11, 2018

Many have told us how the insights in our popular podcast How to End Disconnection With God have been “life-changing.” Despite this, some report that they still beat themselves up or otherwise struggle to work through guilt, shame or regret about not doing what Jesus said to do or “making the same stupid mistakes over and over.” They feel rejected by God for these failures even though they’ve been diligently “seeking the Kingdom first” more than ever before (Mt 6:33). If this sounds like you, you probably have not yet learned how to “apply the blood of Christ”—perhaps the most important habit for staying connected to God. You’re not alone as it took Tim and Katrina decades to discover and establish this important healthy habit and quickly deal with bad feelings. After we conclude the podcast, stay tuned for a “post-credits” segment we recorded immediately after because Katrina got a new insight that explains Revelation 12:11 literally (before Tim ever did!). In other words, by learning and practicing the wisdom in this teaching, you personally will be part of an end time prophecy fulfillment!


My Two Dreams Revealing What the Marked & the Saints Will Both Be Doing During the Tribulation (Scary)

By Tim McHyde / December 9, 2017

To my surprise, God gave me two dreams of the Great Tribulation in fall, 2017, both with startling revelations. In this post I share these revelations including the horrific project that I saw the wicked people doing on an industrial scale under Satan in the Great Tribulation. Also the perhaps equally surprising similar focus in the camp of the saints in Jordan that we will be doing. Both revelations make perfect sense when you hear them, but, like me, you would never have guessed them both. Katrina also had a dream confirming the second one that I will touch on. Together they provide deep insight into the way of Satan vs. the way of God.


Podcast: Handling Everyday Verbal Abuse God’s Way

By Tim McHyde / December 1, 2017

You might never experience physical abuse, but there is no escaping verbal abuse unless you live as a hermit away from all humans. Verbal abuse is commonplace today if you work at an office, are active on social media like Facebook (or have a post-trib rapture teaching website..) or if you belong to a church where gossip is the norm. Heck, if you have friends or family you will have verbal abuse. So, how do you handle these assaults God’s way? How do you not respond in kind with those juicy retorts you think up? Tim and Katrina discuss strategies and key verses to overcome in this overlooked but crucial aspect so you can have “maturity” in the faith according to Jesus’ brother, James (Jas 3:2). (You are tired of being an immature believer, right?)


Podcast: How to End Disconnection From God

By Tim McHyde / October 11, 2017

Do you ever have negative feelings towards God or confusion about what he wants from you, resulting in disconnection from God? If we’re honest, we have to admit we all struggle with the task of loving and obeying an invisible Dad we have never met nor understood very well. Unfortunately, church fails to help us overcome this fundamental issue because the minute you get real about how hard this is and how Christianity has not made it any easier, Christians shut you down. They can’t handle the “negativity” so they dismiss the issue with platitudes like, “It takes faith! Fake it til’ you make it. You’re too negative. Etc.” In this podcast, Katrina and Tim share powerful insights and practical strategies that we have used to end this pattern for ourselves in order to finally have a strong, faith-based relationship with God. Learn how to overcome negative thoughts and know God as someone who cares for you so you can be in a connected relationship with him at last…


So You Figured Out Christianity Deceived You—Now What? (Parts 1 & 2)

By Tim McHyde / September 29, 2017

Jesus specifically warned about Christianity “deceiving many” through the strategy of “coming in my name” (Mt 24:4-5 KJV), yet few Christians recognize their own adopted Christ-named religion in his words. When, after many years as a Christian, you finally arrive at that sickening realization that you indeed have been deceived by Christianity, a crisis of faith can ensue. How can God let a sincere servant like you be so duped by the one religion about Christ available? How do you forgive God or yourself for not verifying what Christianity said? Where do you go from here with Christianity, church attendance and what you call yourself now when people ask? Learn how to work through the issues that come up as critical thinker who knows Christianity has not faithfully delivered the “faith once delivered”  (James 1:3).

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